HRE 4O1 - Exam Review

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Exam Review

Exam Date: Tuesday, January 30th, 2024

Exam Start Time: 8:20 am

Exam Duration: 2 hours

Exam Break down:

80 multiple choice questions

8 short answer questions, choose 4 to answer.

Topics to Review:

Unit 1

What is Faith?

Does God Exist?

 God’s existence
 Aquinas' Cosmological Arguments
 Pascal's Wager
 What does it mean to be human?


 What is prayer
 How do we pray
 What are the 5 types of prayer and define each one

Ethics and Morality

 What does ethic mean?

 What does morality mean?
 Four Ways of Locating the Ethical in You
 Be able to explain reasoning for making an ethical/moral based choice.
Unit 2

Faith and Reason

 Meaning of Revelation
 Meaning of Salvation


 What is a prophet, and what are the 7 characteristics of prophets?

 Who are examples of prophets, and what did they do?

What are the 10 commandments?

 Why are each of them important?

 How can they connect to people today?

Moses and Jesus

 Who is Moses?
 How does he compare to Jesus?
 What does this mean about who Jesus is for us?

Who is Jesus?

 What is the significance of Jesus dying on the cross and rising?

 Why might people struggle to believe in Jesus as God?
 Does it make sense to you that Jesus is fully human and fully God?
 Should all people live with Jesus at the center of their lives?


 What is Heaven? What is Hell?, What is Purgatory?, What is the Last Judgement?

Kingdom of Heaven

 What qualities are needed to build the kingdom of heaven on earth?

 What does holiness mean?
 What does holiness look like in everyday life?


 What steps are needed to become a saint?

 How many miracles are required?
Unit 3

Reasons to go to mass

 Know and explain the reasons to go to mass

St. Peter and Paul

 Be able to compare St. Peter and St. Paul

 Who were they, how are they significant to spreading of Christianity


 Immaculate conception
 The Assumption
 Feast Days
 How Catholics celebrate and honour Mary

Four marks of the church

 Understand the definition for each of the four marks
 Connect the 4 marks of the church to the sacraments, the reasons to go to mass and influence on

The way of the church

 how the catholic church influenced culture

 Know examples for each category that the catholic church influenced

7 sacraments

 Know the definitions for each sacrament

 Know the symbols for each sacrament
 Know the order of the sacraments
Unit 4

 Purpose of happiness
 Argument for why go bad things happen to good people?

Types of Sin

 Personal, Social, Mortal, Venial

 Know the definitions and examples for each type of sin
 3 conditions for an action to be a sin
 Guidelines to distinguish from good and bad actions

Consistent Ethic of Life

 Definition


 Definition
 How to grow one’s conscience

Theological Virtues and Cardinal Virtues

 What are the theological and cardinal virtues?
 What is the definition of each virtue?
 What are examples of how to practice the virtues?

Decision Making Steps

 What are the 4 steps?

 How does each step work?
 How can they be used to make a decision involving a moral dilemma?


 Definition
 Options for vocation
 Friendships
 Celibacy
 Marriage
 Family Life

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