Genre Analysis Outline Assignment Sheet DT 1

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Colleen S.


Genre Analysis Outline Assignment Sheet

Rhetoric and Writing Studies 1302
Carefully and closely read the entirety of the Genre Analysis
assignment guidelines in your Student Guide to Undergraduate
Rhetoric and Writing Studies. Make sure you understand the
assignment and its deliverables. When conducting each step of a
particular project it is important you have a bigger picture of the
project in mind.
This particular assignment activity the Genre Analysis Outline is
meant to be a first step, or draft, in organizing your Genre Analysis. To
receive full credit for this assignment, you must follow all of the
prompts below when composing your outline.
Remember that an effective rhetorical analysis of any text is not firstly
about what the text says, but rather more specifically about how and
why the text is composed, structured, and delivered the way it is. As
always in academic writing, the effectiveness of your text will depend
on the use of specific, supporting details culled from the source texts
to support your analysis.
Part One
Write down the two genres you have chosen (include titles, who or
where they come from, and what genres they are), and answer the
questions that follow:
Genre 1: Typography: Academic Article
Genre 2: Iconography: Youtube Channel
1. What is your topic of inquiry?

This article is from UTEPS website and it is called

Communication Department Entering Digital Age. The
information given is about the opening of the B.A in DMP
(Digital Media Production) program and what UTEP seeks to
accomplish in teaching the students.
This YouTube Channel is called Pretentious Film Majors
Drexel University and this is a very good exam of what
universities should allow there film majors do. The channel
has interviews with famous people, going to festivals,
talking about films, and making small clips.

2. Why did you select these two specific genres?

I chose the first article, because it is specifically about
UTEP and the DMP program. It also helps me see why the
school chose to have this program.
I chose the genre, because I am a DMP major and so I
accomplish more with visual learning content then reading.
3. How does each genre communicate about your topic of inquiry?
The UTEP article is informing on what the program is and
what college it will be under.
This genre talks about films, what is to make a film, the
directors, producers, actors, editors, and so on.
Part Two
Answer each of the following prompts for both genres as a way of
organizing the content of your Genre Analysis assignment.
Audience and Purpose
1. Who is/are the intended audience(s) and discourse
The audience are future students that may be interested in
the program and what to get a better understanding about
it at UTEP.
The audience can be for anyone .
2. What does the audience already know and what do they want to
The audience already know what film is and that they want
to study it. The audience want to know what the major is
called, what degree is available, and classes will be

Depends on what the audience search and what they are

looking for within the Drexel Channel. If the audience
wants to see a review about Les Miserables then the
audience would be movie critics or just movie buffs.

3. How much time will the audience spend with each genre?
5 min. to read or maybe even less.
Each video seems to be around 2-6 minutes.
4. What was the purpose (inform, persuade, and/or entertain)?
To inform mostly, but it also has a persuade feeling
specially when there are quotes from the professors talking
about the program.
To inform and entertain.
5. How formal/informal is the language?
The language of the article is very formal.
Very informal.
6. What specialized vocabulary is used?
Film vocabulary; for example, cinematography, production,
editing, digital photography and so on.
Film major vocabulary.
7. What other language features do you notice (text, type, font,
color, visuals, etc)?
I notice that the article is small just like the program. There is
one photo of the dean with the chair of communications and a
All of the above. Their introduction video really wowed me and
got me interested due to the fact they are film majors.
Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
1. How does this genre establish (or attempt to establish) its credibility
with the audience?
I would say the credibility would be what Professor Perez is
saying in the article.
With the interest of movies, actors and so forth. Especially since
they are students they will be giving a student point of view.
2. What emotions is the genre attempting to evoke from its audience?
It is trying to get the audience interest and have you think that
you need to take this major.
Excitement, happiness, laughter, curiosity, and intrest.

3. What types of evidence are used to support claims? Is it

valid/reliable? If there is no evidence, what is used to help support the
information presented?
The evidence given is by a Dr. Frank Perez which is in chair of
communication department at UTEP.
The support would be that they are current Film students of Drexel
Structure and Delivery
1. How is the information organized to covey its message?
The article starts by explain what the major is and then
goes into what it is about.
The information is organized by the formatting and image
of the page.
2. Are there limitations placed on the information because of the
genre? Does it have more freed to express what it needs to
because of the genre?
No and yes. The article could express what classes the
major would have to take and maybe that there is no need
for a minor.
Yes, there are limitations to this genre due to the fact that
these film majors talk about movies and actors and not a
lot of academic talk about the Film Programs.
3. How does the structure facilitate its purpose?
The structure of the article is very quick and informative. The
title is what catches your eye and makes you wonder. ]
Yes, the structure does accomplish facilitating its purpose to this

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