3rd Grade Manatees

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Unit Name: Amazing Manatees

Unit Description: Unlike any other marine mammal Manatees are a curiosity to students. They are the gentle giants of our waters and
they are in danger everyday from various circumstances. Weather, humans activities and other dangers have made this beautiful
mammal endangered. In this unit we will explore the habitats of manatees and the threats to them. Students will learn to have a voice
and a choice in the creation of opinions and thoughts as to how we can help them. We will explore what is being done and discuss other
ideas and suggestions of what we can do as responsible global citizens of this planet.
Key Vocabulary: Classification, communication, species, sub-species, mortality, conservation, advocacy, anatomy, physiology, range,
dugong, aquatic, adaptation, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, migratory, awareness, monofilament, cold stress, aquifers, habitat,
ecosystem, ecology, physiology, brackish, effluent, estuary, water cycle, nictitating membrane, spring, surface water, taxonomy,
terrestrial, threatened, vulnerable

we will learn about:

Natural History of the West Indian Manatee
Sirenians of the World
Habitats of Aquatic Mammals
Threats to Manatees
Conservation of Manatees
Tracking Manatees
What is the law
What we can do to help


To begin our Manatee project we will be focusing on what we have learned so far. Your job will be to include the knowledge you have
gained to a You must represent the following vocabulary words within your Rube Goldberg model. Physics, simple machine, acceleration,
work, force, load, gravity, distance, motion, balance, friction, tension, displacement, kinetic and potential energy, inclined plane,
fulcrum, lever, counter weight, inertia, wheel axle, wedge, and pulley. If you get stuck on your machine try working on it backwards!
Sometimes the end will help you get through the rest!
Step 1: Write a brainstorm list of different ideas you have about creating a Rube Goldberg. Get a piece of paper and start writing down
any idea that pops into your head. It does not matter how silly you think the idea is, write it down it may help you later! Trouble
brainstorming? Think of how many different ways you can use a ruler!
Step 2: Research your vocabulary words. Be sure to define them clearly and correctly. Please do this on a separate sheet of paper.
Step 3: Describe and draw your Rube Goldberg model on a separate sheet of paper.
Step 4: Make a rough draft on a large sheet of paper that indicates where you are using your vocabulary words within your model. Get
your rough draft approved by Ms. Beth. You must have her sign the following line in order to move on. YOU MUST NOT MOVE ON UNTIL
Step 5: Accumulate the materials you will need for the project. THESE MUST BE BROUGHT IN ON TIME.
Step 6: Create the final draft of your project. Be sure to check in with Ms. Beth as your work on your final draft. Not having three
signatures WILL impact your grade. Adjust your rough draft drawing as you work.
Check in 1: ________________Check in 2__________________Check in 3______________
Step 7: Prepare and practice your presentation
Step 8: Present your project. Your presentation must be no more than 5 minutes long. Please be sure to make eye contact, speak loud
and clear and be enthusiastic while explaining your design.
Step 9: Examine and evaluate your project. Reflect on your work. (See rubric)



Student is completely prepared Student seems pretty prepared

and has obviously rehearsed. but might have needed a couple
more rehearsals.

The student is somewhat

prepared, but it is clear that
rehearsal was lacking.

Student does not seem at al

prepared to present.

Speaks Clearly

Speaks clearly and distinctly all Speaks clearly and distinctly all
(100-95%) the time, and
(100-95%) the time, but
mispronounces no words.
mispronounces one word.

Speaks clearly and distinctly

most ( 94-85%) of the time.
Mispronounces no more than
one word.

Often mumbles or can not b

understood OR mispronounc
more than one word.


Shows a full understanding of

the topic.

Shows a good understanding of

the topic.

Shows a good understanding of Does not seem to understan

parts of the topic.
topic very well.


Student uses several props

that show considerable
work/creativity and which make
the presentation better.

Student uses 1 prop that shows

considerable work/creativity and
which make the presentation

Student uses 1 prop which

makes the presentation better.

The student uses no props O

the props chosen detract fro
the presentation.


Facial expressions and body

language generate a strong
interest and enthusiasm about
the topic in others.

Facial expressions and body

language sometimes generate a
strong interest and enthusiasm
about the topic in others.

Facial expressions and body

language are used to try to
generate enthusiasm, but seem
somewhat faked.

Very little use of facial

expressions or body languag
Did not generate much inter
topic being presented.


All paperwork is completed and All paper work is completed and

shows a significant
shows an understanding of the
understanding of the topic

Some paperwork is completed Paperwork incomplete. Limit

and shows some understanding understanding of the topic.
of the topic.

Model: Modification/Testing

Clear evidence of
troubleshooting, testing, and
refinements based on data or
scientific principles.

Clear evidence of
troubleshooting, testing and

Some evidence of
troubleshooting, testing and

Little evidence of
troubleshooting, testing or

Model Function

Structure functions
extraordinarily well, holding up
under atypical stresses.

Structure functions well, holding

up under typical stresses.

Structure functions pretty well,

but deteriorates under typical

Fatal flaws in function with

complete failure under typical

Model Plan

Plan is neat with clear

Plan is neat with clear
measurements and labeling for measurements and labeling for
all components.
most components.

Plan provides clear

Plan does not show
measurements and labeling for measurements clearly or is
most components.
otherwise inadequately labeled.

Construction -Materials

Appropriate materials were

selected and creatively
modified in ways that made
them even better.

Appropriate materials were

selected and there was an
attempt at creative modification
to make them even better.

Appropriate materials were


Inappropriate materials were

selected and contributed to a
product that performed poorly.

Construction - Care Taken

Great care taken in construction

process so that the structure is
neat, attractive and follows
plans accurately.

Construction was careful and

accurate for the most part, but 12 details could have been refined
for a more attractive product.

Construction accurately
followed the plans, but 3-4
details could have been refined
for a more attractive product.

Construction appears careless or

haphazard. Many details need
refinement for a strong or
attractive product.

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