Introduction To The Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera)

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23 Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coleoptera

Introduction to the Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera)

P. M. Choate, 1999

The order Coleoptera may contain the largest

number of described species of any insect order. They
are to be found in almost every habitat, and range
in size from 1 100mm. in length. The heaviest
known insect is a scarab beetle.
The diversity of this order contributes to the
complexity of writing classification keys that encompass all exceptions. Frequently keys that are written to cover all species become so complex and
lengthy that even experts get bogged down in details. In order to introduce you to this order without
adding to the difficulty of identification I have constucted a key to the 50+ families of beetles that you
should be able to identify (Florida). Keep in mind
that there are more than 100 families of beetles, and
that this key is only intended to introduce you to
the terminology and morphology that you will use
in other, more comprehensive keys.
The keys that follow are dichotomous, meaning that each couplet has 2 paragraphs of characters from which you are to pick the best match.
Through process of elimination you should be able
to work your way through this key to a reasonable
identification choice. If you find that every couplet
seems to be a difficult choice, you have likely made
a mistake or the specimen you are trying to identify
belongs in a family not included in the key. When
you arrive at a tentative identification, look at examples of the family to see if you have a specimen
that fits members of that family. Realize that some
of the larger families have many different morphotypes, so be cautious here!
Terminology: Beetle identification requires
you to become familiar with antennal shapes, tarsi
(formulas, shapes of segments) mouthparts (labial and maxillary palpi), ventral characters (sterna, pleura, coxae), and other morphological characters. Size and color of specimens will not usually
help you identify beetle families unless you are already familiar with the morphological characters
that identify each family. Therefore, do not try to
remember families from pictures or by size and color. There is too much variation. Learn the morphology that sets each family apart.

Suborder Adephaga
Carabidae - ground beetles, includes Rhysodidae
and Cicindelidae
Cicindelidae - tiger beetles now treated as Carabidae, tribe Cicindelini
Rhysodidae - now placed in Carabidae
Haliplidae - aquatic
Noteridae - aquatic
Dytiscidae - aquatic
Gyrinidae - aquatic, surface inhabitants only

Suborder Polyphaga
Staphylinidae - rove beetles, elytra reduced, exposing several abdominal tergites
Silphidae - carrion beetles
Pselaphidae - short-winged beetles (very small,
Hydrophilidae - mostly aquatic, maxillary palpi
appear as antennae when viewed from above, antennae shorter than palpi, with well developed
Histeridae - clubbed antennae, many species very
convex and capable of retracting legs into grooves.
Scirtidae - (= Helodidae) small (<7mm), pubescent species, with swollen femora for jumping.
Lucanidae - stag beetles; antennae elbowed, large
beetles (>20mm.) 3 genera in Florida, found in
panhandle only.
Passalidae - Large shining black beetles, adults and
larvae occur in colonies in rotting logs. Both sexes with horns
Scarabaeidae - "June", "dung", flower inhabiting
beetles. One of the largest families of Coleoptera.
Lamellate antennae, size quite variable.
Buprestidae - metallic wood borers. Closely resemble click beetles but lack clicking mechanism
Many species brightly colored or at least with
metallic reflection.
Callirhipidae - (= Rhipiceridae)
Elmidae - aquatic
Dryopidae - aquatic
Heteroceridae - semi-aquatic
Ptilodactylidae - unusual antennal shapes in
males of some species
Elateridae - click beetles
Eucnemidae - false click beetles
Cebrionidae - males fly when its raining, females
are brachypterous.
Lycidae - net winged beetles

Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) 24

Phengodiae - glow worms; males fly, female larviform
Lampyridae - fireflies
Cantharidae - soldier beetles
Dermestidae - skin beetles
Anobiidae - death watch beetles
Cucujidae - flat bark beetles
Languriidae - lizard beetles
Coccinellidae - lady bugs
Endomychidae - pleasing fungus beetles
Melandryidae - false darkling beetles
Anthicidae - ant-like flower beetles
Tenebrionidae - darkling beetles, frequently misidentified as ground beetles by beginning students.
Mordellidae - Tumbling flower beetles
Meloidae - blister beetles
Rhipiphoridae Lagriidae Cerambycidae - "long horned beetles"
Bruchidae - seed weevils
Chrysomelidae - leaf beetles, with 4 distinctly different body shapes.
Curculionidae - "weevils"
Scolytidae - bark beetles

families: Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae, Hybosorinae,

Ochodaeinae, Geotrupinae, Acanthocerinae). Arthropods of Florida and Neighboring Land areas. Volume
8. 220p.
Young, F. N. 1954. The water beetles of Florida. University of Florida Press, Gainesville. 238p.

Coleoptera: sub-order Adephaga or

These 2 sub-orders are based on the positions of
the hind coxal cavities in relation to the 1st visible
sternite. If the hind coxae divide the 1st visible abdominal sternite (Figs. 1, 4), the specimen belongs
in Adephaga. If hind coxae do not completely divide the 1st visible sternite (Fig. 2), the specimen
belongs in Polyphaga.
Once you are satisfied that you have correctly
placed the specimen into its correct sub-order, proceed to the next level of keys (to family).

1st visible sternite

Hind (meta-) Coxa

In order to identify these families you must

first be able to separate them into 2 major suborders (Adephaga and Polyphaga). Beetle family
keys are numerous, frequently regional, and rarely
comprehensive. A few of the more comprehensive
Arnett, R. H., Jr. 1960 - 1963. The beetles of the United
States. Washington, DC. Catholic University Press. xii
+ 1110p.(includes keys to all of the genera for all families in USA).
Blatchley, W. S. 1910. An illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of the Coleoptera or beetles known to occur in
Indiana. Indianapolis. 1386p.
Downie, N. M., and R. H. Arnett.1996. The beetles of
Northeastern North America. Vol. 1: Introduction;
Suborders Archostemata, Adephaga, and Polyphaga,
thru superfamily Cantharoidea. The Sand Hill Crane
Press, Gainesville, Florida.880p.(includes species keys
for all families).
Edwards, J. G.1949. Coleoptera or Beetles East of the
Great Plains.Edwards Brothers, Inc. Ann Arbor,
Woodruff, R. E. 1973. The scarab beetles of Florida. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Part 1. The Laparosticti (sub-

Fig. 1. Adephaga - coxa divides 1st visible sternite

Hind (meta-) coxa

1st visible sternite

Fig. 2. Polyphaga - coxa does not divide 1st sternite; be

sure not to confuse the epimeron with the coxae.

25 Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coleoptera



Fig. 3. Dorsal view of Adephaga beetle, Carabidae. Tarsal

formula 5-5-5. Antennae filiform.

A few reasons why we can't generalize about

beetle families:

sterna 1-6

Fig. 4. Ventral view of Adephaga beetle, Carabidae.

There are many long-horned beetles that do

not have long horns.
There are snout beetles without snouts.
There are beetles with snouts that are not
There are "June beetles" that appear in August.
There are ground beetles that live in trees.
There are aquatic beetles that never go near
water (some Hydrophilidae live in dung).
There are ectoparasitic beetles.
Many beetles have fused elytra, with flight
wings reduced to small pads.
There are blind, eyeless subterranean beetles.
There are beetles other than fireflies (Lampyridae) that produce light.
The same family may have species that range
in size from 1mm to 100mm.
The same genus may have brightly colored species as well as dull, uniformly colored species.
The are many volumes of literature dealing
with the classification of beetles, but rarely do they
agree on higher classification.
Having said all of this, we will introduce you to
the diversity of beetles, while emphasizing that this
diversity will initially make it seem difficult to become familiar with these families.

Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) 26

Key to some Florida families of

Adephaga Coleoptera
1. Hind coxae greatly enlarged, forming a plate that
covers attachment of hind legs. Body size 3mm.,
pale with dark spots (Fig. 5) ....... Haliplidae
Hind coxae not greatly enlarged into plates. Size
and color various ........................................... 2
2. Eyes divided into 2 portions by lateral margin of
head; one dorsal and one ventral when viewed
from the side (Fig. 6). Body dorsally flattened.
Antennae reduced to short peg-like structures.
Whirligig beetles .......................... Gyrinidae
Eyes not divided by lateral margin of head. Antennae variously shaped ............................... 3
3. Hind legs modified for swimming, posterior margin with fringes of hairs (Fig. 7. Antennae long
and moniliform or filiform ............................. 4
Legs not modified for swimming. Antennae moniliform Carabidae (Figs. 3, 4) (including Cicindelidini, Rhysodini) *see keys to Florida ground beetles.

coxal plate

Fig. 5. Adult Haliplidae. Left - ventral aspect showing

coxal plates; right - dorsal aspect.

dorsal part of eye

ventral part of eye

Fig. 6. Side view of Gyrinidae head. Eyes are split into 2

4. Scutellum visible(Fig. 8c) Dytiscidae (in part)

Scutellum hidden (Figs. 8 a, b) ....................... 5
5. Hind tarsi with 2 curved claws (Fig. 9) of equal
length; abdomen with 5 visible sterna; front coxal
cavities closed behind (small beetles, 1-5mm)
...................................................... Noteridae
Hind tarsi with 1 straight claw; abdomen with 6
visible sterna; front coxal cavities open behind;
size usually over 5mm .....................................
....................................... Dytiscidae (in part)

fringes of hair along

posterior margin

Fig. 7. Hind leg of Dytiscidae showing fringed posterior





Fig. 8. Adult Dytiscidae and Noteridae. Note scutellum

that is visible in many Dytiscidae (c.).

2 tarsal claws
Fig. 9. Adult Noteridae. Note 5 visible sterna, 2 claws on
hind tarsi. Superficially similar in shape to
Dytiscidae, their small size (<5mm) and above
characters should make them fairly easy to identify.

27 Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coleoptera

Key to some Florida families of

Polyphaga Coleoptera
1. Abdomen with at least 3 segments corneous (chitinous) dorsally; 1 or more segments exposed by
shortened elytra (Fig. 11). Antennae variable,
but never lamellate (Fig. 10) ........................ 2
Abdomen at most with 2 segments corneous dorsally; elytra completely covering abdomen .....
....................................................................... 5

Fig. 10. Lamellate antenna, scarab genus Polyphylla.

2. Elytra very short, dorsally exposing 4-7 abdominal segments .................................................. 3

Elytra covering most of abdomen, dorsally exposing 1-2 segments ............................................ 4
3. Abdomen flexible, with 7 or 8 segments visible
ventrally ................................ Staphylinidae
Abdomen not flexible, only 5 or 6 ventral segments
visible (Fig. 11) ........................ Pselaphidae
4. Hind tarsi 5 segmented, antennae elbowed and
clavate (Fig. 12a.) ....................... Histeridae
Hind tarsi 4 segmented, middle and front tarsi 45 segments; antennae not elbowed (Fig. 12b)
....................................................... Silphidae
5. Antennae with lamellate club (Fig. 10) .......... 6
Antennae variable but not with lamellate club ..
....................................................................... 8

Fig. 11. Dorsal view of Pselaphidae.


Fig. 12. a. Antenna of Histeridae; b. Silphidae


6. Plates composing antennal club flattened and capable of close apposition ......... Scarabaeidae
Plates of antennal club not capable of closing, and
not flattened .................................................. 7
7. Large black shining beetles; antennae curved;
both sexes with short curved horn (Fig. 13) on
head; elytra deeply striated ........ Passalidae
Large, dull beetles (>20mm); Antennae elbowed
(Fig. 14); head without horns; in species with
brown coloration, elytra smooth and not striated; if black species, elytra dull and unevenly
carinate or shallowly striate ....... Lucanidae
8. All tarsi apparently 4 segmented; 1st 3 segments
dilated and brush-like beneath; 3rd segment
deeply bi-lobed (Fig. 15) ............................... 9
Tarsi variable; one or more pair with 3, or 5 segments; if segment bi-lobed, usually 2nd or 4th
segment ....................................................... 17
9. Head not prolonged into beak ....................... 10
Head prolonged into beak (Figs. 16, 17, 18) which
may be short and inconspicuous ................. 13
10. Antennae filiform or nearly so .................... 11

Fig. 13. Head of Passalidae.

Fig. 14. Geniculate antenna of Lucanidae

segment 1

Fig. 15. Tarsus of Chrysomelidae. Apparently 4

segmented, with pads beneath each segment. Segment
3 deeply bi-lobed.

Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) 28

Antennae distinctly clavate ............ Erotylidae
11. Oval, compact beetles; antennae and body usually with scales;elytra shortened, exposing pygidium; antennae serrate, rarely pectinate; head
prolonged into broad "muzzle" ..... Bruchidae
If oval, not with above combination of characters
..................................................................... 12
12. Body elongate; antennae frequently longer than
body, inserted on frontal prominence; pronotum
unmargined; tibial spurs well developed; .......
.............................................. Cerambycidae
Body shape various, rarely elongate; Antennae
moderate, not longer than body; not inserted on
frontal prominence; prothorax frequently margined; tibial spurs absent; ...............................
............................................. Chrysomelidae
13. Beak extremely short and broad; tibiae with series of teeth externally or front tibiae anteriorly
produced forming stout curved process at apex;
antennae short with broad club; small, oval or
cylindrical beetles ........................................ 14
Beak conspicuous, frequently elongate (Fig. 16);
tibiae simple, without teeth externally or at apex;
antennae clubbed or not .............................. 15

elongate 1st antennal segment

Fig. 16. Lateral view of head of typical weevil

14. First segment of anterior tarsi shorter than 2nd,

third, and 4th combined; eyes oval, emarginate,
or divided; head narrower than thorax ...........
...................................................... Scolytidae
First segment of anterior tarsi very long, longer
than 2+3+4 combined; eyes round; head broader than prothorax ................... Platypodidae
15. Antennae straight, without distinct club; beak
present at least in female and pointing directly
forward (Figs. 17, 18); body shape elongate and
narrow .......................................... Brentidae
Antennae straight or geniculate, always with a
distinct club ................................................. 16
16. Palpi flexible; beak short and broad; thorax with
transverse raised line which is ante-basal or
basal; antennae long, with small but distinct
apical club; ................................ Anthribidae
Palpi rigid; beak well developed, frequently long
and downward curved; ......... Curculionidae
17. Hind tarsi clearly 5 segmented ................... 18
Hind tarsi apparently 3 or 4 segmented ......... 38
18. Maxillary palpi as long as or longer than antennae. (Fig. 19) Antennae with terminal 3-4 segments forming a distinct club. Many species with
elongate sternal spine .......... Hydrophilidae

Fig. 17 Female Brentidae

Fig. 18. Male Brentidae

maxillary palpus

sternal spine

Fig. 19. Ventral view of Hydrophilidae beetle.

29 Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coleoptera

Palpi length "normal". If sternum spined, it is
confined to prosternum only ....................... 19
19. Tarsal claws elongate, large; abdominal segments
1-3 fused ventrally (Fig. 20) ....................... 20
Tarsal claws normal ....................................... 21
20. Anterior coxae transverse, with distinct trochantin ................................................ Dryopidae
Anterior coxae rounded, lacking trochantin ......
.......................................................... Elmidae

enlarged tarsal claws

Fig. 20. Dryopidae tarsal claws

21. Abdomen with no more than 5 segments .... 22

Abdomen with at least 6 segments ................. 34
22. Hind femur joined at apex of trochanter ..... 23
Hind femur joined to side of trochanter ......... 25
23. Tibia without spines ..................... Anobiidae
Tibia with spines ............................................ 24
24. Ventral segment 1 (sternum) more or less equal
to sternum 2 ............................ Bostrichidae
Ventral segment 1 elongate, more than segment 2
......................................................... Lyctidae
25. Anterior coxae globular or transverse, projecting but little from coxal cavity .................... 26
Anterior coxae conical, projecting prominently from
coxal cavity .................................................. 32
26. Anterior coxae transverse ........................... 27
Anterior coxae globular .................................. 28
27. Tarsi more or less dilated; segment 1 not shorter; antennae 11 segmented, terminating in a 3
segmented club ........................... Nitidulidae
Tarsi slender, 1st segment short, antennae with
apical segments expanded into pseudo-club ...
................................................ Trogossitidae
28. Prosternum with posterior process extending
backwards into a groove in mesosternum (Fig.
21 ) ............................................................... 29
Prosternum without process received by the mesosternum, although it may be prolonged so as
to meet mesosternum .................................. 31
29. Abdominal segments 1+2 fused on ventral side
.................................................. Buprestidae
All abdominal segments free on ventral side .....
..................................................................... 30
30. Prothorax loosely joined to mesothorax; front
coxal cavities ending in prosternum; antennae
inserted distant from eyes, insertion narrowing
the front .................................... Eucnemidae

Prosternal process

Fig. 21. Prosternal process extending back into


Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) 30

Prothorax firmly joined to mesothorax; antennae
inserted under margin of front ... Elateridae
31. Body flattened, depressed (size generally small,
less than 5mm for most species); middle coxal
cavities not closed externally by a meeting of
mesosternum and metasternum .. Cucujidae
Body convex; middle coxal cavities entirely surrounded by sterna ....................... Erotylidae
32. Posterior coxae dilated into plates partly protecting femora, at least at their sides ......... 33
Posterior coxae not dilated into plates partly protecting femora; Posterior coxae flat, not prominent, covered by femora in repose; tarsi with 4th
segment of normal size .................... Cleridae
33. Antennae serrate or flabellate (Fig. 22 ) ........
..................... Callirhipidae (= Rhipiceridae)
Antennae with last 3 segments forming a distinct
club; tarsi simple ...................... Dermestidae

Fig. 22. Antenna of Zenoa picea, Callirhipidae.

34. Anterior coxae globular; tibial spines well developed .......................................... Cebrionidae
Anterior coxae conical .................................... 35
35. Middle coxae contiguous; epipleura distinct ...
..................................................................... 36
Middle coxae distant; epipleurae lacking; elytra
reticulated (Fig. 23) ......................... Lycidae
36. Episterna of metathorax not sinuate on inner
side; epipleura usually wide at base ........... 37
Episterna of metathorax sinuate on inner side;
epipleura narrow at base ......... Cantharidae

reticulated surface

Fig. 23. Lycidae, showing reticulated elytral sculpturing.

37. Head more or less covered by pronotum when

viewed from above; antennae approximate or
moderately distant (they almost touch at
base);metathorax epimeron long; many species
with glowing organ .................... Lampyridae
Head exposed when viewed from above; antennae
distant; metathorx epimera wide; male antennae fimbriate (Fig. 24) ............ Phengodidae
38. Hind tarsi clearly with 3 segments; or 4 segmented, with 3rd segment small and concealed in a
notch at end of 2nd segment (Fig. 15); or all
tarsi with 4 segments (Fig. 25) ................... 39
Front and middle tarsi with 5 segments; hind tarsi
with 4 distinct and unconcealed segments .....
..................................................................... 45

Fig. 24. Phengodidae male showing fimbriate antennae.

39. All tarsi clearly 4 segmented (Fig. 25) ........ 40

Hind tarsi appearing to have 3 segments ...... 43
Fig. 25. Hind tarsus of Heteroceridae.

31 Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coleoptera

40. First 4 abdominal segments fused on venter; tibiae dilated, armed with rows of spines, fitted for
digging (Fig. 26 ) .................. Heteroceridae
Ventral segments not fused ............................ 41

Dilated tibia, fitted for


41. Tarsi slender; tibiae not armed with rows of

spines ................................... Endomychidae
Tarsi dilated, spongy beneath ........................ 42
42. Frontal coxal cavities closed behind by epimeron
(Fig. 27); pronotum with or without moderate
prebasal impressions; body elongate oval .......
..................................................... Erotylidae
Frontal coxal cavities open behind; pronotum without distinct, paired prebasal impressions; body
elongate, slender ...................... Languriidae
43.Tarsi with 2nd segment dilated .................... 44
Tarsal claws simple; elytra truncate; first and fifth
abdominal segments longer than others .........
.................................................... Nitidulidae
44. Tarsal claws toothed or appendiculate (Fig. 28);
first ventral segment with distinct curved coxal
lines ........................................ Coccinellidae
Tarsal claws simple; first ventral segment without coxal lines ...................... Endomychidae
45.Anterior coxal cavities closed behind (Fig. 27)
..................................................................... 46
Anterior coxal cavities open behind (Fig. 27) 47
46. Tarsal claws simple; front of head with protruding rim extending from eye to eye, hiding antennal insertion when viewed from above ......
.............................................. Tenebrionidae
Tarsal claws pectinate (Fig. 29 ) ... Alleculidae
47. Head not suddenly and strongly constricted at
base .............................................................. 48
Head strongly constricted at base .................. 50
48. Middle coxae very prominent . Oedemeridae
Middle coxae not very prominent ................... 49
49. Metasternum long; epimera of metathorax visible .......................................... Melandryidae
Metasternum quadrate; epimera of metathorax
covered .......................................... Cucujidae
50.Prothorax with side pieces not separated from
pronotum by a suture .................................. 51
Lateral suture of prothorax distinct; base of prothorax as wide as elytra .............................. 56

Fig. 26.

Dorsal view of Heteroceridae.



Fig. 27. Open behind and closed behind anterior coxal


Fig. 28. Toothed tarsal claw, Coccinellidae.

pectinate claw

Fig. 29 Tarsal claw, Alleculidae.

Identification of Beetles (Coleoptera) 32

51. Prothorax at base as wide as elytra ................
.............................................. Rhipiphoridae
Prothorax at base narrower than elytra ........ 52
52. Hind coxae not prominent .......................... 53
Hind coxae large, prominent; tarsal claws cleft or
toothed ............................................ Meloidae
53. Anterior coxae globular, not prominent ..........
...................................................... Cucujidae
Anterior coxae conical, prominent ................. 54
54. Abdomen consisting of 5 free segments, tarsi with
penultimate segment lobed beneath ........... 55
Abdomen consisting of 4 free segments, the first
formed from 2 fused segments; tarsi with antepenultimate segment lobed beneath ...............
.................................................... Euglenidae
55. Eyes large, oval, finely faceted ...... Pedilidae
Eyes small, coarsely faceted ........... Anthicidae
56. Antennae filiform ......................................... 57
Antennae flabellate in male, subserrate in female
.............................................. Rhipiphoridae
57. Hind coxae plate-like ................. Mordellidae
Hind coxae not plate-like ........... Melandryidae

33 Dichotomous Keys to Some Families of Florida Coleoptera

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