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Ambulocetus (meaning walking whale) was an early crocodilians, adult Ambulocetus probably were ambush
cetacean with short limbs and large feet used for swim- predators that fed on larger shes, aquatic tetrapods and
ming. Along with other members of Ambulocetidae, it is possibly terrestrial animals near the water. In contrast to
a transitional fossil that shows how whales evolved from crocodilians, it may have chewed its prey but probably did
land-living mammals. While its name stems from the his- minimal food processing with its teeth.[3]
torical hypothesis that it was capable of walking on land, The short forelimbs of Ambulocetus had ve ngers on
more recent research suggests that it was fully aquatic like
each hand and its long hindlimbs had four toes on each
modern cetaceans.[1] foot. It had dense osteosclerotic limb bones, suggest-
ing it was well-adapted for living in water but moved
slowly, probably hunting as an ambush predator. Its pelvis
1 Description was attached to its spine, like land mammals and un-
like later whales.[4] Its powerful tail, which lacked a tail
uke,[4] was apparently used for locomotion, and it prob-
ably moved similar to a modern river otter. Pakicetids
and ambulocetids used their large feet and hind limbs for
propulsion; morphologically, the thigh and leg of Am-
bulocetus were shortened, but the feet stayed large; this
resulted in a reduction in lever arm but a retention of
a large propulsive surface, indicating that the hind limb
functioned as an oar. In later Eocene cetaceans, such as
the basilosaurids and remingtonocetids, the tail gained a
uke and became the dominating source of propulsion,
while the leg became more reduced and rudimentary.[5]

1.1 Size
Life reconstruction of Ambulocetus natans

Ambulocetus was probably fully aquatic like modern

cetaceans, with a similar thoracic morphology, and it
probably swam by undulating its back vertically.[1] Chem-
ical analysis of its teeth shows that it could move between
salt and fresh water. It also lacked external ears. Its skull
had a long snout and eyes facing sideways (they faced up-
ward in pakicetids), located high on the skull like in mod-
ern hippos.[2]
Several features shared with other basal cetaceans indi-
cate the close anities of Ambulocetus with these ani-
mals; it had an adaptation in the nose that enabled it to
swallow underwater, and its periotic bone's structure was
like those of whales, enabling it to hear well underwater.
In addition, its teeth are similar to those of other early Size comparison between Ambulocetus and a human.
cetaceans. [3]
Ambulocetus had a feeding morphology similar to that of Ambulocetus was the size of a male sea lion, much larger
crocodiles: a long snout, pointed teeth, and strong jaw ad- than Pakicetus. Thewissen et al. estimated the body
ductor muscles. Like crocodilians, Ambulocetus probably weight of Ambulocetus at 141235 kg (311518 lb),[3]
killed its prey by holding it in its jaw and either drowning while Philip D. Gingerich estimated it at 720 kg (1,590
it or thrashing it with violent motions. Similar to larger lb).[6]


2 Discovery from Pakistan (PDF). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senck-

enberg. 191: 186. ISBN 9783929907322. OCLC
Ambulocetus was recovered from the Early Eocene
(47.8-41.3 Ma) Kuldana Formation of Punjab, Pakistan [4] Kemp, T. S. (2005). The Origin and Evolution of
(3336N 7212E / 33.6N 72.2E, paleocoordinates Mammals (PDF). Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-
1418N 6818E / 14.3N 68.3E)[7] in 1993 by Jo- 850760-7. OCLC 232311794.
hannes G.M. Thewissen and Sayed Taseer Hussain, and
[5] Thewissen, J. G. M.; Cohn, M. J.; Stevens, L.
was described by Thewissen, Hussain, and Mohammad
S.; Bajpai, S.; Heyning, J.; Horton, W. E. (2006).
Arif in 1994.[8] It is believed to be from the Lutetian Developmental basis for hind-limb loss in dolphins and
age of the Paleogene period (48.6 to 40.4 million years origin of the cetacean bodyplan (PDF). PNAS. 103
ago).[9] (22): 84148418. PMC 1482506 . PMID 16717186.
Fewer than ten ambulocetid fossils have been found, all in doi:10.1073/pnas.0602920103.
shallow sea or coastal swamp environments. Ambulocetus
[6] Thewissen, J. G. M. (2013). Cetacean Origins: Evolu-
is the only virtually complete skeleton known from the tionary Turmoil during the Invasion of the Oceans. In
group. When the animal was alive, Pakistan was a coastal Thewissen, J. G. M. The Emergence of Whales: Evolu-
region of India, which was then an island continent in the tionary Patterns in the Origin of Cetacea. Springer. pp.
Tethys Ocean. 451460. ISBN 9781489901590.

[7] H-GSP 9210 (Eocene of Pakistan)". Paleobiology

Database. 2005.
3 Classication
[8] Thewissen, J. G. M.; Hussain, S. T.; Arif, M. (1994).
Fossil evidence for the origin of aquatic locomotion in
Ambulocetus is classied under the monophyletic family
archaeocete whales. Science. 263 (5144): 210212.
Ambulocetidae. The family is believed to have di-
PMID 17839179. doi:10.1126/science.263.5144.210.
verged from the more terrestrial Pakicetidae. The fam-
ilies Protocetidae and possibly Remingtonocetidae, are [9] Ambulocetus in the Paleobiology Database. Retrieved
believed to have arisen from a common ancestor with September, 2013
ambulocetids. Together with Basilosauridae, the ve
[10] Uhen, M. D. (1998). Phylogenetic relationships of
families are classied under the suborder Archaeoceti.[11]
Basilosaurids. In Thewissen, J. G. M. The Emergence
of Whales: Evolutionary Patterns in the Origin of Cetacea.
Springer. p. 43. ISBN 978-0-306-45853-8.
4 See also [11] Rose, K. D. (2006). The Beginning of the Age of Mam-
mals. JHU Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-8472-6.
Evolution of cetaceans

6 External links
Ambulocetus. BBC Nature.
Whale Origins. Thewissen Laboratory.

5 References
[1] Ando, K.; Fujiwara, S.-I. (2016). Farewell to life on
land thoracic strength as a new indicator to determine
paleoecology in secondary aquatic mammals. Journal
of Anatomy. 229 (6): 768777. PMID 27396988.

[2] Thewissen, J. G. M.; Cooper, Lisa Noelle; George,

John C.; Bajpai, Sunil (2009). From Land to Water:
the Origin of Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises (PDF).
Evolution: Education and Outreach. 2 (2): 272288.

[3] Thewissen, J. G. M.; Madar, S.I.; Hussain, S.T. (1996).

"Ambulocetus natans, an Eocene cetacean (Mammalia)

7 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

7.1 Text
Ambulocetus Source: Contributors: Ahoerstemeier, Evercat, GCarty, Do-
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7.2 Images
File:Allosaurus_Jardin_des_Plantes.png Source:
Plantes.png License: CC BY-SA 1.0 Contributors: Own work, formerly uploaded on WP-fr Original artist: Eric Gaba (Sting - fr:Sting)
File:Ambulocetus_SIZE.png Source: License: CC BY
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Conty
File:Ambulocetus_new_NT_small.jpg Source:
jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Nobu Tamura email:[email protected] http://spinops.blogspot.
File:ExtinctDodoBird.jpeg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: ? Original artist: (anonymous artwork ; facsimile of 1626 painting by Roelant Savery)
File:Lock-green.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: en:File:
Free-to-read_lock_75.svg Original artist: User:Trappist the monk
File:Red_Pencil_Icon.png Source: License: CC0 Contrib-
utors: Own work Original artist: Peter coxhead
File:Smilodon_Knight.jpg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Original artist: Charles R.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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