Rossetti A 255144 Ecu 300 Assignment 2 Unit of Work

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Anthony Rossetti


ECU 300- Assignment 2

Unit Overview

Health and Physical Education
Year 3/4
Learning the game of Baseball
6 weeks
This unit of work involves the understanding of the game of baseball. The unit is based on the curriculum outcomes from Health and Physical
Education with links to Mathematics and English curriculum outcomes.
In this unit students will:
Learn the basic rules of baseball
Identify the associated physical movement skills and techniques
Practise baseball catching techniques
Practise baseball throwing techniques
Practise baseball hitting techniques
Play a class game of baseball
Collect data from lessons and record data with appropriate methods
Write a brief summary of what they have learnt throughout the unit
Year level description Key points
The Year 3 and 4 curriculum further develops students knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, wellbeing, safety and
participation in physical activity. The content explores knowledge, understanding and skills that support students to build and maintain
respectful relationships, make health-enhancing and safe decisions, and interpret health messages from different sources to take action to
enhance their own health and wellbeing.
The curriculum in Year 3 and 4 builds on previous learning in movement to help students develop greater proficiency across the range
of fundamental movement skills. Students combine movements to create more complicated movement patterns and sequences. Through
participation in a variety of physical activities, students further develop their knowledge about movement and how the body moves. They do this
as they explore the features of activities that meet their needs and interests and learn about the benefits of regular physical activity.

Health and Physical Education: Strands and Sub strands
Strand: Movement and Physical Activity
Moving our body
Practise and refine fundamental movement skills in different movement situations (ACPMP043) Lessons (2,3,4,5)
Perform movement sequences which link fundamental movement skills (ACPMP044) (2,3,4,5)
Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies (ACPMP045) (2,3,4,5)

Anthony Rossetti
Understanding Movement
Examine the benefits of physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing (ACPMP046) (1,6)
Combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people when performing movement sequences (ACPMP047) (2,3,4,5)
Learning through movement
Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities (ACPMP048) (2,3,4,5)
Apply basic rules and scoring systems, and demonstrate fair play when participating (ACPMP050) (1,5)
Mathematics: Strands and Sub strands
Strand: Statistics and Probability
Data representation and interpretation
Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and without
the use of digital technologies (ACMSP069) (2,3,4,6)
Interpret and compare data displays(ACMSP070) (6)
English: Strands and Sub strands
Strand: Literacy
Interacting with others
Use interaction skills, including active listening behaviours and communicate in a clear, coherent manner using a variety of everyday and
learned vocabulary and appropriate tone, pace, pitch and volume (ACELY1792) (6)
Creating texts
Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language
features and selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose (ACELY1682) (6)
Lesson 1
This initial lesson will introduce the game of baseball to the students. A video presentation will be shown and class discussion will take
place following this. The rules and positions within the game will be explained and discussed. Students will be given the opportunity to

Anthony Rossetti
discuss what they have learnt, what they may not understand and what they may like to learn during the unit.
Lesson 2
This lesson will involve learning the techniques associated with catching a baseball. Students will initially be shown a video presentation
demonstrating the correct techniques of how to catch using a baseball glove and will then practise with fellow students. Students will also
be asked to record information including how many balls they caught out of how many throws and whether these catches were with a
baseball glove or without.
Lesson 3
This lesson will involve learning the techniques associated with throwing a baseball. Students will initially be shown a video presentation
demonstrating the correct techniques of how to throw a baseball and will then practise with fellow students. Students will also be asked to
record information such as how many balls they threw, the distance of the throws as well as the accuracy.
Lesson 4
This lesson will involve learning the techniques associated with hitting a baseball using a baseball bat. Students will initially be shown a
video presentation demonstrating the correct techniques of how to hit and will then practise with fellow students. Students will also be
asked to record information such as how many balls they hit and the approximate distances the balls travelled.
Lesson 5
This lesson will involve students playing a game of baseball. Students will demonstrate the associated skills and techniques they have
acquired over the previous month and demonstrate their newfound abilities.
Lesson 6
In this final lesson the students will gather their data recorded from the practical lessons and display their results in either a table or graph
format. The students will then compare their results will their classmates. Students will also write a brief description of what specific skills
and attributes they have learnt during the previous weeks. Students will then submit both forms of work to the teacher.
The assessment task assigned for this unit will be formative and be monitored by the teacher throughout the duration of the unit. Ongoing
feedback will be provided to students during the course of the unit and will be aimed at helping students understand their strengths and
weaknesses, as well as identifying target areas which may need addressing. Student participation, involvement and enthusiasm will be also be
taken into account. The students individual collection of information and data displayed through the use of a graph or table, as well as their brief
description of what they have learnt, will also be assessed by the teacher at the conclusion of the unit. This will help the teacher better
understand how the student has improved as well as what they have learnt and come to understand about baseball.

Anthony Rossetti
At the

completion of this unit students should:

Understand the basic rules of baseball and how the game is played
Demonstrate an ability to catch a baseball using a baseball glove
Demonstrate an ability to throw a baseball
Demonstrate an ability to hit a baseball with a baseball bat
Play a game of baseball with classmates and display and appropriate level of teamwork and fairness
Record their achievement results throughout the lessons and complete a graph, table etc. showing their progress
Write a brief description of what they have learnt throughout the duration of the unit

ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2015). Retrieved from
For Busy Dads. (2015). Teaching Your Kids To Catch A Baseball. Retrieved from

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