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ED 321 LESSON PLAN (Lesson 3)


(WI Teacher Standards #1, 2)

State or district standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.7.3.b

Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop
experiences, events, and/or characters.

Instructional objective(s): Students will understand imagery and how to write using imagery.


(WI Teacher Standard #8)

How will you determine if the lesson objective was met?

1. Informal: Students will work in groups to great a descriptive paragraph using 5 words that I give

Materials Needed:

(WI Teacher Standard #3)

List all of the materials you will need to teach this lesson. Include those you designed.

1. Powerpoint
2. Smart Board
3. Words for game
4. Words for writing

Total time


Mini- Lesson on Imagery (10 minutes)

Group Work (15 minutes)
Present (10 minutes)
Game (10)
= 45 minutes


(WI Teacher Standard #7)
Introduction: I will tell the class that today we will be learning about imagery. I will be giving a lesson and
then theyll have time to practice imagery in groups.

Steps for instruction: (Specify time allotments.)

I will explain imagery and how it applies to our five senses as well as similes, metaphors,
and personification. I will do an activity where all the students make five columns and
label the top of each column with sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. I will tell them to
close their eyes and imagine a Monday morning. Ill ask them to think about what they
hear on Monday mornings what they taste for breakfast, what they touch, what they
smell, and what they hear. Ill then ask them to open their eyes and write down what
they thought about and write it down in the sense that it applies to. Ill have a few people
share. (10 minutes) I will then transition into a writing activity. Ill put the class into
groups. Ill tell them that I am giving each group a list of five words. I want them to write
a descriptive very short story in their groups and to focus on imagery in their writing. I
want the groups to work together to be as descriptive as they can. They must include all
the five words I give them. These stories can be funny and do not have to be written
perfectly, their main goal is to focus on being descriptive. The groups will designate one
student to read the story the group came up with. (15 minutes) Each group will present
to the class. (10 minutes) If the class finishes on time, we will play a game. The class will
be split into two groups. One student from each group will go up to the board and Ill give
them a slip of paper with what they have to describe using other descriptive words
besides the words I had on the slip (similar to taboo). Theyll have one minute to help
their group figure out the word or phrase. Whichever group has the most points at the
end will get candy. (10 minutes)
5. Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: (WI Teacher Standard # 3)
How will you meet the needs of those students who understand and finish early?
For those who finish their short story early Ill ask them to go back and look at their word choice and see
if they can improve that.
How will you meet the needs of those who have difficulty understanding the material?
For those who have difficulty understanding the material, Ill let their group try to explain. If the group
doesnt help them out enough then Ill reiterate it until they understand.
6. Closure:
We will finish with the game.
Name: Noor Kheirieh

Content Area: English

Date: 10/22/2014

Grade Level: 7th

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