Lesson Plan Title: SWBAT Role-Play A Conversation by Writing and Answering
Lesson Plan Title: SWBAT Role-Play A Conversation by Writing and Answering
Lesson Plan Title: SWBAT Role-Play A Conversation by Writing and Answering
Your CT’s First and Last Name Your School & District
Lesson Objective (SWBAT)(using kid-friendly language): Red (Action), Blue (Criteria), Green (Condition)
SWBAT role-play a conversation by writing and answering four question using interrogative words and
correct subject pronoun to exchange information with another student about how you spend your free
Resources / Materials:
• 1 Google Slides Powerpoint: Emailed
• Kahoot: https://create.kahoot.it/share/a-donde-vas/2a3112af-cc8a-4529-a517-98f5bd7c42a8
• Video Historia Worksheet
• Audio Recorder
• Rubric
• Questions for Project
El Horario De Rosa
jueves viernes sábado domingo
3:30 P.M.-4:30 P.M 3:30 P.M.- 4:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M.- 4:00 P.M. 7:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M.
1.Ir a la _______ para 3.Ir al _____________ a 4.Ir de compras con mi 5.¡Mi familia y yo vamos
nadar. levantar pesas. familia al____________. a esquiar en
5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
2.Ir a la __________
para estudiar.
EXPLORATION: How will the teacher actively engage the learners so that they are not passive
Mode: Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational
Through: Speaking Listening Reading Writing IN THE TARGET LANGUAGE
Students will have a 10 minute long Kahoot that will include a review over how to write and answer
questions about leisure activities, where you and others go using the verb ir and the vocabulary
words we have been working on from 4A.
I will have them get their laptops out and go to www.Kahoot.com and use the code _______ to get
into the quiz.
As the Kahoot goes I will be reviewing why the answer is the certain answer it is and also saying why
it’s not a different answer.
After the Kahoot, I will pass out an activity with questions for a listening activity they will do.
I will give the students a 3 minutes to read over the questions so they are familiar with the
I will play the “Video Historia” three times total. They will have one minute after every hearing to
write their answers down. And then ill start it up again.
o 1st time: Have them hear it through without writing any answers. (1:19)
1 minute of writing time.
o 2nd time: Have them hear it through and fill in the answers. (1:19)
1 minute of writing time.
o 3 time: Have them catch any questions they didn’t answer and answer them. (1:19)
EXPLANATION: What questions or techniques will the teacher use to connect the students’ learning to
help them answer the ‘so what’ question?
Mode: Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational
Through: Speaking Listening Reading Writing IN THE TARGET LANGUAGE
Students will write notes in the composition book on Page ___.
During this explanation I will be teaching students how to ask and respond to “¿Que te gusta?” y
“¿Que no te gusta?” as well as “¿Como es?”
First I will go over ¿Cómo es ……?
o ¿Cómo es tu _________? = How is your__________?
o Ejemplos:
¿Cómo es tu familia? Mi familia es grande.
¿Cómo es tu macota? Mi mascota es sociable.
¿Cómo es pescado? Sabroso o malo? Mi pescado es sabroso.
¿Cómo es tu fin de semana? Divertido o aburrido? “
I will then tie it to the unit…
¿Cómo es levantar pesas? Levantar pesas es difícil.
¿Cómo es trabajar? Trabajar es aburido.
¿Cómo es ir a la playa? Es muy divertido.
Students will write a list of 5 adjectivites describing their family.
o ¿Cómo es tu familia?
Mi familia es……
5 adjectives listed
Then I will go over ¿Qué te gusta? ¿Qué no te gusta?
o ¿Qué te gusta?= What do you like?
¿Te gusta ir al gimnasio? No, yo no voy al gimnasio.
¿Te gusta ir al centro comercial? Si me gusta ir al centro comercial.
¿Que te gusta hacer? Me gusta leer, ir de compras, y esquiar.
o ¿Qué no te gusta? = What dont you like?
¿Qué no te gusta hacer? No me gusta nadar, correr y nadar.
I will have the students do two columns like below with a list of 4 things each they like to do and
they don’t like to do. They will have 4 minutes to fill this out.
¿Qué te gusta hacer? ¿Qué no te gusta hacer?
Ir al gimnasio Ir a la biblioteca
Correr en el parque Ir a ver una película
Ir a la lección de piano Ir a la piscina
Ir a comer Ir al trabajo
-10 minutes: Current student requirements
-3 minutes: Trade with partner and read the Questions & think of answers.
-10 minutes: New student requirements.
*estimated time: 23 minutes
What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?
I am sitting in the back of the classroom
making sure all of the students are on task Students are sitting in silence working on
students. I am giving students an example of their project. They are focusing on the
the assignment. I will be answering questions vocabulary and writing questions and
that they have over the project. I am telling answers.
students to stay quiet and not get off task.
This is a form of checking for understanding
for me because I can tell if they are
understanding what the project is about.
EVALUATION: How will students demonstrate (prove) that they have achieved the objective?
Mode: Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational
Through: Speaking Listening Reading Writing IN THE TARGET LANGUAGE
Students will do a 4 minute peer review with their partner that is sitting in front of them.
o They will have all the requirements for current student and new student and sign off in order
to move on to the final copy.
o They will share their draft with a partner and the partner should check the following:
Has the current student given 4 questions? Greeting and introduction?
Has the new student answered 4 questions and prepared 2 questions?
Are the vocabulary and grammar correct?
Students will have 10 minutes to work with their partner to practice different questions and
responses. They need to feel comfortable in both roles as you go through their presentations.
o They need to get and give information
o Keep the conversation going
o Speak clearly.
Students will have the rest of the class to audio record their role play with their partner and turn it
into blinn. This will be a quiz grade.
They will turn in their stapled rubric and rough draft into the turn in bin.
(EXIT STRATEGY – CLOSURE): How will the teacher formatively assess each student’s learning?
Provide the learner with an opportunity to recap what s/he has acquired to meet the lesson objective.
Ex: perform the objective, exit ticket, 3-2-1, summarize with a partner, create an image.
Can take less than 1 min.
Mode: Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational
Through: Speaking Listening Reading Writing IN THE TARGET LANGUAGE
The exit ticket will be their final draft audio recorder role-play. I will collect them at the end of class
and assess them after class to give back to them.
If they finish early they will be allowed to work on past due assignments if they have any and if not,
they can quietly go over vocabulary until the bell rings.
*estimated time:
What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?
I am walking around the classroom
making sure everyone is on task Students are staying on task and
and working on assignment. I will recording their role-play, past
call students out for getting off assignment or going over
task. vocabulary.
***Be sure to link or attach ALL resources/materials used (ppts, handouts, websites, etc.) in this lesson***
Nombre: __________________________________________ #_______
TASK Ask and answer questions about everyday life. You and a partner will play the roles of a new student and
a student who has been at the school for a while. Find out information about the new student and answer any
1. Prepare You will need to prepare for both roles. You will turn in 2 recording per group. Make sure to
turn in your sheet with requirements.
a) Current student:
i. List four questions. Greet the student and introduce yourself.
ii. Find out where the new student is from.
iii. What activities he or she likes to do and on what days.
iv. Where he or she goes and with whom.
b) New student:
i. Look at the questions the current student will ask you and note your answers.
ii. Prepare two questions of your own.
2. Practice Work with a partner to practice different questions and responses be sure you are
comfortable in both roles as you go through your presentation.
Get and give information
Keep the conversation going
Speak clearly
3. Present Upload the one with current student as yourself. The current student begins by greeting the
new student. Listen to your partner’s questions and responses and keep the conversation going. You
will use your laptop/cellphone audio recorder to upload your role-play voice recorder.
4. Evaluation The following rubric will be used to grade your presentation.
Un estudiante nuevo
(Turn this in with the rubric)
Current Student
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Introduction of yourself
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Four Questions
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
New Student
Four Answers to Current Students Questions
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Video Historia