Circumstances Affecting Criminal Liability

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Book 1- General Provisions

I. Classification: In general the circumstances are either (i) defenses or (ii) modifying circumstances

II. Defenses: those which if proven may result to an acquittal of the offender from the crime charged or
lead to non-criminal liability. They are the reasons advanced by the accused why he may not be held
criminally liable.

They are classified into the following:

A. As to form:

1. Positive or Affirmative- They are often called defenses in the nature of Admission and Avoidance.
The accused admits authorship of the act or omission charged and imputed to him but he puts up
matters to avoid criminally liability or which will result to his acquittal.
All the Justifying, Exempting and Absolutory Causes are Affirmative defenses.

2. Negative- the accused denies authorship or having performed the act or omission imputed to him.
Examples are denial, alibi, mistaken identity.

B. As to Effect:

1. Total or Perfect- those the effect of which will totally exonerate the accused. Example: a complete
justifying circumstance, amnesty
2. Partial- those which are intended to lessen the liability of the accused. They include proof the
offense is a lesser offenses, or that it is of a lower stage of execution, that the accused has a lower
participation and is not the principal .

C. As to source:

1. Legal- those provided for by statutes or by the constitution. For example: prescription of crimes,
marriage of the offender and offended; pardon, double jeopardy, amnesty.
2. Factual- those based on the circumstances of the commission of the crime relating to the time,
place, manner of commission; identification of the accused; reasons for the commission. For example:
alibi, self defense; insanity, mistaken identity.

III. Modifying Circumstances- those which will either increase or decrease the penalty. They are called
mitigating or aggravating circumstances

IV. Circumstances Recognized in the Philippines.

They are found either in the Revised Penal Code, Special Laws or in jurisprudence. The defenses and
modifying circumstances governed by the RPC include the following:

A. Justifying Circumstances- These are the defenses in which the accused is deemed to have acted
in accordance with the law and therefore the act is lawful. Since the act is lawful, it follows that there is
no criminal, no criminal liability and no civil liability, save in paragraph 4.

1. There is no mens rea or criminal intent

2. The circumstances pertain to the act and not to the actor. Hence all who participated in the act will
be benefited. Thus if the principal is acquitted there will be no accomplices and accessories.
3. These apply only to intentional felonies, not to acts by omissions or to culpable felonies or to
violations of special laws
4. They are limited to the 6 enumerated in Article 11.

B. Exempting Circumstances- These are defenses where the accused committed a crime but is not
criminally liable. There is a crime, and there is civil liability but no criminal.

1. The basis is the lack of any of the elements which makes the act/omission voluntary, i.e. freedom,
intelligence, intent or due care.
2. These defenses pertain to the actor and not the act. They are personal to the accused in whom they
are present and the effects do not extend to the other participants. Thus if a principal is acquitted, the
other principals, accessories and accomplices are still liable.
3. They apply to both intentional and culpable felonies and they may be available in violations of
special laws.
4. They are limited to the 7 enumerated in Article 12.

C. Absolutory Causes- These are defenses which have the same effects as the exempting
circumstances but they are not among those enumerated in Article 12. They are found in certain
Articles of the Revised Penal Code or are developed by jurisprudence.

1. They are based on public policy

2. Examples of those in the RPC include: non-liability for an attempted felony due to voluntary
desistance; Death/Physical Injuries Under Exceptional Circumstances
3. Those recognized and developed by jurisprudence include: mistake of fact, set-up/frame up,

D. Mitigating Circumstances- Those which when present results either to: (i) the penalty being
reduced by at least one degree or (ii) the penalty shall be imposed in its minimum period. They are
those enumerated in Article 13.

E. Extenuating Circumstances- .Those which have the same effect as mitigating circumstances but
are not among those enumerated in Article 13 but are provided for in certain articles of the RPC and
apply only to certain felonies. They are called Special Mitigating Circumstances.

1. Examples: Abandonment in case of adultery; Release of the victim within 3 days with the purpose
not attained, in the felony of Slight Illegal Detention

F. Aggravating Circumstances- Those which when present will result either to: (i) a change in the
nature of the offense as to make it more serious and result to the imposition of a higher penalty (ii) the
penalty being imposed in its maximum period. They are provide for by the Revised Penal Code as
well as by special laws.

G. Alternative Circumstances- those which may either be appreciated as mitigating or aggravating.

They are enumerated in Article 15 of the RPC.

IV. Basic Rules on Affirmative Defenses

A. Justifying Circumstances, Exempting Circumstances, and Absolutory Causes, are recognized as

Affirmative Defenses
B. Since the accused has admitted authorship of the act or omission, its not anymore necessary for
the prosecution to prove his participation in the commission of the crime or his identity, hence there
may be a revere order of trial in that it will be the accused who will be the first to present his evidence
C. It is incumbent upon the accused to prove his defense by clear, positive and convincing evidence
and his conviction is not that the prosecution failed to prove his guilt but that he was unable to prove
his defense.


civil indemnity ex delicto for the death of the victim

2. actual or compensatory damages
3. moral damages
4. exemplary damages
5. temperate damages.

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