Selection Criteria Revised
Selection Criteria Revised
During my teaching rounds at Warringa Park Special School I employed the use of
technology into my classes. Providing students with a visual schedule is important
when attempting to engage students who best learn with the use of visual prompts
and familiar routines. For book week we used technology to read an interactive ebook Hairy Maclarys Bones then conducted a scavenger hunt to find Hairy
Maclarys Bones around the school. This allowed students to consolidate the
information presented in an interactive and engaging way. We also utilized the
Apple TV in order for students to follow rhythmical moves to JUST DANCE
videos and utilized the App Visual Relax during relaxation.
The teacher modifies and differentiates her lessons using student feedback. She
adapts her teaching methods if the content is too difficult or easy
The teacher provides feedback and that help improve student learning
2 Capacity to monitor and assess student learning data and to use this data to
inform teaching for improved student learning.
Effective formal and informal assessment are essential to a comprehensive education as it
allows students learning to be continually improved. Using both formative and summative
forms of assessment are crucial in monitoring students progress and ensuring a range of
learning styles are catered for within assessment. Assessment allows for an informed teaching
practice and continual growth of teaching skills. It is an important skills as a teacher to have
the ability to design and implement a range of assessments. Assessment is a tool that can be
used effectively to help each student improve, grow and succeed in their academic life.
Good assessment requires a variety of measures as a single assessment tool will not suffice to
improve student achievement. Therefore, my assessment practices reflect assessment for
leaning, assessment of learning and assessment as learning. The variety of assessment
methods I implement is constantly varying in accordance to the information I need. Good
assessment requires clarity of purpose, goals, standards and criteria and assessment criteria
need to be understandable and explicit so students know what is expected of them from each
assessment they encounter. This can be achieved by explicitly displaying the learning
intention and success criteria in conjunction with modelling the task so students know the
purpose of what they are learning. I also believe that the assessment tool should be properly
suited to the task being assessed. The data I gain from these assessment methods would
enable me to credibly report to parents on their childs progress as well as what the student,
the parent and the teacher can do to improve the students learning. Assessment of student
learning is an essential element of quality and effective education, especially when catering
for diverse learning strategies.
My experiences have enabled me to apply my understanding of assessment. I achieved this
Aiding students to create and maintain a portfolio of their work so they can see what
they have achieved at any given time.
Creating daily class goals with students and providing them with strategies to assist in
achieving those goals
As a graduate in your school I will endeavour to apply my experiences with assessment and
learning and ensure a variety of ongoing assessment practices are implemented within my
classroom. By maintaining comprehensive documentation of formal and informal assessment
to inform not only student learning but further develop my own teaching and learning. With
support from my experienced colleagues, I believe I will be able to develop and refine
comprehensive assessment methods to effectively assess for quality learning.
3 Demonstrated high level written and verbal communication skills and high
level interpersonal skills including a capacity to develop constructive
relationships with students, parents and other staff.
Effective communication skills are essential in the teaching profession since our practice is
dependent on effective communication. Communication is necessary in order to connect with
the students, staff, parents, and school community. Open lines of communication are essential
in building positive working relationships within the school community.
My communication and written skills are highly accomplished and have been excelled as a
result of my university studies and through my professional placement experiences. I have
completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Education) at Victoria University and I
am currently completing a Masters of Teaching in Secondary Education at Victoria
University. During my tertiary studies I have been required to submit diverse essays and
complete many oral presentations. I currently hold a high distinction average which without
exceptional high written and verbal communication skills would be impossible.
As a pre-service teacher, I needed to conduct myself in a professional manner and clearly and
concisely explain and demonstrate activities to my students. During my work placement I
was required to conduct a warm up session with the VCE Lakeview Senior Football team.
The warm up session was conducted on the oval which made it difficult for students to hear
instructions. When conducting my lesson I ensured that my verbal instructions where clear,
concise and in a loud voice. As well as making eye contact when addressing the students to
ensure they were listening I also provided visual demonstration to further the students
understanding of the activity. As a result, the students had a good understanding of what was
expected, allowing them to effectively complete the warm up.
It is essential for positive relationships to be constructed between teachers, students, parents
and fellow colleagues to assist with creating successful learning communities within the
classroom. As a naturally social and enthusiastic person I am a skilled communicator and I
endeavour to build and maintain positive relationships in all aspects of my life. I have built
positive student relationships using the following strategies:
Making an effort by spending time getting to know students and staff members as
individuals on my placement
Becoming aware of their personalities, culture and experiences they bring to the
classroom and to the school.
Being approachable and supportive, making times for any colleague, student or parent
I see your school staff and wider community as a dynamic, exciting and stimulating
environment to be a part of, which I would connect productively with all its members. If
employed at your school, I will continue to extend and utilise my communication skills to
develop effective working relationships. One way I would like the opportunity to
communicate with parents would be through students diaries, email, phone and face to face
meetings. I believe these forms of communication would be highly effective in building and
maintaining a positive rapport with parents as it also ensures that parents have a reliable
method of openly communicating with myself and their child.
I have also been involved in running school fitness programs in which I planned exercises
and circuits, organising the appropriate equipment prior to each session taking into account
abilities, goals and safety of each student. In addition to this whilst on placement I was
involved in lunch time interschool sports training for netball, basketball, soccer and
badminton. As part of my duties I convened both netball and basketball for the inter-school
competitions this involved demonstrating leadership by managing and delegating to a number
of teachers, providing effective communication by making announcements, scoring and any
other organisation needed on the day.
Furthermore, whilst on placement at Warringa Park School I had the pleasure of facilitating
and delivering science experiments for a whole school Science incursion at Warringa Park to
celebrate Science week. I also helped prepare and deliver a Hairy MacLary Scavenger hunt
for students to celebrate book week and as part of my applied curriculum program I aided in
managing, instructing and observing groups of students during Warringa Park Schools whole
school intensive swimming program that ran for two weeks. As a trained aquatics teacher I
was able to safely and effectively ensure the students had a fun and exciting time during their
intensive swimming program.
I also had the pleasure of being chosen to run a program called VU sport at Warringa Park
School this opportunity to teach special needs physical education provided me with
experience planning and implementing my own classes as well as experience dealing with
students with behavioural issues and complex needs. This opportunity was by far the best and
most rewarding experience I have had, working with the students at Warringa Park opened
my eyes and increased my passion for teaching.
Learning and the pursuit of knowledge is a life long journey. I believe that ongoing
professional learning is integral to my practice in remaining up to date, effective and
efficient. I value the positive impact that ongoing professional learning has on my practice
and actively seek courses, programs, literature and advice to ensure that I continue to develop
my skills as a teacher. I have completed my AUS swim, level 2 first aid training, Certificates
3 & 4 in personal training and have completed both adapted physical education and adapted
aquatics at Victoria University. I also attended a number of professional development
seminars during my studies at Victoria University such as Indigenous perspectives on
Australia Education seminar, Professional learning day on creating inclusive schools, PD in
the pub: Behavioural management, PD in the pub: Teachers tool box, and Gilmore Girls
College PD on diabetes. I can confidently say I am eager to continue to develop my
professional development in a variety of subjects. My top priority is to continue to develop
my professional practice to enhance my teaching and learning and to continue to give
students opportunities to reach their goals