Selection Criteria

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Key Selection Criteria SC1 Demonstrated knowledge of initiatives in student learning including the Standards, the Principles of Learning

and Teaching P-12 and Assessment and Reporting Advice and the ability to design curriculum programs consistent with their intent. Through my experience at university and on placement I have developed an understanding of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS), The Australian Curriculum (AusVELS), Principles of Learning and Teaching (PoLT), and different types of assessment and reporting that are vital to cater and support student learning and development. At university and on placement I have continually strived to cater for the individual needs of each of my students. Students each bring with them an array of knowledge from their own experiences, which I as their teacher can and have used to develop a personalised learning program. When planning lessons and units I ensure they are inclusive, adaptable, linked to relevant standards and consist of different forms of assessment to ensure that all students learning/assessment styles are catered for. To ensure my lessons are effective and beneficial to students, I use a number of assessment strategies. When deciding upon assessment, I ensure I do not always use the same type of assessment. For example: not always giving a test, or relying on student comments. Student skills and learning styles will impact on how they perform at certain types of assessment. For this reason, a variety of assessments need to be used. Assessment is an important part of quality teaching and learning. This has been demonstrated through my use of formative and summative assessment in the classroom. The use of such practices enables effective teaching to be implemented in order to create meaningful learning. The data I receive from various assessment tasks, including observation, enables me to design a more effective curriculum aimed at engaging all students and developing a program that reflects the students in my class and their needs. Some examples of formative and summative assessment I have used include: Student portfolios, which show snippets of work from the start of the year to the end. Anecdotal notes and records of student participation, behaviour and engagement. Student self assessment and reflection. Assessment rubrics, teacher and student made. Rich assessment tasks: open-ended questioning, checklists, and project work. Student oral and written presentations.

To help promote student learning, I ensure that my classroom has high expectations that are clear and realistic for each student. Expectations need to vary from student to student, this is something I have come to understand after working with a number of students who were on Independent Learning Programs or who had disabilities. Whilst on placement this year I have been in a grade 1 classroom, which had multiple students with learning difficulties and disabilities. This has allowed me to develop an understanding of the varying students I may be faced with in my future classes, their own individual abilities and expectations. I endeavour to create a learning environment that not only links to AusVELS but also links to student lives outside the classroom. I achieve this by embedding things such as problem solving, using current happenings in literacy and mathematics lessons and implementing inquiry based learning into aspects of the curriculum. Furthermore, I take into consideration student needs, interests and backgrounds when planning.

SC2 Demonstrate an understanding of how students learn and effective classroom teaching strategies and the capacity to work with colleagues to continually improve teaching and learning. My various placement experiences have allowed me to experience a wide variety of teachers and teaching styles. It is these experiences along with my experiences working at an Out of School Hours Care Program that I have been able to develop my own teaching strategies. My teaching strategies are continually growing and developing along with my teaching and learning. Each day of teaching I feel I am able to further develop my teaching strategies to best suit the class and individual students on the day. I believe my teaching strategies are best implemented once I have formed a positive relationship with my students and when my students have a clear understanding of their expectations in the classroom. I find that I adapt my strategies depending on the class I am with, working out what will work best to maximise each students learning potential. I believe it is the role of the teacher to provide positive teaching practices to cater for all student diversities, and encompass individual learning styles into planning. I understand that students learn in diverse ways and it will be my responsibility as a teacher to be flexible and adaptive to include these learning styles. Being flexible and adaptive, allows me to adjust easily to different classroom environments and different students. It allows me to work well with colleagues who have both different and similar teaching and learning styles to my own. It enables me to plan lessons but be prepared for changes that I did not foresee and implement any necessary adjustments. Finally, it allows me to review lessons I have created with the intention of ensuring all aspects will best benefit my class. I believe all students have a capacity and desire to learn and it will be my role as a teacher to facilitate my students learning and provide them with the tools to do so. At University, I have completed a number of assignments in groups or pairs. Some groups I have chosen, others were chosen for me. I have always worked professionally and supported my group members, resulting in successful assignment completion. I adapt well to most situations and this is reflected in my reports. I welcome feedback and constructive criticism from my associate teachers because not only do I want to improve myself and my teaching skills in any way possible, I want to ensure students are being provided with the best possible opportunities. I am extremely grateful and fortunate that on my placement experiences, I have been able to build professional working relationships with my associate teachers and also other members of staff. I work effectively with my associate teacher and also other members of staff to ensure students in my care are being provided with the best possible education. I find when working with others, I am able to not only give input and present my ideas, but also take in the ideas of others. It is the combination of these experiences that I have developed an understanding of students learning and been able to develop positive classroom teaching strategies. Over the last four years of university and placement experiences I have been able to work effectively with colleagues to continually improve my teaching and learning which will continue to develop as a graduate teacher.

SC3 Capacity to monitor and assess student learning data and to use this data to inform teaching for improved student learning. Implementing, monitoring and assessing students learning are essential components of quality teaching and learning. I am organised in my teaching and ensure I develop and implement student assessment to monitor students progress, abilities or struggles whilst learning. I feel it is important to ensure students are assessed, results are interpreted and then these results are responded to accordingly. Assessment FOR learning: Before students partake in any task or topic of work, it is important to tune students in and gain an understanding of students prior knowledge. As teachers we cannot assume students knowledge, we need to gain a clear understanding of what they already know to then further develop this knowledge. I have used a number of different strategies such as: concept maps, mind maps, written tests and verbal questioning/discussions. These strategies provide me with an insight into what students know and which direction to take my unit/lessons in order to ensure that students will be engaged and able to achieve successful outcomes from my lessons and teaching. Assessment AS learning: Throughout my placement experiences rounds, I have used assessment as learning a number of times. I feel it is beneficial for students because it allows them to be involved in the thinking, comprehension and analysis of activities. In the past, to incorporate assessment as learning, I have created assessment rubrics with the whole class, discussing the different aspects we will use and getting them involved in the process. I constantly encourage students to reflect on their learning in student portfolios or diaries, making note of things they have learnt or could improve on. I leave time at the end of lessons for a conclusion and wrap up, including discussion of what has been learnt, discuss any problems encountered (solved/unsolved) and how things can be done differently or improved in the future. I personally feel that not only is this good for the students, it is also beneficial for me as a graduate teacher. Assessment OF learning: Assessment of learning allows myself to confirm what the students know (or do not know) after a unit of work or particular topic. Not only does it provide teachers with an idea of how a student is progressing, it shows the student themselves how they have progressed and allows them to be proud of what they have accomplished. For this very reason, I enjoy using portfolios, exhibitions, performances and presentations. I have also used tests especially when assessing mathematics. One of the things I love about assessment of learning is getting the students involved in the assessment process through peer assessment, done verbally or in writing. I feel this benefits both students learning and also encourages them to communicate and engage with one another. I feel that an important part of improving student learning is also to help them develop socially, not just academically. A childs wellbeing and success later in life will not solely be based on their academic achievements. Students need to be given opportunities to foster their social skills and develop skills to work effectively in a team, embracing different roles and supporting their peers. I will endeavour to do this throughout my teaching through group work and ensuring students work not only with friends, but also with peers of different abilities, genders and backgrounds.

SC4 Demonstrated high level written and verbal communication skills and high level interpersonal skills including a capacity to develop constructive relationships with students, parents and other staff. Interpersonal and communication skills are fundamental skills in which I believe play a vital role for myself as a graduate teacher. Building and maintaining relationships with students, parents and colleagues is something I feel is important when it comes to teaching. I feel that I am an approachable and friendly person, and this has assisted me in fitting into the school environments in which I have experienced over my placements. During my placement experiences I have seen my interpersonal and communication skills develop. I believe these skills will continue to develop over the years as I continue to experience new situations and grow as a person and as a teacher. I have demonstrated my ability to communicate effectively with students, parents and colleagues in a number of ways: Communicating with students: On all of my placements I have ensured I have got to know each student in my class. Building friendly and respectful relationships with students enables them to know you care about them as an individual and as a member of your class. Also ensuring that I am firm and consistent with behaviour management in my classroom, so that students know what is and what is not acceptable behaviour. I believe it is important for myself as a teacher to be a positive role model for not only the students in my class but for all students in the school. In my teaching I will respect students and their individuality, encourage their ideas and curiosity, celebrate their triumphs, value their contributions and listen and respond to their queries. Berwick Primary Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) has given me the opportunity to interact with a large number of students. I have learnt effective ways to engage and interact with students and ways to help them interact and engage with one another.

Communicating with parents: I believe it is important for teachers to have an open door policy for students, parents and other colleagues. For this to occur I will need to create a comfortable and approachable environment. I will aim to resolve any issues they may have in a way that they feel respected and supported. At Berwick Primary OSHC I have regularly had to communicate with parents. I have had to communicate to parents when any behavioural incidents have taken place and ensure the incidents were dealt with correctly. I believe it is also important to ensure parents are communicated to in regards to positive outcomes as well. I believe I am an approachable member of our work team and am often approached by parents with queries or concerns. During my placement experiences I have had many interactions with parents. Whilst on placement this year I was able to experience parent teacher interviews. My mentor teacher felt comfortable to involve me in this process and regularly involved me by asking my opinion and allowing me to contribute. This enabled me to take part in the interviews and I felt like a valued and trusted member of her classroom.

Communicating with colleagues: I feel I have developed professional and respectful relationships with all of my colleagues over the last four years on placements. I have been an active member of the school communities in which I have been welcomed in to. I believe it is important to develop positive relationships with all of the teachers I work with, regardless of any differences in

teaching styles, as their knowledge and experience are beneficial for my learning and development as a teacher. This year whilst on placement I have attended staff meeting, team meetings and year level meetings. My colleagues have regularly considered and used my opinions and ideas in planning which has made me feel like a valued member of the team. Whilst on placement over my four years I have ensured to have discussions with my mentor teachers about my teaching. I have happily received any advice, critique or feedback they have had as it has given me the opportunity to develop, modify and progress my teaching. I aim to work with colleagues positively, openly, professionally and enthusiastically. I need to be respectful and open to what they have to say in order to learn and grow as a teacher.

SC5 Demonstrated commitment and capacity to actively contribute to a broad range of school activities and a capacity to reflect on, evaluate and improve professional knowledge and practice.

Schools offer such a wide variety of activities for all students and I believe it is important that students get the opportunities to participate in these activities throughout their schooling. I believe I am an active and enthusiastic person that enjoys being involved in all aspects of the school curriculum, even if I am unfamiliar with them. I feel that as a teacher it is important for me to model and encourage students to be involved in all aspects of the school. I would consider myself a more sporty person but however also enjoy being creative with arts and trying new things such as crafts, cooking, using technologies and music. I enjoy seeing the students involvement, engagement and achievements in these activities outside of the academic focus of the classroom. Through my placement experience, volunteer days and work at an Out of School Hour Care I have been able to plan, implement and assist with a wide range of activities. This year on placement with a grade 1 class I have been involved in: PMP, school cross-country and swimming lessons. Being able to be a part of and witness the physical development, their sense of achievement and feelings of success that the students gained from all these activities was very special for me. I have also experienced the life education van, a farm excursion and cooking in active learning sessions. Through my time on placement I have regularly attended the students specialist classes to observe and assist with all aspects of the school curriculum. I have attended art, music, sport, library and ICT lessons, which has not only developed my professional development and knowledge but has also given me the opportunity to work with students in the variety of environments within a school. It was good to see students excel outside of the classroom and see their array of abilities that you do not see everyday in the classroom shine. Whilst on placement, I have attended level meetings, staff meetings and Professional Development days, which have enabled me to develop and build on my professional knowledge. These include: Stephen Graham PD, attended in 2013, demonstrated ways to develop writing in the early years prep to grade 2. Michael Ymer PD, attended in 2013, mathematics workshop. Rubric Development Strategies, attended in 2012, demonstrated ways to develop rubrics for and with students to improve quality of teaching and learning. Words their way program, attended in 2012, developing ideas for making sense of words and spelling. Ipads in the classroom, attended in 2012, learning about the different apps available to be used in the classroom. My work at OSHC has enabled me to plan and implement a wide variety of activities for large numbers of students in both before and after school care. I have planned, organised and managed multiple school holiday programs, including incursions and excursions. I have also assisted with various Active After School Care sessions such as hockey, netball, soccer and tennis. All these experiences demonstrate my ability to be an active member of a school community, and my ability to reflect on and continually improve my teaching practice.

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