Oct 12 To 19 Candid Photography Layout

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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan
Instructors name: Cermanski

Course/Grade: Yearbook

Week of:
October 12 to 19, 2015

Unit Name:
Candid Photography & Yearbook Layout

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: NMVA 7

Essential Question(s):
Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge):
What is a candid portrait and how is it
Students are familiar with layouts from
different from a posed portrait?
magazines, books, etc.
How can I take a strong candid portrait?
Students have seen many candid photos in
How can I edit my photographs for
popular media and take them often with
brightness/contrast to make them better
their phones
What is a layout?
How can I make a creative layout for this
years theme, Composition Book?
How can I be sure I do each page of the
yearbook with the correct layout?
Other considerations (modifications,
accommodations, acceleration, etc.):
Teacher: Images of layout ideas, Demonstration
Struggling students will get more one-onon Publisher
one instruction
Students: Handout and Rubric on Candid
Advanced students will be encouraged to
help others
Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?)
Daily: Daily observations of students formatting layout/editing photos
This Week: Completion of the mock layout
Unit: Proper completion of class page layout

Time allotted
TargetTSW learn how to take strong
candid photos. TSW know this once
he/she takes 10 strong candid photos.

Lesson activities for instructor and students

Do NowPrepare for critique by making sure your work is saved on
the MAYB folder and sitting around the center table.

Finish critiques from Friday

Discuss Candid Photography tips
Discuss candid photography project/rubric
Inform students of candid photo assignments
Check out cameras
Go outside and practice tips by taking photos of each

Learning Target- TSW learn how to
insert shapes, change background
color and transparency of shapes &
creating layout guides. TSW know this
once his/her layout design incorporates
shapes, consciously chosen
background colors, and layout guides.

Learning Target-TSW learn how to
design a strong photo layout. TSW

other (groups of 3 or 4)
Photos due Thursday!
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: Cold call on candid photos
(1B)Closing Activity: Review on candid photo tips
DO NOW---Go onto MAYBAssignments and Handouts
Layout Ideas and look at the examples of Yearbook layouts.
Then, do a google image search of Yearbook layouts. Try
to find 1 or more as inspiration for yearbook layout.!
Examples in the MAYB folder:
--How to put in background shapes with transparent colors
--How to use the pencil tool
-- How to insert picturesdrag & drop, insert,
--Right clicking to edit picture
--how to do picture border (think about
background before choosing color)
-- resizing, cropping, moving
--creating grid & layout guides
Explain we will experiment with different layouts. Each
person will design a layout using the same photos (Visual
Arts class)
You will do a Club Page, Sport Page, and Candid Page
layout design using theme of Mixed Tape
1-Use guidelines
2-Add a border to each photo
3Use shapes/background images to make an interesting
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: Observe students while
they work on layout
(1B)Closing Activity: Cold call on how to create a transparent
Continue on layout design
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: Observe students while

know this when he/she has completed

his/her layout design.
Target TSW learn how to edit
photos for brightness and contrast.
TSW know this once 10 photos are
edited for brightness and contrast.
Target TSW learn how to edit
photos for brightness and contrast.
TSW know this once 10 photos are
edited for brightness and contrast.

TargetTSW learn how to participate
effectively in a critique. TSW know
this when he/she makes several strong
comments in the critique.

Club Page
Sport Page
Candid Page

they work on layout

(1B)Closing Activity: Cold call on how to use the pencil tool

Continue on layout design

(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: Observe students while

they work on layout
(1B)Closing Activity: Cold call on how to use the pencil tool
Do NowEdit 10 of your photos on Pixlr or Gimp. Just edit for
brightness and contrast and cropping. Resave image with another title
so you dont erase original.
--Demonstrate how to adjust brightness/contrast on Pixlr and Gimp
and how to crop
--Edit 10 photos by tomorrow
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: Observe students while
they edit for brightness and contrast
(1B)Closing Activity: How to edit brightness/contrast on Gimp?
Critique on photos?
Layout submission presentations-- Vote on 2-3 favorite photo
layouts using Voting Sheet
Students will write down specifications for us (guideline
rulers, border size and color, etc.)
(1F)Embedded Formative Assessment: Participation in critique
(1B)Closing Activity: What makes the 2-3 layouts we voted
on strong?

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