Narrative Poultry

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Poultry farm

In our course Agri- Fishery Arts, there was a topic about animal production.
Our class decided to visit one of the farms here in Batangas. The farm that we
decided to visit was the poultry farm in Sitio Sto. Nino, Taysan, Batangas.
On August 1, 2015, was the day we decided to went to that farm. Our
instructor assigned to one of

our classmate to look for the transportation that we

will use to go there. We agree that the meeting place will be at the Luansing Plaza
at exactly 7:30 am. Because we are too crowded in a jeep, our classmate decided
lease two jeepneys.
Even though they had set time, some of our classmate arrived late at the
time they set. When everybody was present, we start travelling. We arrived there at
around 9:00am. Unfortunately, the supervisor doesnt know that we are thirty five
students, all in all thirty six including Maam Marianne Custudio accommodate. The
farm supervisor entertained us in a friendly way, even though he didnt expect us to
visit on that day. On our talk with the wife of the farm supervisor, they were
expecting us to visit on the next day. Suddenly, Mr. Gunay, the farm supervisor,
toured us in the new building, wherein the tools and equipment were presented.
After visiting the new building, Mr. Gunay decided to divide us into five
members each group to be able to know who will enter on the building where there
were chickens. It was because the chickens didnt aware of the noise if all of us will
go there so that was the other way for every one of us to look closely on the
chickens inside the tunnel design of the building. Our instructor, Mrs. Marianne
Custodio said that we can ask questions for us to know more about the poultry, to
be acquainted on the different breeds they had been taking good care of, and to
gain some techniques in raising a poultry business. As the supervisor said, there
were two kinds of breeds that they nurtured for broiler type; it was the cobbs and
roost. He also told that the chickens were at its 25 days old and after a week, they
were ready to harvest. The weight of the chicken should reach 1.5 kg per chicken
before the hauling day.
We also asked him about the history of the poultry farm they hold. He said
that his profession was not really related to agriculture. He finished nursing and had

experienced to take care of poultry in abroad. And after he arrived at the

Philippines, someone offered him to manage a poultry farm. According to him, the
farm was started in a conventional type. He shared to us that the first poultry farm
that has been established was in San Jose, Batangas, but it didnt succeed because
of the complains they had encountered and receive from the neighbours about the
bad smell it brought, especially, when they were hauling, as well as to the
complains concerning the spread of diseases that had discovered in their farm. That
incident brings an idea to think for solutions about the problem of the poultry. An
American gave them a plan that was already existed in abroad that they believed
will solve to the problem. It was the reason why they came up to that type of
building and to the tools and equipment they are using nowadays. The farm
supervisor added that as the chicken grows, the height of the feeding trough also
increases. The lights are continuous so that the chicken will receive regulated heat.
We also inquired him about the common diseases of the chickens in the poultry
farm and he answered that there was halak, pisik and sipon. When we dont have
any questions at all, we said goodbye and thanked him for the warm welcome to us,
then the next batch followed after we were done. We leave in the farm around 12
Eventually, the over-all result in this activity was a successful one through the
efforts and eagerness to learn more about poultry farm, which was achieved. A lot
of things were gained and to visit a farm was a great experienced for us. We were
glad that we have that opportunity in visiting a kind of poultry, which was
modernized and had creative construction. It was one of the interested things
covered by the Agriculture and Fishery Arts.


Feeding Troughs
and dropping

Drinking Troughs

Water Monitor

Cooling Pad

Dropping Boards

Feed Bin

Poultry Side

Chickens (25 days


Tunnel Type

Viewing Mirror


Prepared By:
De Las Alas, Iyann
Luansing, Alyzza Loren
Magadia, Neriza
Manalo, Jessica
Rabano, Pablita

Prepared To:
TLE 305 Instructor


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