Traveling The World Saved My Life: Memoir by Christopher Wells
Traveling The World Saved My Life: Memoir by Christopher Wells
Traveling The World Saved My Life: Memoir by Christopher Wells
had taken for granted in my own life. The main school in town, which
looked after both the town and the surrounding villages, provided the
access to education. I would help the children who ranged from the ages of
six to fourteen and had all come from different walks of life in the
orphanage with their homework every day. I also taught English to adults
that lived in town to improve their own English and tried to improve their
understanding of grammar as best I could without receiving any formal
training myself. Although this amounted to very little, to some it meant a
great deal. My days started at five in the morning to get the children ready
for school and then would go to help with the construction of a new
orphanage until they finished and I had to go back to looking after them. It
was exhausting work and demanded more than I had ever expected, yet I
never slept in, or complained about the work. I developed an appreciation
for helping others, and experienced how it was able to be such a driving
force for myself. I also learned how much I had taken my own education
for granted, as a student in high school I was full of attitude and wanted
nothing to do with being there. However, when I went to Nepal I saw just
how much both the children and adults valued education, and made it
such a focus within their lives. Education revolved around trying to build
their understanding of English and the children worked so hard to make
sure their grades were high. The older boys worked hard to succeed on
their tests in order to get scholarships and grants in order to go to
university. When I was helping them with homework and to study I had no
and culture, I would state that eventually it loses it shine. You can only see
so many cathedrals and museums, which is why I ended up working odd
jobs for under the table cash. When I left for this trip, I believed that all I
wanted to do with my life was travel the world and experience it, but while
I was there I learned that sometimes what truly matters is what is at
home. I met a teacher who had spent the last twenty-five years working
overseas in different countries and no longer had any contacts at home.
This realization was something that led me to think about going home and
continue my education. While it did not have the same effect on me that
Nepal did, I was on my own for the entire time I was there and had grown
so distant from friends and family I rarely talked to them anymore. I met
people from different backgrounds and cultures, worked jobs all over the
continent, saw amazing sights, and experienced things that I could not
even begin to go into detail about. This trip helped me to learn more about
myself as a person, and through my experiences I was able to develop a
better awareness and understanding of what I wanted with my life. I was
able to reflect on my life, and in doing so, I decided that I wanted to
become a teacher. So while it did not create the fundamental shift in my
ideologies like Nepal did, it provided me with a variety of experiences that
helped me to become reflexive of my own life and what I wanted to do
with it.
So what does my title mean when I saw it saved my life? I described
two trips that I have gone on, and how they helped me to mature as an
Writing Process
I found that I struggled immensely with this writing assignment since
one of the things that I dislike the most, is talking about myself and the
trips that I have gone on. I chose it over the literary story since that one
confused me more than anything else and I had no idea how to even start
it. I struggled choosing events that were significant to me and would have
to describe in detail because I did not want to provide personal
information. I prefer not to go into personal details of my life for
assignments like this, but I didnt understand how to do the literary story
so this was like pulling teeth.
The in class peer-review was a disappointment for me since the
student I chose to pair up with did not give me any advice even though I
knew my rough paper needed it. I asked if there were any spaces where I
should expand and was met with indifference towards editing the paper
and only a summative, its good. So I went and had to find other
classmates to edit my paper outside of the class time provided, which in
the end proved to be very helpful.