Wait / Weight: 1. Choose The Right Word To Complete The Sentence

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Choose the right word to complete the sentence

wait / weight

a) he has lost !!!!!!!. he looks great. b) " had to !!!!!! for his call so " missed the bus.

site / sight

a) #a$e you seen the school%s new !!!!!!!!& b) " can%t stand the !!!!!!!! of blood.

there / their

a) !!!!!! was a huge pile of coins in the fountain. b) !!!!!! names were engra$ed onto the trophy.

dear / deer

a) 'ill you set the table( my !!!!!!!!& b) )ook* There%s a !!!!!!! by the ri$er.

night / knight

a) The late !!!!!!!!! ir )ang was buried here. b) There was an eclipse of the moon last !!!!!!!. a) -i$e me a !!!!!!!( will you& b) " always !!!!!!! gently. a) Thank you* 'e !!!!!!! be thrilled to come. b) This box is made of !!!!!!!!. a) he doesn%t eat !!!!!!!. b) !!!!!!!! me at the station at . o%clock. a) "t was !!!!!! to see they were in lo$e. b) #er boyfriend was killed in a !!!!!! crash. a) ,on%t ask her for money. "t%s a !!!! of time. b) #e put his arm round my !!!!!!!!. b) a) The dog chased his !!!!!!! tirelessly. b) "t was a !!!!!!! of bra$ery and honesty. a) #e in+ured his !!!!!!! last year. b) "t took a long time to !!!!!!!!.

break / brake wood / would

meat / meet

plain / plane

waste / waist

tale / tail heal / heel

text using the correct word.

2. Read the following text carefully. There are ten wrongly spelt words. Rewrite the

)ast weak " red an interesting add in the papers. There was to bee a sail in the new shopping centre. 'hen " told my sun about it( he +ust said3 4-ood to here that*5 #e ob$iously didn%t share my enthusiasm. 6oreo$er( he maid fun of me3 4'hy don%t you male the news too all of your friends&5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/. Complete the crossword using the correct homophone 0cross .. right 1. won ,own 1. flour 2. grate /. allowed 2. peace

2. Think of one more pair of homophones and set a task for your partner

a) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teaching notes

)ead7in 8my suggestion)

0sk your students to take out their notebooks and pens. Tell them you are going to dictate a few words that they should write down. 'hen they get ready( start dictating3 /ai/( /bai/( /hai/( /tu3/( /nou/. They will get confused not knowing which word you actually mean. Tell them it%s their choice. Then write the phonetic transcription on board and ask them to spell out the words they ha$e written. /ai/ 7 "( eye9 /bai/ 7 by( buy( bye9 /hai/ 7 hi( high9 /tu3/ 7 to( too( two9 /nou/ 7 no( know. Tell them that these words( which sound alike but are spelt differently and ha$e different meaning( are called homophones.

,istribute the worksheet and tell them to do the first three exercises in pairs. 'hen they ha$e completed the task( ask them to check results with the pair in front/behind them( and then check with the whole class. ;inally( ask them to think of one more pair of homophones and set a task for their partner.

#appy teaching*

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