The Good News Magazine - November/December 2015
The Good News Magazine - November/December 2015
The Good News Magazine - November/December 2015
Where Did an Evil Spirit World Come From? 8 Coming: A Marvelous New Age 12
Christmas Before Christ 16 Jesus Christ: Creator of the Sabbath Day 19
November-December 2015
November-December 2015
Circulation: 259,000
The Good News (ISSN: 1086-9514) is published bimonthly by the United Church of God, an International
Association, 555 Technecenter Dr., Milford, OH 45150. 2015 United Church of God, an International Asso
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Publisher: United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders: Scott Ashley, Bill Bradford, Aaron Dean, Robert Dick, John Elliott, Mark Mickelson,
Rainer Salomaa, Mario Seiglie, Rex Sexton, Don Ward, Anthony Wasilkoff, Robin Webber (chairman)
Church president: Victor Kubik Media operation manager: Peter Eddington Managing editor: Scott Ashley
Senior writers: Jerold Aust, John LaBissoniere, Darris McNeely, Steve Myers, Gary Petty, Tom Robinson
Copy editors: Milan Bizic, Tom Robinson Art director: Shaun Venish Circulation manager: John LaBissoniere
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Table of Contents
Cover Feature
Photos, from left: ThinkStock/Shaun Venish, Marie-Lan Nguyen/Wikimedia Commons, Thinkstock (2), Shaun Venish, Thinkstock Cover: Thinkstock/Shaun Venish
Jesus Christ:
Creator of the Sabbath Day
When we see injustice, brutality and sin Making Peace Beyond the Impossible
on this scale, we rightly get angry at the
What can a letter to a slave owner about
evil. How can we ensure were experihis runaway slave teach us about healencing godly, righteous anger instead
of destructive, carnal anger? . . . . . 24 ing broken relationships? . . . . . . . . 34
Regular Features
Beyond Today Television log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Letters From Our Readers Readers of The Good News share their thoughts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Questions and Answers Answers to your questions about the Bible and Christian living. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
November-December 2015
A shocking event from the life of the biblical prophet Daniel opens
a window into a different dimensionan unseen spirit world and
beings who play a hidden role in events taking place around us.
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were told here in Daniel. We see mentioned a prince of Persia and a prince
of Greece. These unseen powers from the
spirit world control the physical kingdoms
of Persia and Greece in this physical world.
These evil spiritual powers influence the
actions and politics of nations even today.
In Daniels day that meant the political,
military, economic and cultural atmosphere
of those nations or kingdoms were actually manipulated and shaped by powerful
unseen spirits. And as we see from this
passage, these beings were determined
to try to thwart the will of Godthough
God had a message for Daniel that ultimately showed the future history of the
region for several hundred yearsand then
into our modern world and the times just
or understand it or not, powers and principalities are at work on the spiritual level
influencing physical events in our world.
These unseen spiritual forces ultimately
are behind many of the headlines you and I
read every day. This is a key to understanding great world events and what is happening in our world. The implications are
crucial to your life and mine.
How do we know this? We know this
from not only what Daniels story tells us
but also what we see elsewhere in the Bible.
A glimpse into the spirit dimension
Lets break this down and look at what
e look at our world and rightly wonder, Whats going on? We see horrible
things happening, suffering and brutality
unimaginable to our eyes and senses. We watch
terrorist groups rise in the Middle East and Africa
where they brutalize whole populations into fear.
They behead and torture captivesshowing no
shred of decency or humanity.
What we are witnessing is pure evil. What we
see being done to helpless people is not ultimately
of man. We are seeing works of spiritual wickedness being done through men who use religion and
politics as coverings for unspeakable acts against
their fellow human beings.
You wont read about this aspect of events in
news accounts nor hear government leaders or
their spokespersons talk about it in such terms.
I watch a lot of news programs and read a lot
of history books. Every day I read the reporting
and commentary of many intelligent and knowledgeable people who understand a lot about what
happens around the world. But I dont find in any
of this an understanding of why the wars and suffering that afflict this world take place. I dont find
in their sources the spiritual understanding that
something invisiblesomething from the powers
of the unseen worldis involved in the headlines
and events shaping todays world.
We have to go to the Bible to understand the
spiritual dimension that impacts big events in our
world every day. These same forces can be at
work in your lifeprompting and provoking you to
anger, to envy, to crippling emotional weaknesses
that keep you down and hold you back from a
productive, happy and balanced life.
You need to understand that there is something
you can do with this knowledge. You can make a
difference in your life for the good. But you have to
step back from the busy, unfocused direction you
have each day and take a new look at God, this
world and what makes the world work.
Do what Daniel did. Take a step back. Go to God
in focused prayer and even fasting. Daniel wanted
to know the why of his day. His nation had been
November-December 2015
Exploring Gods
Gods Word
Vine, Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words,
1985, Devil, Devilish).
Jesus Christ says Satan is a liar and the
father of it and that there is no truth in
him (John 8:44). The Bible reveals the
enormity of his lies and their impact, with
the apostle John stating in Revelation 12:9
that he deceives the whole world.
Satans origins revealed
But where did the devil come from? Did
God purposefully create an evil being? To
understand Satans origin, we must go far
back in time, before human beings existed.
Genesis 1:1 tells us that in the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth.
However, the Bible doesnt tell the whole
story in one or even several verses. We find
more details elsewhere in the Bible, in this
case in the book of Job.
When Job, beset with terrible calamity
and suffering in spite of being a very
devout follower of God, began to question Gods judgment, God responded with
pointed questions to help him realize he
didnt have the wisdom to question God.
In His response, in the form of questions
to Job, God revealed some details about
His creation of the earth.
Where were you when I laid the earths
foundation? God asked Job. Tell me, if
you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? ... On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstonewhile the
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a Different God
November-December 2015
Coming: A Marvelous
by John LaBissoniere
lay in utter ruins. The devastation of civilization will be nearly totalthe progress
of generations virtually wiped out. If not
for His timely and merciful intervention,
humanitys legacy would have amounted to
absolutely nothing!
What is Gods blueprint for humankind
from that point forward? Building literally
on the ashes of a spent, shattered society,
Jesus Christ will create an entirely new civilization and infrastructure. He will begin
implementing His plan by first comforting
and healing the bewildered and terrified
survivors of the just-ended period of global
With the assistance of His newly resurrected, immortal saints, He will provide
these beleaguered, pitiful individuals with
immediate physical needsincluding food,
shelter, clothing, fresh water and medical
care (Ezekiel 34:12-16; Matthew 6:11; Malachi 4:2). He will assure each of these weary,
mourning people that they are safe and no
longer need to live in fear (Isaiah 44:8).
A divine, benevolent government
and world peace
Jesus Christ will also help them understand that genuine peace has finally arrived
and a new, divine, benevolent government
will serve and support them (Revelation
11:18; Isaiah 9:6; Jeremiah 33:16). Over
a period of time these people, who had
suffered intense misery and tragedy, will
begin rebuilding their physical and mental
health and strength. The Lord says, I have
seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will
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November-December 2015
A syncretized Christianity
What I already knew that day in Italy
was dramatically reinforced by the open
admission of a very smart and sincere
teacher. It started me thinking about how
much like the Romans people are today
when it comes to religion. Rome borrowed
the gods and goddesses and religions from
As our guide described this festival he
asked the group, Did Jesus have a birthday Greece, Egypt, Babylon, northern Europe
on Dec. 25? Absolutely not! he quickly and other nations. They mixed them
answered. I caught a glance at a number of together in their version of faith and
went on living their lives.
fellow travelers, all of whom were BibleThe church that succeeded
believing folk, and saw they
to Romes position of power
were nodding their head in
syncretized in adopting
many of the pagan
He continued: The
days, chief of which
text shows it was
was Dec. 25 and the
warm and there were
Saturnalia festival.
sheep in the field. In
To their concept of
the winter months
Jesus Christ they
the sheep are all
gave the biggest
indoors and not in
holiday and brought
the field, he went
in elements of the
on to say. But, he
sun god to complete
said, if this new God
an image of a new god
we are serving is the big
made in their image.
God then lets put His
Paganism was baptized
birth date on Dec. 25 and
with a form of biblical
make it a big celebraThis ancient Roman silver disk depicts Sol
tion. So they did. The
Invictus, the Roman sun god whose birthday religion, and the new
church was off and runwas celebrated annually on Dec. 25the
rest is religious history.
Today we have a term date later adopted for the Christmas holiday. ning. False doctrine, a triune god and completely
for thatsyncretism.
foreign forms of worship became accepted
It means a blending of ideas to create
teaching and practice, and ultimately the
something different or new. In this case
tradition to which succeeding generations
they blended a thoroughly pagan idolaof church teachers would subscribe.
trous winter festival into their version of
Christmas today is a mixture of false reliChristianity.
gious teaching and commercialism. Throw
Never mind that a straightforward reading of the biblical account of Christs birth in some new age abstractions and you have
a perfect holiday that adapts itself to just
shows it was not in the dead of winter.
Never mind that a little digging into the his- about any culture on earth today. Even nonChristian nations like China and Japan have
tory behind the Gospel accounts points to
His birth being in the fall of the year. Never parts of the Christmas traditions attached to
mind that the New Testament gives no com- Dec. 25. They may not care about the religious symbols, but they do observe some
mand to observe His birth as a festival or
holiday of any kind. Never mind, as my tour form of the holiday in parts of the countries. Japan does a booming retail business
guide was saying, that Jesus was not born
during the Christmas season.
on Dec. 25 or anywhere close to that date.
So what does all this mean for us in our
Never mind these things because synmodern world? Christmas is the worlds
cretism says we can do whatever we want
single biggest and most lucrative holiday.
when it comes to worshipping God!
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You probably realize Christ was not born on Dec. 25, and you may
not think its important. But it really does matter. And it really is
important that you not celebrate that day as His birthday!
November-December 2015
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How Did
Santa Claus
Enter the Picture?
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Photos: Thinkstock
Galilee to Bethlehem, and since his expectant wife Mary traveled with him, it would
have been nearly impossible for the two to
make the trip in the winter.
Jesus Christ
November-December 2015
November-December 2015
A third intifada?
Turkish-Kurdish tensions
Chinese espionage
reach boiling point
against America
fter initially remaining uninvolved in the Wests
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In the wake of the Iran nuclear deal, the question looms about
what Iran might do once it acquires nuclear weapons. Some are
sounding the alarm about a dangerous scenario that could fatally
wound a nation in an instant. by Tom Robinson
Spiritual blindness
and drunkenness
Another factor ties in closely with
this. Its an additional spiritual component that the Bible calls drunkenness.
The biblical prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah
and Ezekiel all used the same term to
describe the irrational decision-making
of leaders and people who have forsaken and rejected God. They lose their
its partner North Korea is enabled deliberately by their silent partnersRussia and
China. In order to survive, the West must
wake-up to the reality that Iran, North
Korea, China and Russia are all rogue
states tacitly allied against the West, working together to topple the existing world
order . . .
Russia and China have deliberately proliferated missile and nuclear technology to
Prudent Disaster
xperts warn about the possibility of an electromagnetic pulse attack that could knock out electricity
over vast regions. The grid also could be brought
down for a while by natural disasters such as floods,
fires, severe storms or by other forms of human attacks.
Regardless of the potential effects of unexpected catastrophes, it is wise to be prepared for emergencies.
As Proverbs 22:3 and 27:12 state: A prudent person
foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton
goes blindly on and suffers the consequences (New
Living Translation). We are also to be doing what we
can to provide for our families (1 Timothy 5:8). So its
important that we give due attention to preparation.
In a Sept. 3, 2015 article titled Survival in the Age of
EMP, Norman Rogers at the American Thinker writes:
The consequences of grid and computer failure could
be horrible, especially because we are totally unprepared
. . . Without electricity for months or years, civilization
collapses. The food chain cannot operate without electricity to power the factories. Transportation, assuming
cars and trucks still run, cannot operate without fuel.
Without refineries and pipelines operating, there will be
no fuel. If it is winter, people will be burning their furniture
for heat. People dependent on drugs to stay alive will die
because the factories that make drugs will be idle.
This new war scenario gives another reason for
individuals to store food . . . Mormons have long been
encouraged to store a years supply of food. The California Earthquake Authority suggests having a 2-week
supply of food. The State of Florida suggests having a
3-day supply of food.
Grocery stores dont store large quantities of food
and are often cleaned out in hours when a hurricane
threatens. The long food chain has to operate to process
and distribute food. That food chain depends on equipment, transportation, the financial system, electricity,
etc. When there is an earthquake or hurricane, massive help is quickly mobilized from outside the affected
area, so food storage needs are small. [This might not
be so easy if an EMP-affected area is huge, as it likely
would be.] . . .
How many people or organizations have thought
about how one would buy (or sell) things when credit
card terminals, bank computers, and ATMs dont work?
. . . Since the government is not doing anything about
an EMP, it may be a good idea for individuals and organizations to make their own plans for emergency food
Of course, this must be in balance with all of lifes
priorities. The Bible warns us that if we are just trying
to save our physical lives, we will not ultimately make
it through (Luke 17:33). We should prepare as we are
able for societal disruptions but not go to extremes.
The Bible encourages us to seek first Gods Kingdom
and righteousness and He will take care of our daily
needs (Matthew 6:33)but a part of righteousness is
prudent preparation.
November-December 2015
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Sabbath truth was a glimpse into the longprophesied Kingdom of God. Their own
writings reveal this insight. As they read
Jesus teachings on the Sabbath, they saw
the Kingdom of God. They saw the Sabbath as a sign between the Creator and His
chosen people. They believed that as they
kept the Sabbath, they entered a covenant
relationship with the same God who delivered the children of Israel from bondage
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November-December 2015
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Youll also find answers to frequently asked
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dozens of biblical topics, and much more!
You can also listen to or download sermons, presentations and TV programs
done by many of The Good News writers.
We hope youll visit us today to discover
what youve been missing!
They realized that the Sabbath is a biblical key to unlocking the mystery of the
coming Kingdom of God on earth with
Jesus Christ as Lord. You really cannot understand this truth without proper
knowledge and understanding of the
Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath. He kept
the Sabbath, and He taught us how to keep
it today. He taught us how to enjoy a fuller
life by observing the Sabbath. Far from
doing away with the Sabbath, Jesus showed
us how to live in the world of the Sabbath
and improve the quality of our lives.
When we properly observe this day to
God, we make a spiritual connection that is
real, honest and true. Its the foundation of
the only meaningful relationship that can
endure and see one through the challenges
and trials, highs and lows, triumphs and
tragedies of this mortallife.
When Christ said, I am the way, the
truth and the life (John 14:6), He was
showing the way forward through this
Making Peace
Beyond the Impossible
and bring the runaway slave Onesimus and
the slave owner Philemon back together
again in a classic Humpty Dumpty mess.
Paul begins his letter in verse 1 by
reminding Philemon that Paul himself is
lacking freedom, since he is a prisoner of
o you remember the childhood
mans expression of loving concern towards Christ Jesus and not merely of Rome. This
is the beginning wake-up call to Philemon
rhyme Humpty Dumpty? The
another in encouraging him to pick up the
words went: Humpty Dumpty sat pieces and restore a broken relationship. Its to understand that nothing happens apart
from Gods willeven Pauls physical
on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had
the story of three men who are all Christians. But here lies the rubone was a pris- limitations.
a great fall. All the kings horses
Although he is a prisoner, Paul offers
and all the kings men couldnt put Humpty oner, one was a slave owner, and one was
blessings and gifts not from himself but
his runaway slave.
together again.
from God to the slave owner. He offers the
Its the story of the apostle Paul, a prisBut for some people these words are more
than a rhyme. For them it describes the real- oner in Rome, a slave owner named Phile- blessings of God framed in the two great
greetings of the ancient worldgrace
ity theyre dealing with at this very moment. mon, and a slave named Onesimus. Here
When it comes to human relationships,
we discover the practical application of the (charis in Greek), used by Hellenistic people, and peace (shalom in Hebrew), but
we may be a shattered Humpty Dumpty
wisdom expressed in Proverbs 25:11: A
here translated into Greek as eirene, which
or we may be all the kings men who
word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in
feel helpless in putting relationships back
together again. Impossible! may be the
Paul wrote his letter to Philemon encouraging him to
word that sticks in your mind and digs the
hole deeper like a grave in your heart. Thus
accept his runaway slave Onesimus as a brotherand
we just stare at the cracks and fissures that
had Onesimus hand-deliver the letter to Philemon.
separate us from other people rather than
seeking hope in Gods answers.
Jesus said, Blessed are the peacemakers,
settings of silver. Here we find the spiritual speaks to reconciliation among men.
This is how Paul begins and will end his
for they shall be called the sons of God (Mat- reality in our human world that living in
thew 5:9). Peace isnt manufactured in the vac- Christ is the key to making peace beyond letter, framing his petition within the bookends of Gods gifts. He reminds Philemon
uum of wishful thinking. It has to be made the impossible.
that God has continued divine involvement
one word, one heart, one godly motive, one
How impossible was the situation conin a life that might have stormy moments and
fronting these three men? The Roman
person at a time. And it will cost someone
not merely calm waters, but that the answers
Empire in which they lived had approxithe peacemaker who puts his or her own
will be forthcoming to maintain an inner
skin in the game and heart on the line.
mately 250 million inhabitants. Its estimated that one fourth to half of the popula- peace no matter what may come our way.
But, you might be saying, its too
He goes on to share what Philemon and
late! No its not. You have merely resigned tion were slaves. Some worked in quarries
his family have graciously done by having
or in the galleys, some were household
yourself to failure too soon. The whole of
servants, and some were teachers and even the local church congregation meet in their
Scripture reveals otherwisethat mans
extremities are but the beginning of Gods government bureaucrats, but all were slaves. house (verse 2) and that their reputation is
Aristotle, the noted Greek philosopher, rea- one of love and faith . . . toward the Lord
opportunities to work in us and through us.
soned in his treatise Politics that a slave was Jesus and toward all the saints (verse 5,
So how do we learn to make peace
emphasis added throughout).
beyond the seemingly impossible? How do a piece of property and a tool for action
But Paul makes it plain that such good is
who belonged to others. This accepted culwe adhere to Jesus Christs encouraging
in Christ Jesus (verse 6). Theres sometural classification and driving economic
admonition of Follow Me?
thing at work here beyond mere human
force was kept intact by brutal force.
One mans petition to pick up the pieces
Its here in Pauls letter to Philemon that kindness. Now Paul is going to stretch Philemon far out of his comfort zone. Rememthe apostle must break those bonds of fear
We find Jesus pathway to peace in one
What can a letter to a slave owner about his runaway slave teach
us about healing broken relationships? The answer is that it can
teach us a great deal! by Robin Webber
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My sheep Hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (John 10:27).
ber Pauls words about Philemons love and
faith . . . toward all the saints? Philemon is
about to find out how encompassing all
really is!
November-December 2015
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subjecting everything to him, He left nothing that is not subject to him. As it is, we
do not yet see everything subjected to him
(Hebrews 2:6-8, Holman Christian Standard Bible, emphasis added throughout).
This passage not only describes the
works of Gods earthly creation being
overseen by human beings, but implies
that exceedingly greater responsibility
awaits them. The expression everything
is translated from the Greek term ta panta,
which means the all or the universe
meaning the entirety of creation (John 1:3;
Revelation 21:7).
But why will God offer you this breathtaking opportunity? The marvelous answer is
that He not only loves you, but is preparing
you and all people for significantly greater
work and service ahead (1 Corinthians 2:910; 1 John 4:7-8, 16).
Human beings are Gods supreme creation
(Luke 12:7; Exodus 15:13). The Fathers
astonishing architectural plan reveals that
you, on becoming one of His newly resurrected children, will serve with Jesus Christ
when He returns to earth to rule in righteousness and compassion (Ephesians 1:21;
Jeremiah 12:15; 33:16). Everything will be
placed under His jurisdiction, and He will
share His governing duties with all of Gods
devoted, virtuous sons and daughters who
have been granted everlasting life (Matthew
28:18; 1 Corinthians 15:49-53).
is always the result (Romans 3:10-18). Evidence of this has been witnessed throughout history in the evil, anguish, poverty
and warfare that has afflicted humanity
the light especially here in Kenya and other parts of the world.
I was very pleased to read of your decision to go with the new title Beyond
Today for your magazine. Your board of directors has carefully and prayerfully
analyzed the best direction to take, and I am confident our Heavenly Father will
bless your efforts immensely. I want to be a part of that good work! Enclosed is
my offering to help cover the costs of publishing and mailing the magazines.
Were glad you found our study guides helpful. Those you requested are on
I enjoy reading your Good News magazine and viewing your Beyond Today
way to you.
program. Very uplifting, inspiring and professionalgreat spiritual food. Thank
Looking for a congregation
you for providing this excellent service.
From the Internet
Thank you for being a blessing to me and every person watching your Bible
study videos and sermons; they are highly appreciated.
I stumbled upon your Beyond Today program and was so glad to find someViewer in South Africa body on TV truly preaching and teaching Gods Word. Can you send your TV
Were glad you appreciate and learn from them! Our Bible studies are avail- schedule and your churchs location?
Viewer in Texas
able online at (click the Webcast tab), and our sermons are
available at
The United Church of God, which sponsors The Good News magazine and
Beyond Today TV program, has congregations around the world, including in
Thanks so much for the publications you sent me. I came in contact with
New York City and multiple locations in Texas. You can find the congregation
your magazine many years ago in a friends house, and subsequently made
closest to you at Our Beyond Today program listing can
a request to receive it. When I received some of your booklets, I studied them
be found at under the Television tab.
all. In particular, I had special interest in The Middle East in Bible Prophecy and
I want to know if you have a group here in Riyadh, so that I can enjoy and
The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. I hail from Borno State, Nigeria,
learn your teachings!
which is the epicenter of Boko Haram. A number of my relations were killed
Reader in Saudi Arabia
by this group. As a Christian I asked, Why? Your publications gave me the
biblical answer. Keep up the good work. May God bless your ministry.
Since its illegal for non-Muslim groups to meet or to practice Christianity
Reader in Nigeria in Saudi Arabia, we do not have any congregations there. However, interested
viewers can watch or download sermons from our website at
Appreciates abundant website information
sermons. Sabbath services can be accessed live under the Webcast tab.
I am so grateful for the abundance of information you have on your website.
how to keep Gods festivals
I am hungry and thirsty for God. Your website seems limitless with clear,
broken-down examples for me to better understand Scripture and connect it
I would like to request the booklet Gods Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope
to my life. God bless you!
for All Mankind. I watched the Beyond Today presentation about them and
Internet reader would like to know how to celebrate them.
Viewer in Christchurch, New Zealand
It is a pleasure to let you know that I have been to your website and have
been so much attracted to learn more for our spiritual growth here. Indeed it is
I have read your booklet Gods Holy Day Plan: The Promise of Hope for All
good work done, and you are going to be a blessing to many who have not seen Mankind. I would love to learn more of what I need to do for each of the festivals that God wants us to observe. Is there any way I can learn what to do on
each of these Holy Days that would please God? Thanks!
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From the Internet
Q: How does a person receive the Holy Spirit, and how does that tie
in with baptism?
From the Internet
A: The apostle Peter summed up how we receive the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38:
Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for
the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Notice that receiving Gods Spirit involves a process. First, Peter says
we are to repent. To repent means to change your mind and heart to turn
toward God. It means realizing that you have sinned, that sin exists in your
life, that you regret those sins and that you want to leave that way of life
behind to follow God from that point forward. But repentance is not a onetime event; its a way of life. It means constantly turning away from sin and
the temptation to sin to wholeheartedly surrender in obedience to God.
Obeying God is a key requirement. Acts 5:32 tells us that God gives the
Holy Spirit to those who obey Him.
After we take that first step of repentance, we must then be baptized.
Being fully submerged in water makes for a powerful metaphor: We are
burying the old person in a watery grave, and the new person who comes
up out of the water is a new creation (Romans 6:3-4; 2 Corinthians 5:17).
Being baptized means we are inviting God to live in us through His Holy
Spirit so He can help us make this lifelong change and commitment to follow Him in all we do.
After a person comes up out of the waters of baptism, a minister of
Jesus Christ lays hands on him or her and prays for God to grant the person
the gift of His Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-17; Hebrews 6:1-2). If the person has
truly repented, God then gives His Holy Spiritand no, it doesnt come
down like a dove or with tongues of fire, these signs for others being
unique instances in Scripture. The baptized person probably wont feel
dramatically different after coming out of the water or after having hands
laid on his or her head. We know we have received Gods Spirit because
God promises to give it to us when we repent in faith and follow the steps
He commands.
Once we have the Holy Spirit, we have access to something incredible
We do not deny the Holy Spirit when we teach from the Bible that it is not a
member of a Trinity. God is a family presently consisting of God the Father and
Jesus Christ. They are adding to that family by calling human beings to become
like Them in the process of conversion. This happens through the power of the
Holy Spirit, which is given to a person at baptism and will guide him or her into
becoming like Jesus Christ, just as you stated (see also the Q&A above).
But the Holy Spirit is not a separate, conscious entityrather, it is the power,
mind and essence of God. We offer a thoroughly researched study guide on this
subject titled Is God a Trinity?available for free at We
urge our readers to thoroughly examine what the Bible actually saysand does
not sayabout the Trinity (a word, incidentally, found nowhere in the Bible).
the very power and essence of God. It is a spirit of power and of love and
of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
The power of God is what we can draw on to make bold and dramatic
decisions and changes as we leave our old way of living and thinking to
embark on a new way of life. We know that with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26) and that he who began a good work in you will
carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6, New
International Version).
The love of God is what we can draw on to reorient our minds from
constantly seeking our own wants to instead thinking more of the needs of
others. It also enables us to let go of the hurts caused by others and to love
them, forgiving them as we have now been forgiven.
The sound mind of God is what we can draw on to be calm, disciplined
and unafraid in the face of the challenging trials of life. With Gods Spirit, we
can lean on God to help overcome the negativity of the world, to shoulder
the worst disappointments, to continue on in the face of opposition, and to
grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2
Peter 3:18) as we study to make Gods Word an integral part of our lives.
Notice that with Gods Spirit, we can do all these things. Receiving that
Spirit does not make us perfect. In fact, we may even become discouraged
at times as we see additional sins in our lives and other areas that we need
to change! We all make mistakes and stumble and fall at times. But leading
a life of repentance means we can and should depend on the transforming
power of the Spirit of God every single day to acknowledge those mistakes
and then fix them.
If you are thinking about baptism and see this need to make changes in
your life, the United Church of God has ministers around the world who can
assist you and answer your questions. To find a congregation or minister
near you, go to Our ministers can give you good
counsel and guide you through the process of deciding when the time is
right for you to accept Gods gift of salvation by being baptized.
For more on this topic, be sure to download or request our free study aid
Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion at
booklets, or contact our office nearest you listed on page 2 of this issue.
be, but the closest congregation to us is not close to where we live. We would
like to send in our tithes to the United Church of God. Today I am sending our
first check. We have learned much from your booklets and try to share with
everyone that we can.
Readers in Georgia
I have Christian friends and relatives who hunger and thirst after righteousness, and your publications have been so helpful in directing them to the scriptures that answer so many of their questions. Seeing their excitement in putting
the pieces together is exciting for me as well, and strengthens my faith. There is
so little I can do physically. Perhaps God has given me more time after surviving
two life-threatening health incidents to plant a few seeds of knowledge in the
hearts of others. I will happily be including the United Church of God in my list of
tithing recipients.
Subscriber in Wisconsin
Published letters may be edited for clarity and space. Address your letters to
The Good News, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027, U.S.A., or
Wisconsin subscriber
e-mail [email protected] (please be sure to include your full name, city, state
My wife and I are not members of the United Church of God. We would like to or province, and country).
November-December 2015
M A g A z i n e
o f
U n d e r s t A n d i n g
Where Did an Evil Spirit World Come From? 8 Coming: A Marvelous New Age 12
Christmas Before Christ 16 Jesus Christ: Creator of the Sabbath Day 19
November-December 2015
November-December 2015
Where Did an Evil Spirit World Come From? 8 Coming: A Marvelous New Age 12
Christmas Before Christ 16 Jesus Christ: Creator of the Sabbath Day 19
November-December 2015
biblical perspective.
new name.
Watch for our new name and new look in the January-February issue!