Menu Drawing

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These are 20- minute sketchbook

assignments. Please choose FOUR of them.
Remember, I am looking for quality! ___/40
1. Find something in your backpack and
draw it.
2. Draw a flower and make it appear
3. Draw yourself as a cartoon character
4. Be an ant. What does your world look
5. An alien spaceship has landed in the
courtyard. Draw a picture of it.
6. Draw a dead bird in a beautiful
7. Draw a clock cooking a meatloaf
8. If you had a candy bar named after
you, what would it look like and what
would it be called?
9. Draw your favorite superhero.
10. Make a drawing of your pet(s).
11. Express in your drawing, the happiest
time that youve had in the past year
12. Draw the monster that hides under
your bed.
13. Make a drawing that says something
about the environment.
14. Draw a flying frog.
15. Look out the window, and draw what
you see.
16. Crumple a drawing, and redraw it
17. Draw a family insect portrait.
18. Crumple a magazine ad, and draw it.
19. Make a drawing that oozes
20. Draw something you cant imagine
living with out.


**Please make sure all of your projects are school appropriate. Do

not include any images of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, guns, weapons
or any misogynistic, bigoted or racist images. Thank you!**



Main Course
This section should take one hour
and a half. Read the directions carefully.
Please choose ONE of these projects.

For this project you will transform one object
into another. This will progress over 4 separate
drawings. Your first drawing and youre your last
should be two completely different things. The
middle drawings will show the stages in between. No
Cocoons, butterflies, tadpoles/frogs ect. You can be
more creative than this!
To get started, do a few preliminary sketches
to brainstorm ideas. Then rip a blank page out of
your sketchbook. Tape that blank page to another
blank page, to create one long page. Do two sketches
per page.
How will you be graded? Originality, attention
to detail, shading, patiently done.



First think of a theme (acceptance,
balance, humor ect). Use the magazines in
the classroom, to find images that you could
place in a collage. Carefully cut out the
images, arrange them into a collage and
glue your collage to a piece of paper. You
must collage at least four separate images.
*Remember* if you cut out an image,
cut out the entire page from the magazine.
Also, if you are using an exacto knife, you
must put a board underneath you so it doesnt
cut the desk.
Do a drawing of your collage in your
sketchbook, and then glue the collage into
your sketchbook either next to your
drawing or on the next page. Write the
theme you chose next to your collage.
How will you be graded?
Evidence of a theme, images arranged in a
thoughtful manner, images carefully cut
out, drawing made with 90% accuracy.
Theme: humor



Main Course
Still life
Choose an object to work with. It
may be something you bring from home,
a fruit or vegetable, or an object from the
menu shelf.
In your sketchbook, draw the
object from at least 5 different vantage
points. Look at it from all perspectives.
Investigate the object from a series of
sides, angles and distances. Focus on
creating value in your drawing.
How will you be graded?
Proportions are 95% accurate, there are
at least 5 different shades of value, and
the student drew the object from at least
5 different perspectives.

This section should take 1 hour.
Please choose ONE.

Final Due date:

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

Or you may choose to turn in
sections as you finish them.

Master Copy
Grab an art book from the menu shelf, and choose a
painting you would like to copy. Please choose a painting that
includes at least one figure or a portrait. In your sketchbook,
spend at least one hour copying a drawing from an art book. You
may choose to copy the entire scene or just part of it.
You must spend at least
1 hour on this drawing.
I will be able to tell if
you dont. Focus on
exactness, and getting
correct proportions.
Include the artists
name, title, and date if

Every couple of weeks I will
be coming around to check to
see if you have made any

How will you be graded? Proportions are 95% accurate, the

student added value, the drawing looks carefully made.
Checkpoint 1

Create a drawing of a silhouette
of your choice. With a fine tip marker,
create interesting designs in your
silhouette. Use various kinds of line to
create intriguing patterns and designs.
For ideas Google/research Zentangle or
refer to design books we have in the
classroom. Please dont copy, but please
modify it to be your own.

Checkpoint 2

How will you be

graded? The design is
original, detailed, and
carefully drawn. The
designs are made with
clean edges.

Checkpoint 3

Checkpoint 4

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