Novel Study Outline and Rubric

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Grade 7/8 November Novel Study

Choose a novel that you have not yet read and complete the following activities. Though the final portion of this
assignment is due Monday, November 30, 2015, please note that there are a number of due dates throughout the
month of November. This is to ensure that you allot your time in order to complete each activity without trying to cram
everything in to the last few days before its due. Please ask questions for clarification and feedback from me and your
peers in order to complete your best work possible. You will be given some class time to work on this but the
expectation is that you are also reading and working on the activities as homework. Remember that we have 20
minutes of daily independent reading but that this may not be enough time for you to finish reading your novel. Plan
Part 1: Introduction to my novel
Due: Friday, November 6.
Please complete the attached outline in order to preview your book before beginning to read it.
Part 2: Reading Response Questions
See attached questions and choose three questions, in total, to respond to while reading your book. Your answer must
be at least one paragraph long (8-10 sentences).
Answer to question 1 is due: Friday, November 13.
Answer to question 2 is due: Friday, November 20.
Answer to question 3 is due: Friday, November 27.
Part 3: Culminating activities to be completed throughout the month but not due until Monday, November 30. You
may hand this in earlier, if you wish.

Making Connections graphic organizer

As you read your book, jot down quotations that cause you to reflect on your own experiences, the experiences of
others, other books that you have read, things that you have heard or read about in the news and other media. Write
down the quote and explain how that particular quotation speaks to you and the connections that you have while
reading. You must record at least three quotations and make at least three connections.


Choose one of the following activities to complete.

Describe in detail three characters from the story. List reasons why you would or wouldn't want to get to know
these people.
Write a letter/email to the author of your book. Give him/her feedback and ask at least three questions about the
book. Be specific (plot, characters, problem, etc).
In one page, single spaced, discuss one particular episode in the story that you remember most. Describe why
you think it remains so clear to you.
Explain why you think this book will or will not be read 100 years from now. Support your opinion by stating
specific events in the story. Write at least one page, single spaced.

Prepare a television commercial about your book. Act out the commercial for your classmates.

Write a letter or email (at least one page, single spaced) to a close friend recommending the book you have just

Summarize the book into a comic or story aimed for younger students or your classmates.


Create a book jacket, including illustrations, an enticing synopsis, author bio, and favorable reviews.


Write a letter to the main character and the character's reply (at least two pages, single spaced).

Steps to Assignment Completion

Read the requirements of the assignment. Make sure you understand what is being asked of you. Ask questions
to make sure you know what to do before you start!
Plan out how you are going to complete this assignment. Choose your novel, look at the due dates and the

How much do you need to read per day in order to ensure that you are able to finish reading the novel?

Read over the response questions which questions appeal to you? Keep them in the back of your head as you
read and make notes as you go. Mark, with sticky notes, important sections and quotations that you might refer to in
your written responses.
Create a rough draft. Edit and revise. Does your product demonstrate how much you know about your novel?
Have you made in-depth connections and cited directly from the text?

Create a good copy. Take your time to present something that you are proud of.

You will be evaluated on:

Neatness and presentation

Proper use of direct quotations

Grammar and spelling

Depth of understanding (the connections that you have made)


Grade 7/8 November Novel Study Rubric

Introduction to my
Student demonstrates
exemplary ability to infer
and to predict how their
chosen novel will connect
to them by analyzing the
front and back of their
novel prior to reading.
-Complete, complex
sentences are used to
answer questions 6-9.
Student demonstrates a
well-developed ability to
infer and to predict how
their chosen novel will
connect to them by
analyzing the front and
back of their novel prior to
-Complete, complex
sentences are used to
answer questions 6-9.
Student demonstrates a
developing ability to infer
and to predict how their
chosen novel will connect
to them by analyzing the
front and back of their
novel prior to reading.
-Complete sentences are
used to answer questions

Reading Response
Student demonstrates
exemplary ability to make 3
well-informed statements
about their chosen novel.
He/She uses a number of
specific details, including at
least two specific
quotations, to support
his/her answer to the
chosen questions (1-2
paragraphs each).
Student demonstrates a
well-developed ability to
make 3 well-informed
statements about their
chosen novel. He/She uses a
number of specific details,
including at least one
specific quotation, to
support his/her answer to
the chosen questions (1
paragraph each).
Student demonstrates a
developing ability to make 3
statements about their
chosen novel. He/She uses
some specific details to
support his/her answer to
the chosen questions (1
paragraph each).

Making Connections

Chosen Activity

Student demonstrates
exemplary ability to make
connections to the
experiences, feelings, and
emotions of the characters in
their novel. Student has cited
4 or more quotations and
made in-depth connections to

Student demonstrates
exemplary ability to
communicate their
understanding of the plot,
character, and theme in their
novel in an original manner
that includes exemplary
organization of major ideas
with excellent supporting
details and examples from the
Student demonstrates a welldeveloped ability to
communicate their
understanding of the plot,
character, and theme in their
novel in an original manner
that includes organization of
major ideas with excellent
supporting details and
examples from the novel.

Student demonstrates a welldeveloped ability to make

connections to the
experiences, feelings, and
emotions of the characters in
their novel. Student has cited
3 or more quotations and
made specific connections to

Student demonstrates a
developing ability to make
connections to the
experiences, feelings, and
emotions of the characters in
their novel. Student has cited
2 or more quotations and
made a general connection to

Student demonstrates a
developing ability to
communicate their
understanding of the plot,
character, and theme in their
novel in an original manner
that includes some
organization of major ideas
with some supporting details

Student demonstrates a
basic ability to infer and to
predict how their chosen
novel will connect to them
by analyzing the front and
back of their novel prior to
-Questions are answered in
sentences/point form.

Student demonstrates a
basic ability to make 2 or 3
statements about their
chosen novel. He/She uses
some details to support
his/her answer to the
chosen questions (1
paragraph each).

Student demonstrates a basic

ability to make connections to
the experiences, feelings, and
emotions of the characters in
their novel. Student has cited
1 or 2 quotations and made a
basic connection to each.

and examples from the novel.

Student demonstrates a basic
ability to communicate their
understanding of the plot,
character, and theme in their
novel in a manner that
includes major ideas with a
few supporting details.

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