A Guide To GIS Applications

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Emergency Planning College

A Guide to GIS Applications

in Integrated Emergency Management

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Version 1.0
This is version 1.0 of this guide, issued on November 30th 2005. Revised versions (as they
are published) will be available on the Emergency Planning College website

Summary Version of the Guide

A summary version of this guide, intended for senior staff and those only requiring a
familiarity with the key issues, will be published by the Emergency Planning College early in
2006. This will be available for download from the EPC website www.epcollege.gov.uk

The author
This guide has been authored by Dr Robert MacFarlane, Visiting Fellow at the Emergency
Planning College and Director of the Centre for Environmental and Spatial Analysis (CESA)
at Northumbria University.

Referencing this document

This document should be referenced as:
MacFarlane, R. (2005). A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management,
Emergency Planning College, Cabinet Office.

Note on the Use of Mapping in Scenarios

In addition to a series of case studies, a number of hypothetical scenarios are used in this
guide and Ordnance Survey StrategiTM data are combined with fictional data to illustrate
these scenarios. However, no backdrop mapping is used as the scenarios are not intended
to be place-specific. Perseverance would of course allow a reader to identify which area the
data relate to, but they are intended to remain generic and so assumptions about the
availability or accuracy of the data must not be made.

A large number of people in a wide range of agencies supported the writing of this
document, supplying material for case studies, providing illustrations and discussing and
helping to formulate the ideas. There are too many to mention by name, and
acknowledgements of source are given where relevant in the text, but sincere thanks go to
all who supported the project.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Page No


Glossary of Abbreviations




Aim of the Guide

The Demand for Information
Integrated Emergency Management and the 5 Cs


Emergencies and Disasters



Integrated Emergency Management



The Civil Contingencies Act







The Civil Contingencies Act

Information Sharing

Data, Information and Decision making




Data, Information and Communication
Models of Decision Making

GIS: an overview



The Key Functions of a GIS
Data Integration
Data Analysis (i): Querying
Data Analysis (ii): Spatial Analysis
Data Modelling
Data Mining
Terrain Analysis
Information Outputs and Cartographic Standards


GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management




Anticipating and Assessing Risks

Case Study: Risk Assessment in the Insurance Industry
Case Study: River Flooding and Storm Surge
The Role of Public Facing Systems
Case Study: Surrey Alert
Preventing Emergencies
Case Study: Integrated Risk Management Planning in SFRS
Preparing for Emergencies
Case Study: Preparing for Severe Weather Emergencies
Responding to Emergencies
Case Study: Radioactive Waste Entering the Water Supply
Case Study: Chemical Fire and Resultant Atmospheric Pollution
GIS Applications in Slow-Onset Health Emergencies
Mobile GIS
Case Study: Automatic Vehicle Location System

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management





Recovering from Emergencies

Damage assessment and resource allocation
Revised Risk Assessment
Public Facing Systems
Recovery and Resilience


Acquiring and Implementing a GIS




Data Quality Issues
The Significance of Metadata
Security, Confidentiality and Access to Data and Information
Copyright Issues and Licensing
Spatial Data Storage
Staffing and Training

Embedding GIS in, and across Organisations




Issues arising from GIS Applications in Multi-Agency Operations

Working across boundaries: the significance of interoperability




Obstacles to Interoperability
Working towards Interoperable Systems
Web services
Metadata standards
Spatial Frameworks
Semantic Interoperability
Spatial Data Infrastructures
Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Software
Political Will

Future developments




Location-Based Information
Data Sources
Remotely Sensed Data
Mobile Technologies
Concluding Comment

Appendix 1

Glossary of Terms


Appendix 2

Annotated Bibliography of Key Readings


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Glossary of Abbreviations
5 Cs

Command, Control, Co-ordination, Co-operation and Communication


Three Dimensional


Association for Geographical Information


Command and Control


Civil Contingencies Act


Closed Circuit Television


Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science


Compact Disk
Control Of Major Accident Hazards
Common Operational Picture
Commercial Off The Shelf Software
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


Digital Elevation Model


Discovery Level Metadata


Digital National Framework


Data Protection Act 1998


Emergency Operations Centre


Emergency Planning College (www.epcollege.gov.uk)


Federal Emergency Management Agency


Freedom of Information


Freedom of Information Act 2000


Food and Mouth Disease


Geographical Information


Geographical Information System(s)


Geographical Information and Geographical Information System(s)


Geographical Markup Language


General Practitioner


Global System for Mobile Communications


Hydrogen Chloride


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


Integrated Emergency Management


Intra-governmental Group on Geographical Information


Integrated Risk Management Planning


Joint Agencies Control Centre


Knowledge Management


Local Area Network


Local Resilience Forum


Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (now DEFRA)

National Steering Committee on Warning & Informing the Public
New York City

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey Address Point Reference
Open Source Software
Ordnance Survey Liaison Officer
Personal Computer


Personal Digital Assistant


Public Sector Information


Quality Assurance


Random Access Memory, or just computer memory


Regional Resilience Forum


Spatial Data Infrastructure


Surrey Emergency Services Major Incident Committee


Standard Operational Procedure


Scaleable Vector Graphics


Severe Weather Impacts Model


TOpographic IDentifier


Unique Property Reference Number


Vehicle Mounted Data System


Wide Area Network


World Trade Center


eXtensible Markup Language

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section One
This guide is intended to establish authoritative guidance on the application of
GIS in civil protection, to assist users in the specification, acquisition and
maintenance of a GIS and to stimulate debate in the user community about
the future development and application of GIS and related technologies.
The primary audience is anticipated to be staff in Category One responders
identified in the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, most notably in Local Authority
Emergency Planning Units. However, it is also suited to a much wider
audience as it assumes no significant prior knowledge of either GIS or civil
protection. The structure and style of the guide is such that it can be worked
through from beginning to end, dipped in and out of as required or used as a
reference source. It is, very deliberately, a wide ranging document that is not
restricted to technical issues, and the coverage of data, information and
decision making and interoperability issues are very significant.


Aim of the Guide

The aim of this document is to provide authoritative guidance on the application of GIS to
managers and end-users operating in the joint, multi-agency civil protection environment in
order to:

maximise the potential benefits of GIS to the process of planning for and
managing emergencies and disasters, thereby enhancing national resilience
to such events;


establish a wide base of understanding of common applications, methods and

terminology as the first step towards improving interoperability between users
working in civil protection;


assist users in making sound decisions within the process of scoping,

specifying, acquiring, updating and maintaining GIS;


stimulate wider understanding and debate within the user community as a

basis for more effective relationships with the technical domain to guide
research and development of applications and interoperability solutions.

This is a wide-ranging document that takes the perspective that GIS is a tool to generate
information from a wide range of different datasets. In common with any tool, effective use is
dependent upon the quality of what might be termed the raw material, in this case data, the
skills and insight of those that use it and the wider organisational context within which it is
employed. All of these issues are covered in this guide.

The Demand for Information

Those involved in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from emergencies have a
need for information. However, that need is more precise, for information that is relevant,
appropriate, accurate, timely and delivered in a form that is appreciable under their

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

circumstances. However, this need, or demand, for information is often only partially met as,
and when, it is most needed.
The quality of the response is only as effective as the reliability of the information
which is available (Neil Macintosh, local authority Chief Executive, speaking about
the Lockerbie disaster, 1988).
Although there are a range of issues relating to the nature and transfer of information (see
Section 5), Figure 1 illustrates the fact that demand for information, most acutely during an
emergency, accelerates at a rate far above that of supply. This leads to what may be termed
a demand-provision gap. In most cases this is not because the information, or at least the
data from which the information could be generated, does not exist, but because it is not
accessible at the point and time of need.
Box 1: GI and GIS
In some text books GIS is disaggregated, and this can be helpful:
Geographical the spatial key or location of features is central to data handling, analysis
and reporting, which sets GIS apart from other data base management systems.
Information without data and information GIS can have no role to play and good quality
data are critical if the results of analysis are to be reliable.
Systems at a basic level they are computer-based systems, but it is important to remember
that GIS are rarely personal technology, so an understanding of how organisations manage
data and use information is critical to understanding and achieving effective use of GIS.
More recently Geographical Information (GI) as a term has become more widely used in its
own right. GI handling has become much more tightly embedded into a wider range of
technologies than ten years ago and GIS as a term is being precisely defined as desktop
systems with a powerful range of functionality. GI handling technologies including, for
example, addressing software which is used by call centre operators who ask for postcode
and house number only, and indeed such technologies are instrumental in the increase in
both amount and quality of GI that is available for application and analysis in a GIS. The
term GIScience has also become widespread in recent years, and is defined as the set of
scientific principles that should govern the use and analysis of GI in GIS (see Longley et al.,
2005 in Appendix 2).
This is of course a generic issue, and one that is far wider than GIS alone, but the need for
information is the key driver for the development and implementation of GIS in Integrated
Emergency Management. The specific value of GIS is that many of the issues that need to
be considered in preparing for, responding to and recovering from emergencies are explicitly
geographical: roads, rivers, floodplains, industrial hazards, towns and cities are all
geographically distributed in a way that is of clear relevance to emergency planning and
management. In short, where things are matters a great deal if something may, or does, go
wrong there. GIS is a tool that enables us to account for geography, and geography is critical
in understanding, planning for and communicating hazards, risks and vulnerabilities.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Response &
Demand for

Supply and Demand

Availability of


Figure 1: The Information Demand-Provision Gap following an emergency event

(based on work by Peter Power, Visor Consultants, 2004)

Integrated Emergency Management and the 5 Cs

The guide also explicitly places GIS applications within the principles of Integrated
Emergency Management and the framework of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. One of the
underpinning considerations in IEM, which is elaborated in detail in section three, are the 5

Command the ability to effectively direct operations at levels from the strategic,
through tactical to operational;

Control the ability to ensure that directions are implemented in line with the
command instructions;

Co-ordination the ability to ensure that activities of individual agencies and

personnel within agencies are working in concert towards common objectives;

Co-operation the ability for individuals and organisations to work effectively and
efficiently together in pursuit of common objectives;

Communication the ability to derive and pass information between individuals and
organisations in such a way that:

Command decisions are appreciated and understood;

Control directions are appreciated and understood;

Multiple agencies involved in a response are informed of their role and

responsibilities and their resources and constraints are known to other

Situational information that is pertinent to higher levels of command (e.g. the

failure of allocated resources to control a fire or a building collapse) is passed
up the command chain and between agencies as appropriate (in pursuit of
what is termed a Common Operational Picture);

The media are supplied with appropriate, suitable and sufficient information to
meet their requirements;

The public, affected businesses and other individuals and agencies are
warned and informed about the developing situation and any actions that they
may be advised to take.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

It will be demonstrated in this guide that data, information and GIS have a critical role in the
effective discharge of these functions in preparing for, responding to and recovering from
emergencies. None of these functions, of course, take place for the first time in an
emergency situation and the Civil Contingencies Act and the associated regulations and
guidance focus to a large degree on preparing for emergencies.
Consider the findings of two reports of 2004:
The FBIs information systems were woefully inadequate. The FBI lacked the ability
to know what it knew: there was no effective mechanism for capturing or sharing its
institutional knowledge.
The 9/11 Commission Report, July 2004
We should never forget how important apparently dry looking systems can be and
we should never undervalue the people who administer them. The consequence
when these systems go wrong can be devastating.
Sir Michael Bichard, Press Conference on the release of the Bichard Inquiry Report,
June 2004
All of the processes of IEM are information hungry and much of the required information is
Geographical Information (GI). It is for this reason that GIS represents a significant tool to
decision makers at all levels in an IEM context, not only because GIS supports the effective
management of existing data, but also because analytical and modelling tools support the
generation of new information, and permit the integration of data from multiple sources. In an
information management context this is termed adding value or leveraging information; in
an IEM context it supports evidence-based decision making and the development and
maintenance of a Common Operational Picture, the cornerstone of a co-ordinated approach.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Box 2: The Geography of an Emergency

Longley et al. (2005) in their book Geographic Information Systems and Science, offer a
case study of how critical geographical factors are to decisions made in responding to an
emergency. On the evening of 21st May 2001 a major fire broke out in an old building in City
University, London. A series of geographically-related decisions had to be made during, and
in the aftermath of the incident at a variety of different scales and levels of authority and

Staff and students were evacuated safely, using map-based instructions and a
geographical awareness of the layout of the building;

Local fire crews were dispatched using address and street-based routing systems;

The police closed nearby streets and re-routed local traffic;

Additional fire crews were dispatched, as risk assessments permitted, from other parts of

Aerial thermal imagery of hot spots in the fire were digitally relayed from helicopter to
fire crews on the ground;

Micro-scale mapping of building damage which included the emergence of secondary

hazards, including exposed asbestos;

The planning and implementation of room allocations for scheduled examinations,

including publicity posters to guide students to the new venues;

The search, by commercial firms using GIS, for appropriate and suitably located office
space to house displaced staff during the reconstruction work;

The decision to target publicity in the international press on the basis of coverage of the
fire: many overseas newspapers gave the impression that the University had all been
destroyed so students might look elsewhere for degree courses and where that coverage
had been highest, so the positive publicity also had to be highest;

The restructuring programme in the aftermath of the fire achieved positive gains in the
use of space, in part facilitated through space-planning software.

This example illustrates the geographical dimensions of a single emergency and this is
typical of emergencies in general. As there is a clear geographical dimension to
emergencies, GIS as a set of tools that enable planners and responders to account for this
dimension is of critical importance. This guide elaborates this point and sets out in detail how
to capture Geographical Information and develop GIS for effective and integrated emergency


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Two
Emergencies and Disasters

Emergencies and disasters usually have a very clear geography to them:
they happen in places or in areas, affecting other places or areas and the
severity of the impacts depends upon the spread of the impacts in relation to
the distribution of vulnerable communities, individuals, facilities, resources,
infrastructure and environments. Before moving on to GIS it is important to
consider the geographical dimensions of emergencies and Integrated
Emergency Management.


The Nature of Emergencies and Disasters

Emergencies can, by their very nature, be extremely diverse. Some of the key variables are:

whether the incident(s) and impact(s) are localised or widespread

whether the cause is simple or complex, which has implications for its management
whether it was a single incident or a repeated incidence
whether the emergency was predicted (and if so over what timescale) or unforeseen
whether it was accidental, deliberate or natural
whether it was rapid onset (acute) or slow onset (chronic) in character
whether they have an identifiable scene or not (see table 1).

As a consequence of this, there are widely varying requirements of planners and responders
at different levels of command, and within and between multiple agencies. For instance, a
rapid onset emergency such as a serious fire and chemical release demands rapid and
decisive action in a timeframe that does not necessarily allow for a highly detailed analysis of
potential consequences and the implications of different response scenarios. In contrast, a
creeping crisis or slow onset emergency, especially where there is prior warning of key
characteristics such as magnitude, severity, location and timescale, may permit a detailed
analysis of the various options for possible prevention, mitigation and response. Indeed the
case for detailed problem analysis and assessment of response options makes very sound
business sense. For instance, the School of Veterinary Medicine at Penn University in the
US reports that an outbreak of avian influenza in 1997 took several months and cost the
State of Pennsylvania $3.5 million to control, and this was before the University had
developed a functioning GIS for animal disease control. In 2001, when the GIS was
operational, researchers were able to identify the infected poultry flocks, identify surrounding
flocks which were at risk by virtue of their location and plan for the transport and disposal of
infected carcasses to minimise risk of further infection. The outbreak was controlled in less
than a month and at a cost of $400,000.
From a geographical perspective, different kinds of emergencies have different
characteristics, illustrated in figure 2 and table 2.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Type of Emergency


A. Single Location
Fixed site

Industrial plant, school, airport, train station, sports stadium or city centre


Railway, motorway, air corridor or fuel pipeline


Bomb, chemical tanker or random shooting

B. Multiple locations
Multiple locations

Linked, possibly simultaneous or explosions at different sites

C. Wide area
Large area

Toxic cloud, loss of electricity, gas, water, communications or flooding

Whole area

Severe weather, influenza pandemic or foot and mouth disease

D. Outside Area
External emergency

Residents from one area involved in an emergency elsewhere e.g. coach or

plane crash, passenger ship sinking or incident at football stadium
Evacuees into one area from another UK area
Refugees from an emergency overseas

Table 1: Emergencies classified by geographical extent

(Source: www.ukresilience.info )

Causal Factors





Spread of


Figure 2: a typology of the geography of emergencies and disasters

(see table 2 for explanatory notes)


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Examples / Characteristics

The cause and direct consequences are focused on a small area. The sudden slump of a
coal spoil heap onto a school in Aberfan, Wales in 1966 is an example of this. However,
the human consequences of such a disaster can radiate through social networks over a
wide area and be very long lasting.

An incident such as a multiple-pile up in fog on a motorway is one where some of the

causal factors (cars) combines with a temporary fog bank to cause a locally serious
emergency with loss of life, with some wider consequences due to road closures.

An incident such as the nuclear reactor fire at Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 is one where the
causes of the incident are site-specific, but where the direct consequences (radiation
fallout) were international in scale.

The 1953 floods on the East Coast of England were caused by a storm surge combining
with high spring tides. Both of these were multiple, widespread causal factors and the
consequences were spread from the Humber to the Thames with over 300 deaths.

The South Asian Tsunami of 26th December 2004 was initially caused by a sub-sea
earthquake off the coast of Sumatra but the tsunami, itself the cause of the death and
destruction of property, was both fast moving and international in scale.

Health emergencies can vary from the highly localised (e.g. Legionnaires Disease
outbreak from a single cooling system, affecting a local community), through to outbreaks
of animal (e.g. Foot and Mouth) or human disease (e.g. SARS) which have the potential to
spread between countries and continents.

Table 2: explanation of the regions identified in Figure 2

Resilience, as well as hazards and threats, is also geographically uneven. Figure 3
illustrates work done by the Met Office which identifies the relative severity of a gust of wind
measuring 75mph across the UK as a whole. Severity is different to risk: risk is a function of
likelihood and magnitude of impacts. Severity of impacts is related to resilience and
resilience is to a large degree a function of experience. A gust of 75mph in North Wales and
the West Coast of Scotland will, all other things being equal, be less severe in terms of its
impacts as it is a more common occurrence (being rated as an approximately 1 in every 3
year event). As a consequence of this trees are more able to withstand the wind (or they
have already been blown over), houses are constructed with this probability in mind and
structures such as power lines are built and located to be resilient. In contrast, the
metropolitan area of London can expect to experience gusts of this level approximately only
once every 70 years; the abnormal nature of the occurrence means that the impacts will be
much greater, both in terms of peoples expectations and the consequent physical disruption
and damage.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Figure 3: the relative severity of a gust of wind of 75mph across the UK as a whole
(Courtesy of the Met Office)
By the same token the impact of given level of flooding in a densely populated urban area
outweighs the impacts of a flood of equal magnitude in a sparsely populated rural area; this
is effectively common sense, but we still need tools to identify hazards, assess risks and
measure degrees of magnitude of impact, all of which have an explicitly geographical
So, different kinds of emergencies need to be prepared for and responded to in different
ways and recovery from different types and levels of emergencies clearly poses different
types and scales of requirements. The UK model of Integrated Emergency Management is
intended to establish a framework to prepare for and have the capabilities to respond to and
recover from such a range of potential emergencies.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Three
Integrated Emergency Management
This section provides an overview of the processes of Integrated Emergency
Management (IEM) established in the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and
associated guidance. IEM is based around six processes - Anticipate,
Assess, Prevent, Prepare, Respond and Recover each of which is
elaborated here.


Integrated Emergency Management

UK doctrine for IEM identifies six processes. Note that these are processes and activities as
distinct from phases. They are:
1. Anticipate: knowing what might happen is important in being able to frame and scale
an appropriate response. Emergencies arise from either hazards (non-malicious)
which may be natural (e.g. severe weather) or human (e.g. industrial accidents) or
threats (malicious and deliberate) and their very nature is that they are more or less
unpredictable in detail. However, horizon scanning and effective anticipation of
hazards and threats is essential.
2. Assess: appreciating the spread, severity and consequences of anticipated hazards
and threats needs to be set within a risk assessment framework. Risk registers are
developed and maintained at the local, regional and national level and it is important
that they reflect the changing nature of hazards and threats and the nature of the
population, environment and national security context in their makeup.
3. Prevent: it is intrinsically preferable to prevent an emergency than have to deal with
its consequences. If an area that has suffered repeated flooding is assessed to be at
high risk of flooding on an annual basis and bankside engineering and floodwater
storage works have the potential to significantly reduce that risk, this is likely to result
over time in both financial savings and reduced potential for loss of life and damage
to quality of life.
4. Prepare: not all hazards and threats are foreseen and not all of those that are can be
prevented. It is therefore critical to have structures, processes and resources in place
to deal with emergencies and mitigate their effects. Central to this is emergency
planning which falls into development (creating, implementing, reviewing and
maintaining) and exercising and training processes.
5. Respond: emergencies are almost always responded to at the operational level by
one or more of the blue light emergency services. In the event of an incident that
requires a co-ordinated multi-agency response, a specialized (e.g. CBRN) response
or the rapid establishment of a higher level of command, procedures are established
to escalate that response in a way that is appropriate. This response will draw heavily
on established procedures, frameworks and resources that have been the subject of
training and exercising prior to a real incident.
6. Recover: although the involvement of the emergency services may be relatively
limited in time, the process of recovering from an emergency can take months or
years and there are effects, perhaps most notably those of personal loss and trauma,
that extend over decades. There are medical, site clearance, decontamination,
reconstruction, risk assessment, counseling and many other dimensions to recovery,


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

some of which will overlap with the emergency response phase, others of which
succeed it over varying timescales.
These processes are underpinned by eight guiding principles for emergency response,
which are:
1. DIRECTION clarity of purpose is delivered through a strategic aim and supporting
objectives that are agreed and understood by all involved to prioritise and focus the
2. INTEGRATION effective co-ordination exists between and within organisations and
tiers of response as well as timely access to appropriate guidance and support.
3. SUBSIDIARITY co-ordination occurs at the lowest appropriate level; local
responders are the building blocks of response on any scale.
4. PREPAREDNESS all individuals and organisations that might have to respond to
emergencies are prepared and clear about roles and responsibilities.
5. CONTINUITY response to emergencies is grounded in the existing functions of
organisations and familiar ways of working, though delivered at a greater tempo, on a
larger scale and in more testing circumstances. Sustainability is a key issue.
6. COMMUNICATION good two-way communication is critical to effective response.
Reliable information is passed correctly and without delay between those who need
to know, including the public.
7. CO-OPERATION there is positive engagement based on mutual trust and
understanding to facilitate information sharing and deliver effective solutions to
issues as they arise.
8. ANTICIPATION there is ongoing risk identification, analysis and mitigation so that
potential direct and indirect developments are anticipated and managed flexibly.
Although these relate to IEM as a whole, these principles equally underpin the development
and application of GIS within the context of IEM. The following presentation and discussion
of GIS will identify a number of key themes, around anticipation, direction, preparation,
integration, leadership, communication, continuity and co-operation the principles are the


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Four
The Civil Contingencies Act
This section provides an overview of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004,
focusing specifically on issues around information sharing and co-ordinated


The Civil Contingencies Act

The Civil Contingencies Act (2004), referred hereafter as the Act, together with
accompanying regulations and non-legislative measures, delivers a single framework for UK
Civil Protection to meet the new challenges of the 21st Century. It is a wide-ranging piece of
legislation and only the key elements are summarised here. For the act itself, the
accompanying regulations, issues in relation to the devolved administrations and guidance
consult www.ukresilience.info
Key to the Act is a definition of what constitutes an emergency:

An event or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare;

An event or situation which threatens serious damage to the environment;
War, or terrorism, which threatens serious damage to security.

It is important to note that the focus is on consequences rather than causes, so the Act
applies equally to events or situations that originate outside of the UK as it does for those
within UK boundaries.
Part 1 of the Act focuses on preparations by local responders for localised emergencies and
Part 2 sets out the means to establish emergency powers for very serious emergencies
which affect a larger geographical area. Part 1 of the Act divides local responders into two
categories (1 and 2) and different duties apply to each. Category one responders include:
Local Authorities

Local Authorities

Government agencies

Environment Agency
Scottish Environment
Protection Agency
Maritime and
Coastguard Agency

Emergency Services

Police Forces
British Transport Police
Police Service of
Northern Ireland
Fire Authorities
Ambulance Services

NHS Bodies

Primary Care Trusts

Health Protection Agency
NHS Acute Trusts
Foundation Trusts
Local Health Boards (Wales)
Welsh NHS Trusts providing
public health services
Health Boards (Scotland)
Port Health Authorities

The following duties are placed upon Category 1 responders:


Assess local risks and use this to inform emergency planning;

Put in place emergency plans;
Put in place Business Continuity Management (BCM) arrangements;


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Put in place arrangements to make information available to the public about civil
protection matters and maintain arrangements to warn, inform and advise the public
in the event of an emergency;
Co-operation and information sharing;
Provide advice and assistance to businesses and voluntary organisations about BCM
(local authorities only).

It should be very clear that information and the effective and efficient flow of information is
pivotal to almost all of these duties.
Category two organisations include:

Water and Sewerage
Public communications
providers (landlines and



Network Rail
Train Operating Companies
(Passenger and Freight)
Transport for London
London Underground
Harbours and Ports
Highways Agency

Health and Safety



Common Health
Services Agency

These Category 2 organisations are placed under the lesser duties of co-operating with
Category 1 organisations and sharing relevant information.
The Act also establishes the means through which the activities of these responders are to
be co-ordinated at local and regional levels. The key groups that have responsibility and
authority to drive forward co-operation and information sharing in preparing for and
responding to emergencies are as follows:
Local Resilience Forums (LRFs)
The LRF is a strategic co-ordinating group which matches, in the anticipation, prevention
and planning phases, the strategic co-ordination group that is usually established by the
police during the response and recovery phases of a major incident. It is a senior group, with
a primary focus on co-operation and co-ordination. Outside of London, LRF areas equate
with those of Police Force Areas.
Regional Resilience Teams (RRTs)
RRTs (and the National Assembly for Wales) are established to ensure effective two-way
communication between local responders and central government. They ensure that
planning is co-ordinated and that local responders have the support that they need to meet
their responsibilities.
Regional Resilience Forums (RRFs)
The RRF is a mechanism for ensuring multi-agency co-operation at the regional level. It is a
body for facilitating and supporting rather than directing co-operation and it does not have
any statutory powers.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Information Sharing

Under the Act local responders have a duty to share information. This information will take
may forms, for instance describing capabilities, resources, processes, contact details for key
personnel. Only some of these will be spatial data and information, but these are critical in
Information is shared between Category one and two responders as they work
together to perform their duties under the Act. Information sharing is a crucial
element of civil protection work, underpinning all forms of co-operation (Section 3.1).
The process of sharing information is crucial to the duty [for example] sound risk
assessment relies on obtaining accurate information about the nature of the hazard,
the probability of a hazardous event occurring, and the potential effects and impact
on the community if it does (Section 3.3).
Information sharing is necessary so that Category one and two responders are able
to make the right judgements. If Category one and two responders have access to all
the information they need, they can make the right decisions about how to plan and
what to plan for. If they do not have access to all information, their planning will be
weakened (Section 3.4)
Emergency Preparedness (2005)1

In sharing information the Act states that the initial presumption should be that all
information should be shared, although these are some exceptions to this. It is important that
these are set out clearly as uncertainty about roles, rights and responsibilities in this regard
is well known to be corrosive of attempts to foster information sharing for co-operative
working. Sections 5, 8 and 9 elaborate on these issues, with 8.4.3 providing some detailed
information on security, confidentiality and access to data and information.



A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Five
Data, Information and Decision Making
GIS are computer-based tools for supporting decision making. For the use of
GIS to be effective it has to be informed by an appreciation of issues around
data availability and quality and the way in which information is used in
decision-making, especially under the specific conditions of emergency
situations. This section provides a relatively brief overview of issues which
are critical to the efficient and effective application of GIS in different kinds of
emergencies and at different levels of incident command. Fundamentally it is
about informed decision making in an emergency context.



In essence a GIS is a collection of tools that transform geographically-referenced data into

information that is fit for purpose. However, without data that are suitable and sufficient to
support the creation of the intended information, GIS can provide no effective part in the
decision making process. This section starts with a discussion of what data and information
are, how they are commonly used in policy, strategic and tactical decisions under different
conditions, and introduces some key issues around data quality and security and access to

Data, Information and Communication

Data and information are different things. Data are results, observations, counts,
measurements, locations, attributes and other basic descriptive characteristics of things and
places in a fairly raw format. Information is more processed, ordered, summarised,
selective and user-friendly with the intention of assisting correct interpretation. Typically
data are high-volume (a lot of records) whereas information is more tightly geared to the
requirements of a specific end-use. One of the key strengths of tools such as spreadsheets,
databases and GIS is their ability to transform, if appropriately used, data into information
that can be appreciated and acted on more readily. However, it is important to recognise that
data are almost universally imperfect, therefore the decisions that are based on them may
be misguided, and even when data and information are strong, decisions may still be
misguided. Evidence is also widely used as a term and it is defined here as something that is
created from information, through further sorting, selection, distillation or triangulation with
other sources. In this respect it is similar to the term intelligence; although specifically
associated with the work of the security and intelligence services, the term is also widely
used in contexts such as local government and regional development in a way that broadly
equates with information and evidence.
Data do not just exist, they are created. They are usually created with specific purposes in
mind, and for this reason they may be sub-optimal when evaluated for an unforeseen
purpose. As emergency management is to a large degree the process of dealing with
unforeseen incidents, this is especially pertinent in this context. Data created for the
purposes of asset management, public health, community safety or education may be
neither structured, appropriately detailed or attributed for the purposes of emergency
managers, but the reality is that we have to work with the available data, while also ensuring
that future data are more suited in quality, content, coverage and availability.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Evidence-based practice is central to public sector businesses, equally underpinning

strategy and policy decisions and resource allocation and management decisions. In
emergency planning and management, however, the preparation and response processes
operate across very different time frames; if a suitably structured evidence base for response
is not available and structured for rapid development and application at the time of an
incident, the evidence base for operations will be partial and weak. For this reason, sections
9 and 10 of this document focuses on data and information sharing, a critical element of
IEM, as it is important to be able to evaluate the validity, suitability and sufficiency of all data
and information for specific purposes. This is in part a technical evaluation relating to what
can be summarised as data quality (section 8.3) but it is more broadly about understanding
what information are seen to be needed and how they are used in different kinds of settings.
There is a tendency to see digital data and information as preferable under any
circumstances to paper-based or anecdotal sources. Data and information can be seen as
being either relatively formal or informal. Formal data might be a local authority property
database; it is digital, quality assured, from a public sector agency and widely accepted to be
of high quality. An informal source might be verbally referred information about the contents
of a specific building. Rapid decision making under pressure requires data and information of
different types (or degrees of formality) to be evaluated, interpreted and acted upon. Where
there is doubt about the validity of a certain source it may be discarded and for this reason
informal data may take precedence over formal data. For instance, during a major fire at a
chemical plant in the NE of England in 2001, the evacuation phase was understood to be
complete until a local fire officer indicated that a single elderly person lived in an isolated
house within the industrial area, something which was not recorded in the local authority
address register that was available to the emergency services staff. There are
circumstances under which a reliance on informal sources is justified, but the emphasis must
be on ensuring that (a) the formal sources are valid, suitable and sufficient for all potential
applications at different levels in the IEM command and control chain, as well as for agencyspecific applications, and (b) that the potential need to use information in an emergency for a
legitimate purpose, other than that for which it was originally obtained, is recognised and




Figure 4: the three dimensions of good information

Figure 4 illustrates the three dimensions of good information. These are not, however,
applicable equally to all those involved in managing an emergency. Information that is
necessary and relevant to front-line field responders would be noise to higher level

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

incident commanders and strategic issues that may be critical at the latter level could simply
confuse those at lower levels of command. GIS and allied technology, including mobile data
bearers such as the Airwave digital radio system, provide a framework for disseminating
information in such a way that it is appropriately targeted to the requirements of different
groups, and can support not just incident management and command information but also
the back-flow of situational information for tactical management and higher strategic
decisions. Too much information can be a bad thing, and the emphasis must be on fitness
for purpose, a theme that will come up again.
However, information does not just float between those who have it and those that need it, to
be used the same way irrespective of recipient or context. A whole series of processes are
involved in handling and communicating information, including:







These are not of course specific to GIS, and the primary point is that the construction,
transfer and application of information is far from simple.

Message Sent



Decoding and
Message Received


Figure 5: Data, Information, Interference and Interpretation in Communication

Figure 5 illustrates in simple schematic terms how information is developed by an originator
and how interference (either environmental or human) in transmission and personal
interpretation can mean that the received message is different to the message that was
(understood to be) sent. They key point here is that certain steps have to be taken to ensure
clarity and unambiguity of message and purpose in all communications, including mapping.
Messages must not only be received but also correctly understood.
In line with the argument through this document that GIS is a tool for managing Geographic
Information (GI), which should be seen in the wider context of enriched Information (I) (see
Box 1), all of these handling and communication processes and issues should be seen in the

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

context of Knowledge Management (KM). Knowledge is often defined as something greater

than information and evidence, which are in turn derived through the processing of data
(Figure 6). Knowledge is acquired through a distillation of information, and it takes time to
gain knowledge about a subject. It has been observed that information can exist
independently but that knowledge is always associated with people. Knowledge is internally
created from information as we digest and assimilate it, and the end result of this is a
perspective on the situation in our own terms communicating that so it is appreciated in
terms another person can rapidly appreciate is difficult and complex (see Longley et al.,
2005 in Appendix 2 for a more detailed discussion of GI Science and the context for GIS

Processed Amounts




Time Needed

KM however is premised on the condition that much information, and the knowledge based
on that information, is held (and often not very well organised) at the organisational as well
as the personal level. To be semantically precise much of what is defined as KM is in fact
focused on data, information and evidence, but as a set of organising principles for
governing efficiency and equity of access to such resources, it is indisputably a good thing.


Figure 6: GIS and KM in the context of data, information and knowledge

Samuel Johnson (1709-84) observed that Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject
ourselves, or we know where we can get information upon it. More recently the
Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) has defined KM as:
The creation and subsequent management of an environment that encourages
knowledge to be created, shared, learnt, enhanced, organised and exploited for the
benefit of the organisation and its customers.
Effective emergency management is clearly something that requires not only the sharing of
data and information, but also the ability to manage information of different types so that it
can be accessed at the point of need. KM is about both people (ways of working and
organisational cultures) and also about technology as an enabler to support people and
organisations requirements for information. In a GI context this embraces data and
information that are held within organisations and in other organisations that should be
working in partnership in an IEM context.
The key considerations are those of awareness (knowing what is available, what the quality
and potential applications are, and how and where to access it), capacity (the skills base to
source, analyse and disseminate data and information), communication (the technical and
human channels to ensure that awareness is maintained, standards are observed and data
and information can move freely as required) and interoperability (the ability of technical as


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

well as human systems to work seamlessly together to provide information as, when and
where required).

Models of Decision Making

IEM is to a large degree about decisions, which are in turn about making choices. Effective
IEM is about making the right choices. Making the right choices is about (a) approach, (b)
information and (c) ability and authority to pursue the determined course of action.
There is of course an almost impossible variety of decisions, but some of the key types are:

Easy (routine) to Difficult (complex)

Previously Experienced to Rehearsed to Unforeseen
Inconsequential to Critical
Single to Recurrent
One-stage to Sequential and Contingent
Single Objective to Multiple Objectives
Individual to Group
Structured to Unstructured
Strategic to Tactical to Operational

It is clear that decisions relating to emergencies are of the more challenging type i.e. they
are complex, contingent, relate to multiple objectives that are defined by a range of groups,
they are commonly unstructured at the outset of an incident and a range of levels of
Command and Control are involved.
Decision-making has been studied extensively and from a variety of different perspectives,
including business management, informatics, sociology, economics and psychology. Early
work established what is known as the rational model of decision making. In this model
people are presented with a problem, they gather the relevant data to address it, analyse the
data as appropriate to generate supporting information, evaluate the different options and
then make what is the optimal decision under the circumstances. There are of course a
number of assumptions underpinning this, namely that:
1. the problem is clearly defined;
2. the required data to understand the dimensions of the problem are available;
3. the tools to generate information on the problem are available and correctly applied;
4. the different options are accurately identified;
5. what constitutes the optimal decision is understood and agreed upon.
Subsequent work has studied the reality of decision-making in different contexts, and while
the rational model remains attractive as the basis for making informed and considered
decisions under ideal conditions, the specific circumstances surrounding an emergency are
less than ideal and the assumptions outlined above may be invalid for the following reasons:
1. the problems may be multiple, developing rapidly and contingent on factors that are
not yet fully appreciated;
2. the data requirements are not yet fully appreciated for the reasons above, and even
core datasets may not be available to incident controllers due to inadequate
3. the tools to translate data into information may not be available or the available staff
may not be sufficiently trained to make correct and effective use of them;
4. identifying options for tackling the incident is far more complex under pressure and
where the contingencies are poorly understood;

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

5. achieving a common operational picture that is accessible and acceptable to different

agencies and levels of operational control is hard to achieve and agreement on
actions may be hindered by agency-specific cultures, interests or perspectives.
It is appropriate here to summarise what is understood to be characteristic of decisionmaking in an emergency context, as it has been observed that crises as well as civil
turbulences or terrorist actions, can be characterised by un-ness unexpected,
unscheduled, unplanned, unprecedented, and definitely unpleasant2, characteristics which
are distinctively different from other public-private sector decision contexts. These
characteristics include:

time pressure
a dynamic event that is innately unpredictable
information and communication problems (overload, paucity or ambiguity)
heightened levels of stress for participants, coupled with potential personal danger.

Decision-making styles under these conditions vary between individuals and organisations,
but a general distinction between an essentially intuitive approach and an analytical
approach has been identified. The intuitive or naturalistic approach is based on what feels
right, based on previous experience, training and personal assessment of the observed
circumstances and it supports rapid decision-making. The analytical approach is inherently
slower, more intellectually and resource demanding, but it is permits a fuller consideration of
the evolving situation, the resources available to address it and the risks associated with
different paths of action. Different styles of decision-making fit different processes of IEM
and different roles and responsibilities. A major emphasis in IEM is on preparing adequately
for a range of incidents that vary in their severity, location, contingencies, interdependencies,
consequences and time-space overlap with other incidents. Preparation cannot reduce the
complexity, time pressure or dynamic nature of emergencies, but it can permit controllers
and responders to better appreciate what is happening, what might happen and be able to
coordinate and communicate information flows that support effective decision making by all
parties, at all levels of control and response. Figure 7 updates Figure 1 to illustrate how
information needs to keep closer pace with the demand for information as both the intuitive
and the analytical styles require information, although the latter is much more informationhungry.

Crichton, M. (2003). Decision Making in Emergencies, Paper presented at NATO/RUSSIA ARW

Forecasting and Preventing Catastrophes Conference, June 2003.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Response &
Demand for

Availability of

Supply and Demand

Desired Future Situation





Figure 7: accelerating the provision of information to keep closer pace with demand
The AAPPRR processes of IEM do not all operate under the stress of emergency conditions
and the emphasis in Anticipating, Assessing, Preventing, Preparing and Recovering must be
on an analytical approach that is based upon data and information of the required breadth
and depth and an appropriate level of quality. Indeed a critical element of preparation
focuses on information as a resource that underpins effective response. In responding to an
emergency different requirements are observed at different levels of incident control, and
these are summarised in Table 3.
The picture is one where there are different kinds of requirements at different levels, but
these requirements are more likely to be adequately met if preparation focuses on the core
questions of:

What might happen?

What do we do if this happens?
What do we need (to know) to frame and implement an appropriate and flexible

Imagination, anticipation and analysis are key to this, not just in horizon scanning or in
contingency planning, but also in identifying what it is you need to know. At present
information is dangerously underrated by many organisations in relation to emergencies, and
this is something that has the potential to severely undermine their ability to conduct
effective IEM.



Information outputs are fed upwards to maintain an accurate and relevant Common Operational Picture.

Information requirements are task-oriented.

Decision-making may be characterised by an intuitive approach, based on problem-recognition from previous experience, training and exercising.

Goals at Bronze level may be single or fewer in number, but should be specific, clear and explicit.

Bronze commanders work within a functional and/or geographical area of responsibility to implement the tactical plan as defined by silver command. The
Bronze commander must have a clear understanding of the tactical plan and have access to information that is critical to its execution on the ground,
including the activities of other agencies that may be pertinent to their own goals and actions.

This level of command is concerned with doing it.

Information outputs are task-specific to Bronze level, concerned with maintaining situational awareness at Silver and Bronze and the upward transfer of
changing situational information that is of relevance to Gold.

Information requirements are more specific than those of Gold, focusing on hazards, vulnerabilities, risks and resources that shape the translation of
policy and strategy into practice.

Decision-making needs to identify and evaluate options which necessitates an analytical approach, although pressure or rapidly changing circumstances
may force an intuitive approach.

Goals at Silver level may be multiple and relatively general, although they should be clear and explicit.

Silver determines and directs the tactics of incident management within the strategy, parameters and with the resources defined at Gold level, which may
include resources from multiple agencies.

Silver command defines how to do it.

Information outputs are varied, including tasking, situational awareness to Silver and meeting public, media and political interests.

Information requirements are broad and relatively unpredictable, but Gold commanders should avoid the long stick intervention at lower levels of
command that too much and too detailed information may encourage.

Decision-making should be analytical, in-depth and broadly-referenced, making use of specialist resources, and being able to develop and maintain a
Common Operational Picture, identify and assess options and evaluate progress.

Goals at Gold level may be general, unclear, multiple and implicit.

Gold determines policy, overall strategy, resource deployment and the parameters within which lower levels of command will operate. This will include
resources from multiple agencies if a single agency is identified as overall commander. This is most likely to be Police during a response, and local
authority during recovery. A multi-agency Strategic Coordinating Group (SCG) may be established at Gold level if required and is intended to
complement individual agencies strategic management structures and procedures, not replace them. The SCG also has a communication and
coordination function where an incident crosses boundaries and/or involves Government Offices, Lead Government Departments or Devolved

Gold has overall command and responsibility for an incident. In relatively minor incidents gold command may not be formally established, but is just
nominally identified.

Gold command defines what to do.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Military terminology reverses Operational and Tactical in the hierarchy, so that Operational equates with Silver and Tactical with Bronze.

Table 3: characteristics of civilian levels of civilian3 command and control during an incident response








A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Six
GIS: an overview
This section provides an overview of GIS data models, tools and techniques.
Related concepts such as scale, the integration of data using a spatial key
and effective communication with maps are covered. The emphasis in this
section is on identifying and illustrating key functionalities of GIS but it is not
intended to be a detailed training manual of how to implement such functions.



As set out in the introduction, geography matters to IEM: hazards are spatially distributed,
and generally very uneven in that distribution, vulnerable facilities are distributed and
clustered in space, and resources may be sub-optimally located to deal with anticipated and
actual emergencies. GIS are computer-based systems for the integration, storage, querying,
analysis, modelling, reporting and mapping of geographically-referenced data.
The most commonly used conceptual model for a GIS is the overlay model (Figure 8). At its
core, GIS stores layers of data that share a common mode of geographical referencing, for
instance the GB Ordnance Survey Grid or Latitude and Longitude. Because the layers of
data have a common geography they can be superimposed upon one another. These layers
are typically thematic, so one layer may be a terrain model, another may be hydrology,
another 100 year flood plains, another all residential properties, another roads and so on. By
holding each theme as a separate layer they can be analysed separately, and also in
combination with each other.

Figure 8: GIS depends upon layers of data being accurately georeferenced relative
to each other and an externally accepted standard framework such as the
National Grid of Great Britain (Image Courtesy of Bristol City Council)


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

For instance, epidemiologists might be interested, as the first stage of an analysis, in the
geographical distribution of patients with a specific disease. This might show a level of
clustering that requires further investigation, and the second stage might be to superimpose
other thematic layers which may have a causal association with the distribution of the
The classic example of this is
the work, 150 years ago, of
Dr John Snow who identified
cholera as being a waterborne illness. In September
1854, during the last great
cholera epidemic in Great
Britain, 500 people living in
the Broad Street area of
London died of the disease
within a ten-day period.
Dr Snow established that
cholera was a water-borne
illness and he arrived at this
conclusion by plotting the
location of each of the
deaths on a street map and
then adding (as a separate
thematic layer) the location
of public water pumps. Dr
Snow ordered the removal of
the handle of a pump that
was in the centre of the
cluster of deaths, and thus
ended the cholera epidemic.

Figure 9: John Snows Cholera maps of 1854 (redrafted) 4

Backdrop mapping,
typically supplied in the
UK by the Ordnance
Survey (OS), also utilises
the same mode of
geographical referencing,
so thematic data layers
may also be
superimposed upon
digital OS maps for
location, orientation,
interpretation and other

Crown Copyright. All rights reserved, Cabinet Office, License No 100038675, 2005

Figure 10: nature reserve boundaries superimposed on a

1:25,000 Scale OS Map Backdrop


For instance, in figure 10

three Sites of Special
Scientific Interest (nature
reserves) are overlain on
a 1:25,000 scale (see
box 3) base map.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Box 3: Map Scale

Map users are generally comfortable with the idea of scale. For example, a 1:50,000 scale
map implies that 1 unit of distance on the map equates to 50,000 units of distance on the
ground. It is also widely appreciated that paper maps which are produced at different scales
contain more information at larger scales (note the terminology that 1:10,000 is a larger
scale than 1:50,000, which means that maps of scales around 1:250,000 or 1:1 million are
generally termed small scale maps, that is maps with relatively little detail).
There can however be a misconception relating to GIS that the ability to zoom in and out of
digital maps has rendered the idea of scale somehow irrelevant. This is absolutely not the
case, and a related concept is important, that of nominal scale.

Crown Copyright. All rights reserved, Cabinet Office, License No 100038675, 2005

Figure 11: exactly the area in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne, illustrated using
1:250,000 scale raster map and 1:1,250 Vector LandLineTM data
Figure 11 illustrates a relatively small area of the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne, less than
1km from East to West. The image on the left is of 1:250,000 scale mapping. The image on
the right is vastly more detailed, illustrating with much greater accuracy the location of
buildings, football stadia, shopping centres, hospitals and roads. In the 1:250,000 map the
Hospital (the collection of buildings upper right in the LandLineTM map) has been generalised
to a small white square and the letter H. Roads in contrast, have been magnified to many
times their true size and consequently they have had to be relocated to fit them all in.
Nominal scale describes the scale at which a given mapping product was intended to be
used. Clearly the road atlas style map with a nominal scale of 1:250,000 can be displayed at
a scale of 1:2,500, but it yields very little of value and may in fact be misleading, yet the
LandLineTM data with a nominal scale of 1:1,250 would simply degenerate into an
indistinguishable mass of lines at around 1:10,000, yet it retains a great deal of value at
larger scales.

However, GIS can take us a long way past mapping and the visual analysis of spatial
features. Three key attributes of any record within a GIS database are:

What is it? This would be the defining and secondary attributes of the object or area.
A defining attribute might be whether the object is a residential building, an industrial
site or a nature reserve. Secondary attributes might then respectively be whether the
building is a private dwelling or a care home, whether the industrial site is a COMAH
site or whether the nature reserve is designated for its geological, flora or fauna

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

When do the records relate to? The temporal dimension of records can be highly
variable. For instance, some records have a start and an end date/time, some will
have a single date (e.g. date built or designated) and others may be cyclical or
periodic, such as opening or operating times.

Where are the objects on the ground? It has been estimated that approximately 85%
of corporate datasets are geographically referenced in one way or another. For many
organisations this is integral to their operations (for instance, in many utilities asset
management), whereas in others it is less direct or it may be incidental (for instance
GP practices where patient records are referenced to their home address). However,
even where the geographical location of individual records is not critical to the data
originator, when used in another context (for instance during the targeted evacuation
of those with specific health conditions) it becomes very significant.
The geography of records is thus significant in two ways:

It is available to target individuals / properties / areas as required, even if such an

application was not envisaged by the data originator;

Critically, a geographical location provides the means by which disparate

datasets can be integrated (Box 4).

Box 4: Integrating disparate datasets using a spatial key

It has been estimated that approximately 85% of all corporate information is spatially
referenced in one way or another i.e. it is Geographical Information (GI see Box 1). This
does not mean that all organisations use GIS to access this proportion of their records, but
that in the order of 85% of all records could potentially be mapped. To map a record in a
dataset, some level of geographical reference must be included. This could be a grid
reference, a full postal address, a postcode, the name of the Census Output Area it falls
within or the name of the street or area it refers to. All of these could, albeit some with more
processing than others, be used to map a record. It should also be noted that the level of
geographical precision and accuracy that can be achieved with some geo-referencing
frameworks are much better than with others. For instance, a full postcode can be shared by
several residential properties and as such is less accurate than the full postal address,
which is equivalent to a ten figure (to the nearest 10 metres) Ordnance Survey Grid
Different agencies and different applications within agencies have historically used different
geo-referencing frameworks. For example, within a local authority, streetlights may be
located using a very precise grid reference, schools and care homes may be associated
with a full postal address, industrial units may be defined by a series of addresses, bridges
may be associated with a street segment and flood plains will be represented by areas, as
will demographic profiles, nature reserves, land use and planning zones. Linking records
that use disparate geo-referencing frameworks within, and across agencies is not without its
problems, but it can be done. Figure 12 illustrates the five generic geo-referencing
frameworks that public and private sector agencies employ, and gives examples for each.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Work Orders


Census Area

Specific Site



Street Trees

Land Use




Parcel /

Service Bills

Flood Plains


Fire Hydrants





Key Holder




Road Class
& Speed


Specific Site
Traffic Flow


Figure 12: records integration using the spatial key

Each mode of referencing a records geography can be cross-referenced to the others. For
instance, a full postal address can be given a grid reference, located with reference to the
adjacent street, identified as a building or a property within a building (to which the local
authority may have allocated a UPRN, or Unique Property Reference Number), it may also
be registered as an address to which the Post Office delivers mail and as such it will have
an OSAPR, or Ordnance Survey Address Point Reference, which in turn may be referenced
against the Topographic Identifier (TOID) which is a unique reference for each object
identified in Ordnance Surveys Mastermap dataset.
The details of how records utilising different geo-referencing frameworks can be integrated,
and the consequences for data quality are beyond the scope of this document. The
objective here has been to establish that such integration is possible, yet that it needs to be
managed carefully.


The Key Functions of a GIS

This section outlines each of the key functions of a GIS, with examples. Further examples
appear in Section 7, which illustrates GIS applications in the different processes of IEM.

Data Integration

Data that relate to defined geographical places or features (points, lines or areas in vector
format data or grid-cells or pixels in raster format data see Box 5) can be integrated within
GIS, irrespective of their origin. This is of course a sweeping statement and a great deal
depends on the format of those data, but as a general statement this is true; where records

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

are geographically referenced to an accepted format they can be imported into GIS. It does
not always have to be the case, however, that individual datasets have to have a spatial
identifier themselves to be integrated into GIS. Figure 13 illustrates the way in which some
datasets with no explicit spatial location (e.g. table in top left) can be integrated, on the basis
of a common field, with others that have either a relatively inaccurate (e.g. postcode) or a
highly accurate (e.g. Easting and Northing grid reference) location. This joining of tables is
extremely significant in the context of a data creation and integration exercise.


















1 High Street




3 High Street




5 High Street




7 High Street




9 High Street











1 High Street




3 High Street




5 High Street




7 High Street




9 High Street














Figure 13: integrating non-spatial data with spatially-referenced data

on the basis of common fields
Table 4 illustrates a range of relevant thematic datasets (i.e. data about specific things rather
than general backdrop mapping). It is not exhaustive of the data that could be of relevance
IEM, and it is also relatively high-level, so telecommunications as a heading would
incorporate infrastructure relating to landlines, commercial mobile telecommunications, fibre
optic cables, internet exchanges, government digital communications and analogue radio
communications, each of which is an extensive and complex dataset in itself. As all of the
elements that comprise the table are located at specific places or have other geographical
dimensions (e.g. height, depth, area and route or pathway) they can be (and mostly are)
recorded, managed and analysed using GIS. However, the datasets listed or encompassed
in table 4 are owned and maintained by a wide range of bodies including, but not limited to:

Central Government Departments

Government Offices for the Regions
Local Authorities
Highways Agency
Environment Agency
Natural England


Health Authorities
Primary Care Trusts
Emergency Services
Ministry of Defence
Private Sector Companies
Regional Development Agencies

Data and information sharing is critical to the effective application of GIS to IEM. GIS
depends on data, and data that are fit for use. Sharing data is therefore pivotal to the longterm development of GIS in this field and much else besides (see sections 9 and 10).
The concept of a Common Operational Picture (COP) is significant. For agencies to work
effectively together as part of a multi-agency response to emergencies, each agency has got
to be appraised of the bigger picture. This is significant as (a) the perception of a specific .

Other communal
establishments associated
with high density

Care Centres

Schools & Colleges

Vulnerable Individuals
(e.g. physical & mental
health or mobility)

Deprivation data

Census data

Food supply system

Water supply system

National Parks
Cultural & Historical Sites
Country Parks
Recreation Sites

Service Units
Industrial Units

Water & Rivers



Financial Services

Nature Reserves

Retail Units

Transportation (incl.
routes, depots, ports,
bridges, etc)


Centres of Employment

Suitable buildings (e.g.

leisure centres or



Vertical Structures

Emergency Services
resource sites, service
boundaries and control

Energy Generation and



Land Use Density

Government Agency

Total population and

demographic breakdown



Natural Environment

Built Environment
and Economy

Community and


Table 4: examples of thematic data sources relevant to emergency planning and management, illustrating the need to develop multi-agency
databases (Note: the categories are not of course entirely mutually exclusive, and are used indicatively here)

Transport-related hazards

Fire hazards

Slope instability

Specific building hazards


REPIR sites

COMAH sites

Storm tides

Coastal flood hazards

River Flood Plains


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

incident will differ, both in control and on the ground, between agencies, and (b) because the
resources of those individual agencies are themselves part of the bigger picture.
Box 5: Raster and Vector data

Vector data are those which are stored as points, lines and areas (below right). Raster data
are those which are stored in a regular gird, or matrix of cells (below left in which U = urban,
F = forest, A = Arable and W = water).




Figure 14: Raster and Vector data structures compared

Vector data have the advantage of being able to represent real world features such as rivers,
roads and buildings more accurately, as the exact location, path or boundaries of features
can be reproduced (see Figure 16). In vector format each feature (for instance a water body,
a building or a bridge) is allocated a unique identifier in the associated database. A large
number of attributes can then be associated with this identifier. For instance, each of three
bridges could have a series of attributes, such as those illustrated below, associated with

Bridge ID




Traffic Control
Toll Booths

Traffic Flow

Maintained By
County Council
Bridges Inc
County Council

The raster data format is now most commonly used for remotely sensed data, that is satellite
images or aerial photographs. Figure 15 illustrates a false colour (red shows vegetation, light
blue or blue/grey shows sealed surfaces such as buildings and roads and very dark blue is
water, with the North Sea visible in the upper right) SPOT satellite image. These data are
measured solar radiation that is being given off by the earths surface, and the data are
collected in raster format, with one value for each cell (or pixel) of 20m x 20m resolution. The
pixel-based nature of the data is clear when you zoom into a small area, also illustrated in
Figure 15.
The raster format is also commonly used in modelling data, where the grid is used to
identify, for example, the predicted value of an atmospherically pollutant. Figure 27
(radioactivity atmospheric dispersal modelling by the Met Office) clearly illustrates the grid
based nature of such model output.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Figure 15: Satellite image illustrating pixel-based nature of raster data

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Figure 16: OS StrategiTM data illustrating geographically precise nature of vector data
The spatial resolution (pixel size) of aerial photographs is much small than most satellite
data (1m x 1m or rather less is typical) although the resolution of satellite data varies
dramatically between sensors (the equipment mounted on the satellite which gathers the
data) as weather satellites have very different applications to modern systems such as
IKONOS (see section 11) which can produce data that are comparable with aerial


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

In the New York City Emergency Operations Center (NYC EOC), in common with many in
the UK, including the Lothian and Borders Police Joint Agencies Control Centre (JACC) in
Edinburgh, a series of agencies with responsibility for emergency response are brought
together and a GIS capacity has been established. In the JACC information from the GIS
can be displayed on large wall displays. However, in the NYC EOC representatives from
each agency sit at a designated PC which provides access to an Intranet GIS. This GIS is
constantly maintained by EOC staff during an incident so that all agencies have access to
precisely the same information about the incident, its implications, the response and
associated issues. Although neither the EOC nor the JACC have access to real time data
from all relevant agencies (but see section 7.4.6 on Automatic Vehicle Location Systems),
the benefits from all agencies facing the same information, the Common Operational Picture
(COP), is widely accepted.
There are technical issues to be addressed to achieve a COP, but more complex are the
cultural and organisational issues which hamper effective inter-agency communication and
working at all levels of operations and command.

Data Analysis (i): Querying

Data analysis is the process of generating added value from a dataset or a number of
datasets, and beginning to get to grips with details and causes. For instance, analysing the
relationship between hoax 999 calls, the demographics of an area and the distribution of
prolific youth offenders is an approach that can target school-based educational work by fire
prevention officers. Also taking risk as its focus, an analysis of the spatial distribution of
accidents over time, in relation to the spatial distribution of police, fire and ambulance
stations and travel time zones around those locations, is a technique to analyse the
efficiency and effectiveness of service provision and plan for the optimal re-location of
emergency service locations. See the case studies in section 7 for further details.
Data can be queried in two main ways in a GIS:
a) On the basis of location: records can be selected on the basis of where they are, and
this is unique to GIS. For example, Figure 17 illustrates a map of total hazard score
for an area in the Eastern United States. Overlain on the hazard map are the
footprints of all buildings in that area. Selecting those buildings that fall within the
highest hazard score zones and then accessing a table of their attributes is a simple
operation in GIS. As set out in Box 4 these records could then be integrated with a
range of other attributes such as occupancy details, telephone numbers and details
of any vulnerable individuals or groups located in them. This is returned to in section


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Figure 17: identifying properties that fall within hazardous areas

b) On the basis of attribute: in common with any other database management system,
structured queries can be applied to a dataset to extract records on the basis of their
characteristics, irrespective of their location. For example, in the immediate aftermath
of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City, GIS was used to
identify all the concrete slab buildings in Lower Manhattan that had at least 10,000
square feet of clear space, for use as temporary mortuaries.

Data Analysis (ii): Spatial Analysis

Spatial analysis is concerned with the patterns and associations that exist within and
between layers of spatial data, patterns and associations that might go unnoticed unless an
explicitly geographical perspective is taken. This is an extensive field and reference to a
specialist text book is recommended for further details (see Appendix 2), but the key
operations are set out here.

Overlay analysis

As the name suggests this is the process of superimposing one or more thematic layers
upon another. At its simplest level this can be a visual process, to see how the distribution of
one set of features relates to another. GIS also supports the combination and subsequent
analysis of layers of datasets. For instance, points can be appended with the unique
identifier of each polygon that they fall within. From this the number of points per polygon
can be calculated, and if each polygon is associated with a population figure, the rate per
1000 can also be calculated.
Polygon layers can also be combined, and a series of different operations are possible,
including spatial union (see Fig 18) and a cookie-cutter approach (see Fig 19).


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

(a) Postcode Sector Boundaries

(b) Urban Area Boundaries

(c) Postcode Sectors and Urban Areas overlain

as separate thematic layers

(d) Postcode Sectors and Urban Areas combined

to form a single thematic layer

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Figure 18: Spatial Combination, or Union, of Separate Thematic Layers

In the operation illustrated in Figure 18 each polygon created in (d), through the spatial
combination of postcode sectors and urban areas, has the attributes of both layers
appended to it. This would then support queries to identify urban areas that are also in a
defined postcode sector. In this particular case a level of caution is required as some
attributes, for instance population associated with urban areas, will no longer be accurate
where the original polygon (for which the population data was accurate) has been divided
into one or more separate polygons, each of which will be attributed with all fields from both
the urban areas and the postcode sector layers. It is important to remember that GIS is a
tool and that user discretion is a critical aspect of proper and appropriate use.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Urban Areas falling within County clipped out as

new thematic layer

County Boundary overlain with Urban Areas

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Figure 19: Using one thematic layer as a cookie cutter to clip out only those features of
another layer which fall within its spatial extent

Boolean analysis

As has been identified, much of the power of GIS derives from its ability to combine spatial
and attribute queries. In a conventional database management system queries are usually
structured to identify records that meet defined criteria. A simple query might be to select all
records where Type = B or where Quality is > 27. More complex queries use what are
termed Boolean operators such as AND, OR and EXCLUDING. Simple set theory can be
used to illustrate the point.
A series of sets can be identified in the Venn
diagram illustrated right:

The area covered by A

The area covered by B
The area covered by A but NOT covered by B
The area covered by B but NOT covered by A
The area covered by A AND covered by B

Additional operators could be employed to

identify further sets, but the point is that queries
can be defined to identify areas that meet
certain criteria defined by the relative spatial
extent and attributes of two (or indeed many
more) thematic layers within a GIS.

Figure 20: the principle of Boolean

analysis is that of a Venn Diagram

A combined approach can also be applied to identify records that both meet certain attribute
criteria as well as defined spatial criteria (e.g. identify all the schools with grounds large
enough to land a heavy helicopter and sufficient indoor space to act as a major casualty
clearing station that are also within 5km of the crash site but not within the probable
contaminated area). These kinds of queries could be answered without GIS, but this would
take time and resources that incident responders are unlikely to have. Time and resources
need to be allocated to develop GIS in advance of an incident to support a more efficient,
better informed and more effective response when it matters.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Buffering is the process of creating a new
polygon feature around an existing feature,
or set of features. Buffers can be generated
around points, lines or areas and for areas
they may be either within the polygon,
outside the polygon, or both. Once created,
buffers or a defined extent (e.g. 200m or
4km) can be used in any of the other
operations described here, for example in
selecting features that fall within the
buffered polygon such as key holders within
an affected area.

Figure 21: Buffer around a linear feature


Neighbourhood analysis

The spatial relationship between datasets can be analysed through overlay analysis as
identified above, but neighbourhood analysis permits a more interactive approach to define
features by their spatial relationship to other features. For instance, in Figure 22 all
properties falling within 200m of a river have been selected. Alternative approaches may
define all features that fall entirely, or partly within other features, or be within given
distances of other features.

Rivers and all Properties

Properties within 200m of Rivers

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Figure 22: Spatial Selection of Buildings located within 200m of a River


Surface modelling

In many applications that deal with point data, there is an emphasis on understanding the
density or level of concentration of points over space. In many cases simple visual analysis
will be unreliable, as many points may be so closely clustered as to be indistinguishable, or
may be even be superimposed. Under such circumstances using analytical techniques to
convert the point layer into a grid-based (raster) layer (see Box 3) that illustrates density of
points per unit area gives a much more effective picture of the actual distribution, and
clustering, of the dataset.
Figures 23 and 24 illustrate this with an example of child pedestrian road traffic accidents
(RTAs) in a UK city. Each point in Figure 23 represents a single RTA involving a child
pedestrian over a ten year period. The overall pattern is relatively clear and the areas of


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

particular concentration can be relatively well discerned. Which areas are the worst, the real
blackspots, is not however very clear.

Figure 23: the point location of Child Pedestrian RTAs

Converting the point data into a density surface, illustrated in Figure 24, is much clearer and
of more immediate and effective use to decision makers.

Figure 24: point locations of Child Pedestrian RTAs converted into a density surface


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Spatial Statistics

In the example of child pedestrian RTAs above, spatial statistics could be used to identify
both the most highly statistically significant clusters of incidents, and also test for the
strength of association with other variables such as demographic profiles and census data.
This is a complex area and reference to a specialist textbook is recommended for further
details (see Appendix 2).


Network analysis

Network analysis focuses on the movement of objects (usually, but not always vehicles)
along an interlinked network of, routes or pathways (usually but not always, roads). The
analysis includes a number of parameters, including:

Connectivity: network analysis can only work for a network of roads that has been
correctly linked together. For instance, even the smallest error in data creation that
leaves one section un-linked to another will lead to the software assuming they are not
meant to be linked computers do not compensate for human failures. The network
also needs to be structured in such a way that features such as overpasses, bridges
and underpasses are correctly interpreted by the software so that drivers are not
erroneously instructed to leap off a bridge onto the road below!

Speed: travel time along a network is calculated as a simple function of distance and
speed. Therefore speed must be included as an attribute of each section of the road
network. Usually it is the speed limit that is recorded, although this can lead to
dangerously optimistic results for many applications bear in mind that fire engines
responding to a 999 call in urban areas usually travel at an average speed of less than
20mph. For most of the roads in an urban area the speed limit is 30 or 40mph, and
even then average actual speeds take no account of variations over the course of a
day, such as rush hour. Many data re-sellers enhance road networks to include
attributes such as likely travel speed at different times of the day.

Direction: most road networks are two-way but some streets are one way systems and
these need to be represented as such in a road network that is intended to support
network analysis, for obvious reasons.

Different software packages operate in slightly different ways in respect of how they report
results of analysis, but typically areas that can be reached within a given time (e.g. <5
minutes) can be identified and isochrones (contour type lines of equal travel time) can be


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Network analysis permits scenarios to be

analysed, for instance in assessing the
relative coverage of an area with different
permutations of service provision, such as
fire stations. In this hypothetical example the
service shortfalls identified above at A, B and
C are addressed to differing degrees in the
three alternative scenarios identified above
and to the right.

Simple geographical coverage however is

only part of the picture, and GIS permits
other variables to be considered, for instance
the actual distribution of properties within the
urban area (illustrated left) as well as, for
instance, the distribution of residential
properties, schools, hospitals, care homes,
recreation complexes, hazardous
installations and road accident blackspots.

Analysis to underpin major decisions such as

the relocation of emergency service stations
needs to be rigorous, taking into account
possible future trends as well as factors that
can explain the current level of problems
experienced. For instance, patterns of
deprivation (illustrated here using the ODPM
Index of Multiple Deprivation scores) are
closely associated with crime and disorder,
including arson.

Figure 25: Network Analysis Application

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A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Although GIS is a set of tools which can be applied individually, the greatest leverage of
information is often achieved by using a range of such tools within an overall project to
analyse different dimensions of a given problem.

Data Modelling

Modelling is the process of generating additional elements from existing datasets. For
example a model of atmospheric pollution dispersion from a point source takes a number of
known or estimated facts, such as the location of release, the characteristics of the
compound, wind strength and direction and terrain characteristics to predict the likely
dispersion of the compound over space and time.

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Figure 26: map of the immediate Area-at-Risk for a fictitious radioactive

release pollution incident in Hartlepool (Courtesy of the Met Office)
As an example of this, Figure 26 was produced by the Met Office Environment Monitoring
and Response Centre to map the immediate Area-at-Risk for a fictitious radioactive release
pollution incident in Hartlepool, and Figure 27 illustrates the modelled the longer term spread
of Caesium-137 across the British Isles and Northern Europe.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

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Figure 27: the modelled the longer term spread of Caesium-137 following the hypothetical
incident established in Figure 26 (Courtesy of the Met Office)
This ability to run different scenarios and assess their likely implications is pivotal to activities
associated with preparing for emergencies, but it is also significant in an emergency context
during which the implications of a shift in wind direction could be estimated and worked
Models are based on assumptions and data that may be flawed, so their outputs should be
treated with a degree of caution, but if the data and the models are robust then the output is
of potentially great value to emergency managers. See the case studies in section 7 for
further details.


Data Mining

Although data mining is a highly advanced set of techniques for identifying anomalies in
extensive digital datasets, at a basic level it is a process of applying a set of queries to a
dataset, except it is done automatically and with specific purposes in mind. For example, an
increasing number of Police Forces in the UK use Automatic Number Plate Recognition
(ANPR), and once read each number plate can be compared with a set of records. These
records may, for example, be whether the car is associated with a wanted person or whether
it is untaxed. Boolean queries that include a spatial element can also be associated with this,
for example to narrow the query to be whether a set of number plates associated with
wanted people appear in a given area.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Terrain Analysis

Terrain analysis is a specific set of techniques which analyse the surface of the earth. The
purposes of such analysis might be to identify slope angle or aspect (both of which are
relevant to slope stability and hydrological modelling) or carry out what is termed
intervisibility analysis.
Terrain analyses are typically carried out on a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which is a
raster data layer in which each individual cell is allocated a value which is the average
altitude of the land represented by that pixel (Figure 28).

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Figure 28: a Digital Elevation Model of the Northumberland Coast and Hills
Intervisibility analysis can calculate whether one point on a DEM is visible from another and
also carry out more sophisticated viewshed analysis, heavily used in environmental
assessments of new developments such as windfarms, which can calculate the cumulative
visibility of a feature from the surrounding landscape. Precisely the same technique is also
widely used in communications planning, where analogue radios in particular depend upon
line of sight between transmitter and receiver, and mobile phone companies use this
technique for service assessment and planning.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Figure 29: 3D Rendered Digital Elevation Model (Courtesy of the

Humanitarian Crisis Information Centre, Pristina, Kosovo)
Having the ability to store altitude, the third dimension of the land surface, in GIS also has
implications for visualising data and information. Figure 29, for example, was produced by
the Humanitarian Crisis Information Centre in Pristina, Kosovo. The purpose of the map was
to familiarise international aircrews who were flying relief missions into Kosovo with the
landscape of the country as a whole. Thematic layers and images such as aerial
photographs and satellite images can also be draped on top of such 3D visualisations,
illustrated in Figure 30 for the area around the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol.

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Figure 30: Layering infrastructure data and draping aerial photography over a DEM
(Image Courtesy of Bristol City Council and Cities Revealed Aerial Photography
The GeoInformation Group5)

Information Outputs and Cartographic Standards

Maps are the primary output from GIS. However, GIS also support a range of other forms of
output, including:


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Charts, graphs and histograms

3D graphics.

The emphasis is on graphical communication, and the adage that a picture is worth a
thousand words is worth bearing in mind. Visual images can interest and engage people
and also help them to understand relatively complex issues in terms that are accessible to
them. Some of the advantages of using images, including maps are that they:

are easy to remember

form a visual basis for an accompanying narrative and discussion
can reinforce potential changes seeing is believing
can effectively condense extensive and complex information
are accessible to many people
can be appraised in a short period of time
fit within an increasingly image-laden culture within which people have accelerating
expectations of the way in which information is served.

In this example, the modelled results of

a flooding scenario for Great Yarmouth
as illustrated.
What makes this a particularly effective
map is the way in which the affected
area is shown underneath a watery
blue semi-transparent overlay. This has
greater visual impact than a simple
The use of aerial photography rather
than an OS map increases the impact
as photos are perceived (and in many
respects are) more real.
However, a picture that makes no
sense, is impenetrably complex or
otherwise fails to engage the end-user
has failed to do its job and the
information it is intended to convey will
go unheeded.

Figure 31: simulated flood over Great Yarmouth

(Source: www.nrsc.co.uk )
A range of wizards are available in most modern software to guide the user through the
process of designing and creating such outputs, but some general principles should be
borne in mind:

map design (including animations and 3D graphics) is a complex field where a huge
range of decisions about the look, feel and accessibility of the map have been
automated. Making a map that has the desired effect, which should be a rapid and

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

accurate appreciation of the key information, cannot just be assumed. Standard

templates using universally accepted norms and standards should be developed and
adhered to. Although this is increasingly the case in some fields, notably the military,
this is something that still requires work in the UK and internationally.

Know your audience: just as a comic will fall flat if s/he misjudges the audience, a
map that is appreciated and understood amongst a technical group, may be
impenetrable, even misleading, to a more generalist group. Figures 32 to 34 illustrate
some basic map design issues, but this is the tip of a sizeable iceberg and reference
to Appendix 2 for further material is recommended.

Figure 32

Figure 33
Figure 32 is a simple map but one where the
key message of population density is rapidly
appreciable using an intuitive low to high,
light to dark colour scheme.
Figure 33 uses the same basic scheme, but
there are fewer categories which means that
some of the detail is lost. This may be an
advantage in making impressionistic
interpretation easier, but a disadvantage if
important distinctions are lost.

Figure 34
Figure 34 is a map of exactly the same dataset, but it is not at all intuitive: if a reader has to
pay very close and repeated attention to a key then much of the impact of the map has
immediately been lost. By failing to use a scaled approach, in favour of a categorical
classification, the map fails to be readily accessible.
IEM demands that agencies cooperate in preparing for, responding to and recovering from
emergencies, which means that data and information must be able to pass between
agencies in a way that they can effectively support joint-working. Section 10 provides an
overview of the issues around interoperability which is a multi-dimensional pre-requisite to
be addressed over the coming years to realise and manage the level of data and information
mobility that is required. One dimension of this is what has been termed soft interoperability
or the ability of organisations to work together towards a common goal. Another dimension is
that of semantics, or what data and information mean, as these may vary widely between
organisations. Differences in terminology, map design and expectations of these have the
potential to cause serious inefficiencies, or worse, on decision making.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

In the UK there are no agreed principles or details for map design in an emergency planning
context; it is a case of locally or internal agency-agreed (or often not-agreed) colours,
shadesets, and symbols being unilaterally adopted. As one of the most basic principles of
map design is that the basic message should be understandable with only limited reference
to the legend, this clearly cannot be the case where expectations from within one agency
may not match with those from others.

Figure 35: Pre-defined symbolisation for areas within a desktop GIS (ESRI, 2004)
Figure 35 illustrates some symbols for colouring areas that are available within a widely used
desktop GIS, but these are part of a commercial product rather than a common position
within the UK. Two instances where common symbolisation has been agreed are in UK
nature conservation and the military. Templates for colouring land cover and vegetation
classifications are promoted by government agencies such as Natural England and accepted
by professionals in the field; although many of these colours are not intuitive or realistic they
have been widely adopted and are appreciated by relevant staff. The military imperatives
(and indeed the consequences of failure) to arrive at a common symbolisation for mapping
are self-evident and these have now been implemented at a NATO level to ensure
communication between international forces, although the antecedents of common graphical
symbolisation in a military context goes back two millennia to the Roman army.
Work in progress in the United States by the Federal Geographic Data Committee Homeland
Security Working Group is developing a common symbol set for GIS applications in
emergency management (see Figure 36). Although there is currently no equivalent in the UK
it is essential that common symbolisation is developed and that it is done through
consultation and reference to both international experience and standards and also local
circumstances. This is a critical issue where agencies work together and it becomes
especially acute in wide area emergencies and cross-border and well as inter-agency


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Figure 36: proposed emergency map symbols for the United States
(Source: http://www.fgdc.gov/HSWG/index.html)


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Seven
GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management
The basic capabilities of GIS have been identified in the previous section.
This section develops and illustrates these capabilities in the context of the
IEM model, broken down by processes. The emphasis throughout is on the
capabilities of GIS as a tool.


Anticipating and Assessing Risks

Although the anticipation and assessment processes are separate, they have a common
focus on hazards, threats, vulnerabilities, risks and interdependencies. GIS applications
primarily fall within the assessment process, in which identified hazards and threats are
analysed in their spatial context, which supports vulnerability and risk assessments. For
instance, Figure 37 illustrates different aspects of the demography of an urban area. The
four maps illustrate (a) the total population (which says relatively little about daytime
population or vulnerability), (b) the population over 65 years of age (which, all other things
being equal, are more likely than other groups to be at home Monday to Friday 9 to 5), (c)
the proportion of the population that is linguistically isolated (so may be unable to appreciate
aural warnings given in English) and (d) the proportion of people with mobility impairments
(who would need assistance in an evacuation scenario). Such information is extremely
valuable in the process of anticipating and assessing risks from various scenarios.

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Figure 37: profiling an urban area for risk and vulnerability assessment


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Case Study: Risk Assessment in the Insurance Industry

Assessing hazards is not just restricted to emergency planners; it is something that the
public and private sectors alike need to consider, and public-facing systems such as the
Environment Agencys Floodline system (see Figure 41) enables individual businesses and
householders to identify the hazards and assess the risks to which they may be exposed.
One example of a private sector initiative to assess risk comes from the insurer Norwich
Union. Their business interests make it essential that they charge insurance rates which are
proportionate to risk, and losses from flooding represent a major business concern for the
insurance industry as a whole. However, flood modelling for the UK has previously been
hampered by terrain data that are insufficiently detailed to discriminate between properties.
As a consequence of this, many homes and businesses which are at low risk of flooding may
previously have been refused cover or charged excessive premiums. Norwich Union
commissioned a digital map to help pinpoint and understand exactly which areas of the
country are at risk from river flooding.
Box 6: spatial interdependencies

IEM has to be concerned with interdependencies. One event may be caused by others, and
the severity of consequences may depend upon a series of other factors such as nature and
time of incident and proximity to vulnerable facilities. The nature of financial, industrial,
social, transportation, communications and other systems is that failures or emergencies in
one part of intermeshed systems has widespread implications elsewhere, and in ways that
may not have been precisely foreseen. The seriousness of the fuel protests of 2000 was not
in proportion to the numbers taking direct action against fuel supplies. In the same year the
Food and Mouth Disease epidemic caused serious financial loss for many farm businesses,
including those that were not directly affected. However, what was the effective closure of
public access to much of the UK countryside also had very serious implications for rural
tourism and leisure businesses these are interdependencies.
Many of these interdependencies are spatial in nature. For instance, in July 2001 in the US a
train carrying chemicals and paper products derailed in a tunnel in central Baltimore, caught
fire and, in the ensuing five days, caused a series of infrastructure failures and public safety
problems. The train leaked several thousand gallons of hydrochloric acid into the tunnel, and
the fire caused a water main to burst. More than 70 million gallons of water spread over the
downtown area, flooding buildings and streets and leaving businesses without water. The
fire also burned through fibre-optic cables, causing widespread telecommunication
problems. The fire and burst water main damaged power cables and left 1,200 Baltimore
buildings without electricity6. This is a very clear example of interdependencies that are
physical, geographical and information-related (the loss of fibre-optic cables).
GIS can help, in both planning and response, to analyse and visualise such potential
interdependencies that might not be identified with a solely non-spatial view.

Commercially available terrain data that Norwich Union were using to model flood risk prior
to this project had an error estimate of +/- 5 metres. Clearly, this is the difference between
no flooding and complete inundation of a 2 story building. Data were collected by an airborne
radar system which was used to produce a Digital Elevation Model, which shows the height
of the ground above sea level. This was then combined with a flood software model to
produce information on where floods are likely to occur and how far they might extend. The

Peerenboorn, J.P., Fisher, R.E., Rinaldi, S.M. and Kelly, T.K. (2002). Studying the chain reaction,
Electric Perspectives, January/February 2002.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

new terrain data has an error estimate of +/- 0.5 metres, or 10% of the previous level,
illustrated in Figure 38.

Figure 38: an area near Shrewsbury mapped using the commercially available 5m contours
(left) and the new 1m contour data (right) derived from airborne survey
(courtesy of Norwich Union)
By investing in consistently accurate information on the height of land surrounding rivers
Norwich Union have the best available information about the risk of flood for insurance
purposes, which enables them to better understand whether a customer has been a victim of
a one-off occurrence or is at risk from potentially frequent flooding.


Case Study: River Flooding and Storm Surge

To develop contingency plans, prepare emergency responses and identify areas and groups
at risk of flooding this case study is intended to illustrate the way in which the implications of
different severities of flooding can be identified, prepared for and publicised. In this scenario
extremely high tides and rising temperatures have combined with forecast high rain,
following a period of heavy snowfall to threaten an area with severe flooding.
This illustrates the study area
for this scenario (the coastal
area within the box). Two
rivers run, over a relatively
short distance, from the coast
up to high ground, thereby
establishing a clear hazard
from rapid snow melt.
Much of the coastal area is
relatively low lying and
therefore at risk from coastal

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A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

This illustrates a limited

scenario of significantly
heightened stream flow
resulting from snow melt and
rainfall and high tides, and a
flood model which incorporates
a digital elevation model of the
terrain, projected stream flows
and tidal pressure to predict
the areas at greatest risk of
flooding. Using an accessible
colour scheme (green for low
risk to red for high risk) the
areas and properties at risk
are identified.
Crown Copyright. All rights reserved, Cabinet Office, License No 100038675, 2005

In this scenario the

assumptions have been
changed to exceed the
severity of the 1953 coastal
floods along Eastern England
as part of a future sea level
change risk assessment.

Crown Copyright. All rights reserved, Cabinet Office, License No 100038675, 2005

Such scenarios are extremely helpful in contingency planning, and the private sector, most
notably insurers, have invested a great deal in this so that premiums reflect the spatial
distribution of risk, balanced against the probability of different levels of flooding occurring.

The Role of Public Facing Systems

Over the past decade on-line mapping applications have been developed in internet,
extranet and intranet sites for a wide range of agencies and across a diverse set of
application areas. They have proven to be effective as one way of communicating
information within organisations, between organisations and to the general public. Many online, or web-based mapping applications portray spatial information that is relatively static, or
is changeable only over relatively long periods of time. For example, electoral
representation, landscape character and the location of bus stops are all on-line in many UK
Local Authorities publicly accessible web-mapping applications.
Such applications can also deal with more dynamic situations and one heavily used example
of this is the Automobile Associations Travel Watch Service, which provides an up-to-date
view of roadworks and delays on the road network in both map and textual form (Figure 39).


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

The Highways Agency and the RAC also offer similar services, and the Highways Agency
have extended this to include details of scheduled future works on the major routes7.

Figure 39: the AAs Travel Watch Internet Mapping service, through which individual delays
can be interrogated to give further details (www.theaa.com)
In recent years a growing number of authorities have started to develop web-mapping
applications in areas of direct relevance to IEM. For example, the Centre for Environment
Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), website provides a mapping application that
permits access to multiple layers of marine environmental data that are of clear relevance to
coastal emergency planning, for instance in respect of assessing the risk of pollution
incidents8 (Figure 40).

Figure 40: the CEFAS marine environmental data web-mapping application

Public Facing Systems are not of course the same thing as GIS and the wider work of the
National Steering Committee on Warning and Informing the Public (NSCWIP) embraces
many areas of work9. However, given the impact and accessibility of (well designed) maps,
they deserve attention in this context. Note that at the height of the Foot and Mouth Disease



A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

epidemic of 2001, the DEFRA website that provided public access to maps of affected areas
was receiving up to 600,000 hits a day.
The Environment
Agency website10
provides a mapping
service for members of
the general public to
identify both current
flood warnings and
also the likely extent of
different severities of
While this is
unwelcome news for
those who live or work
in the identified areas,
it is a necessary
element of preparing
for flooding

Figure 41: EAs web flood mapping


Case study: Surrey Alert

Surrey County Council, working in partnership with the Surrey Emergency Services Major
Incident Committee (SESMIC), has pioneered the use of web-based GIS as an element of
the Surrey Alert system. Surrey Alert is intended to provide spatially related information for
use in planning, training and responding to incidents. Designed to be used in conjunction
with existing emergency planning procedures, Surrey Alert is intended to be the definitive
source of spatial information during an incident, so that all responders can trust that the
information they are using is the most up to date, and accurate.
There are four main elements to Surrey Alert:

An Emergency Contacts Database that is universally accessible and always up to


ii) An Incident Management System that provides an audit trail of communications

and decisions over the course of an incident
iii) A Public Website that is intended for the general public and media organisations to
use as an information point during a major incident
iv) An Extranet site that is intended to be used by the SESMIC organisations who
would respond during an emergency (emergency services, local authorities,




A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

military, Environment Agency, Highways Agency, Government Office South East

and the NHS).

Figure 42: The Surrey Alert Public-Facing Flooding GIS

Datasets that are available on the extranet-based mapping application include:

Emergency Services bases & boundaries

PCT boundaries and head offices
COMAH sites
Voluntary services
Emergency Rest Centres


Environmentally sensitive areas

Hospitals, GP surgeries, pharmacists
Utility boundaries
Ordnance Survey Address Point data
Petrol stations

Figure 42 illustrates the publicly accessible flood-warning application for the whole of the
County and Figure 43 illustrates much more detailed, large-scale mapping, for a much
smaller area. The intention is to develop the GIS to become the basis of a Community Risk
Register as required under the Civil Contingencies Act.
It should be noted that web-mapping applications are not the same thing, in respect of
functionality, as desktop GIS. Specifically, the analytical capabilities of such systems (this
relates to currently available Commercial Off The Shelf Software - COTS - systems) are
weak and their main use is restricted to displaying and querying spatial information. Many
organisations have recognised that this lightweight characteristic of such applications is in
fact an advantage in certain contexts, and cost savings have been realised by replacing
desktop GIS with web applications for casual users (see Section 9 and Box 11). The
organisation benefits from reduced costs and the user benefits from a system that is usually
less complex to use and where there is no risk of over-writing or otherwise corrupting core
datasets, as access is usually read-only. A further gain is that versions of datasets can be
controlled more tightly in web-applications and users access to current (or approved)
datasets can be more easily facilitated and managed.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Figure 43: The Extranet GIS for Incident Management

For more advanced GIS users (sometimes known as power-users) web-applications are
currently very unlikely to meet their data management, manipulation and analysis
requirements, but as datasets are readily interchangeable between desktop GIS and webmapping applications, the results of desktop analysis can rapidly be posted to a webmapping application for much wider access. The New York City Emergency Operations
Centre (EOC) uses exactly this approach, analysing incidents, changes, trends, etc on
desktop GIS, and then enabling access to this information by every agency in the EOC using
a web-mapping application. In this way a Common Operational Picture is maintained.

Preventing Emergencies

As introduced above, risk assessment is an essential prerequisite to effective risk mitigation,

itself a critical component of the overall approach to build and foster resilience. GIS in itself
cannot prevent emergencies but it can inform policies, plans and practices that can help to
more effectively manage risks.

Case study: Integrated Risk Management Planning in Surrey Fire and Rescue

GIS was adopted by Surrey Fire & Rescue Service to analyse the implications for service
delivery of changing crewing patterns at their fire stations. The question was whether
savings could be made without increasing the risk to people, properties and businesses
within the fire service area. Underlying this was the need to identify fire stations that could
change the role of their personnel from being dedicated to crewing a fire engine, to being
able to carry out more flexible roles. To achieve this way of working, it would need to shown
that effective operational cover could still be provided, even if the change in working took
place. The ability of GIS to plot isochrones, lines of equal travel time, and then to validate


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

these models with data of real times taken to reach certain geographical areas proved an
objective means of proving this risk management approach.

Figure 44: drive-time analysis to inform the deployment of

specialist vehicles within the SFRS
Although GIS has been used for some time within the organisation for route finding and
hazard identification by both control and operational staff, at the beginning of the integrated
risk planning process, GIS analysis was limited within the organisation. Therefore, a
consultant was employed to develop GIS solutions specifically for IRMP. Following the
period of consultancy work, a risk information unit of two analysts and a team manager was

Figure 45: historical incident data illustrated as a hotspot map where red shows high
operational activity, blue shows low operational activity and fire engine icons show the
locations of fire stations

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

The data used for the IRMP process was already available in the organisation within an
operational database, which held details of all incidents attended by the organisation. A
degree of data cleansing was required, but as it was used for performance indicator returns
data quality was almost all fit for purpose.
The use of GIS within the IRMP process has been successful, and different crewing patterns
at certain fire stations within the organisation have now been implemented, leading to
efficiency gains across the service. Building on this experience SFRS plan to extends the
use of GIS initially for enhancing existing risk profiling within the county through integrating
various data sets including census data and incident data. IRMP has also strengthened
partnership and inter-agency working, particularly with the police and community safety
partnerships, to direct activities such as home fire risk assessments and smoke alarm fitting
(integral to emergency prevention), and also crime and disorder reduction initiatives in the
Although this case study relates to Fire and Rescue, the principles of data analysis for risk
assessment and service assessment are highly transferable, and have been adopted by
other emergency services. In the ambulance service in particular, it is well established that
response time is crucial to the survival of trauma victims, and analysis of frequently occurring
traumas such as those associated with road traffic collisions has been influential in guiding
the spatial distribution of emergency services, at particular times of day, week and year. The
principle is the same: data analysis informs risk assessment which drives service planning to
meet defined criteria and standards.


Preparing for Emergencies

Emergencies will happen and preparing for them is critical. The nature of emergencies is
that there are a range of unknowns involved (location, cause, magnitude, severity of
consequences, etc) and so the emphasis must be on building capabilities that are suitable,
sufficient and also flexible. The emphasis is therefore on planning for a flexible response.
Planning is core to preparing for emergencies, and there are three basic types of plan: (a)
generic (including generic capability or procedure), (b) hazard or contingency-specific and
(c) site or location-specific. These are detailed below.
a) Generic Plans: these plans define how an organisation should respond to any
emergency. They are not specific in respect of location, nature and severity, but they
are premised on the understanding that responding to many emergencies will require
the same initial steps to be taken in terms of staff alerting, resource deployment,
media relations and warning and informing the public. The role of GIS in generic
plans is relatively limited, but generic plans should offer guidance on how GIS should
be deployed in the event of an emergency.
b) Hazard or Contingency-Specific Plans: many events such as festivals, sporting
occasions or conferences give rise to a set of conditions that require specific plans to
be set in place. The combination of large numbers of people, a high level of
concentration, overloaded services and security considerations make it very likely
that any incident would be resource-demanding and complex to respond to. Although
planning is, by its very nature, based on assessments and assumptions, GIS has a
range of applications in risk assessment, service analysis and response if an
emergency such as a bomb threat, building collapse or disease outbreak was to
occur during the event.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Specific contingencies such as major transport emergencies (e.g. aircraft or rail

crash) or terrorist attacks also need to be planned for. With such hazards and threats
risk assessments and intelligence reports may enable planners to be relatively
specific about the potential location and severity of such emergencies. However, the
planning emphasis must be on flexibility and the ability to generate an appropriately
scaled and resourced response within a framework and processes that can translate
the principles into geographically-specific actions. The role of GIS in this regard is
c) Site or Location-Specific Plans: hazardous premises and areas such as COMAH
sites are required to have emergency plans in place. These will be based on a
hazard and risk assessment of the site and horizon scanning of the potential
emergency scenarios, including their spatial implications. The plans should detail
steps to be taken under specific circumstances, although one quality plans should
always aim for is flexibility, to support an effective response when the incident is not
exactly what has been planned for. As with event plans, location plans can make
extensive use of GIS and should also offer guidance on how GIS should be deployed
in the event of an emergency.
The ability of GIS to link spatially specific data at a variety of scales (site plan small area
demographics critical infrastructure) with thematic Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
has the potential to support the required level of rigour and flexibility. For instance, Figure 46
identifies, in schematic fashion, a set of scene locations and functions that would be
employed in managing an incident which required inner and outer cordons to be established.
Inner and outer cordoned zones are identified, together with the activities that would be
located within those zones.
These activities, arrangements and issues would include:

An inner and outer cordon, the placement of which would be determined by the
nature of the incident and the local environment
Forward control point
Incident control point
Reception point for utility company staff
Establishment of internal traffic routes for emergency services
Casualty clearing station(s)
Ambulance loading point
Survivor assembly point
Helicopter landing sites
Rendezvous point(s) for responding personnel
Vehicle and equipment marshalling area
Body holding area
Media liaison point.

The precise, on-the-ground delineation of these zones and the location of facilities such as
decontamination, casualty clearing and access points will be determined by the arrangement
of factors including the spread of any damage or contamination, wind direction, terrain, road
networks, ground conditions, rivers and the availability of suitable buildings, all of which can
be held, interrogated and analysed within GIS. Achieving this capability does, however,
require that GIS databases are prepared and in place to help frame and direct a response at
short notice. At a basic level, access to digital (or indeed hard copy) backdrop mapping will
permit a rapid appraisal of an emergency scene and context, for instance to identify potential
helicopter landing sites. However, the advantages of an integrated GIS database with

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

multiple thematic layers must be acknowledged; in the context of helicopter landing sites, not
all overhead power lines are marked and only in the MoD over-printed 1:50,000 OS maps
are they all present and associated with height above ground level figures. This is just one
example of adding value through data combination.

Figure 46: Schematic organisation for incident scene management at the tactical level
(Source: Emergency Preparedness www.ukresilience.info )
GIS applications in preparing for emergencies are not restricted to developing a multiagency database for integrated emergency management, contingency planning and tabletop exercises, for they also include the ability to analyse the distribution of resources relative
to identified hazards, risks and vulnerabilities with a view to optimising response, something
that is at the core of the IRMP project referred to in 7.2.1.

Case Study: Preparing for Severe Weather Emergencies

The Met Office has developed a Severe Weather Impacts Model (SWIM) that is based on
multiple layers of spatial data and a knowledge-base that is distilled from extensive research
into the impacts of severe weather incidents. Severe weather is defined as events that lie at
the boundaries of what is normally experienced. These include extremes of temperature
(both hot and cold), precipitation and wind.
The Met Office is seeking to support emergency planners and responders in both the public
and private sectors in their ability to anticipate, plan for and respond to severe weather
events. It should be noted that although this model will predict impacts from flooding there is
no significant overlap with the Environmental Agencys work as the latter focuses on fluvial
(rivers) flooding while SWIM focuses on pluvial (directly from rainfall) flooding.
SWIM itself is comprised of a number of elements, which enable the prediction of impacts
x Strong winds
x Dense fog
x Heavy snow
x Ice accretion
x Heavy rain
Scenarios can be defined to run within defined parameters (type and severity of weather
conditions, geographical area, and model outputs) and there are a number of information
outputs, primarily:

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


A map illustrating spatial disaggregation of impacts

A table providing more precise figures for defined areas
A report on the economic implications of the scenario
A report on the workload implications (e.g. in restoring service) of the scenario.

Figure 47 illustrates the system calculating the number of electricity company customers
who are predicted to experience a loss of power in the Midlands. The darker the colour, the
higher the number of those who will be affected.

Figure 47: predicted levels of power loss consequent upon severe winds
(Courtesy of the Met Office)
The results are also made available in tabular form, and can be aggregated to a range of
geographical units including postcode areas and local authorities (Figure 48).

Figure 48: tabular reporting of impacts from SWIM (Courtesy of the Met Office)

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

In addition to aggregated impacts information such as this, SWIM also supports more highly
disaggregated predictions for infrastructure damage. For example, Figure 49 illustrates three
layers of information:
1. forecast maximum gust speed
2. forecast direction of maximum gust
3. the location of specific high voltage electricity transmission lines.

Figure 49: predicted maximum gust speed and direction, overlain with vulnerable
electricity transmission lines (Courtesy of the Met Office)
The combination of these three variables, when combined within the model with a range of
additional characteristics of the transmission lines such as age, type and construction,
enables a more precise estimation of damage, and where it is likely to occur. Supported by
this information Distribution Network Operators can undertake planning to mitigate the
impacts of infrastructure damage, which is typically carried out in a very tight timeframe for
This is by no means a comprehensive overview of SWIM, but given that average losses per
annum from severe weather range from 1.2 to 1.5 Billion in the UK, the significance of the
model to assess risks, evaluate scenarios, warn relevant authorities of predicted impacts
and support mitigation of those impacts is very clear. SWIM is an excellent example of the
knowledge-based analytical applications of GIS that individual planners and responders are
unlikely to undertake internally, but where the ability to assimilate such GI into decision
making is critical.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Responding to Emergencies



If data are available to a GIS, staff to operate the system are present and trained,
expectations of the system have been appropriately managed and the organisational
structures to support inter-agency working are in place, then GIS can enhance the efficiency
and effectiveness of an integrated emergency response. Some of the key elements of this
contribution might include:

Support for tasking and briefing

Producing hard copy maps which remain a key information product for responders
and planners
Integrating data from multiple sources that may flow in during the course of an
Developing a Common Operational Picture for multi-agency staff
Supporting two way flows of information through mobile GIS
Assessing likely consequences and supporting forward planning
Managing assets and resources for current and projected future demands
Keeping the public and other affected parties informed through internet or intranet
mapping systems
Establishing one element of an audit trail
Supporting the transition to recovery with a baseline database that also integrates a
full picture of the emergency itself.

As introduced in section 2 the nature of the emergency is all-important, perhaps most

critically whether it is a rapid or a slow-onset emergency. Two case studies are included to
illustrate different scenarios. In the first a deliberate contamination of public drinking water
supplies is threatened and the response needs to rapidly address the public health
consequences and then longer term environmental and service delivery aspects. In the
second a fire at a chemical plant has widespread impacts on both a resident and working
population and a busy transportation network. Both of these are clearly rapid onset
emergencies, and the emphasis is on sound and well established Standard Operational
Procedures that are allied with GIS databases and tools to guide the location-specific details
of the response in the short, medium and long terms. Following these case studies, the
range of GIS applications in human and animal disease surveillance and control are
presented, and finally the emergence and significance of mobile GIS for emergency
operations is reviewed.

Case Study: Radioactive Waste Entering the Water Supply

Scenario: an anonymous caller claims to a newspaper that ground up radioactive waste from
a hospital (Caesium-137) has been deposited in a certain reservoir that supplies a major
city. No further details are available and it has to be assumed, if this is genuine, that
contaminated water has now entered the downstream rivers and public water supply system.
The overriding objective in the short term is to prevent contaminated water from reaching
homes and businesses and, where this has already happened, inform those affected of the
actions they should take. In the longer term, contaminated water bodies and rivers must be
identified for appropriate controls to be implemented. From a nature conservation
perspective such as event would have limited implications unless the dose was massive, so
it would be allowed to flush through, but fishing, water sports and other activities would
need to be controlled.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Step 1: Identify the affected area.

In this map the affected area is
identified. The map should be
kept relatively simple to avoid
information overload, and it is
restricted here to the
contaminated reservoir, rivers
and streams and urban areas.

Crown Copyright. All rights reserved, Cabinet Office, License No 100038675, 2005

Step 2: Identify all streams flowing from this reservoir, any potable water abstraction
points and they supply and associated sewerage plants.
Here data on water abstraction
points and sewage treatment
facilities that are associated
with the reservoir and the
outflow stream are called up
and mapped.
Abstraction and sewerage
facilities that are affected
would be closed down.

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Step 3: Identify the urban areas supplied by contaminated water.

Data on the potable water
supply networks emanating
from the extraction point at the
reservoir are mapped out, and
the urban areas thus supplied
are identified.

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A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Step 4: Inform affected homes and businesses of appropriate actions to take.

Using a dataset based on the
OS AddresspointTM framework,
all the properties within the
affected urban areas are
highlighted. Using a Reverse
999 telephone system (or cell
broadcasting see Box 7)
residents and workers within
these areas could be
contacted and advised on
appropriate steps to safeguard
their health. This would require
the association of the
geographical location of each
property with its phone number
and implementation of
software to facilitate this.

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Step 5: Establish a cordon around the affected water bodies and streams.
With regard to animal health,
protection of the human food
chain and the control of
recreational use of the
contaminated stream until the
threat and its potential impacts
can be verified, a 500m buffer
is drawn to identify an
exclusion zone for livestock
and humans. This would also
be applied to the reservoir

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Step 6: Initiate the supply of clean water to affected areas.

The supply of safe water is an
allocation problem, and GIS
can be used to identify the
location of water bowsers and
safe filling points and then plan
the optimum route to supply
the affected population,
starting with the most
vulnerable sites such as
hospitals. This could make use
of network analysis, as
described in 6.2.3. In the first
instance the location of
supermarkets that could be
called on to supply bottled
water to priority facilities can
be identified.

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A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Box 7: Cell Broadcasting

Cell Broadcasting is a technique that can disseminate information, including warning
messages, to mobile telephones in a defined area. It is a powerful tool to rapidly distribute
information (for instance the basic message illustrated below) and does not suffer from some
of the problems associated with SMS multi-casting, that is the simultaneous sending of SMS
text messages to large numbers of recipients. Three key features of Cell Broadcasting are:
1. every mobile phone has the capacity to receive
messages in this way, although it will be enabled on
very few at the moment;
2. there is no significant requirement for infrastructure
3. it causes no load on the network, which is a critical
consideration under emergency conditions when the
network may be heavily loaded and when preferential
user priorities may have been imposed.
With Cell Broadcasting individual mobile phones are not identified, it fact it is a much simpler
system which targets towers and messages sent through those towers are then received by
all mobile phones in those service areas within 30 seconds of the broadcast being made.
For further details on cell broadcasting see the website of the Cellular Emergency Alert
Systems Association at www.ceasa-int.org


Case Study: Chemical Fire and Resultant Atmospheric Pollution

Scenario: a fire at a COMAH site (hazardous chemical production site) has led to the
explosion of a fuel tank and the release into the atmosphere of an unknown quantity of
hydrogen chloride.
Step 1: task response crews
Vehicle Mounted Data
Systems (see 7.4.5) are used
to access site hazard
information by response crews
and relay situational
information back to incident

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A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Step 2: establish cordons and commence evacuation

Establish, at first notice of the
fire, an inner cordon of 400m
and an outer cordon of 1000m
around the plant.
Fire crews attending the scene
assess the risk of a major
explosion to be high, so plans
to evacuate homes and other
buildings closest to the fire are
During the evacuation the
anticipated explosion occurs.

Crown Copyright. All rights reserved, Cabinet Office, License No 100038675, 2005

Step 3: response adjusted to deal with atmospheric release

Explosion causes atmospheric
release of hydrogen chloride
(HCl), the evacuation is
suspended and all homes and
businesses within 1km are
advised to get in, stay in and
tune in. This could be effected
through Reverse 999 calling
and/or cell broadcasting. To
refine the area at risk, the
predicted atmospheric
diffusion of HCl is modelled
using software integrated with
GIS, and predicted spread for
20, 40 and 60 minutes is
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Step 4: Establish Forward Control Point and traffic controls.

With the new information on
predicted atmospheric
pollution, traffic control points
can be identified and
resources tasked to block
roads and set up advisory
traffic control points.
A Forward Control Point has
by this point been established
and is illustrated on the map.

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A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Step 5: Consider impact minimisation on Motorway Traffic Flows

Northbound Motorway traffic
has been diverted and
Southbound traffic
approaching the area at risk is
diverted as illustrated and
maps illustrating this can be
distributed in digital form.

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In addition to these stages there would clearly be a host of other, much more detailed tasks
that GIS could support, perhaps involving very large scale mapping, including site plans or
Ordnance Survey MastermapTM, for instance.

GIS applications in slow-onset human and animal health emergencies

Although slow-onset (chronic) emergencies may seem to be preferable to rapid-onset

(acute) emergencies in respect of having time to consider an appropriate response, there
are often complexities with such chronic emergencies that managers do not have to consider
in an acute situation. That very complexity makes sound information management, including
spatial analysis, extremely significant, and the 2001 case study of avian influenza in
Pennsylvania has already demonstrated the effectiveness (timeliness of disease control and
restriction of spatial impacts) and efficiency (financial savings) gains from such evidencebased practice.
The study of human and animal health shares many characteristics, both theoretical and
methodological. The starting point for GIS applications in health studies was focused upon
established datasets such as disease registries and early studies, particularly into the spatial
distribution of cancers and their statistical relationship with other variables, did much to raise
the profile of GIS as a set of tools in the health professions.
Common applications of GIS in epidemiological studies and outbreak control would include
the following (see section 6 for details):

Overlay analysis: establishing spatial relationships between layers of map data,

which may be either thematic or time-series for an individual theme. Relationships
based on location can be identified, quantified and tested for statistical significance.

Neighbourhood analysis: identifying features that meet defined spatial and attribute
queries can be used in risk analysis. For instance, in the case of Foot and Mouth
Disease (FMD) atmospheric transmission was a primary concern. If livestock on a
farm was confirmed as being infected then a query to identify all livestock farms
within a 10km radius would be a necessary first step in controlling the potential
domino effect of successive infections. In reality, during the 2001 FMD outbreak in
the UK, MAFFs GIS staff were supported by the Met Office who applied plume
modelling techniques to define likely airborne spread of the virus. All livestock farms
within that plume could then be identified through a spatial query.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Spatial Statistics: the application of spatial statistical tests to point-based datasets

permits analysts to differentiate between statistically significant clusters and those
which, although they may appear to be clustered, are not statistically significant in
their pattern. This may be critical in supporting a decision to investigate further or
mobilise resources to control a suspected outbreak.

Modelling disease spread: in a slowly unfolding emergency that is extensive and

serious, considerable resources will be required to control and manage the
emergency and promote recovery. Rather than adopting a purely reactive stance,
epidemiologists may be able to model potential scenarios for the future development
of the outbreak. Modelling is of course based on assumptions and as such the
outputs must be regarded as being of uncertain reliability, however the ability to
rehearse and establish plans for future development possibilities it is extremely

Figure 50: the spread of FMD during 2001 (Source: DEFRA, Central Science Labs 11)


Buffering: this basic GIS tool is extremely helpful in defining potential areas of risk,
especially at the early stage of an emergency when little detailed information is
available. For instance, until plume models which account for a wide range of
atmospheric, topographic, environmental and subject-specific information (e.g.
survival rates of virus outside of the human/animal body) are available to emergency
managers, a simple buffer around infected premises or individuals is a sensible initial
step for disease control measures to be applied.

Network analysis: many animal disease outbreaks are managed through controlled
and carefully targeted livestock slaughtering. The disposal of carcasses is
problematic on many levels, and site selection itself is highly suited to GIS, but
transporting infected carcasses to disposal points requires careful planning, most
critically to avoid non-infected areas. This kind of problem is highly suited to route


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

planning through network analysis, for example <identify route from Farm A to
Disposal site avoiding roads that travel within 5 miles of Farms Q to T>.
In addition to analytical functions of GIS, the ability to visualise datasets in map form is in
itself highly significant. For instance, during the 2001 FMD outbreak, small scale maps were
used at the national level for monitoring spread of the disease and for briefing purposes,
livestock populations and their movements were used by epidemiologists working to
understand and then manage the spread of disease, and mid-scale maps were used by the
army to identify potential burial sites. Large-scale maps of farm buildings were used for
briefing and recording the work of cleaning and disinfection teams12. Later in the outbreak,
when the outbreak was coming under control and the GIS element of the response had
developed significantly, the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF, now
DEFRA) intranet mapping facility was used across the Ministry for a range of applications,
including the issuing of movement licenses and responding to queries relating to restricted

Mobile GIS

GIS have been around, in one form or another, for approximately 40 years, although it was
the early 1980s before systems first became commercially available. For the vast majority of
that time the software was limited to essentially immoveable computers (mainframes,
workstations and desktop PCs). With the advent of laptop and notebook computers that had
comparable processing power to desktop machines, GIS could be mobilised for use out of
the office. Although this was most significant when laptops could be combined with GPS
units and other data logging devices, for most GIS users laptops only promised a change of
scenery rather than a dramatic shift in working processes.
It was with the advent of ruggedised
computers (which were typically far lower on
processing power than mainstream laptops),
quite closely followed by the emergence of
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) that
software developers began to offer mapping
software and lightweight GIS for field

Figure 51: a PDA with map viewing

software and GPS linked by Bluetooth
wireless communications

A range of COTS software are available

today that support data logging in the field
through integrated GIS (Figure 51), and
more recent developments have exploited
the rapid emergence of digital wireless
communications to support two-way data
transfer between office (desktop) and field
(laptop or PDA) GIS. Such capabilities have
potentially dramatic implications for
emergency operations.

Box 8: Location-based information

By definition, spatial information is location-based information. However, the term is
specifically used to describe the communication of specific pieces of information that are
triggered by spatial location. For example, many UK mobile phone operators have
reciprocal arrangements with service providers in other countries. Shortly after switching
your phone on in Paris, Munich or Cairo you may receive a text message welcoming you to

Managing a crisis: Foot and Mouth Disease, Ordnance Survey.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

this network and offering you some service-related information. By extension, mobile phone
users can request information from service providers on the nearest facility such as a
restaurant. Most commonly at the moment, location is calculated using the cell from which
the call was made. However, an increasing number of mobile phones now contain a GPS
receiver which permits such queries to be executed with much greater precision; the
technological boundaries between GPS, in-car navigation systems, PDAs, mobile phones
and digital radios are breaking down. Just as users can request information based on their
location, unsolicited information, potentially including emergency messages, can be sent to
all such devices within a given area.
As a final example of this, some years ago Cambridgeshire Police control room took a 999
call that was an automated emergency message giving a location at which there had been
an accident. The location was given in latitude and longitude. The corresponding OS grid
reference was worked out and a patrol car was dispatched to find an American car had
driven off the road. The airbag had inflated, triggering a call from an embedded phone that
was associated with a GPS. Being an American phone it was set to dial 911, but this was redirected to 999. The driver, a US serviceman, was recovered from the vehicle and survived
the accident.
The Fire Service has been developing Vehicle Mounted Data Systems (VMDS) over several
years. A range of models exist, but they have a common focus on permitting fire and rescue
personnel to access risk information relating to locations they have been tasked to attend.
The initial stimulus to develop VMDS was the death, in 1993, of two firefighters in
Herefordshire who were killed when a suspended ceiling collapsed on them; had the incident
commander known that the building was constructed in this way, the firefighters would most
likely not have been tasked to enter the building. As a result of this and following HSE
reviews of the incident, a programme of work to develop mobile Decision Support Systems
(DSS) to enable crews and commanders to access site-based risk information was initiated
by the Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association (CACFOA).

Figure 52: a Vehicle Mounted Data System with integrated GIS in

use at Sembcorp Utilities Wilton Site, Middlesbrough
(Courtesy of James Elliott, Northumbria University)
Although a range of technical models and data bearers exist within the wider initiative, the
basic principle is that of combining the dissemination of risk-based information as, where
and when it is required, with the longer-term development of two-way voice and data
communications between field units and command and control systems.

Case Study: Automatic Vehicle Location System in Durham Constabulary

Durham Constabulary are developing the Airwave digital radio system as a data bearer to
enhance their Command and Control (C2) systems. Although Airwave has the potential to
support two-way data flows of many different types between control and field units, their

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

initial focus in developing the system has been to support an Automatic Vehicle Location
System (AVLS). A GPS transmitter in police vehicles is allied with the Airwave radio, and the
location of that unit is passed back to control every second, although more frequent updates
are triggered when the unit is travelling above 50mph or when the blue lights are activated
(Airwave coverage within Durham is in excess of 97%). These track data are archived and
each point on the route can be associated with a range of attributes including speed,
direction, whether the blue lights are on and, in the case of Armed Response Vehicles,
whether the box containing the weapons has been opened. This is of clear relevance of
post-incident de-briefing and retaining an audit trail for possible legal proceedings. In a
similar vein, local authorities are using the same technology with resources such as road
gritters where the recorded attributes for each point include time, level of grit remaining in
the hopper and rate of dispersion onto the road surface.
Although the flow of data from Airwave is mediated through the Co-ordinator system, the
data are mapped in real time onto the forces standard GIS software, Blue 8. This permits
staff to see the distribution of mobile units as they are at any given time, and each location is
associated with its call-sign, supporting ease of understanding and communication. Although
officers in mobile units do not have access to mapping in their vehicles, the ability of control
room staff to integrate a range of geographical datasets and to overlay these with the
locations of their mobile units has considerable potential for effective and efficient working.
For instance, if an area can be identified on the control officers screen which shows an area
that is known to be contaminated following a chemical incident, units in that area can be
almost instantly advised of risks and how they should respond for their own safety and in
implementing the required response.

Crown Copyright. All rights reserved, Cabinet Office, License No 100038675, 2005

Figure 53: Illustration of AVLS operating in Durham Constabulary on a medium scale map
(left) and a large scale map, illustrating the positional accuracy of the system (right). The
green diamonds illustrate current location of police vehicles and their callsign.
Control staff are also able to access emergency plans and procedures through the GIS and
a range of triggers for SoPs are embedded into the system, and updated as required. This
enables control staff to advise officers on appropriate actions if called to premises that are
known to be hazardous and then initiate a wider, multi-agency response as appropriate.
Trials to extend the same approach to individual officers with hand-held Airwave sets are
underway at the time of writing.
Durham Constabulary are in the process of implementing a digital C2 system which will
support tasking of resources on the basis of location (which unit is nearest), attributes (is it
the right kind of resource, the right number of officers and with the right level of equipment)
and availability (have the officers indicated that they are available for tasking). It is
acknowledged that implementing such systems, and placing them at the core of C2, will
require significant changes to business processes, but Durham Constabulary are working to


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

effect these changes to realise the effectiveness and efficiency gains that they promise. The
Force is also liaising with other emergency services and council emergency planning staff to
identify the most appropriate way to use the emerging framework and systems to support
multi-agency response to serious and wide-area emergencies.


Recovering from Emergencies

The transition from emergency response to recovery is not sharply bounded and there is
strong evidence that a recovery which is initiated as early as possible will be more effective
and efficient than one which is effectively a separate operation in the aftermath of an
emergency response. Although it is not a neat distinction, recovery can be divided into short
and longer term processes.
Short-term recovery is focused on the restoration of what might be termed life-support
systems, notably the provision of water, food, medical assistance and shelter. It is at this
stage that overlap with emergency response is the clearest. Following closely behind these
most basic provisions are the restoration of electricity, sanitation and transport and
communications. Ensuring that resources are allocated effectively, equitably and efficiently,
within an overall plan, can be significantly promoted through the application of the GIS tools
that have been set out previously.
Longer term recovery can take months through to years and beyond, and many of the
requirements are not for physical reconstruction but for more human forms of support to
individuals and communities that are recovering from trauma and loss. In respect of physical
reconstruction, it is important to remember that many of the earliest public sector
applications of GIS were in land-use planning, an innately spatial activity, and the hazard
and risk landscape may have shifted through and after the emergency in such a way that
planning for re-development (and not necessarily a simple restoration) is required.
Many emergencies will be scrutinised very closely for issues of liability, and there may be
criminal investigations in some cases. Similarly, where there have been fatalities, extremely
rigorous standards for the recovery of human remains have to be observed. In such cases
the accuracy of recording and auditing is paramount and two cases where GI technologies
have been used in this way come from the US (Box 9).
Box 9: GI technologies in recovery operations
GI technologies such as GPS and GIS can offer those managing a recovery operation an
efficient and effective set of tools to record what has been found and where and then, if
required, literally track them as they are recovered. Two examples of this are (a) wreckage
recovery from the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003, and (b) the clearance of the Ground
Zero site in New York following September 11th 2001.
Recovery of Space Shuttle Columbia
The explosion over Texas of the Space Shuttle Columbia, on 1st February 2003, created a
debris field over a wide area due to the high altitude at which the Shuttle disintegrated.
Three main agencies (the National Aeronautical and Space Administration, the
Environmental Protection Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation) had separate
reasons for needing to rapidly and accurately map the debris:

concerns that the debris may be toxic and/or explosive and as such,
represented a public health risk
the requirement to rapidly recover the human remains of the astronauts


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


the need to accurately record the spread of debris for a forensic engineering
the fact that heavy rain threatened to obscure debris in mud and leaf litter if the
task was not accomplished rapidly.

To facilitate this mapping and recovery operation large numbers of individuals were given
GPS receivers for logging the location of debris. However, in retrospect, the fact that there
was insufficient training given meant that many units were set to different map projections
and co-ordinate systems, so many hours had to be spent converting field records prior to
data integration and mapping. This is a clear case of a failure to recognise the need for a
common standard and make a limited investment to converge on this at the start of a project,
causing disproportionate additional work further downstream. In many cases the use of
different co-ordinate systems was not down to personal decisions, but reflected the fact that
many US government agencies utilise different map projections and coordinate systems. In
the UK it is unlikely that there would be this level of divergence in spatial referencing,
although the map projection settings in GPS need to be consistent for data from different
receivers to overlay without additional transformation and reference to technical manuals
must be made prior to any data collection exercise.
The speed of map production was further hampered by the extremely slow printing of what
were physically large and complex maps this is a clear bottleneck in the use of GI in
emergency operations. Together with the need for achieving standardisation for a common
effort, based on awareness and training, these were the key lessons in relation to the use of
GI, from the Columbia recovery operation13.
Recovery Operations at Ground Zero
Aspects of the GIS operation in the aftermath of September 11th 2001 have been quite
widely documented and Greene (2002) in Appendix 2 brings together most of this in a single
source. It is well known that the emergency response to this operation was in many respects
extremely short, given the magnitude and severity of its impacts, and from the earliest days
the operation as a whole was dominated by the recovery effort. A specific characteristic of
this emergency was that the NYC EOC, which was located in the WTC complex, was
evacuated and subsequently destroyed when the building collapsed shortly after the attacks
themselves. It was then necessary to establish a temporary GIS operation which was
achieved in a short space of time through the combined efforts of core staff from the City
Authorities, the Office for Emergency Management and a wide range of other partners
ranging from Universities and Colleges, the National Park Service and the military, with
private sector support to ensure hardware and software was in place very rapidly.
A wide range of datasets were required, many of which were not readily available, some of
which had to be captured for the first time (see Box 10 on remotely sensed data sources in
this operation) and others of which where there were serious quality and compatibility
issues. During the recovery operation an extremely wide range of GIS techniques were
applied, including three-dimensional modelling of both the surface rubble pile and the many
sub-surface floors of the WTC complex, all of which were instrumental in the search and
recovery operations and the subsequent site clearance operations.
The site clearance operation itself was of course a massive undertaking, and the
requirement for an audit trail itself made use of GI technologies. For each lorry load of
rubble, which were taken outside of New York for sorting and disposal, GPS was used to
map the path of the lorries. This enabled records to be maintained in the event of
investigators requiring access to specific pieces of debris, the lorry routes were recorded in

Brown, S.C., Crum, S. and Foote, V.S. (2003). GIS and GPS Emergency Response Lessons from
the Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster, Journal of Extension, 41(4).

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

the event of any concerns around debris contamination and the process was managed as
efficiently as possible, with safeguards in place to prevent illegal sale or use of WTC debris.
It is also important to bear in mind that it is not just the public sector that is involved, and
private sector applications of GIS may include the verification and resolution of insurance
claims, where the interests of the individual are for rapid settlement and the private sector
company is ensuring that potentially fraudulent claims can be reliably identified.
In information terms placing a comprehensive picture of what has happened at the centre of
the recovery plan and implementation is critical. A number of key themes are identified:

Damage assessment and resource allocation: establishing the context for recovery
operations in the aftermath of an emergency is critical, and recovery operations
themselves need to be planned.

Revised risk assessment: the emergency may in itself indicate that the initial risk
assessment was flawed, and/or the new situation has introduced new hazards and
altered the risk profile.

Public Facing Systems: the requirement to keep the public, media and other
stakeholders informed does not end when the emergency services leave a scene
and the recovery operation gets fully underway.

Recovery and resilience: improving the systems themselves.


Damage assessment and resource allocation

Accurate damage assessment is critical to a recovery operation. Distinguishing, for example,

between buildings that are dangerous and to be demolished from those with different levels
of repairable damage can be effectively recorded with GIS, often following data capture
using field methods and aerial photography. The various capabilities of GIS, from data
integration, classification and analysis through to mapping and visualisation can be
extremely valuable in this regard. Figure 54 illustrates satellite images of Banda Aceh in
Indonesia before and after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. Such visualisation of impact is a
necessary first step in framing an appropriate response.

Banda Aceh June 23rd 2004

Banda Aceh December 28th 2004

Figure 54: QuickBird Satellite Imagery illustrating the Impact of the December 26th 2004
Tsunami in Indonesia Digital Globe14
In the immediate aftermath of the massive earthquake of 8th October 2005, centred in
Pakistan administered Kashmir, high resolution imagery was used for initial damage
assessments. However, in the absence of available corresponding pre-disaster imagery and
the low lateral displacement of buildings (which tended to collapse vertically) it was difficult


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

to assess the appraisal of urban damage; on the other hand landslips were in many cases
very obvious and this assisted route status assessment in several cases (Personal
Communication with Mapaction http://www.mapaction.org/ ).
At a more analytical level, resource allocation decisions can be rationally supported through
the GIS tool box which can, for instance, help to define priority areas of greatest need and
then analyse the distribution of resources and their movement to the areas of greatest need.

Revised risk assessment

In many emergencies risk of re-occurrence is not affected by the event itself. Although there
is an underlying trend towards increased incidence of flooding over time, the statistical
probability of an event is not changed by the fact that one such event may have just
happened. What can happen however is that new hazards are created, or exacerbated and
risk assessments must be open to this possibility.


Public Facing Systems

The disruption following a

serious emergency can be
extremely widespread and
severe for a great many people.
The long-term evacuation of
residential areas, closure of
workplaces and service centres,
disruption to transport and
infrastructure networks and
other implications needs to be
communicated to affected and
interested parties.
In the aftermath of the
September 11th 2001 attacks in
New York the City website
carried regularly updated maps
which illustrated zones of
access and other restrictions
that the physical damage and
ongoing recovery operations
had imposed on lower
Manhattan (Figure 55).

Figure 55: web-accessible mapping for public information


Recovery and Resilience

It is often said that attention is paid when potential problems become actual problems and
until that time their significance goes unrecognised. A fundamental theme in this guide has
been that adequately resourced, data-rich, appropriately operated and managed systems
have the potential to effectively and efficiently support all aspects of emergency
management, but realising that potential requires adequate preparation i.e. do not leave it
until it is needed, because at that point it is too late. However, learning from the experience


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

of emergencies is critical, however well prepared the staff, systems and processes were.
The emphasis should be on ensuring that the information infrastructure itself is resilient in
respect of secondary and backup facilities, something that was notable by its absence on
September 11th in New York, when the NYC Emergency Operations Centre was lost in the
attacks and building collapses. Other lessons from 9/11 are covered in Section 9.2.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Eight
Acquiring and Implementing a GIS
This section provides an overview of the key issues involved in the
acquisition, effective implementation and efficient maintenance of a GIS.
Issues around data, hardware, software and staffing are covered, and in
addition the significance of metadata, quality, data security and confidentially
issues are introduced.



The potential gains of GIS in the context of IEM has been established, but how can these
gains be realised? For many users their organisations may already have invested in GIS,
and for others this may have been extended to the emergency planning function. If this is the
case then the following section should be reviewed to see if it addresses any shortcomings
that you may have identified. If you have no access to GIS capability, then it is intended to
serve as an overview of how, and where, to get started.

Magnitude of
Costs and Benefits

Clearly there are costs associated with GIS and hardware, software, data and training are
the main headings. Figure 56 illustrates the fact that costs tend to increase sharply at the
start of a project, while benefits (whether they are measured in financial or in more broadly
referenced terms) accrue more slowly.

Return on Investment




Figure 56: costs and benefits are apparent over different timescales with GIS projects
It should be borne in mind that costs will fall, and from the point they meet accelerating
benefits there is a return on investment, but there are costs such as licenses, hardware
renewal, data cleansing and data purchasing that are recurrent over various timescales. The
rate of benefits growth will slow over time, but the level of benefit will be maintained over
time as effectiveness and efficiency gains are realised.
Figure 57 provides a general overview of how an organisation should approach the
acquisition of a GIS, and it has a great deal in common with any procurement process,

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

certainly in the IT field. The figure is drawn from Longley et al., 2005 (see Appendix 2) and
reference to chapter 17 Managing GIS should be made for an elaboration of each stage. In
general terms, however, the process is self-explanatory.
Analysis of

Specification of
Evaluation of

1. Definition of

of System

6. Final Design
8. Shortlisting

2. Requirements
Analysis of Users

11. Implementation

7. Request for

9. Benchmark

3. Preliminary

12. Contract
10. Evaluation

4. Cost-benefit

13. User Acceptance


5. Pilot Study
14. Implementation

Figure 57: General model of the GIS Acquisition Process (Longley et al., 2005)
Although this section starts with hardware, software and data, the critical point is that the
emphasis in your approach must not be on equipment, but rather on embedding GIS as a
bundle of capabilities into the business processes of IEM.



GIS software will run on most modern desktop PCs and dedicated workstations such as
those required 10 years ago are no longer necessary. If buying a new PC then as fast a
processor and as much memory (RAM) as possible is recommended. A substantial hard disk
drive is appropriate, especially if the machine is to be used standalone (i.e. not usually
connected to a network, with the consequent requirement that data are stored on the PC
itself), such as a laptop for field use. A second hard drive for backup and additional capacity
is also recommended.
Remember that the resilience of this element of the IEM structure is critical so the ability to
back up data (which will include data created during a project or incident, in addition to
basemap and pre-existing thematic data layers) must be considered. A CD writer for PCs
should be included in the specification and more portable devices such as USB Memory
Sticks that plug into USB ports are valuable and can rapidly transfer data, maps, documents
and other files between machines if there is no network facility available (servers and
networks are briefly discussed in Box 11). It should also be noted that wireless
communications, for instance through the Bluetooth system, can easily support PC to PC
communications and the establishment of a limited network, rapidly, easily and at low cost in
almost any operating environment.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

A PC without a printer is of limited use. Although other forms of display, such as LCD
projectors and interactive display boards (Figure 58) are becoming increasingly widely and
effectively used, the demand for paper maps will always remain high. An A3 colour printer
that can also print at A4 and work at high speed in draft setting should be regarded as the
minimum specification. Above this size printers become increasingly cumbersome, although
A1 or A0 maps are ideal for wall display and briefing purposes, and maps of A1/A2 size are
well suited to annotation and planning work by groups.

Figure 58: Interactive Whiteboard, combined with GIS in an EP Context

The vast majority of computer software has been developed with a single-user in mind, and
one PC or terminal with one screen, one keyboard, one mouse and associated peripherals
such as printers is indeed the normal configuration for desktop GIS. However, the
development and application of GIS in a multi-agency environment, especially when
decisions are being made in a collaborative fashion under a level of pressure, makes a
strong case for new ways of supporting information requirements. The concept of a Common
Operational Picture and the ability of GIS to generate this in a map form that can be readily
updated moves the main output form from paper to a projected display board. This in turn is
being increasingly replaced by interactive white-board technology which permits not only
display, but also permits users to interact directly with the software, creating new features
such as inner and outer cordons and creating, reallocating and attributing points such as
Incident Control Points from the screen itself. Control of the system is thus much more easily
passed between individuals who may be assessing options and scenarios, and GIS is more
directly supportive of collaborative approaches at all stages of IEM.



There is a wide variety of GIS software products on the market, although it is dominated by a
small number. It is not the place of this document to review individual products. For a
catalogue of government-listed suppliers consult the Office for Government Commerce


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management



Data are key to GIS and data capture, assembly and integration are typically the most costly,
and time-consuming elements of any GIS project. A wide range of different types of data can
be integrated within GIS, including:




e.g. the location of fire hydrants, telecommunication masts, police stations,

hospitals or COMAH sites. Technically, the last three of these are not point
features as they can cover wide areas, but in small scale maps which are
suitable for strategic use at a regional or higher level, they are best
generalised to appear as points.
e.g. roads, rivers, power lines, telecommunications cables and sewerage
e.g. housing estates, Census Wards, Health Authority areas.
These are made up of a regular matrix of values and are usually used to
represent modelled output, for instance predicted pollution concentrations (see
Box 5 and Figure 27).
A variety of image formats can be handled within most GIS, but typically these
might comprise:
x Digital aerial photographs that are ortho-rectified15 to overlay
accurately onto other digital datasets. These may be of a resolution of
down to 25cm, although 1m resolution is more typical. The use of
oblique aerial photographs is also increasing in GIS, and can be of
particular relevance in an emergency situation.
x Satellite images that are similarly geo-referenced. The spatial
resolution of satellite images varies between 1m to 1km.
x Graphics files: any digital image can be hotlinked to a geographical
feature so that it can be called up through a query. This can be very
helpful if a field-worker needs to check they have arrived at a given
point through calling up a picture of the location, or in allowing an
image of the normal state of an object or area to be accessed for
orientation purposes.
x Digital video: archived or real time streams of digital data such as
CCTV footage can be associated with features in a GIS, so that
clicking on a point (e.g. a CCTV camera) can bring up a window of
footage associated with that point.

Orthorectification is the process of adjusting a vertical aerial photograph to account for the nature
of the terrain and distance away from the vertical below the camera. This enables aerial
photographs to be integrated within GIS and overlain with other layers of data.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Box 10: the use of remotely sensed data in the aftermath of the 9/11 Trade Center
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on, and subsequent collapse of ,the World Trade
Center Twin Towers on 11th September 2001 there was a critical need for information about
the site. The base mapping available for the area had become suddenly out of date and
there was a need for new sorts of information, including hazards on Ground Zero. Some of
these demands for data were met by using remote sensing of two types: (i) terrain analysis,
and (ii) surface temperatures.
(i) Terrain analysis: in the days following the
collapse of the Twin Towers there were
concerns that the rubble pile was very
unstable and that recovery operations were
at risk of a further collapse. To assess this
risk, a technique known as LIDAR was
applied to the site. LIght Detection And
Ranging uses an aircraft-mounted device
to gather height data at a high level of
accuracy that can be used to create
detailed terrain models such as the one
illustrated here of the Ground Zero site. In
addition to helping visualise the new
landscape of the site, this technique
confirmed that the rubble pile was not
undergoing any significant subsidence.


Figure 59: LIDAR data of WTC site

(Image Courtesy of FEMA)

Surface temperature mapping: another

concern for rescue workers on the site
was that fire hoses kept melting due to the
heat generated from the collapse and
underground fires. By using an airborne
heat sensor and then overlaying the
hotspots on an aerial photograph of the
site (illustrated here) the fire-fighters were
able to better plan the location of their
hoses to cool and ultimately extinguish
these underground fires.
Figure 60: Thermal imagery of WTC site
(Image Courtesy of FEMA)

These examples are not included here to suggest that such datasets would be a normal
part of an emergency response and longer-term recovery, but to make the point that a wide
range of data sources can be integrated within GIS for purposes that may be unforeseen
prior to an emergency. However, it should be borne in mind that, under Military Aid to the
Civil Community (MACC) arrangements a range of sensors not normally applied outside of a
military context may be available to responders. No details of these capabilities are given
here, but responders should be aware that such resources may be brought forward in an
emergency context and an approach under MACC that defines a particular need may initiate


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Backdrop and framework mapping (see Glossary) are usually commercially supplied and the
Ordnance Survey is the leading UK provider. Many thematic datasets are referenced to OS
products (see Figure 61) such as AddresspointTM , BoundarylineTM or MastermapTM which
facilitates sharing between departments and agencies as the spatial framework is common
and there may be a common attribute or identifier which can be used to integrate datasets.

1:250,000 Scale Colour Raster


1:50,000 Scale Colour Raster

1:10,000 Scale Colour Raster

MasterMapTM Imagery


Crown Copyright. All rights reserved, Cabinet Office, License No 100038675, 2005

Figure 61: examples of Ordnance Survey Digital Map Products relating to Southampton
(Courtesy of the Ordnance Survey)


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Additional relevant datasets from the OS include a Points of Interest dataset of over three
and a half million entries which can help to fix a location and they include details of features,
business and leisure sites and the OS Master MapTM Integrated Transport Network, which
has road routing information such as one way streets and bridge heights which are critical
for detailed route planning and service analysis. In addition to the OS there is a range of
private sector spatial data suppliers, most of which specialise in added-value products such
as historical maps, flood defences, coal mining affected areas, explosives sites and
groundwater vulnerability data.


Data Quality Issues

Quality as a term is often used in a rather loose fashion, so a wider view of the relevant
issues is taken at the outset. The primary measures of data usefulness are:
(a) availability: data may exist somewhere in a form that is highly suited to a required
application, but if it is not available at the point and time of need it is effectively
(b) utility: data may be available, but it may just not be suited or relevant to the intended
application. For instance, if data on the distribution of infants of 12 months or less is
required and the only available data are for the population as a whole, you are clearly
looking at two different things and cannot safely use one to support decisions relating
to the other.
(c) quality: if the data are available and relevant to the application but for one or more
reasons (see below) are of a standard that is unacceptable to the required
application, it may even be worse than useless as the evidence that decisions are
based on may be misleading or otherwise erroneous (remember the term Garbage In
Garbage Out).
Having access to data does not in itself guarantee an effective and efficient GIS application.
Data quality as well as availability is a key issue to be considered. As previously discussed,
data and information are rarely perfect. However, how good data and information are can
only be judged in a specific context. There is no single, universally applicable, quality
standard for spatial data. Rather the concept of fitness for use is adopted. For instance, a
GIS that is used to establish a situational picture at a regional or national level does not need
to adhere to the same standards as a VMDS which has to direct fire crews to a specific entry
point and then locate hydrants and specific pipelines and silos on site. For the latter
application both detail and a high level of spatial accuracy are required.
Fitness for use is not a concept that has any relevance without context and it is the users of
information who ultimately determine this. In Figure 62 the whole cycle of generating
information from data must start with a specification of information requirements, and the
parameters of timescale, accuracy and quantity which will determine, in the technical sphere,
precise judgements about fitness for use. Figure 62 defines two broad realms, one with a
focus on end users and ensuring as far as possible that information is appropriate and valid
for the intended applications, which in turn rests on the other (technical) realm within which
the application requirements are translated into technical requirements and the required
quality (of data, process and information) can be determined.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Specification of

Ensuring Data and
Analytical Integrity
and System Resilience

Ensuring Appropriateness
and Validity of Information
for End Users

Figure 62: The cycle of specifying and meeting information requirements

Ultimately GIS are decision support tools: they assist people in making better decisions
through providing evidence, information on what has happened, what is happening, what
might happen in the future and what might happen if different courses of action are taken.
The term Garbage In Garbage Out makes the point that the support for these decisions
will be partial, even misleading, if the underlying data are not fit for purpose.
Properties of Data and

Operational Level

Strategic Level


Structured, categorised & quantified

Includes qualitative data




Breadth of Sources

Narrow and task-oriented

Broad and context-dependent

Frequency of use




Highly precise

Limited precision required


Highly detailed

Low level of detail required

Time span

Focus on current situation

Focus extends to future

Table 5: Fitness for Use

Data quality has a number of different dimensions:

Spatial accuracy: in short, things need to appear on the map in the correct place. If
roads are not aligned with buildings and elements of the road network are not
completely joined up then information based on these data may be seriously flawed.

Attribute accuracy: even if buildings are located in precisely the right place, if they are
wrongly attributed or confused with other buildings this could have serious
repercussions for IEM, from anticipating and assessing through to responding and


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Temporal relevance: if data were accurate ten years ago it is unlikely that they will
remain as accurate today. Maintaining spatial databases is essential to ensure
quality remains appropriately high.

Metadata extent: metadata is information about data and it is important that they are
accessible to users and would-be-users of data. Without metadata, users cannot
make informed decisions about suitability, appropriateness and fitness for use. This
is elaborated in the next section.


The Significance of Metadata

If data are known or suspected to be flawed in some way, it is critical that anyone using, or
looking to use that data is aware of its shortcomings. Decisions made in the knowledge of
uncertain information are likely to be different to those where the information is (perhaps
wrongly) understood to be of high quality in all regards. As with other forms of data, it is
crucial that metadata are kept up to date. Metadata are often divided into Discovery Level
Metadata and Application Metadata16.
Discovery Level Metadata (DLM) is intended to support searches for data. On the premise
that you cannot hope to find what you are looking for unless details of existing / available
data are published in one form or another, DLM is effectively a summary of what the dataset
refers to, a description of how it was created and information to help people access and use
it. To support wide access, DLM should be accessible over the internet, or other networks
and searching of one level or another should be supported. Sufficient information to enable a
potential user to judge whether this meets their requirements should be made available. This
may be a sub-set of a full set of metadata records. As an example of this, in the UK the
Association for Geographical Information (AGI) operates a metadata search engine, the
Data Locator, which can be accessed at http://www.gigateway.co.uk/ (see Figure 63).

Figure 63: the UK Gigateway Data Locator


Application metadata is divided in some references to exploration and exploitation metadata, but
as both relate to using the data rather than finding it in the first place they are treated as one in this
overview. See the metadata section of Global Spatial Data Initiative SDI Cookbook

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Application Metadata should be a full-set of metadata to enable a user to make informed

decisions about appropriate applications of the dataset. It is critical that application metadata
is supplied and subsequently stored alongside data. Metadata should not be seen as static,
and as new data are created new metadata should also be generated and then made
available in both discovery level and application forms (Figure 64).
Discovery Level Metadata refers to the minimum amount of contextual information
necessary to introduce new users to a resource and allow them to assess its suitability for

Figure 64: Discovery and Application Metadata

The GEMINI Standard17 defines the minimum records for metadata records, and the key
variables are:

Frequency of update
Topic category
West bounding coordinate
East bounding coordinate
North bounding coordinate
South bounding coordinate


Spatial reference system
Data format
Additional information source
Supplier + web address
Date of update of metadata
Dataset reference date
Dataset language

This is intended to flag up the significance of metadata and provide an overview of the
subject, and the IGGI Guide: Principles of Good Metadata Management provides an
excellent introduction to this subject18.


The UK GEMINI Discovery Metadata Standard is a defined element set for describing geo-spatial,
discovery level metadata within the United Kingdom ( www.govtalk.gov.uk ).



A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Security, Confidentiality and Access to Data and Information

Data and information can be highly sensitive, either for commercial, personal confidentiality
or national security reasons. It can also be (potentially) commercially valuable, and the
European Directive on Public Sector information (PSI) has opened the door for public
agencies to realise that value. Freedom of Information (FoI) is also pertinent, and can be
used by members of the public to gain access to public-sector information. The context for
data and information sharing is relatively complex.
In this section the terms data and information are used extensively. The Civil
Contingencies Act refers to information sharing which also embraces data sharing. The
position taken in this guide is that information is created through the processing of data (see
section 5). As such they are closely related and in some contexts they are used
interchangeably. In some cases the terms geographical information or spatial data are
used as overarching terms for both. At the risk of being clumsy, this section refers to the
sharing of data and information for the sake of completeness.
As stated above, this is a complex area, and this section is limited to an overview of the main
issues, covering the following:


Principles of e-Government
The Civil Contingencies Act and Sensitive Information
Data and Information Sharing Agreements and Protocols
Freedom of Information
Public Sector Information
Principles of e-Government

e-Government concerns the use of technology, particularly computer and communications

developments, to modernise and improve government services. The guiding principles of egovernment are:

building services around citizens choices

making government and its services more accessible
social inclusion
using information better.

It is the last of these that is most pertinent here, and one of the principles that flows out of
this can be paraphrased as collect it once, get it right and use it many times. The re-use of
information, often in contexts for which it was not originally envisaged, is key to egovernment. Although there are restrictions on the legitimate use of information (see below),
and issues around the fitness for use of data in unforeseen applications and settings, this
principle is intended to drive wider use of information for evidence-based practice and this is
strongly applicable in an IEM context.

The Civil Contingencies Act and Sensitive Information

Chapter three of Emergency Preparedness19 deals with information sharing, and a familiarity
with its contents is strongly recommended.
As set out earlier, the initial presumption of the Civil Contingencies Act is that all information
that is required to meet obligations defined under the Act should be shared by category one
and two responders, and it also establishes that local responders have a duty to share
information. However, it is recognised that many agencies and personnel have reservations

available at www.ukresilience.info

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

about the sharing of information, so this section provides an overview of the roles, rights,
responsibilities and obligations in regard of IEM and the Act.
As with all data and information sharing issues, the first point to consider is whether vires
(legal powers) exist for the activity in question, including any data sharing which is a
necessary part of that activity. Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000 provides local
authorities with the power to do anything (unless otherwise barred in law from doing so) to
promote or improve the economic, social or environmental well-being of their area. This
power is likely to provide the lawful basis for such systems, but issues of Human Rights,
confidentiality and compliance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 will still
need to be considered.
Examples of the types of data and information that need to be collated for the processes of
IEM have been set out in table four. It is very clear that this is a wide range of data that will
be held by an almost equally wide range of authorities, agencies and private sector
organisations. For various reasons these data may be regarded as sensitive and there may
be degrees of unwillingness of share them. Although the initial presumption is that
information should be shared, certain types of information may be subject to controls if its
release would be counterproductive or otherwise damaging. Emergency Preparedness
(Section 3.17) defines four different types of sensitive information which may not be shared:

information prejudicial to national security - where public disclosure would be

counter to the interests of national security. National security considerations limit
the supply of certain datasets beyond a core group of approved users. These
may either be datasets that describe inherently sensitive resources or they may
be less inherently sensitive at an individual level, but have been aggregated in
such a way that causes the larger database to be of heightened sensitivity.


information prejudicial to public safety - where public disclosure would endanger

public safety.


commercially sensitive information - information that relates to the business

interests of an individual or organisation and where disclosure would significantly
harm the legitimate interests of the data owner or the interests of the subject of
the information. Commercial data and information are frequently considered
sensitive for reasons of competitive advantage, and this can extend to risk
information which is required for effective emergency planning.


personal information where disclosure would be in breach of data protection

principles or Section 10 of the Data Protection Act (1998) (DPA) which protects
the rights of individuals to prevent the processing of information that is likely to
cause damage or distress.

Where data are judged to be sensitive for any of reasons (i) to (iv) then they should not
usually be shared. However, these considerations should not reasonably apply to the vast
majority of the datasets relating to hazards, community and demographics, built environment
and economy, natural environment, infrastructure and resources. Where these sensitivity
considerations do not reasonably apply then sharing of data and information as it is required
for IEM can, and should, take place.
The Department for Constitutional Affairs observes that there is no need to always rely on
express powers (often referred to as information gateways) to enable data sharing. Data
sharing is usually incidental to the exercise of a function; it is a tool that helps achieve a
designated activity. If the powers are there to carry out a function or activity, then it is likely
that a power to share data can be implied (as long as the data sharing is clearly for the
purposes of achieving that function)20. The CCA defines the roles and responsibilities of


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Category One and Two responders and the power to share data and information for the
purposes of IEM flows from this.
The underlined section above is significant: the Civil Contingencies Act does not entitle
agencies to share, or seek to share, data without a clear rationale for why individual datasets
are required for IEM. As data sharing takes place to permit category one and two responders
to fulfil their responsibilities under the legislation, the data they are seeking to share must be
directly relevant to those responsibilities.
Perhaps the most significant piece of legislation in this regard is the Data Protection Act, and
it is also the legislation that causes the most anxiety amongst would-be data sharers. The
key aspects and implications of the DPA are set out below (with the relevant sections of
Emergency Preparedness in brackets):
a) The DPA is concerned with the sharing of personal data.
b) Personal data are those which identify individuals. Such datasets are held by the
public and private sectors alike, and the legislation exists to protect the rights of
individuals to privacy and, where data sharing is required, to operate in a way that is
both lawful and fair.
c) A tight definition of personal data is one that includes name, date of birth, address
and/or other attributes or characteristics that allow an individual to be identified.
However, the definition also includes potentially identifiable records in a dataset. An
example of this might be a postcode where just one person is resident under these
(albeit unusual) conditions the individual concerned can be identified.
d) The DPA does not prohibit the sharing of personal data (including potentially
identifiable records). Category one responders in public authorities must ensure that
any data sharing they undertake which involves the processing of personal data has
a lawful basis, whether explicit or implied. An example of the need to share personal
information in an emergency context would be the requirement to know the location
of kidney dialysis patients during a water outage; if social services cannot provide
information that identifies individuals to the emergency managers then the care of
these vulnerable individuals cannot be assured.
e) The first data protection principle requires that personal data are processed fairly and
lawfully. In short, in order for personal data to be processed fairly, individuals must be
informed of the purposes for which their personal data are to be processed including
details of to whom it may be disclosed and given any further information that in the
circumstances would be necessary in order that the processing would be fair. This is,
of course, assuming that the information can be lawfully shared in the first place (see
section 3.28b).

The second principle states that personal data should not be further processed in any
manner incompatible with the original purpose for which it was obtained. In the view
of the Department for Constitutional Affairs, the requirement of compatibility does not
have to mean "identical to" and provided the further processing is for a purpose that
is not contradictory to the original purpose or purposes, it will be consistent with the
second principle. Compliance advice can be found on the Information
Commissioner's website at www.dataprotection.gov.uk

g) Agencies seeking to share personal data should apply a necessity test; public
authorities must only collect and use the information that is legally permissible and
strictly necessary in order to fulfil their obligations in protecting the public in the case
of emergency. So, datasets which are not required to carry out activities in relation to
IEM, thereby executing responsibilities under the Civil Contingencies Act, should not
be shared.
h) In relation to (f) a dataset can be rendered non-personal, through anonymisation or
aggregation. For instance, if the only requirement for a risk assessment was the

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

number of pupils with physical disabilities in any given school then aggregated data
rather than full records should be shared. It should be noted that even records that
are aggregated in this way can be potentially identifiable, but if a necessity test
identified this level of aggregation as the minimum requirement, then this passes the
test. As another example, providing the name, age, sex, address and treatment
details of kidney dialysis patients for risk analysis is clearly not consistent with the
original purpose for which these data were collected. However, if the details of the
individual and/or their location are generalised in a way that retains their validity for
IEM this should be acceptable to both sets of interests. The basic issue is that where
there is a lawful basis for the sharing of personal data, only the minimum data that
needs to be shared should be.
Full Record Personal Data
Mr Peter Small
39 Main Street,
BB27 8XY
Telephone: 0111982
Condition: Kidney Failure, Weekly
Reference: BB7645HG981Q
Consultant: Dr C.Monk

Depersonalised Record
Condition: Kidney Failure, Weekly Dialysis
Postcode: BB27 8XY

Table 6: an example of the depersonalisation of individual records for emergency

planning and management purposes. Note that depersonalisation in itself is no
guarantee of anonymity and confidentiality (see above).

Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which provides that

everyone has a right to his private and family life, his home and his correspondence
will always be a consideration in respect of data sharing this is because Article 8
rights can only be interfered with by public authorities where it is allowed by the law
and deemed necessary in the interests of a democratic society in the interests of
national security, public safety, or the economic well being of the country, for the
prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the
protection of the rights and freedoms of others. As emergency responders deal with
situations where the health and welfare, even the lives of members of the public may
be placed at serious risk, it is likely to be the kind of scenario envisaged by Article 8
where some intrusion into the private lives of individuals by public authorities may be
legitimate. However, public authorities would have to evaluate the pressing social
need and ensure that the level of intrusion into the private lives of the populations
affected is proportionate to the objective pursued (see section 3.28b).


There is a clear difference between sharing of personal data between public

agencies acting in the public good, and the release of personal data to the public
domain. The release of personal data (including potentially identifiable records) into
the public domain is simply not permissible under the terms of the DPA and CCA.
This must be borne in mind in the context of public-facing systems and Community
Risk Registers (see section 3.31).

k) Finally, the Information Commissioner emphasises that it is for organisations

engaging in data sharing to be absolutely satisfied that they are acting lawfully in
doing so. Advice should be sought from an organisations legal and/or data protection
staff at an early stage, and their involvement is critical in drawing up and
implementing any multi-agency data and information-sharing protocols that are
required (see below). Be aware that this can be a drawn out process; forward
planning and perseverance are required!


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

It is important that potential restrictions on the sharing of data and information are
considered and any conditions carefully adhered to, but the support of the Act for information
sharing as a cornerstone of collaborative working must be borne in mind and Category one
and two responders must be active in this regard.

Data and Information Sharing Agreements and Protocols

One concrete step that can be taken to achieve transparency of aims, objectives and
processes is the development of data and information sharing agreements or protocols. Note
that Chapter three of Emergency Preparedness (sections 3.7 to 3.11) indicates that
formalisation of requests for information is not a preferred option, recommending that
existing and/or informal information sharing arrangements are pursued in the first instance.
This principle, that data and information sharing should not be over-bureaucratised, is
echoed here, but it is recommended that some form of written agreement (for instance a
Memorandum of Agreement) that sets out the purpose and specific requirements, quality
and technical standards and update frequency of data is established.
It is critical to note that a formal protocol or other form of agreement, however well received
by partner agencies, does not alter the legal requirements under the legislation outlined
above. It does, however, formalise what will be done and what roles and responsibilities flow
from this. Some key issues around data and information sharing agreements and protocols

The responsibility for maintaining and updating the data should rest, and be
understood to rest, with a single agency (the data originator).

Protocols for sharing, providing and maintaining data must be at the organisational
rather than inter-personal level, and clearly-defined roles and responsibilities should
be established and developed between those organisations and relevant competent

The establishment of any agreement will not make unlawful processing lawful. The
reasons for such arrangements are to clear up uncertainty about what is and what is
not permissible, ensure openness and transparency and to ensure consistency of

Protocols or other forms of agreement should include appropriate steps to be taken if

the data or information transferred from one agency (the data originator) to another is
requested by a third party.

Protocols make sure that everyone is clear about their data exchange responsibilities
and liabilities. They promote trust between partner organisations and the public.
Agencies do not necessarily need a separate protocol for each area of work it may
suffice to have one protocol that deals with all circumstances where data and
information are exchanged.

Section 3.41 of Emergency Preparedness proposes that Category one responders should,
wherever possible, seek to channel requests for information through as small a number of
routes as possible. So, if economies of scale in sourcing information can be realised (for
example in working through the LRF or RRF or even at national level. In addition to the
efficiency dimension, this can help to ensure consistency of process and data and
information across wider areas.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Freedom of Information

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) 2000, which came into force on 1st January
2005, anybody may request information from a public authority which has functions in
England, Wales and/or Northern Ireland21. The Act confers two statutory rights on applicants:

To be told whether or not the public authority holds that information; and if so,
To have that information communicated to them.

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 confers equivalent rights in Scotland22.
There are exceptions to the freedom of information and these are broadly the same as those
defined in the Civil Contingencies Act (i.e. considerations in relation to national security,
public safety, commercial sensitivities and personal information).
The FoIA is concerned with giving people a general right of access to information held by or
on behalf of public authorities, promoting a culture of openness and accountability across the
public sector. This should lead to a better understanding about how public authorities carry
out their duties, why they make the decisions they do and how they spend public money.
The development of public-facing systems that proactively make such information available
is of course consistent with the principles of the FoIA, but information released under the
terms of the FoIA must itself be consistent with other relevant legislation, including the Data
Protection Act.

Public Sector Information

Regulations on the re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI Regulations) came into force on
1 July 2005 SI 2005 no. 1515). They implement a European Directive on the re-use of
Public Sector Information (PSI) which was adopted by the European Parliament and Council
in 2003, and the regulations became binding on 1st July 2005. The directive recognises that
the public sector is the largest producer of information in Europe and that this is a resource
with considerable economic potential, which can be realised by re-use. In a sense, the PSI
regulations takes FOI a stage further in that it covers how the information is used once it has
been received. Re-use of PSI is different from FOI in that FOI is about access, on request,
to information whereas the PSI regulations relate to the dissemination of information to
others. It therefore has obvious copyright implications. This can be illustrated by the fact that
supplying information under FOI does not automatically confer a right of re-use. This means
that if a company that had received information under an FOI request would need to obtain
permission if it wanted to publish the information. Dissemination often takes place within a
market environment and PSI can be sold onto users with a range of intended purposes. For
further details consult the Office for Public Sector Information23.
In summary:

Access to information held by public authorities is governed by the Freedom of

Information Act 2000, regulated by the Information Commissioner.

Re-use of information held by public authorities is governed by the Re-use of Public

Sector Information Regulations 2005, regulated by the Office of Public Sector

It is possible that Category one and two responders who are seeking to access data and
information for IEM purposes will be treated as customers in the reuse of information






A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

market and expected to pay. However, there are specific conditions relating to IEM which
mean that such requests should be exempted. These are that:
a) the Civil Contingencies Act is enabling legislation that supports and facilitates data
and information sharing;
b) the data and information are not, under the terms of the Act, being sought for
commercial exploitation.
As requests for data and information sharing are to fulfill legislative obligations and because
there should be no intention to pass on this data or information to any third party for
commercial gain, no charges for re-use of PSI should be levied. This is because such
activities do not constitute re-use under the PSI Regulations as the activities described form
part of the public task of the organisations concerned.

Copyright Issues and Licensing

Copyright issues are different to those surrounding data protection, but they are both
concerned with proper and legitimate use of data and information. To summarise quite a
complex field, many spatial datasets, especially those which are purchased or otherwise
licensed for use in a given context, will be subject to conditions that prohibit or constrain their
use in other applications or by other organisations. Copyright and licence conditions will
always need to be consulted before granting approval to use data in a new application, or
context, or by a larger number of users. In the specific case of the Ordnance Survey, all
agencies should have a defined OS Liaison Officer (OSLO) who can advise on such issues.
Finally, most data suppliers require a licensing statement to appear on maps using, or
derived from their data (see, for example, OS maps in this document).


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Spatial Data Storage

Once imported into GIS, data can be
managed for subsequent retrieval or
application. Different systems (both GIS
software and wider organisational structures)
manage this in different ways, but in software
terms there are templates which can be
established through which backdrop
mapping and core thematic datasets are preloaded up, symbolised and ready for use.
There is no single standard for this; different
individuals and organisations operate in
different ways, but the key principle is that
data and information must be structured, and
understood and accepted amongst those
who need to use the system.
The issue of semantic consistency is
developed in section 10, and it will suffice to
mention here that overly individualised or
otherwise esoteric approaches to structuring
and naming data should be avoided in the
wider interests of transparency, accessibility
and usability.
A quick reference should be available to
users to illustrate the relative location of
different datasets, such as that illustrated in
Figure 65. Clearly there is a need for
semantic clarity and acceptance of the terms
used. For instance, elements of the critical
infrastructure such as hospitals and schools
(buildings) are both resources and
vulnerable sites in an emergency context.

Figure 65: Developing a clear and accepted

structure for GIS data is critical
In the interests of effective Knowledge Management (KM) a searchable directory of datasets
should be considered, especially where the user group is large and datasets are frequently
updated or added to. It is also critical that protocols for effective metadata recording are
observed and that metadata are stored in association with their respective datasets. Meeting
the potential demands of users is paramount: if the user group is discrete, small and
experienced with the systems concerned and well trained in their use, then a self-managed
system is likely to work. If, however, the user group is much larger, open-ended even, and
the level of experience with the systems is low or diverse then an effective KM system to
allow users to search for relevant data and then enable them to access and understand the
data is critical24.


see www.knowledgemanagement.org.uk

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Staffing and Training

People and their skills and experience are a critical part of realising a GIS that will
adequately meet an organisations needs. Public sector staff, including those in emergency
planning roles, that have an appreciation and experience of GIS are becoming more
common as the technology pervades ever more sectors. However, skilled GIS professionals
remain in relatively short supply. In terms of resilience, a system that is designed, developed
and used by a single, highly skilled member of staff, but remains a mystery to all others in
that organisation, is of little use if the operator is on leave and out of contact when it is
needed. Conversely, if an organisation undertakes to bring a larger number of staff up to
speed on the basic operation of a system, it is well known that regular use to retain and
develop that knowledge is required, and higher-level requirements may be out of their reach.
These are two extremes and appropriate training and continuing professional development
are the key to developing and diffusing competency in core skills throughout a body of staff.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Nine
Embedding GIS in, and across, organisations
GIS are most commonly implemented within single organisations, but the
reality of Integrated Emergency Management is that agencies need to work
closely and co-operatively together. This means that spatial data and
information must be able to move both within and between organisations, and
this section provides an overview of structures, processes and standards to
achieve this, along with a discussion of functional, organisational and
technical issues to be addressed to achieve this.



One of the key benefits of using GIS that has been identified in a series of studies is the
ability to integrate data from seemingly disparate sources, in pursuit of a common objective.
This is accepted, yet realising this level of data integration can be problematic. GIS are most
commonly developed and used within organisations. The history of GIS is that most public
sector applications were specific to individual departments, for instance planning or facility
management. There is no doubt that designing, implementing, embedding and using GIS is
simpler within smaller organisations that have a unified and focused purpose for that
application. More recently, the emphasis has been on corporate or enterprise GIS where
the system is rolled out over the whole of an organisation25. The gains that can potentially be
realised from a corporate-level approach include:

increasing access to data for enhanced decision-making

leveraging additional benefit out of existing resources, including data and staff
(following the e-government principle of collect only once, use many times)
addressing redundancies, duplication and inaccuracies in data, and doing it only
improving communication between departments and agencies
recognising commonalities in problems and associated requirements for data
achieving efficiency in practice
promoting effectiveness in policy.

However, designing and implementing a pan-organisational system and then ensuring its
effective uptake and application is far more complex than the process within a smaller and
more tightly focused unit. Different departments may be resistant to changes that the new
system requires and the potentially significant not invented here syndrome is selfexplanatory. These problems are compounded when a system is intended to tie together the
work of a number of different organisations. Competing conceptions of the costs and
benefits, data models, technical standards and organisational structures pose severe
challenges to data and systems integration for multi-agency working. However, the benefits

Enterprise GIS does not necessarily imply that all potential users have a fully-fledged GI System on
their desktop. Intranet mapping systems or customised, stripped down versions of the full software
installations has been widely and successfully implemented in many organisations, with financial
savings for the organisation and a simpler system to stay on top of for relatively infrequent users
(see Box 11).

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

of getting this right are considerable, broadly reflecting those observed above, but with the
enhanced benefits of a wider coverage and participation.
Box 11: GIS Architecture Overview
GIS can be configured in different ways, depending on a range of factors including the
requirements of users, the availability of resources and finance and the physical distribution
of users, including access to mobile devices and wireless connectivity. This box gives a brief
overview of the primary configurations.
1. Standalone PCs with desktop GIS software and data on local hard drives
In this configuration individual
desktop PCs have GIS software on
them and all the data that are
required are stored locally, on the
PCs hard drive or associated
peripherals. This is not incompatible
with the PCs being on a network or
the internet, but this connectivity is
not used to access or serve data from
other locations.
2. Networked PCs with desktop GIS software and data on centralised / workgroup
In this approach PCs have desktop
GIS software installed on them, but
the data are centralised to one
degree (e.g. an entire organisation) or
another (e.g. a single workgroup) on
a fileserver. This server would contain
both read-only (e.g. OS backdrop
mapping) and read-write (e.g.
thematic layers for editing and
analysis) layers. In this configuration
users can be differentiated with
different levels of access, or no
access, to some datasets if required.
3. PCs operating as Thin Clients, with Desktop GIS software accessed through an
application fileserver and data on centralised / workgroup fileserver
In many larger organisations desktop
PCs are used as thin clients and do
not have GIS software installed on
them locally. Instead, the application
is accessed through software such as
Citrix, which gives PC users access
to the software, but from a central
application server. This approach
can have financial advantages as the
number of concurrent users can be
limited. Typically, data are also
served from a remote location in this




A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

4. PCs and Mobile Devices access mapping application and data through web browsers
from remote application and data servers
One of the constraints of the previous
configurations is that it they tend to
be specific to individual organisations,
with limited scope to offer the
application or datasets to third
parties. The development of webmapping applications, sometimes
termed Server GIS, enables remote
users (including mobile devices
accessing through wireless
connections) to access an application
through a standard web-browser,
which in turn accesses data from a
fileserver. The users interface with
the system is entirely through the
browser, so the scope to interact
directly with the data (which has
issues for system security) can be
very tightly controlled.
Although these are presented as separate and discrete configurations, within an
organisation they may be combined for different types of users and application settings. For
example, some GIS projects have a high level of sensitivity especially in respect of data that
are held, so these may operate only on standalone PCs. Another variant might be of
configuration (2), where external network links to other organisations or the internet
complement data that are held on a local fileserver. Also, option (4) does not preclude
individual PCs, which may be used to access a web-mapping application over the internet,
also being configured with local GIS software and data (1) or as appears in (2).
Achieving evidence-based multi-agency working requires that a series of potential problems
are identified, and where relevant, addressed. These may include:

variations in priorities and foci between participants

differences in level of awareness of GI, spatial data handling skills and GIS capacity
and consequent differences in commitment to the wider project
availability of staff resource
semantics: differing data definitions
differing data models, data formats and data standards (e.g. relating to quality)
issues around IT, networking and access to data and information
issues around data security
differing perceptions of risk and the distribution of (perceived) costs and benefits
institutional impediments
disciplinary silo mentalities through which a culture of difference rather than cooperation dominates
the failure of organisations to think inventively and act decisively on information and
knowledge management
a problem-orientation amongst managers in which reasons not to act out-stack the
reasons to act
legal issues: issues around data protection (which are often misconceived see


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

lack of leadership at a level appropriate to the project to ensure that progress is real,
appropriate and not just superficially overt.
For effective utilisation to be achieved it is vital that the process of [GIS]
implementation starts from an understanding of how particular organisations
operate in practice and not an idealised notion of how they should.
(Campbell & Masser, 199526)

This is a long and rather discouraging list of potential obstacles to effective data and
information sharing, but there are concrete steps that can be taken to achieve a much more
positive experience. Successful coordination projects have been characterised by:

Unity of purpose: a cultural acceptance within and across organisations of their

common problems and overlapping information needs

A recognition that individual agencies information needs are at times best met
through other agencies data

Demonstrable gains in effectiveness relative to purpose

Demonstrable cost savings

A preparedness to identify barriers and explore potential solutions

A preparedness to identify and observe standards around semantics, formats,

quality, metadata and other application relevant issues

A preparedness to investigate practical tools to enhance coordination, cooperation

and collaboration through accessing, using and sharing relevant best practice

Demonstrating the value of GIS and an integrated approach to relevant staff, leading
to active rather than passive, participation

A champion: leadership and executive authority at a level appropriate to the project.

Box 12: Data and Information Hubs

There is no single or simple template for data
and information sharing for IEM in the multiagency environment. As schematically
identified in Figure 66, the processes
associated with emergency preparation,
response and recovery are different in the
kind of information they require and where it
can be sourced from.
For example, and as elaborated in section 6,
preparing for emergencies is associated with
a range of activities around risk assessment,
emergency planning, scenario development
and training and exercising.




Figure 66: data requirements and sources

vary for preparation, response and recovery

The data and information requirements to support these activities are wide-ranging and
sourced from a range of category 1 and 2 responders. Some form of data and information
hub is required to manage these for applications. In its simplest form, such a hub could be a


Campbell, H., and I. Masser. 1995. GIS and Organisations: How Effective Are GIS in Practice?
Taylor and Francis, London.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

single computer hard drive, although networked access to such files are more appropriate
and longer term developments towards interoperability are elaborated in section 10.
During an emergency response, data and information are often generated very rapidly and in
considerable volumes. During the initial response phase, the majority of this will come from
the emergency services. Integrating such data and information with the hub that is available
for emergency response is problematic, but an effective multi-agency response demands
that such integration is pursued. For example, an emergency services control centre might
be able to capture and display incident information and the deployment of resources from
one or more of the blue-light services. If this was a major incident, such as an atmospheric
release of radiation, the Met Office might be requested to model the diffusion of radiation. At
the present time this information would be faxed through to the control centre, as required. In
the future, however, transmission in a digital format such as GML (see Section 10) could
result in rapid and precise integration of this within the command and control system. To
start to characterise the affected population and facilities however would require data from a
hub that may be located in a local authority.
There are short and longer term issues here. In the short term, the ability to supply data and
information as required to support an effective multi-agency response must be considered,
developed and rehearsed. In this model the hub(s) is/are physical entities and transfers have
to be managed, usually through manual processes. In the longer term, interoperable
systems that can automatically fetch data and information as required have to be the
objective (see section 10).


Issues Arising from GIS applications within Multi-Agency Operations

Up to this point, the treatment of GIS in organisations has been relatively generic, drawing
on case studies of what works and what does not work, from a broad range of application
areas. This next section explicitly focuses on evaluations that have been conducted in the
aftermath of GIS applications within multi-agency emergency, and humanitarian operations
including the World Trade Center attacks of September 11th 200127 and Civil-Military Cooperation following NATO intervention in Kosovo from 1999. There is a wide range of
material available on these projects, some of which is referenced in the appendix, and the
intention here is to provide a distilled version of the key points.
There is a high level of convergence between the case studies on what the drivers for GIS
applications were, although their specific circumstances were disparate. These included:


The need to develop situational awareness and a Common Operational Picture that
is accessible, both literally and culturally, to a range of organisations with differing
ways of working and missions.

The increasing acceptance of, and focus on achieving, cooperative and collaborative
working in pursuit of common goals.

An appreciation of the need to undertake evidence-based practice, driven in part by

considerations of effectiveness and efficiency, and in part by the negative drivers
around litigation following failure in degrees from sub-optimisation through to mission

An increasing acceptance of the potential of GIS to serve as the conceptual basis for
information sharing, planning, operational coordination and evaluation of progress
towards common goals.

See Greene (2002) and Kevany (2003) in Appendix 2 and the very thorough treatment in Kevany,
M. (2002). GIS in the World Trade Centre Attack. Critique: What was done? What can we learn?

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Key functional requirements that were identified include:


The need to be prepared across the range of functions and to include GIS and
related technologies in emergency plans.

The need to combine datasets from disparate sources across functional areas. For
instance, in Kosovo, once Serb forces withdrew and refugees began to return, GIS
facilitated the integration of data on minefields and other post-conflict hazards such
as unexploded ordnance (from military sources) with data on potable water and state
of the housing stock (from humanitarian agencies) to better manage the process of

The need for an electronic base map to become the cartographic basis for all
agencies operations. This relates to the pre-digital certainty that when things do go
wrong, it is going to be at the boundary of four (paper) map sheets and that different
responding agencies will have (a) different versions, (b) different scales or (c) no
versions of the base map for the area.

The need to anticipate needs for GIS applications, data and information requirements
through a familiarity with the cyclical, and to a degree predictable, nature of
emergency operations.

The need to distribute information rapidly and efficiently as emergency operations

may be widely distributed, decision making will be devolved and the ability to manage
different forms of information will be highly variable. This is elaborated below.

Key organisational issues to be addressed to realise the potential of GIS to support the
information requirements of emergency managers include:

The need to ensure that key decision-makers within and across agencies understand
what capacities exist that they can draw on, the range of standard information
products they can produce and the toolsets they have access to.

The lowering of institutional barriers to inter-agency working, including data and

information sharing.

The need to develop a strategic information plan addressing the following issues:

Establish the data needs to meet the information requirements for IEM within
the context of the Community, Regional and National Risk Registers

Determine priorities: data and information sharing is complex and timeconsuming and a timed, staged and prioritised approach to establishing a
sustainable data and information sharing framework is required

Determine resource constraints and opportunities.

Staffing issues are paramount:


The significance of training around awareness for decision makers and

technical skills for key users and other potential users, many of which might
be widely distributed, and across different organisations

Recognise the importance of exercising to test and embed the systems

Staff must be available on a 24/7 basis

Designate an information sharing co-ordinator with appropriate (potentially

delegated) authority the wider issue of leadership is critical, especially
under emergency conditions, in forming, managing and motivating a team


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Develop a database of who is doing what and where28 this relates in part
to the concept of a Common Operational Picture, although it can also be
advantageous in respect of potentially accessing emergency staff backup in
the event of a serious emergency.

Improve response time to supply information products at the point of need. The
extremely slow rate of map production during the Columbia recovery operation in the
US during 2003 has previously been identified in Box 9.

Consider the appropriate structure for data management and dissemination.

Consider the appropriate structure for information management and dissemination.

The ability to disseminate information is critical and a series of issues must be

The plan, infrastructure and logistics for information dissemination must be

developed as part of the wider emergency planning framework.

The widely distributed, and potentially difficult working conditions of

emergency responders needs to be considered. Physical and information
infrastructure may have been compromised (e.g. blocked roads, reduced
bandwith) by the emergency itself and a response to this must be considered.

Standard products have both supply and demand side advantages: producers
can work to a standard template and users have a continuity of experience
they know what to expect and what to do with it.

Electronic media are the most efficient mode of information distribution for a
range of map users, but there will always be a strong demand for paper maps
and this needs to be met.

Paper map production (printing) has frequently been a bottleneck in the past
and needs to be adequately resourced.

The need for a request tracking system to be established: experience suggests that
the demand for maps and map- based information can be high from the outset and
then accelerate to unforeseen levels during a major incident. Meeting all requests
rapidly may be out of the question, so a prioritisation and tracking system needs to
be established, in part to ease pressure of the GIS staff themselves.

Ensure resilience under field constraints. Although a primary office facility may be
adequately resourced, backup sites or field locations may be below standard in
respect of office space, power availability, internet and network connectivity and
staffing. In respect of staffing, a (potentially reciprocal) system to draw appropriate
staff from other departments, agencies or agencies external to the region should be
agreed and established.

Resilience of the systems themselves is critical:


Off-site backup of data and resources is critical in the event that the
designated operations centre is affected in the emergency. Where data are
networked and accessible from multiple locations, it is critical that the data
themselves are backed up and accessible in an alternative manner.

Communications are vulnerable and alternative plans for voice and data
communications in the event of loss of primary systems is critical. This should
of course be part of the wider emergency planning process.

Potentially accessing emergency staff backup in the event of a serious

emergency has been referred to above and reciprocal arrangements to
facilitate this are good practice.

The UK Charity Mapaction (http://www.mapaction.org/) uses the acronym W3 data to describe

Who-What-Where data and information.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Key technical issues to be addressed to realise the potential of GIS to support the
information requirements of emergency managers include:

Develop common standards for data, metadata and information recording and

Develop a comprehensive and consistent baseline dataset for the potential area of

Address the cross-referencing of frameworks, both spatial-spatial and attributespatial. For instance, during the WTC recovery operations GPS signals at Ground
Zero were weak and relatively unreliable due to the surrounding high buildings which
obscured and degraded the satellite signal. For this reason, the Fire Department
generated a 75 x 75 grid over the rubble pile for the recording of debris and human
remains and associated finds. Clearly, this spatial framework needed to be (and was)
linked to the wider spatial framework used in the Emergency Mapping and Data
Centre. Also during this operation, significant problems were experienced at the
outset of the operation as the digital outlines (footprints) of buildings were not linked
to the Building Identification Numbers (BINs), which were themselves used to
associate a wide range of attributes relating to those buildings.

Assess security implications relating to individual data layers and sensitivities relating
to the aggregation of data layers.

Quality Assurance, a critical consideration in any GIS project, is no less significant in

an emergency situation, where the implications of errors are potentially lifethreatening. Such a QA process needs to be appropriate to the operational context,
and must be developed as part of the planning process.

This is a long list of considerations, but given the significance of information in decision
making, the need to embed data access, management and information creation and
provision in emergency planning more broadly, these are all worthy of careful attention.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Ten
Working across boundaries: the significance of
Interoperability describes the ability of systems to work seamlessly together.
To a large degree this is a set of technical issues which are covered, but the
most significant issues and problems to be addressed concern issues around
the meaning of data and information (semantics) and ensuring the political
will to ensure convergence around the standards upon which interoperability
is founded.



The main focus in this document has been on the provision of appropriate information in
support of effective decision making. Much of this, it has been shown, depends on agencies
working together. In the context of information sharing, interoperability has been defined as
the ability to exchange and use information across different hardware and software without
special effort29. So, interoperability describes the ability of different organisations systems to
work effectively, indeed seamlessly, to achieve this. The Oxford English Dictionary definition
is Interoperable able to operate in conjunction, derivative interoperability.
As an important element of this, users
should also be able to search for data and
information and have an enhanced
understanding of what is available and for
what it might be used. To use an analogy,
this turns a set of unknown buildings with
books in them into a referenced library and,
to stretch the analogy, this library should
ideally have a catalogue that is searchable
over the internet and reciprocal lending
arrangements should exist.

Figure 67: agencies interoperate, but do their

data, information and communication
systems? (credit: freefoto.com)

However, interoperability as a term is one

that is surrounded by a degree of mystique
and is regarded as tomorrows problem,
not todays, by too many agencies.

The objective of this final section is to establish what interoperability is, why it is important
and establish what organisations need to consider now, to ensure future systems


Rose, M., Gabriel, M. and Jones, N. (2004). Achieving Interoperability and Information Sharing,
Report on Environment Agency Data and Information Exploitation Unit Seminar on Interoperability
and Information Sharing, February 2004.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Box 13: the length of a piece of string

Consider a conversation around the question, how long is a piece of string? The point of
the conversation is to establish whether the string is long enough for the job it is required
for. It may be quite long to you, but perhaps Im used to really long pieces of string and
this one is fairly small. This conversation is clearly going nowhere quickly. Perhaps a
picture would help. You send a picture but Im lost as it is grainy and there is nothing to
indicate the scale.
If we measure the string using a quantitative scale then this must take us forward. You
measure the string and it is 24 inches. Thats no good to me as I work in metric, but your
ruler is imperial. Perhaps we could try other measures of which there are plenty: chains,
furlongs, feet, leagues, rods, links, hands and yards. All these are imperial, not metric. We
are still no further on.
Now imagine that this conversation has taken place by a mix of telephone, mobile, fax and
email. Telephone was no good as it could not relay a picture, mobile was little better as only
one of you had a camera on your phone, the fax was OK but poor quality and black and
white, and email was looking good until the attachment was removed due to security
protocols on your mail server.
There are also a whole series of other characteristics that may need to be taken into
consideration such as size, strength, colour, age, materials and what the string has
previously been used for. It is clear that the above conversation, or something like it, could
be had for each of these additional variables.
The end point of this exchange is that both parties remain unsure of whether this really is the
right piece of string for the job. A decision made might be the wrong one and the
consequences might be serious.
Interoperability is about ensuring that information exchange is efficient, effective, meaningful
and that errors are avoided. To a large degree interoperability is a technical issue, but it will
be demonstrated that it is also a human and cultural one as well.
The INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) initiative and proposed
directive, which is focused on environmental policy making and the harmonisation of spatial
information to support this, has established the following principles:

Data should be collected once and maintained at the level where this can be done
most effectively;

It must be possible to seamlessly combine spatial data from different sources and
share it between many users and applications;

It must be possible for spatial data collected at one level of government to be shared
between all levels of government;

Spatial data for good governance should be available on conditions that do not
restrict its extensive use; and

It should be easy to discover which spatial data are available, to evaluate their fitness
for purpose and know which conditions apply for their use.

In respect of enhancing access to information these principles are important, and the role of
the internet in supporting portals for accessing metadata and data is at the heart of the
directive, both for public-private-government data flows and also for intra-government data
mobility. The Commission adopted the proposal for a Directive on INSPIRE in July 2004, yet


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

on both practical and political levels there will be many steps in the future to realise the
vision behind the directive itself.

Obstacles to Interoperability

The INSPIRE initiative defines principles rather than a description of reality, and there are
four essential obstacles to interoperability at the present time:
1. a great many local solutions have been developed for locally defined problems.
These solutions, however, are sub-optimal within the evolving context for effective
integrated working within and across agencies;
2. Interoperability between Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) GIS software is limited,
although improving;
3. Communications interoperability and data transfer is problematic, although data
bearers such as TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) promise the means to wirelessly
and digitally transfer both voice and data between systems in an operational
4. The significance of a shared understanding of data, its definition, limitations and
intended and potential applications is a major shortcoming, and a very serious issue,
although one that is introduced in less than serious style in box 13.
Do emergency planning, category one and category two agencies and their staff need to
consider these kinds of issues? To answer this with another question, do these agencies
and their staff need to be able to transfer information about hazards, resources,
vulnerabilities and emergency incidents and their consequences? The answer to this is yes,
and the Civil Contingencies Act establishes the significance of information transfer. It is
however too easy for such agencies to regard interoperability as the software developers
problem and carry on sharing (or not sharing) problematic data through manual means such
as a CD in the post.
The following kinds of problems are commonly observed in a GI/S context, and all of them
are symptomatic of a lack of interoperability30:

An inability to share maps over the web or other networks utilising web-browsers as
the viewer;

An inability to deliver data between internal departments and external agencies

systems without a high level of user intervention in converting;

The absence of a common language to talk about spatial data and the attributes of
spatial data;

An inability to integrate data from real-time sensors or allied databases over a


These may be problems with a strongly technical flavour, but their operational consequences
may be profound.

Working towards Interoperable Systems

The objective of this section is to establish that the responsibility for working towards
interoperability rests with all agencies that have a role in preparing for, responding to and
recovering from emergencies.


Maslen, J., Peltenburg, J. and Morrison, K. (2004). Interoperability in geospatial technologies: an

introduction to the UK context, White Paper Version 1.0, Geowise, Edinburgh. www.geowise.co.uk

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

So, up to this point we have established some of the cornerstones of how Category one and
two responders and other responsible agencies should regard, and start to work towards,
interoperability. At the risk of being repetitive, these are:

Benefits of interoperability are broadly the same as those which can be realised
through organising, indexing, permitting searching and preventing duplication of
records within an organisation it is inconceivable that an organisation would not
attempt to systematise its own internal approach in this way;

There are costs at the local, agency-specific level in addressing issues around
interoperability, but the costs of failing to address these issues are much more widely
felt and strong leadership is needed to take these steps;

People have to know about data as a prerequisite to attempting to access it;

Common standards are critical if datasets are to be integrated;

Integration is not the same as interoperability, although the ability to integrate data is
a foundation;

Geography is in itself an integrative framework and while different approaches to

geo-referencing can be reconciled, differences in how attributes are recorded (the
semantics of a dataset) are less easily addressed;

Achieving interoperability is not a simple process, but as with all problems an

analysis and breakdown into technical, human and organisational dimensions is
helpful in identifying a way forward.

Figure 68 identifies a framework for appreciating the intermeshed nature of technical,

operational and communications systems. All such systems are underpinned by data and
they are linked through the construction, appreciation, interpretation and communication of
information. If these systems are not interoperable then breakdowns will occur, both
between levels of command and between responsible agencies. With the development of
systems such as TETRA digital radios and intra-organisational data, information and
knowledge management solutions, individual agencies are getting increasingly better at
creating suitable quality information, knowing what to do on the basis of this evidence, how
best to define and take the required actions, and how to communicate not just tasking
instructions, but also information to stakeholders, the wider public and also cope with
reverse data and information flows which permit monitoring and assessment of the situation.
This capability is relevant in fields as diverse as regional policy and street-cleaning services.
All steps of this ladder are essential, and if rungs are missing (for instance semantics) then
progress will be hampered as divergent interpretations will be inevitable.
In the context of multi-agency working, progression up the ladder is equally contingent upon
all the rungs, but the likelihood of the technical, operational and communications systems
being concordant is presently remote.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Decisions arrived at through procedures and processes must

be communicated to those with the responsibility for taking
actions, monitoring situations and assessing progress towards
outcomes. Information is communicated, and it is essential that
it is received and understood as, where and when required.

Procedures and Processes

If doctrine defines what to do and situational information

establishes the context for doing it, procedures and processes
(which are consistent with doctrine) set out how to do it. These
processes of actually doing it generate additional data.

Logic and Doctrine

The logical flow of an approach is defined by doctrine. The

effective application of doctrine depends upon an appreciation
of the situation, context, constraints and resources, all of which
require information in an appreciable and appropriate form.

Semantics and Standards

For information to have relevance in an application context,

the meaning must be clear and consistent, requiring standards
In creation and communication to be observed.
Information can be equated with evidence and is critical in
arriving at, and supporting a course of action. Information
must be appreciable and the creation processes must be
robust and transparent.


For data to be translated into information semantic consistency

of meaning and observance of standards in processing are key.

Semantics and Standards

Data are the foundation for an evidence base, yet if they

are poor quality, of poor coverage, outdated and semantically
inconsistent between organisations, there can be no effective
Common Operational Picture or safe evidence-base for
multi-agency working.


Figure 68: technical, operational and communications systems are

underpinned by data and intermeshed by information
There are five sections that follow, each of which is summarised here:

Web Services: true systems interoperability requires the internet (or intranet or
extranet) as a framework for data transfer, applying standards for data interpretation
and application and developing open systems for processing data and reporting
information. This is collectively termed web services.

Metadata Standards: without metadata (information about data see 8.4.2), datasets
are just masses of records without any conceptual or technical application-relevant
details. Metadata permits users and would-be users to understand what a dataset is
about, what it can be used for and what potential weaknesses or drawbacks there
may be. When discovery-level metadata are replicated in a searchable form that is
independent from the dataset itself, this contributes to a powerful dictionary of
available data and is in itself a significant driver towards consistency for
interoperability. At a very basic level you have to know about a problem to be able to
address it, and publicising metadata can be very valuable in identifying, for instance,
differential quality standards, semantic inconsistencies and variable geo-referencing

Semantic Interoperability: if two datasets contain a field that has the same
header/descriptor and all the records appear to be comprised of common categories
(e.g. extreme, high, medium, low, negligible) they would appear to be consistent.
However, if the two datasets derive from different agencies, each of which has
different ideas about, and thresholds between these severity classes, they are
clearly, and significantly inconsistent. Working towards semantic consistency is a
significant foundation in achieving interoperability.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Software: although the GIS marketplace is heavily
concentrated in favour of a relatively small number of software suppliers, a significant
number of projects in the past have seen the development of proprietary, or
customised software. COTS packages, in contrast, have a wider user-base, derive
from a larger development budget and have had to respond to pressure from users
for data format compatibility with other suppliers. As a general principle, COTS
software should be considered most appropriate for any GIS project unless there are
overriding reasons to the contrary.

Political Will: as introduced above, although interoperability is to a large degree a

technical issue, in common with many projects that require a shift in organisational
and individual behaviour, leadership at an appropriate level is critical to success.

10.3.1 Web Services

The development of GIS has paralleled the development of IT at large, in which we can
identify several phases and key developments:

Early development on mainframe computers placed them out of wide reach for
reasons of cost and complexity;

Development of Workstation and PC-based desktop systems reduced the cost, and
with the advent of Windows software, the interface complexity;

The basic toolkit of GIS, in common with other tools such as word-processing,
databases and spreadsheets, has grown in power and efficiency over the years;

Local and Wide Area Networks (LANs and WANs) enabled users to manage and
share data and work in teams more efficiently;

The advent of the Internet built on the gains of networking, but enabling wider
searches and links to be made between individuals, agencies and communities of
interest. Critically, information served over the internet was platform independent, so
it could be accessed irrespective of the hardware, operating system and software
profile of your computer;

The development of the Internet saw the advent of distributed computing whereby
not only data could pass between users over the Internet, but the use of remote
processing resources (i.e. other peoples computers) could be achieved, through the
appropriate protocols;

The development of Open Systems or Open Source Software which are wholly
transparent and may be developed or embedded into other applications without
license or copyright issues has been very significant in permitting the development of
systems that can effectively relate to each other;

The shift from physical networks to wireless networking capability enabled data flows
between, for example, a field worker who is surveying structural damage following a
storm and a base office which could receive data entered onto a PDA (Personal
Digital Assistant) and transferred wirelessly through a GSM phone or even a satellite

The technical enablers identified above have driven increased expectations of realtime data flows. These may include reports from automatic chemical release sensors
at a known location or on-board train fire detection systems which combine GPS with
status indicators. If the data from such sensors is flowing at predetermined intervals
into GIS then the current status (the lag time is effectively the separation period
between reports from the device) can be mapped and decisions made on the basis of
an unfolding situation.

Thus, there has been a progression away from big computers that were stuck in rooms,
towards more powerful, user-friendly and portable computers, and also a shift away from

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

computers that could not talk to any other computer, through data and information transfer
over a limited network, to a global internet which can enable the seamless transfer of data
and information, and indeed facilitate the remote processing of data and the serving of
resultant information back to a wirelessly networked PDA or other mobile device in a field
environment. Web services is the term that describes this linking over the internet of
information systems and business processes through web-based protocols.
The UK government has established that interoperability for the sharing of information and
co-ordination of activity amongst public sector bodies can be achieved through the media of
web services, and this also holds for geo-spatial technologies. It would be nave, however, to
suggest that this represents the short term objective for all emergency planners and
category one and two responders in the UK. It has to be acknowledged that the route to
interoperability is at best unclear, certainly with specific reference to GIS applications in IEM.
The drive to ensure interoperability between systems that support effective Command,
Control, Co-ordination and Communication will proceed, but currently there are few tight
guidelines to influence interim developments. What appears here are a set of principles and
issues that should be observed and considered in developing GIS applications in IEM.
Interoperable web-services can take users from the ability to instruct systems to read these
data to read these data, carry out some sophisticated analysis, send them onto another
service, undertake further processing then post them onto another system to use31. This
critically depends on systems being able to interpret the data in a consistent way. XML, the
eXtensible Markup Language, is a development of HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
and is what is termed a metalanguage, that is a language that describes other languages.
In the same way that HTML uses tags to instruct a web browser how to display text and
images, tags in XML describe the data in such a way that data in XML format is selfdescribing. XML schemas are in effect languages which describe data and in line with the
principle of transparency and openness that these are widely published and the best of
breed are in effect sponsored by bodies such as the UK Office for National Statistics or
Office of the e-Envoy so that they become standards for application in a given area.
The key idea here is that of data which are self-describing and as such as highly mobile,
and meaningful, between systems.
10.3.2 Metadata Standards
Information production [is] growing at about 50% a year yet the amount of time
people spend consuming [information] is growing by only 1.7% each year a critical
task ahead will be to stop volume from simply overwhelming value.
Brown, J.S. and Duguid, P. (2002). The Social Life of Information,
Harvard Business School Press
A GIS is a tool for generating information. Data is the fuel that drives that tool. Users require
GIS to help them define solutions to their problems. As a prerequisite for this they require
data and this usually requires a search of some description. In the absence of any sort of
signposts to the right data (see section 8.4 for a discussion of quality issues and what makes
a given dataset right) this search could be frustrating, time consuming, involve a lot of
queries to already busy people and may be ultimately unsuccessful. Metadata provides the
required signposts.
The definition of metadata is information about data. Consider a basic example: if you
receive a CD in the post, which of the following options would be preferable?

Maslen, J., Peltenburg, J. and Morrison, K. (2004). Interoperability in geospatial technologies: an

introduction to the UK context, White Paper Version 1.0, Geowise, Edinburgh. www.geowise.co.uk

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


No label, no covering note

No covering note, but a label that says Risks
No note, but the label says Community Risk Register
No note but the label says where it relates to, the date, the title and the file format
As above, but there is a covering note which gives the name and contact details for
the person and organisation who sent the disk
vi) As above, but the covering note refers the user to a database file, replicated in txt
format, which contains the following attributes about the dataset:
o What title and description of the dataset
o Why an abstract which summarises why the data were created and its uses
o When when the dataset was created and how (often) it is updated
o Who originator, data supplier and possibly the intended audience
o Where the geographical extent
o How how it was built and how to access the data.32
It is clear that options (i) to (vi) represent a shift from less to more desirable. So, metadata
helps us establish what data are out there and what we could reasonably do with them.
This is in itself critical as people who create and maintain data are not always accessible:
they may move jobs, be on leave, be ill or be stuck in the traffic jam that is a consequence of
an emergency they would ideally be helping to respond to. The arguments for having such
contextual and application-relevant information available within an organisation are very
strong. However, the Civil Contingencies Act places an obligation on Category One and Two
responders to share information, much of which will be spatial information. If metadata
records are available and correctly maintained they provide a resource for partners to
search. This in itself does not imply a right of access, indeed where constraints apply they
should be recorded in the metadata. The benefits from holding and maintaining metadata in
an accessible form (e.g. an extranet site) equate directly with those of having a library
catalogue the subject, age, origin, abstract, location and availability all help you to identify
what you need and how to get it.
Standards for metadata (already been referred to in 8.4.2) are themselves important, and
recording only what seems to the originator to be the main issues may be to disregard key
considerations of a range of users. ISO 19115 (International Standard) was established with
regard to international practices in 2003 and ISO 19139 (Draft Technical Specification) has
subsequently proposed a standardisation of the expression of geospatial metadata using
XML. It is imperative that metadata records are compliant with these standards. See the
IGGI Guide: Principles of Good Metadata Management for a more detailed overview of this
10.3.3 Spatial Frameworks
This Guide has been premised on the ability of GIS to overlay layers of data, and the ability
of GIS to manage, integrate, analyse, model and display is effectively contingent upon this
ability. This, again, relates to standards. Third party information is a term used by the
Ordnance Survey to describe spatial data such as census geodemographics, the location of
nature reserves and contaminated land. These are located with what the OS terms
reference information. It is only through a direct link between the data and the spatial
framework that we are able to overlay data, as illustrated below, and all that flows from this
basic capability.

Nebert, D.D. (2004). Developing Spatial Data Infrastructures: the SDI Cookbook (Version 2.0),
Technical Working Group, Global Spatial Data Infrastructure.



A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

This reference information establishes the ability for geometric interoperability, something
that was introduced in Box 4 (Integrating disparate datasets using a spatial key); unless
locations can be related to each other data cannot be spatially integrated. If problems do
exist with spatial frameworks (for example the Columbia Space Shuttle recovery operation
see Box 9) they can have serious and time-consuming consequences. Due to consistent use
of Ordnance Survey referencing systems and products this is not often a severe problem in
the UK, but where users need to share data or have access to information of a consistent
quality the appropriateness of different addressing and geo-referencing frameworks and
standards needs to be considered and recorded in full in metadata.
10.3.4 Semantic Interoperability
Semantics define the meaning of records within a dataset. Think back to the last time you
heard someone say what Im trying to say is - usually that person is struggling to find a
way of expressing themself that will also make sense to you. Their idea of how big a fire,
how serious a hazard, how widespread a flood, how large a crowd, how steep a slope or
how large an area may be different to yours (see Box 13).
Semantic consistency demands that the representation of reality is done in a consistent
fashion. This is less of problem for operations within a local area of responsibility with
partners who have a common appreciation of the meaning of data and information. If the
person referred to above was able to point back to a common experience in the past, and
say this is almost the same as that one we dealt with in November 2005, then some
commonality will have been achieved. However, this does not work with people who have no
common ground, and it is a poor basis for introducing rigorous common standards. It is a
fine example of local solutions that are sub-optimal at higher levels and/or over wider areas.
There is a need to work towards commonality between agencies in the way that phenomena
are represented. At a (literally) basic level this has been done with the way in which
geographical objects are represented. GML (Geographical Markup Language) is a variant of
XML which defines, in universally appreciable terms, the key spatial characteristics of
geographical features. Spatial features can be defined by lines of code that define what kind
of basic object it is (area, line, point) and its coordinates.
There are technical part-solutions to the communication of what objects are and some of
their core attributes, the main example being SVG, Scaleable Vector Graphics. SVG is a
vector graphics language written in XML which describes two-dimensional graphical objects.
As such it can be used to determine how users see and can interact, albeit at a relatively
basic level, with maps in a web browser. Maps can be annotated, re-scaled and mouse
actions such as clicking to determine attributes and rolling grid coordinates with the
movement of the mouse can be set up, all with the gains of transparency and transferability
that XML and OSS brings. However, although GML can define spatial features and their core
attributes, and SVG can define the visual representation of the data, the meaning of what
they represent depends upon semantic consistency and this lacks standardisation.
At present there are differences between key agencies such as Police Forces, Fire Services,
Social Services Departments and Ambulance Services in the way that they classify
incidents. There are examples of standards such as the World Health Organisations
International Classification of Diseases. Some examples of these are illustrated in Table 7,
although it is clear that full consistency requires the semantics of contingent categories such
as residential institution and trade and service area to be realised.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management


Exposure to smoke, fire and flames - Residential institution
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames - School, other institution and public
administrative area
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames - Sports and athletics area
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames - Street and highway
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames - Trade and service area
Exposure to smoke, fire and flames - Industrial and construction area
Table 7: example of semantic consistency in coding from health

This is an area where GIS applications are currently very weak but such issues need to be
addressed, and not just at the local level.
10.3.5 Spatial Data Infrastructures
Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) are described by Longley et al. (2005) as one of the big
ideas in GIS. This is not the place for a detailed discussion of the subject, but the basic
concept is that data sharing is difficult, and without the development of partnerships to
address the issues it will remain difficult. The higher the level at which partnerships are
developed, the greater the momentum will be to develop semantic, data and metadata
standards, and the means to search for and access data over the internet. SDI is a term that
describes a coordinated and partnership-based environment for producing, managing,
disseminating and using spatial data.
So, an SDI is not a physical infrastructure in the way that a railway system is, with track,
rolling stock, stations, timetables, management structures, consumer representation and
service standards. Rather it is much more conceptual, and Longley et al. (2005) observe that
at a high level, there are few who dispute the merits of achieving data sharing, reduction of
duplication, and risk minimisation through the better use of good-quality GI. But how to make
it happen for real is a different matter (p.458).
The previous sections have established that the standards, frameworks and issues that need
to be addressed for an SDI to develop over time. SDIs are fundamental and integral to
issues around interoperability.
10.3.6 Commercial Off The Shelf Software
Transparency is the most significant aspect of OSS: in contrast to much COTS Software and
many proprietary systems, the code is freely available and there are no Intellectual Property
Rights withheld in applying or developing open systems. Open Specifications provide
software engineers and developers information as well as specific programming rules and
advice for implementing the interfaces and/or protocols that enable interoperability between
As a basic principle, proprietary systems that are not based on open specifications are
counter to basic principles of e-government and the wider pursuit of interoperability. With
many COTS packages the development emphasis is on creating extensions that permit the
seamless integration of diverse data formats, although the core software itself does not
conform to open specifications.


Anderson, G. and Moreno-Sanchez, R. (2003). Building Web-Based Spatial Information Solutions

around Open Specifications and Open Source Software, Transactions in GIS, 7(4), 447-466.

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

10.3.7 Political Will

In common with many issues around the application of IT to socio-economic and
environmental problems, technological obstacles to interoperability are outweighed by the
cultural, organisational and (perceived) financial barriers.
Writing in GIS Professional in 2005 , Judith Jerome, a Geographic Information
specialist at the Cabinet Office e-Government unit, observed that: Technical
interoperability is a reality Semantic interoperability is moving forward but still has
far to go [and that] The greatest challenge is human/political interoperability,
which involves changing hearts and minds.
Agencies are often not used to working closely with other agencies and the primary frame of
reference for decisions is internal. For this reason, agencies are at best cautious about
initiatives where costs are likely to be internal and short term, and benefits are likely to be
both internal and external and realised over the long term. Addressing this in such a way that
agencies are prepared to engage positively with initiatives where the benefits are more
widely dispersed requires strong leadership from government that is mirrored within
individual agencies.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Section Eleven
Future Developments
In such a fast moving field it can be difficult, even foolhardy, to try and identify
future developments with any degree of certainty. This short section identifies
those areas where developments are likely to be the most significant for
emergency planners and responders.


Location-Based Information

Location-based information and the increasingly embedded nature of GI into administrative,

management information, analytical and decision support systems has been referred to
previously, and it is only mentioned here as this is a trend that will continue. To draw a
parallel with mobile phones, perhaps the most significant trend over time with mobiles has
not been capability (more features on new handsets) but that more users of any kind of
handset can talk to others at the voice communications level. GI will always require specific
techniques to handle, analyse and report it, but to users of systems it is likely to appear less
and less segregated from other forms of information over time.

Data sources

The exponential growth in data has previously been identified. These are not just created
through the same sources, as data are expanding not just in volume but also in diversity.
Some of these are what might be termed value-added products, created through the
integration of existing sources, and the example of geo-demographics is given here. Others
are data from sources that are well established at a generic level (remotely sensed data is
the example) but where refinements are creating data in much greater volumes and with an
ever increasing range of potential applications.
11.2.1 Geodemographics
Geodemographics describes data and information that profile areas on the basis of
composite indicators of consumer behaviour. Typically they are commercial datasets,
provided by a small number of businesses, which are based in small-area census data, but
have added value to these through the integration of other data sources such as surveys
and consumer records (Electronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale - EFTPOS - links
together what someone has bought together with who they are and where they live if they
also use a loyalty card). These might seem of very limited relevance to emergency planning
and management, but they provide ever richer information on the wider characteristics and
behaviour of the population, often down to the level of individual postcodes that is of
relevance to risk assessment and emergency planning.
11.2.2 Remotely sensed data
As has previously been identified, remotely sensed data (satellite images and aerial
photographs) are raster data. There are two dimensions to resolution in such data: spectral
range and spatial resolution. Any form of photography, of which remote sensing are variants,
is the capturing of energy being given off by a series of objects. For satellite images this is
usually solar radiation that is reflected or emitted from the earths surface. Such radiation is

Figure 69: panchromatic IKONOS image of the centre of Rome at a

spatial resolution of approximately one metre Space Imaging


Figure 70: Quickbird image of a Freighter breaking up in December 2004

off Unalaska Island, Aleutians, Alaska Digital Globe

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

given off across a wide range of wavelengths, and early satellite-based sensors could only
measure a small number (three would be typical) of these wavelengths. The capacity to
measure a wider range of wavelengths means the ability to more accurately discriminate
between characteristics of the earths surface. Modern sensors have the ability to measure a
much wider range, thereby supporting a more diverse range of applications.
The spatial resolution of satellite images and aerial photographs have also been increasing
with time. Until recently the highest resolution (smallest pixel size) satellite images that were
commercially available to general users were around 20m x 20m. The IKONOS satellite,
launched in 1999, dramatically changed this with a spatial resolution of 90cm, followed in
2001 by imagery from the QuickBird satellite, which is reported to have a resolution of 62cm.
Figure 69 shows an panchromatic (black and white) IKONOS image of the centre of Rome at
a spatial resolution of approximately one metre.
Figure 70 illustrates the real colour imagery available from the Quickbird satellites, showing
in this instance a freighter breaking up off the Aleutian Islands in 2004. It is clear from this
that the quality of the image is comparable with aerial photography, and as it is a commercial
product there is no need to commission such images although far from cheap, they just
need to be purchased from the back catalogue.
11.2.3 Real time data
Real-time describes data that reflect the situation as it is at the present time, potentially with
a short delay for processing and display. The use of Automatic Vehicle Location Services,
such as those illustrated for Durham Constabulary (see 7.4.6), are an example of this which
permits decision makers to see the distribution of resources at any given time. A range of
potential devices such as traffic or river flow meters, Automatic Number Plate Recognition
Systems or radiation or atmospheric pollution sensors have the potential to issue alerts if
measurements exceed defined parameters or another trigger is identified. Where such
sensors or devices are integrated with GIS the spatial location of the anomaly and its
potential consequences can rapidly be assessed, analysed and visualised. Digital CCTV can
also be integrated with GIS, as flows of imagery that are associated with given locations, and
which can then be accessed as video feeds for diagnostic or confirmatory reasons. The
integration of CCTV with GIS-enabled Command and Control systems in Police control
rooms is a good example of this.
The number and range of sensors feeding real time or near real time data in a form that is
compatible and accessible with GIS will increase over time with significant implications for
emergency management. One example of such sensors feeding information in real time (or
near real time i.e. with a short delay due to processing or transmission) to a web-site is the
facility of the Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS), illustrated
in Figure 71.
The CEFAS website reports data from the DEFRA strategic wave monitoring network for
England and Wales, which is a network of wave buoys located in areas at risk from flooding.
According to CEFAS Data from this network will be used to improve the management of
flood and coastal erosion risk for which DEFRA has policy responsibility and the data will be
used by Flood Managers, Local Authorities, Consultants, and other stakeholders in order to
assess flood risk, and on a longer timescale will be to help design improved flood defence
schemes and to provide data for climate change studies.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Figure 71: The CEFAS Wavenet website, providing access to real time wave data around
the UK (http://www.cefas.co.uk/wavenet/default.htm)

Mobile Technologies

The linkage of mobile phones with location-based information has been mentioned
previously. Just as GI is becoming increasingly embedded in other forms of information
capture, management and reporting systems, the decreasing size and cost of GPS and their
integration with devices such as mobile phones, digital radios and PDAs means that
outgoing messages from mobile devices can include a locational identifier. The increasing
processing power of such devices also means that mapping technologies for information and
navigation can be accessed from almost anywhere, with clear implications for warning and
informing the public. Although it is a seemingly mundane issue, the most significant
drawback in the use of such mobile technologies is limited battery life a clear resilience

Concluding Comment: From Isolation to Integration to Interoperability

GIS applications in emergency planning and management have mirrored the development of
GIS more broadly: early developments were carried out on single machines within separate
agencies, and data and information sharing was partial and difficult to achieve. Recent
developments have seen statutory, technological and organisational shifts towards the
integration of practice and systems that support that; legislation has clarified rights, roles,
responsibilities and requirements to share data; partnerships and protocols have promoted
this and the increasing mobility of data within systems and organisations, underpinned by
transfer formats, common standards, open systems, metadata and web-services have
permitted the development of integrated information for decision-making. Future
developments will build on integration of data, systems and processes in the development of
interoperable data, systems and processes that effectively remove the need for manual

A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

interventions to transmit data and information between organisations. The principles, both
technical and operational, of interoperability are established (and embedded in the principles
of e-government in the UK) and the technical enablers are all proven. It will now require
vision and leadership to realise the gains.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms

Backdrop Mapping

Maps such as those at 1:250k, 50k, 25k or 10k from the Ordnance Survey
which are used in a GIS for the purposes of context and orientation rather
than any direct analytical applications. Such maps are usually in raster


Spatial datasets which allow attributes to be spatially referenced. For

example, a list of properties that has no direct spatial identifier but which
contains an Ordnance Survey Address Point Reference (OSAPR) can be
spatially located and then mapped by linking to the Ordnance Survey Address
Point dataset. Similarly census data, or indeed any dataset that uses census
units such as Wards and Output Areas, can be mapped by linking to the
framework map of census boundaries.


Geo-referencing describes the process of linking records or datasets that are

not in themselves geographical (e.g. social service records or details of
chemicals stored in tankers) to a spatial dataset, enabling them to be mapped.
Usually this requires that a common link between the records and a
framework map is identified. This may be a postcode, Ward identifier or
OSAPR, although specific pieces of geo-referencing software are increasingly
sophisticated as what is termed fuzzy matching, enabling less precise
locational attributes such as near North Street to be mapped.


This is the process of linking files to locations. Usually it refers to files other
than the standard table of attributes, for instance graphics files, external
databases, word documents, hyperlinks or movie files. An example of a
hotlinked file could be a jpeg file which illustrates the feature under normal
operating conditions. A field worker could access this to ascertain whether any
changes or alterations had taken place.

Large Scale Maps


A large scale map is one of a relatively small area that shows a large amount
of detail. Some people find this confusing, expecting a large scale map to be
one of a large area, but this is not the case they are termed large scale as
1:5,000 is a larger fraction of 1 than, for instance, 1:250,000.
Metadata are information about data. See section 8.3.

Raster data

Spatial data that are stored as a matrix of values in a grid of defined

resolution. See Box 5.


Resolution has a number of different dimensions in the context of spatial data.

At a generic level it refers to the dimensions of the building blocks of a
dataset. So, spatial resolution describes the size of the components of the
dataset. In this context it is most applicable to raster data where the pixel size
defines the spatial resolution. The temporal resolution of a dataset describes
the level of aggregation of time periods in a dataset.

Small Scale Maps

A small scale map is one of a relatively large area that shows a limited amount
of detail. Some people find this confusing, expecting a small scale map to be
one of a small area, but this is not the case they are termed small scale as
1:250,000 is a smaller fraction of 1 than, for instance, 1:5,000.

Thematic Maps

Thematic maps can be distinguished from backdrop maps, as they are maps
of a specific dataset rather than general topographic maps for the purposes of
context and orientation. A thematic map, for example, could be census data
describing the distribution of children aged less than 14 in an area or the
distribution and attributes of COMAH sites in a District.

Vector Data

Spatial data that are stored as points, lines or areas. See Box 5.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Appendix 2: Annotated Bibliography of Key Readings

There are relatively few accessible books on the subject. The most widely available are:
Amdahl, G. (2001). Disaster Response: GIS for Public Safety, ESRI Press, Redlands.
Greene, R.W. (2002). Confronting Catastrophe: A GIS Handbook, ESRI Press, Redlands.
These suffer from being (a) almost exclusively US focused, and (b) being from the publisher
associated with a particular GIS developer, so a rather skewed view of the whole field is
Briggs, D.J., Forer, P., Jarup, L. and Stern, R. (Eds) (2002). GIS for Emergency
Preparedness and Health Risk Reduction, NATO Science Series IV: Earth & Environmental
Sciences, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
This is an edited collection rather than an authored book so consequently the development
of themes is not as strong. However, it is an effective and broad ranging collection that is
perhaps of greater relevance to those with interests in public health.
Cutter, S. L., Richardson, D.B. and Wilbanks, T.J. (Eds) (2003). Geographical Dimensions of
Terrorism, Routledge, London.
This book appears to be rather misleadingly titled but the content is in fact a very effective
overview of a series of key issues, both technical and application-related. Again, it is almost
entirely US-focused in its scope.
Van Oosterom, P., Zlatanova,S. and Fendel, E.M (Eds) (2005). Geo-information for disaster
management, Springer, Berlin.
This is an extensive edited collection, with a series of papers that are relatively specific and
with a strong technical flavour.
Gatrell, A. and Loytonen M. (Eds) (1998). GIS and Health, Taylor & Francis, London.
Although this is no longer a very recent book it remains an excellent collection on healthapplications of GIS.
Journal Articles
The academic journals contain a significant amount of papers on various aspects of GIS and
emergency planning and management. This ranges from applications in complex
emergencies in the developing world through to very specific aspects of data models,
interoperable systems and analytical tools. Few of these will be of interest to a wider
audience and many such papers have been synthesised and referenced in footnotes, in the
writing of this guide, although the following are a starting point in any further exploration:
Cutter, S.L. (2003). GI Science, Disasters and Emergency Management, Transactions in
GIS, 7(4), 439-445.
Dymon, U.J. (2003) An analysis of emergency map symbology, International Journal of
Emergency Management, 1(3), 227-237.


A Guide to GIS Applications in Integrated Emergency Management

Kevany, M.J. (2003). GIS in the World Trade Center attacktrial by fire, Computers,
Environment and Urban Systems, 27, 571-583
Zerger, A. and Smith, D.I. (2003). Impediments to using GIS for real-time disaster decision
support, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 27, 123-141


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