Observable Properties of Solids Lesson Plan Day 1

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:

What Standards (national
or state) relate to this
(You should include ALL
applicable standards. Rarely
do teachers use just one:
theyd never get through
them all.)
Essential Understanding
(What is the big idea or
essential question that you
want students to come away
with? In other words, what,
aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish
this lesson?)

Objectives- What are you

(Student-centered: What will
students know and be able to
do after this lesson? Include
the ABCDs of objectives:
action, behavior, condition,
and degree of mastery, i.e.,
"C: Given a sentence written
in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able
to re-write the sentence in
future tense D: with no errors
in tense or tense contradiction

Name: Beth Landy

Group Size:
Date of Lesson:
November 4th

Lesson Content
SC.5.P.8.3 Demonstrate and explain that mixtures of solids can be separated based on
observable properties of their parts such as particle size, shape, color, and magnetic

How can mixtures of solids be separated?

Students will be able to sort solids based off of different observable properties.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:

Name: Beth Landy

Group Size:
Date of Lesson:
November 4th

(i.e., I will see her

Note: Degree of mastery does
not need to be a percentage.)
Address the following
Why are you teaching this
Where does this lesson fit
within a larger plan?
Why are you teaching it
this way?
Why is it important for
students to learn this
Evaluation Plan- How will
you know students have
mastered your objectives?
Address the following:
What formative evidence
will you use to document
student learning during
this lesson?
What summative evidence
will you collect, either
during this lesson or in
upcoming lessons?

I am teaching this objective as continuation to the students learning about the

properties of matter.
This is important so students understand what a mixture is and how mixtures of
solids can be separated based off of different physical properties in multiple
contexts (recycling, soil, real-world).

I will use observations of how students sort their solids, the real-world question, and
formative assessments.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:

Name: Beth Landy

Group Size:
Date of Lesson:
November 4th

What Content Knowledge

is necessary for a teacher
to teach this material?

The teacher needs to know the difference between the different types of properties of
solids and the observable properties of solids (particle size, shape, color, and magnetic
The teacher also needs to know the different ways of separating mixtures of materials:
Sieving: one way to separate based on size
Dissolving and filtering: when one solid can be dissolved and then the other does not,
you can filter that one out.
Teacher needs to know about magnetic attraction and that ferromagnetic materials can
be separated using a magnet from non-ferromagnetic materials.
Mixtures-2 or more substances mixed together to make what appears to be a single
Physical properties-describes a characteristic of a substance, is observable.
Real-world context-Recycling-use machines to sort using magnets, filters, and sometimes
people. (www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-07/how-it-works-recycling-machinesseparate-junk-type )

What background
knowledge is necessary for
a student to successfully
meet these objectives?

Students need to know what solids are and the different observable physical properties
that solids have.
Students need to know how to sort.
Students need to know what magnetic attractions are.
Students need to know how to determine size, shape, color, and magnetic attraction of a
Students will need to know about static electricity.

How will you ensure

students have this
previous knowledge?
Who are your learners?
What do you know about
What do you know about
their readiness for this
What misconceptions
might students have about
this content?

1. Particles misrepresented and undifferentiated in concepts involving elements,

compounds, mixtures, solutions and substances.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:

Name: Beth Landy

Group Size:
Date of Lesson:
November 4th

2. Particles possess the same properties as the materials they compose. For example,
atoms of copper are "orange and shiny", gas molecules are transparent, and solid
molecules are hard.

3. Materials can only exhibit properties of one state of matter.

Teaching Methods
(What teaching method(s) will
you use during this lesson?
Examples include guided
release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture,
demonstration, partner word,

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to
do in teaching this lesson? Be
thorough. Act as if you needed
a substitute to carry out the
lesson for you.)
Where applicable, be sure to
address the following:
What Higher Order

Lesson Implementation
5 Es
Engage: Day 1: Students will think about recycling and how the solid mixtures are
separated and write in chart in science notebook. We will discuss ways they brainstormed
and discuss how they will sort the materials based off their physical properties.
Day 2: Review previous day. Probe about how to separate salt and pepper mixture.
Explore: Day 1: Students will perform an open sort with Chex mix and paperclips/crayons
and classify their sort based off of physical properties.
Day 2: Students will separate salt and pepper with static electricity using salt and pepper
mixture, plastic spoons and piece of wool cloth. Students will classify their groups with
sticky notes.
Explain: Day 1 and Day 2: Gallery Walk and discussion about properties. Students will
create list of physical properties in science notebooks and teacher will do so on board.
Discuss key vocabulary: Mixture, physical properties, static electricity
Extend: Day 2: Real-world question for students to answer about sorting solids in the
building industry.
Evaluate: Performance-based assessment
Who is
Each content area may require a different step-by-step format.
responsibl Use whichever plan is appropriate for the content taught in this
1. (Engage) Students will think about recycling.
2. (Engage) Students will explain how they think the solid
mixtures of recyclables are separated and write in science
notebook. We will discuss ways they brainstormed.
3. (Engage) Teacher will show some of the ways and

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:

Thinking (H.O.T.) questions

will you ask?
How will materials be
Who will work together in
groups and how will you
determine the grouping?
How will students
transition between
What will you as the
teacher do?
What will the students do?
What student data will be
collected during each
What are other adults in
the room doing? How are
they supporting students
What model of co-teaching
are you using?








Name: Beth Landy

Group Size:
Date of Lesson:
November 4th

machines that are used to separate different recyclables.

4. (Explore) Students will began to investigate how they can
separate the mixture based off of physical properties of
Chex mix and classify using sticky notes how they plan to
do so and add in science notebook by drawing or
describing what they did and the property of the solids
they used to create the groups.
Teacher will circulate and take anecdotal notes of what
the students are thinking and what they are doing to try
to separate the mixture.
5. (Explain) Students will do a gallery walk to see how other
groups classified the physical properties.
Teacher will evaluate how students classified the physical
property of the Chex mix.
6. (Explain) Students will discuss the physical properties
they used to separate the solids from the mixture and the
teacher will record on the board to be added to the
students list of physical properties in science notebook.
(Size, shape, color) Define important terms: physical
property, mixture, etc.
7. (Explore) Students will began to investigate how they can
separate the mixture of paperclips and crayons based off
of physical properties and classify using sticky notes how
they plan to do so and add in science notebook by
drawing or describing what they did and the property of
the solids they used to create the groups.
Teacher will circulate and take anecdotal notes of what
the students are thinking and what they are doing to try
to separate the mixture.
8. (Explain) Students will do a gallery walk to see how other
groups classified the physical properties.
Teacher will evaluate how students classified the physical
property of the Chex mix.
9. (Explain) Students will discuss the physical properties
they used to separate the solids from the mixture and the

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:

What will you do if

Name: Beth Landy

Group Size:
Date of Lesson:
November 4th

teacher will record on the board to be added to the

students list of physical properties in science notebook.
(Magnetic attraction: The paper clips are attracted to the
magnet and the crayons are not so the magnet is used to
separate the two solids and the paper clips are put to one
side and the crayons to another) Define important terms:
physical property, mixture, magnetic attraction, etc.
a student struggles with the content?
If students struggles with the content, we will move back to the explore stage after the
extend stage to work through showing how the Chex mix can be separated using a hand
sort and the physical properties of size, shape, and color as well as how the paperclips
and crayons can be sorted by a magnet and the physical property of magnetic attraction.

What will you do if

a student masters the content quickly?

If students master the content quickly, we will move quicker through the lesson and
move into the different stages to have students move to another exploration.

Meeting your students

needs as people and as

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural
backgrounds of your students?
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
challenge during this lesson (enrichment)?

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014)

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content:

Name: Beth Landy

Group Size:
Date of Lesson:
November 4th

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
language support?

Accommodations (If
(What students need specific
accommodation? List
individual students (initials),
and then explain the
accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique
(What materials will you use?
Why did you choose these
materials? Include any
resources you used. This can
also include people!)

Science Notebooks
Magnets (5)
Chex mix
Paper plates (5)
Sticky notes (at least 20)

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