3 3 How Solids Liquid and Gases Behave

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NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade/ Grade Band: Grade 4

Topic: Solids, liquids & gases

Lesson # 3.3 in a series of How

solids, liquids & gases behave?

Brief Lesson Description:

The lesson is taking about how the solids, liquids and gases behave. That teach the students how the
particle moving in the solid, liquid and gas.
Performance Expectation(s):
5-PS1-1. Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen.
[Clarification Statement: Examples of evidence could include adding air to expand a basketball,
compressing air in a syringe, dissolving sugar in water, and evaporating salt water.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment does not include the atomic-scale mechanism of evaporation and condensation or
defining the unseen particles.]
Specific Learning Outcomes:
Students will describe the changes of shape in solids, liquids and gases.
The students will demonstrate the changes of shape in solids, liquids and gases.
Narrative / Background Information
Prior Student Knowledge:
2-PS1-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their
observable properties.
2-PS1-2. Analyze data obtained from testing different materials to determine which materials have the
properties that are best suited for an intended purpose.
2-PS1-3. Make observations to construct an evidence-based account of how an object made of a small set
of pieces can be disassembled and made into a new object.
2-PS1-4. Construct an argument with evidence that some changes caused by heating or cooling can be
reversed and some cannot.
Science & Engineering
Developing and Using
Modeling in 35 builds on K2
experiences and
progresses to building and
revising simple models and using
models to represent events and
design solutions.
Develop a model to describe
phenomena. (5-PS1-1)

Disciplinary Core Ideas:

Crosscutting Concepts:
PS1.A: Structure and
Scale, Proportion, and
Properties of Matter
Matter of any type can be
Natural objects exist from the
subdivided into particles that are very small to the immensely large.
too small to see, but even then the (5-PS1-1)
matter still exists and can be
detected by other means. A model
showing that gases are made
from matter particles that are too
small to see and are moving
freely around in space can explain

Planning and Carrying

Out Investigations
Planning and carrying out
investigations to answer
questions or test solutions to
problems in 35 builds on
K2 experiences and progresses
to include investigations
that control variables and provide
evidence to support explanations
or design solutions.
Using Mathematics and
Computational Thinking
Mathematical and computational
thinking in 35 builds
on K2 experiences and
progresses to extending
quantitative measurements to a
variety of physical
properties and using computation
and mathematics to
analyze data and compare
alternative design solutions.

many observations, including

the inflation and shape of a
balloon and the effects of air on
larger particles or objects. (5-PS11)

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
May some students will think the particle in the solids can moved, otherwise, they think the shape can
change like if broken the pencil, spoon.etc. it can be change.
ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions:
In the last period the teacher taught the students how solids behave?
So in this stage I will remind the students what was taking by the chatter about solids
The chatter about solids:
Each group will get the poster that had a three state of matter the students in this time they will just
doing for the solids that will using the black point to illustrate the particle, while they will writing
just one sentence about the solid behave.
EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:
Watch video:
The teacher will starting to show the students the video:

The teacher will discuss with the students about the video and she will start to asking them a
In which state that particles take container of the shape?
Did the particles in the gas move fast or not? And did it has a shape or not?
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:
In this lesson the teacher will just focus on the liquid and gas.
The teacher will remind the students how the particle are be in the liquid and that will be by
showing them a picture on the board. And start teaching the lesson by using the activity in the
There are some question that teacher will asking to the students while teaching like:
Describe the particle on the liquid.
What is the meaning of the pour?

The teacher will remind the students how the particle are be in the gas and that will be by showing
them a picture on the board. And start teaching the lesson by using the activity in the elaborate.
There are some question that teacher will asking to the students while teaching like:
Describe the particle on the gas.
What the meaning of bubble?

Pour: move the liquid from one container to another.
Bubble: gas inside a thin skin, for example, a soap bubble.
ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:
The teacher will doing a two activity with the students which are:
Change of the shape of water when poured into vessels of different shapes.
Different shape of cups.
In this experiment I will put the water into cups one will be the yellow water. Then I will
take the water from the first cup and pour into the bowl. So I will pour the water in the
second cup into the bowl.
Make soap bubbles and observe the change when it bursts.
Soapy water
Rings for blowing bubble.
I will choose the students to coming and they will put the ring for blowing bubble into the
soapy water and then blow through air to making the bubble.


Solid, liquid and gas behave poster:

That for each group they will complete the poster that is starting at the begging of the lesson, so
they will doing two thing which are:
Taking the black point and arrange the particle on the above side.
The other side the students will writing on sentence of how solid, liquid and gas behave?

The teacher will introduce the activity to the students.

State of matter science bingo:
That will be for each group will be have the state of matter science bingo and have the happy face.
On this game they will be have the information about solid, liquid and gases. It will be like who I
am that teacher will reading the question to the students and the students will get the happy face
and put it on the answer.
For this activity that should all students will participate that the board and happy face will moving
around each students so the each students will be participate.

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