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Modern Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 2, 121-125 Published Online November 2012 (

Design and Development of Shell & Tube Heat

Exchanger for Beverage
Shravan H. Gawande1, Sunil D. Wankhede1, Rahul N. Yerrawar1, Vaishali J. Sonawane1,
Umesh B. Ubarhande2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, M. E. Societys College of Engineering, Pune, India

Dy. Manager, PEM Design (R&D), Alfa Laval (India) Ltd., Pune, India
Email: [email protected]
Received July 26, 2012; revised September 2, 2012; accepted September 26, 2012

In the first part of this paper, a simplified approach to design a Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger [STHE] for beverage and
process industry application is presented. The design of STHE includes thermal design and mechanical design. The
thermal design of STHE involves evaluation of required effective surface area (i.e. number of tubes) and finding out log
mean temperature difference [LMTD]. Whereas, the mechanical design includes the design of main shell under internal
& external pressure, tube design, baffles design gasket, etc. The design was carried out by referring ASME/TEMA
standards, available at the company. The complete design, fabrication, testing and analysis work was carried out at Alfa
Laval (India), Ltd., Pune-12. In the second part of this paper detail view of design optimization is presented by flow
induced vibration analysis [FVA].
Keywords: Heat Exchanger; LMTD; TEMA; HTRI

1. Introduction

2. Existing Industrial Scenario

Heat Exchangers are devices used to enhance or facilitate

the flow of heat. Every living thing is equipped in some
way or another with heat exchangers. They are widely
used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning,
power plants, chemical plants, petrochemical plants,
petroleum refineries, natural gas processing, and sewage
treatment. The design of STHE including thermodynamic
and fluid dynamic design, cost estimation and optimization, represents a complex process containing an integrated whole of design rules and empirical knowledge of
various fields.
The design of STHE involves a large number of geometric and operating variables as a part of the search for
heat exchanger geometry that meets the heat duty requirement and a given set of design constrains. A STHE
is the most common type of heat exchanger in oil refineries and other large chemical processes, and is suited
for higher-pressure applications. As its name implies, this
type of heat exchanger consists of a shell (a large vessel)
with a bundle of tubes inside it. One fluid runs through
the tubes and the second runs over the tubes (through the
shell) to transfer heat between the two fluids. A set of
tubes is called a tube bundle which may be composed by
several types of tubes e.g. plain, longitudinally finned,

In industries, heat exchangers are used in industrial

process to recover heat between two process fluids.
Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are the most widely used
heat exchangers in process industries because of their
relatively simple manufacturing and their adaptability to
different operating conditions. But nowadays numbers of
industries are searching for effective and less time
consuming alternatives of designing of shell-and-tube
heat exchangers. As per literature and industrial survey it
is observed that there is need of effective design options
for STHE. This section explains the details of existing
industrial scenario of design of STHE.

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2.1. Part AThermal Design

The thermal design of STHE includes:
1) Consideration of process fluids in both shell and
tube side;
2) Selection of required temperature specifications;
3) Limiting the shell and tube side pressure drop;
4) Setting shell and tube side velocity limits;
5) Finding heat transfer area including fouling factor.

2.2. Part BMechanical Design

The mechanical design of STHE includes:



1) Selection of TEMA layoutbased on thermal design;

2) Selection of tube parameters such as size, thickness,
layout, pitch, material;
3) Limiting the upper and lower design on tube length;
4) Selection of shell side parameters such as material,
baffle spacing, and clearances;
5) Thermal conductivity of tube material;
6) Setting upper and lower design limits on shell diameter and baffle spacing.
As per literature and industrial survey at [A1 & A2] the
design is carried out using in-house developed software
for design and drafting. This dedicated software enables
qualified engineers to accomplish complex design calculations complying strictly with the requisite international
codes and standards. The software also generates fabrication drawings to scale and 3-D images of the Exchanger
thereby giving warning of any foul-up/mis-match in nozzles, RF-Pads and in the dimensions of various components. Also an experienced team of design engineers undertakes thermal and mechanical design of complex heat
exchangers and generate fabrication drawings to scale
along with weights and estimates based on customers
specifications. These designs are optimized to arrive at
an optimal size. After carrying out the design, the final
output is in an AutoCAD drawing format (DWG) or
DWF (Web format).
In this proposed work design, development & testing
of STHE is carried out. Along with the parameter considered as per [A1 & A2], the software generated design
was cross checked with manual design. Also vibration
analysis is performed to optimize unsupported span of
tube by using HTRI software.
The paper is organized as; detailed overview on work
carried out by researchers is presented in Section 1 and
Section 2 presents the existing industrial scenario of
STHE design, Section 3 states the current problem definition & objective, detailed design (thermal and mechanical design) and details of STHE are given in Section 4. Section 5 explores manufacturing of STHE, while
Section 6 describes hydraulic testing of STHE and concluding remark is given in Section 7.


is to perform thermal and mechanical design of STHE

using TEMA/ASME standards to reduce time.

4. Design of STHE
The design of STHE involves a large number of geometric and operating variables as a part of the search for an
exchanger geometry that meets the heat duty requirement
and a given set of design constrains. Usually a reference
geometric configuration of the equipment is chosen at
first and an allowable pressure drop value is fixed. Then,
the values of the design variables are defined based on
the design specifications and the assumption of several
mechanical and thermodynamic parameters in order to
have a satisfactory heat transfer coefficient leading to a
suitable utilization of the heat exchange surface. The
designers choices are then verified based on iterative
procedures involving many trials until a reasonable design is obtained which meets design specifications with a
satisfying compromise between pressure drops and thermal exchange performances [3-10].
The details of shell and tube heat exchanger under
consideration are shown in Table 1.
The details of STHE are shown in Table 1. Figure 1
shows the various major components of a typical STHE
as listed below:
1) Connections
Table 1. STHE specification.


Size (Dia./length)

1336/10,000 mm

Surface area (eff.)/unit

781.4 m. sq.


Heat exchanged, (Q)

5064.9 KW

LMTD (Corrected)


3. Problem Definition & Objective

The problem presented in this paper is to design & develop a STHE, conforming to the TEMA/ASME [1-2]
Standards, based on following Input Data:
1) Inlet & Outlet Temperatures of fluids on Shell &
Tube Side,
2) Tube length = 10,000 mm,
3) Tube OD = 38.1 mm,
4) Shell OD = 1350 mm.
As per the requirement the objective of the preset work
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Figure 1. Major components of a typical STHE.



2) Tube Sheet
3) Gasket
4) Head/Dish End
5) Mounting/Support
6) Baffles
7) Shell
8) Tube Bundle

m 1 2 ln 1 2
tsi tti tso tto ln tsi tti tso tto

2) Area (A):
Q U A m where, A 781.61 m 2 .

3) Number of Tubes (n):

Q U n d o L t where, n 660 tubes.

4.2. Part-B: Mechanical Design

Main Shell Design
Design Input:
1) Internal design pressure (Ps)
2) External design pressure (Pe)
3) Shell outside diameter (D)
4) Joint efficiency for longitudinal joint (K)
5) Joint efficiency for circumferential joint (E)
6) Allowable Stress (S)
7) Element thickness (t)
8) Joint efficiency for outer longitudinal joint (Ko)
9) Shell outside diameter with allowance (Dso)
10) Constant Factor (B)
Design under Internal Pressure:
Required thickness due to internal pressure (tr):
Ps D K 2 S E 0.2 Ps 4.92 mm

Max. allowable working pressure at given thickness

2 S E t K D 0.2 t 7.99 bar

Copyright 2012 SciRes.

Max. allowable pressure, new and cold

2 S E t K D 0.2 t 10 bar

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness,

Ps R S E 0.6 Ps 4.94 N mm 2

4.1. Part-A: Thermal Design

Design input:
1) Mass flow rate (m)
2) Heat exchanged (Q)
3) Shell side inlet temperature (tsi)
4) Shell side outside temperature (tso)
5) Tube side inlet temperature (tti)
6) Tube side outlet temperature (tto)
7) Transfer rate (U)
8) Tube outside diameter (do)
9) Length of tube (L)
1) LMTD (Log Mean Temp. Difference) (m):



Straight flange maximum allowable working pressure:

S E t R 0.6 t 9.27 bar

Design under external pressure:

Maximum allowable external pressure (MAEP):

MAEP B K o Dso t 2.76 bar

Tube Design
Design input:
Internal Design Pressure (Pt)
Allowable stress at design Temperature (S)
Outside diameter (Do)
Joint efficiency for Longitudinal joint (E)
Required Tube Thickness:

Trt1 Pt Do 2 S E 0.4 Pt 1.24 mm

Baffles and Spacing
Baffle type: Triple segmental
Nominal shell ID: 1336 mm
Baffle spacing (Min.): segmental baffles should not
be spaced closer than 1/5th of the shell ID or 2 (51
mm), whichever greater. However, special design
considerations may dictate a closer spacing.
Baffle spacing (center to center) = 570 mm
Spacing at inlet = 670.67 mm
Baffle thickness = 12.7 mm
Tube Pitch
Tubes shall be spaced with minimum center to center
distance of 1.25 times the outside diameter of the tube.
When mechanical cleaning of the tubes is specified by
the purchaser and the nominal shell diameter, minimum
cleaning lanes of 1/4 (6.4 mm) shall be provided.
The minimum width of peripheral ring gaskets for external joints shall be 3/8 (9.5 mm) for shell sizes
through 23 (584 mm) nominal diameter and 1/2 (12.7
mm) for all larger sizes.

5. Manufacturing of STHE
In this section detail of manufacturing of STHE is explained as shown in Figures 2-5.

5.1. Fabrication of Main Shell and Channel Shell

The steps in fabrication of main shell and channel shell
are stated as below;




Material identification
Edge preparation
Rolling and L-seam fit up (Figure 2)
L-seam welding (Figures 3 and 4)
Die-penetrant (DP) Test (Figure 3)

5.2. Channel Shell to Dish End & Flange Fit-Up

Figure 2. Rolling of shell.

Material identification
Edge preparation
Flange Fit-up and Welding
Channel Shell Dish End Fit-up and Welding

5.3. Tubes & Baffles Assembly

Orientation marking
Insertion of tie rods
Insertion of spacers and baffles
Insertion of tubes in the baffles
Insertion of tube bundle assembly in the shell

5.4. Tube-Sheet Fit-Up

Figure 3. L-seam welding & DP test.

Angular positioning of tube-sheet with respect to

Welding of tube-sheet to shell
Second tube-sheet fit-up

5.5. Tube to Tube-Plate Joint

Length adjustment
Tacking of the tubes
Dye penetrant test
Expansion of the tubes

5.6. Channels to Main Shell Fit-Up

Figure 4. Joining of shell.

Gasket Positioning

6. Hydraulic Testing
6.1. For Shell Side

Design pressure (P)

Minimum stress ratio (Sh/S)min
Hydraulic test pressure at the top (Pht)
1.1 P Sh S min
5.72 bar

6.2. For Channel Side

Figure 5. Tubes & Baffles assembly.
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Design pressure (P)




Minimum stress ratio (Sh/S)min = 1

Hydraulic test pressure at the top (Pht)


ASME Section II, For Material Specifications, 2004.


1.3 P Sh S min

ASME Section V, For Non-Destructive Examination,



ASME Section VIII, Division I, Rules for Construction

of Pressure Vessels, 2007.


ASME Section IX, For Welding & Brazing Qualifications, 2004.


Wolverine, Wolverine Tube Heat Transfer Data Book,

2nd Edition, Wolverine Tube Inc., Decatur, 1984, pp.
60-71, 85-95.


Dennis R. Moss, Pressure Vessel Design Manual, 3rd

Edition, Chapter 1-4, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.


R. K. Shah, Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design,

2nd Edition, Chapter 1-5, Wiley, Hoboken, 2003.


R. Mukherjee, Practical Thermal Design of Shell and

Heat Exchangers, 2nd Edition, Chapter 1-5, 8, Begell
House, Redding, 2004.

6.76 bar

7. Conclusion
The design of STHE i.e. thermal and mechanical design
was carried out using TEMA/ASME standards both
manually and using software. It is found that design of
STHE obtained by both approaches is very easy, simple,
advance & less time consuming as comparing to existing
method used in different Indian industries [such A1 &
A2]. Manufacturing and hydraulic testing of STHE was
carried out at Alfa Laval (India) ltd., Pune-12. The hydraulic test pressure at the top is found to be 6.76 bar.



TEMA, Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA), 8th Edition, Section 1-5,
7-10, Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, Inc.,
New York, 1999.

[10] S. T. M. Than, Heat Exchanger Design, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 46,
2008, pp. 604-611.

A1. JC Equipments Pvt. Ltd.
A2. TEMA India Ltd.

Copyright 2012 SciRes.


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