Magnesium Slag Defects in Ductile Iron

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Technical Information 32

Magnesium Slag Defects in Ductile Iron

Magnesium containing reaction products from ductile iron treatment is a severe potential
source for inclusion defects in ductile iron. Slag inclusions are typically found just beneath
or at the cope surface as a result of improper separation during liquid metal processing.
Magnesium slag defects may also arise from turbulent mold filling, and are often found as
dross like stringers in areas of the casting where metal is deadlocked.

Example of magnesium slag inclusions. Example of magnesium dross stringers.

Possible causes: Possible cures:

• Inadequate slag separation from • Improve slag removal practice by the use
treatment vessel, metal processing and of T-pots or proper surface slag skimming.
pouring systems. • Extend hold times between treatment and
• Insufficient time between treatment and skimming to allow for proper slag separa-
pouring to let slags separate to the tion.
surface. • Review gating system and avoid high
• Lack of slag traps or filter in the gating velocities and turbulence.
system. • Use filters in the gating system.
• Low pouring temperature. • Avoid high treatment temperatures and
• High treatment temperature causing the excess magnesium alloy additions.
need for elevated magnesium additions. • Restrict base metal sulphur content.
• Excessive base sulphur content causing • Avoid using high Ca and Al containing
the need for high magnesium additions. alloys.
• Excess addition of slag forming elements • Improve thermal efficiency and minimize
with alloys, such as Ca and Al. the treatment temperature.
• Turbulent mould filling.

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