Turn Off Your Phone Try Out The Real World: Don't Cower From Reality
Turn Off Your Phone Try Out The Real World: Don't Cower From Reality
March 5, 2014
Staff Editorial
success. Although its a qualitative measure, the general sentiment was that Sequoias Feb. 8
drill did not leave students feeling prepared or confident.
The drill was the first time
many students made barricades
out of desks and chairs. However, they had no instructions
on how to make the barricades
effectively while under pressure.
An assembly or even a video to
teach students how to build barricades would help us feel more
prepared and confident for the
next drill.
Because the drill took place
during third period, students
only know how to protect themselves in one of their six or seven
classrooms. Many students take
classes in computer labs, the ceramics studio or the woodshop,
where unconventional desks
and furniture require different
lockdown procedures. Teachers,
aided by administrators, should
present each period with their
classrooms most effective protocol. That way, students can feel
prepared in any of their classes
even if they dont get to perform
a lockdown drill in all of them.
There are many situations
that students do not know how
to react to during a lockdown.
We have not been told what to
Raven Report
Staff Reporters
Xavi Bolua Julio Cortez Emily Ducker Lily Friebel Carlos Garcia Claire Harkola
Evan Isenstein-Brand Emma Peyton Cam Rebosio Sabrina Villanueva Avalos Abigail Wang
Adviser Kim Vinh