Edms 4170 Tip Tech Lesson

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Lesson Template

Name: Jack Boucke

Grade: 8
Subject: ELA
Topic: analyzing narrative text
App Information
Identify the app which you intend to use for this lesson by providing a brief summary about
the apps functions:
Edmodo is the application I will use in this lesson. Edmodo is an application which provides
teachers and students with a platform for interacting. Teachers can post assignments,
quizzes, other apps, polls, pictures, and send messages to the class. Students can communicate with the teacher and other students using the app. The app has many different functions, and is probably best compared with facebook. It has many similar features. However
the content that students and teachers share on Edmodo is limited to the groups that the
teacher has created. Because the application is created for the classroom, teachers have
control over the content that students share, and can set expectations for appropriate use. It
is designed for academic sharing and discussion, and not frivolous socializing.
Provide a link to the apps website:
Provide a brief summary of how you plan to utilize the app in a standards based lesson:
Small groups of 4-6 students will read a narrative text. Within each small group, each student
will use Edmodo to create three discussion questions about the text. Students will post their
three questions to Edmodo. After creating their discussion questions, students will select discussion questions created by their classmates and respond through Edmodo with a brief but
thoughtful written response.
Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model
Step 1: Determine the relative advantage
Identify a problem/issue that you hope to resolve in the lesson you plan to teach (cite resources if applicable):
Based on the TIP model one learning problem that teachers face in the classroom is that
students need skills in working collaboratively, and opportunities to demonstrate learning in
alternative ways.
The TIP model is from the book Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, seventh
edition (pg. 57).

Discuss how the mobile app youve identified can address the problem/issue above (cite resources if applicable):
Edmodo has been developed so that students have a platform for discussion and collaboration with other students and teachers. Edmodo allows students to work with one another in a
collaborative environment, and to easily share ideas. It is different from the way people traditionally share ideas orally or in writing. Students respond to each other through the application and can include pictures and videos in their responses.
Step 2: Access the required resources and skills
Explain the types of equipment, software, media, materials youll need to complete the lesson:
This lesson requires that each student have a device, preferably a tablet or laptop, to use
during the course of the lesson. If each student has a tablet, each tablet must have the Edmodo application downloaded prior to the lesson. Each student must have an account with
Edmodo, so they can engage in discussion and commentary with other students.
Discuss how comfortable you are with using the app, and any other types of equipment
needed, and how you plan to become more fluent with these resources before you teach the
I have seen the app used in a sixth grade classroom, but I do not consider myself an expert
in its use. I have a lot to learn about how it is best used in the classroom. I will use the application in other lessons prior to the lesson I have planned, and I will familiarize myself with all
of its features through exploration and research. I will read everything available on the Edmodo website related to its features and best uses. I will also talk with other teachers, and
look for examples of how it has been used in other classrooms.
Step 3: Decide on the lessons objectives and assessments
Write clear and concise learning objectives/outcomes (aligned to CCSS, NGSS, or State
Standards) that you expect from using the new methods:
Grade 8; Reading Standards for Literature; Key Ideas and Details
2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course
of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective
summary of the text.
Students will be able to create three analytical discussion questions about the text, and respond to two discussion questions created by their classmates with clarity and critical literary

Write clear and concise learning objectives/outcomes (aligned to the ISTE student standards) that you expect from using the new methods:
ISTE Standards; 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.
Students will be able to use Edmodo to communicate their ideas about the text using academic language, critical analysis and appropriate digital citizenship.
Discuss how you will asses the objectives/outcomes above:
I will assess student outcomes by reading students discussion questions and responses on
Edmodo. A rubric will be used to determine whether students have achieved the learning
goals for the lesson.
Step 4: Designing instructional strategies
Provide a step-by-step lesson outline that identifies the approach youll take to teach this lesson:
Student-centered lesson
Students will grouped into literature circles based on their selection of a narrative text.
Within literature circles students have daily discussions about the text they are reading.
ii. Students will read from their selected text at home prior to the lesson.
iii. Students will come to class prepared with three discussion questions written in their
notebook about the reading.
iv. Students will post their discussion questions to Edmodo while meeting with the other
students in their literature circle.
v. Students will respond to two discussion questions posted by a classmate in their literature circle.
vi. Students will orally discuss their written responses to discussion questions within
their literature circles.
Discuss how you will prepare students to use the type of technology (app) discussed in this
I will prepare students to use this technology with a series of mini-lessons. Each mini-lesson
will introduce a different feature of Edmodo. Students will write messages, take a quiz, post a
snapshot and respond to a poll question. Each lesson will build on their understanding of the
application, and provide tools for them to use when using the application in class and at
Step 5: Preparing the instructional environment

Discuss how you plan to arrange the resources/technology in your classroom for this particular lesson:
Each student will have a tablet or laptop. Students will be arranged in small groups, seated in
circles at desks, tables or on the floor depending on what is available in the classroom.
Explain what steps you need to take to make sure that the technology works:
Make sure that devices have battery power for the lesson. After each lesson, instruct students to plug-in their device so that battery power is at full capacity for the next user. Turn on
devices prior to beginning the lesson. Instruct each student open Edmodo. Check that every
student is able to turn on their device, and log-in to Edmodo.


The TIP model is from the book Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, seventh
edition (pg. 57).

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