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Transforming WalMart Employees Attitudes

2-Day Training Program

By The Transformers:
Jayel Kirby
Danielle Hardy
April Krommenhoek
MKTG 1010-003
Professor Curtis Youngman
December 8, 2015

Who We Are
We are the Transformers. We are here to transform the attitudes of Wal-Marts
employees, increasing their cheerfulness, friendliness, and helpfulness towards their internal and
external customers. This will be accomplished in 2 three-hour training sessions for all Wal-Mart
staff employed at the Taylorsville (Utah) store, since all employees interact with customers whether internal or external (Timm, 2014, 4).
Why You Need Us & What Well Teach
Why is this training needed? While Wal-Mart is the worlds largest company by
revenue (Sweeny, 2014), it still rates lowest among its competitors in customer readings. This
past year, it dropped 4 percent to a score of 68. Even Wal-Marts grocery division dips to an
industry-low score of 71, trailing in the battle for satisfied customers alongside its discount store
general merchandise business (Arbor, 2015). In her article, 4 reasons Walmart is the most-hated
retailer in America, Catey Hill states that the only places scoring lower than Wal-Mart are cable
companies, many airlines, and health insurance companies (Hill, 2015). Maya Angelou once said, Ive
learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never
forget how you made them feel (Angelou, year). We, the Transformers, are here to transform your
customers perception of Wal-Mart by changing the way they feel when shopping at your Taylorsville
In the textbook Customer Service: Career Success Through Customer Loyalty, Dr. Paul
R. Timm shares action tips for making positive contact with the customers. Some of these
attributes included: greeting customers like guests, smiling, and using hoopla and fun in the work
place (Timm, 2014, 33-34). We believe that by training employees to have more fun in the work

place, and to recognize the strengths that they have to offer individually, they will transform into
more cheerful, friendly, and helpful employees.
Attendance Recognition
To help encourage participation in our training program, we suggest that employees be
offered time and half pay for attendance. When you see the improvement in employee attitudes,
and how this affect sales, you will find that the training and salary bonus will more than pay for
themselves. You will also find that you have saved a great deal of frustration, time, and money,
with lower rates of employee turnaround, due to employee satisfaction.
We will provide all training materials, snacks, and certificates of completion.
Additionally, at no additional cost to you, every employee will receive a commemorative toy fish
that will remind them of the infectious spirit of having fun - long after training has ended. The
training is only two days; the financial benefits will keep rolling in! Once you have seen the
success of this training program, you will want to offer it at all of your Wal-Mart locations.
Whats Included Here
On the following pages, you will find minute-by-minute itinerary for each day of training
and the sources we used in our training research. Attached, you will find a training program
flyer you can post to intrigue employees interest, an attractive email you can send out to them as
a reminder a few days before the training, and the Prezi presentation we shared with you today.
Thank You!
Thank you for your time and consideration. We are confident that if you choose to
incorporate our training program, it will transform your employees thus transforming your
customers attitudes and - best of all - your bottom line!

Itinerary: Day One

Attendees fill out registration/name tags in hallway.
Attendees are greeted into conference room by name by Transformers (Timm, 2014, 24).
There is upbeat background music, chairs are by walls - no one sits yet.
Beach balls are in the room. Each ball has a decal with a picture of an animated fish on it.
Balls are tossed back & forth between Transformers and Attendees.
9:00 -9:10 Beach ball play continues seamlessly from registration time.
9:10-9:25 Introductions: everyone sits, introductions one at a time, around the room:
Name, favorite tv show as a child, favorite thing to do as a child
9:25-9:40 Presentation - the importance of fun:
Attendees think about why they enjoyed that thing they did as a child (it was FUN!!)
You dont stop having fun bc you grow old, you grow old because you stop having fun
(Hall, 1904).
9:40-10:00 The Fish Philosophy Training Video - Seattles Pike Place Fish Company
(Fish, 2015).
1: Play: a playful state of mind = more energetic, enthusiastic, creative =
Enhanced customer relations & elevated productivity (Fish, 2015).
Have fun and celebrate at work (Timm, 2014, 34).
2: Be there: mentally & physically.
Use behaviors that engage your customers (Timm, 2014, Ch. 2).
Build a relationship w/themlarger share of the customer - profitable (Timm, 2014, p. 112)
3: Make their day: genuinely connect with internal and external customers.
Listen beyond hearing (Timm, 2014, Ch. 3).
4: Choose Your Attitude: Exceed expectations
Value, info, convenience, and timing (Timm, 2014, Part 4).
10:00-10:15 Introduce toy fish Fredina the Fun Fish
Discussion - what attendees liked about the video.
Toss Fredina to individuals as a way of calling on them to share.
10:15-10:30 break with refreshments (Goldfish Crackers, etc.)
10:30-10:45 Review of 4 Fish Philosophy principles - toss Fredina to encourage participation.
10:45-11:00 Attendees mingle - tell each other one interesting thing about themselves,
Must tell a different thing with each person they talk to/ talk to 5 individuals,
Write down each persons name they speak to & their interesting thing.
11:00-11:20 StrengthsQuest: (Strengths, 2015)
Explain what it is. Discuss how it will help them improve.
11:20-11:25 Break with refreshments (Swedish Fish, etc.). During break, ea attendee writes on
whiteboard one of the interesting things they have written down about someone else.
11:25-11:35 Have them talk about what strengths they have and how that will help their team.
11:35-11:50 Discussion: Nobody isnt interesting
Every employee has a gift; something to offer.
Every customer has a story; be interested in their story.
Be the reason their shopping trip has a happy ending.
11:50-Noon Recap and instructions for Day Two:
Walking shoes and/or mobility devices, such as wheelchairs.
Encourage attendees to fill out StrengthsQuest questionnaire before next training.

Itinerary: Day Two

Attendees receive new name tags, are asked if they completed their StrengthsQuest Profile.
Upbeat music again as attendees enter.
Each person who comes in is greeted by name - by the attendee who arrived before them
(Timm, 2014, 24).
Beach balls that were used Day One are on a parachute, in the center of the room.
As attendees enter, they find a spot to hold onto the parachute.
The balls are bounced on the parachute.
9:00-9:15 Parachute activity continues seamlessly from arrival time.
9:15-9:30 Welcome/Discussion: Did you have fun with the balls/parachute activity?
Was it easier to keep the balls on the parachute as more people joined in?
Did some take individual responsibility for gathering balls that were tossed off?
What can we learn about customer service from this activity?
Cooperation, responsibility w/out being asked, unity, etc. (textbook)
9:30-9:35 Talk to your Neighbor - tell them something you liked/remember about Day One
9:35-9:50 Discussion: Openly share what we liked/remember on whiteboard (use Fredina)
9:50-10:00 Review: 4 principles of Fish Philosophy
10:00-10:10 Break with refreshments
10:10-10:15 Divide into groups of 3-5, Instructions for Outside Activity
10:15-10:30 Go outside and discuss as a group how your strengths work well with each other.
Go walking and try to use some attributes from your strengths to talk to people like
10:30-10:45 Follow up discussion: See anyone? Say hello? Talk to them? What did you say?
10:45-11:00 Talk to people in walking team: (complimenting exercise)
Tell each one: Hi my name is _____, I have these strengths ____ and I really like your
strengths because ________.
11:00-11:15 Break with refreshments (Goldfish, Swedish Fish, etc.)
11:15-11:30 Discuss - how did it make you feel to receive compliments?
Was it difficult to think of compliments? Were you creative?
Compliments are a great way to engage with customers (Timm, 2014).
11:30-11:45 Review 4 Fish Philosophy Principles / Nobody isnt interesting
Toss a new toy fish to each person who supplies an answer.
Toss a new toy fish to everyone else.
Encourage them to name their fish & keep it at work (by register/etc.).
11:45-Noon Q & A period
Attendees are thanked for attendance & participation
Attendees complete survey.
Certificate of Completion is exchanged for completed survey.

Fish Philosophy Video Website. (2015). Retrieved October 14, 2015.
Hall, G Adolescence: Its Pschology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology,
Sex, Crime, Religion and Education. 235 (1904).
Hill, C. (2015, February 21). 4 reasons Walmart is the most-hated retailer in America. Retrieved
October 5, 2015.
Strengths Quest, Helping Students, Staff, and Faculty Achieve Academic, Career, and Personal
Success. (2010). Retrieved November 15, 2015.
Timm, P. (2014). Use Behaviors that Engage Your Customers. In Customer Service: Career
Success Through Customer Loytalty (6th ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson.

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