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Running head: Refflection

Judith Quintero Ramirez
EDU 1010


Never have I ever been positive I wanted to become an elementary teacher, till I went into
the classroom. I was kindly accepted into a class, where I could observe and do small tasks. I got
to see firsthand what it was like to be on the other side. This also was an opportunity to gain
experience in a classroom, which helps my profession portfolio look good. I saw how this
teacher taught and dealt with issues. Her lesson was always engaging and entertaining.
I came in sometimes during story time. She had a great story telling voice. All the
students loved story time. She read bits of the book for story time, but every time she
bookmarked the book, the students wanted her to keep reading. I believe this helps students gain
interest in reading. I would love to have at least story time on Fridays. However, it will all
depend on how the curriculum is set up when I enter the classroom. The day she did not have
story time she taught writing.
I learned quickly that classroom management is crucial. I observed how my mentor had
gotten the students attention when they were loud. She would sing a song to cue certain actions
and for learning multiplication. She would sing Ant go Marching one by one, and the students
would stand up and walk around the classroom while she grabbed something or she wanted them
to stretch from sitting all day.
I was able to see how she dealt with issues that occurred. The students just had come in
from recess, and two girls had gotten into an argument during recess. The other students were
getting a drink and sitting down on the carpet for story time while she is dealing with the girls.
She talks to both of them. One had taken the other girls glasses. The girl with glasses was
chasing after the other. She looked at both of them, and explained that glasses are expensive;
they should not lend nor take them from each other. Afterward, she had them sit down; it did not
take more than seven minutes to resolve.


She treated all students equally. She had thought time after she asked a question. That
way the ones who thought fast and new the answer, could let the others think about the questions,
after she would have them whisper the response to each other. I liked this method because the
students were able to learn from each other. I would like to cooperate in this process in my
classroom. All students should feel on the same level as everyone, not feeling superior or an
underling of someone.
I was not able to see many lessons, but I learned so much from those few lessons. She
kept them engaged. One lesson was about creating an essay on what was your favorite fruit. She
had the whole class do it on apples, for an example. She gave them all apple, so they could list
three reasons why they liked apples. They had to have three reason, transition words, and a
conclusion. Then she had them do it on their own about their favorite fruit. This is an example of
lecture-discussion, which she had the students participate in a guide discussion during her



Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2014). Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional (Fifth ed.).
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

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