Field Report 1

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Classroom management

Field report #1: special education

Jennifer Lara

Tarrant County College

The required field experience was taken in Lake worth ISD, located in Lake Worth ISD.

These observations took place in Mrs. Espinoza class for special education which teaches mainly

3rd to 5th grade at Howry Steam Academy.

The students seats are arranged in groups of 4 students, which there is 5 tables in total. There is

computers which are located at the front of the classroom with each student has an assigned

computer which they’re able to use when teacher says so. There is various chart such as new

words they learn, theirs is many charts around the class such as books, money, letter, words, etc.

The teacher desk is located at the right side as walking into the class and on the side there is a

table for her and chair for when teacher work with students. At the ends there is a table for her

aides. Which there is also a smartboard close to the teacher desk which students would work on

it when teacher do lessons on it. The class very colorful it felt a good vibe which students enjoy,

and the lighting was soft which she put the sheet on the light panel to not make it as bright.

Type of class

This special education program is of self contained. Which some students get pull out

during class to speech, therapy, inclusion and such more. Which the teacher have a total of 3 aide

in the classroom which are there to support the teacher and students needs. The aide would walk

around and see students if they need any type of help which they help with any type of behavior

during class. The teacher would teach and aides would be there to support, and help students stay

on task while teacher is teaching during those times.

If there is any behavior involved they would act fast and assist the students, which I liked the had

visuals which was able to help them. Such as earning something but need to work and listen.

Lesson taught
The lesson started with math which involved with adding and subtracting, students would

observe teacher lessons. After the teacher as done she would play a like videos to refresh them

how to add and subtract. Once it was done it was time to work as a class which the teacher knew

there was some more average kids than others but she made sure the kids understood it and ask

question for help. Which even encouraged to help each other. Which they’re revisiting the lesson,

which they all being taught the same but the teacher would ask questions to individually making

sure they we’re understanding it. Which she would work problems as a class depending how big

the problem is and other problems were easy for the kids that were still having struggle

understanding the concept of it. Which students were allowed to help each other which the

teacher encouraged that so students can learn from others students too.


When it came about the vocabulary it was mainly the previous vocabulary such as

knowing what the subtract and adding sign, etc, meant I’d they were able to describe without any

help which that will help the teacher know if they needed to refresh mostly all of the lesson or

just refresh some part of it. When it came about the lesson the teacher use manipulative sand

visuals which students were able to see what was happening and how being able to use them

since they had those resources. To make sure students were understanding, teacher would call

students to the front and for them to attempt to solve the problem if the student was having

difficulty the teacher would help as well the rest of the students would help each other.


The assignment was reduced which they only had like 4 problems to solve as their own in

a paper. And the rest was taught in a León as a class and work together, to making sure no kids
were behind. When it come about material the teacher would read it to students, and even repeat

for the students understanding. There’s some students that have the computer read the problem

for them if it there is any.

During assessment students have manipulative, calculator, read a loud device etc,

depending on their IEP for their accommodations. Some students had someone to rad the

problem for them with no help just read out loud. Others had the whole day if needed in case for

a test such as the STAAR test. There is a certain time of the month the student would be observed

and see their improvement if they met their goals etc, which later would have a meeting. In the

ARD is the principal, teacher, co-curr teacher, some board members. Recommendations is from

the parents, or teacher.


Overall I really liked this observation I was able to learn a lot on how to manage

behavior, being able to help students needs. Which I like that her aides had a good

communication as a team, about dealing with behavior and know how to react. Letting the

students speak up, if they needed something. Students knew they had someone to talk to in case

they felt they needed someone to talk to.

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