Syllabus 2

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Union High School I English 10

Teacher: Rachel Bickford I Room 235 I Ph: 616-555-1234 I email:
[email protected]

Classroom Goals:
By the end of this class, you will be able to:

Read fictional stories and understand plot structure and literary elements.
Read non-fiction articles for information.
Write short stories utilizing elements of plot structure and literary elements.
Write non-fiction essays to portray information.
Write memoir and autobiography pieces.
Ask deep questions about a text and connect that text to self, others, world.
Find answers to important questions and utilize basic research strategies.

Accomplishing this will require cooperation.

Think of this class as you would an athletic team or music group. Everyone has a
different skill, but by pulling them all together we can work effectively and
efficiently with one another to accomplish our group and individual goals. Everyone
has a role to play and everyone works to improve themselves and the group.

Course Themes
This course is designed around major themes in literature and the human
experience. The themes are fairness, social justice, discrimination, personal identity,
and group identity. Each of these themes will run throughout the literature we read
and the writing we produce. Each student will also participate in a group project that
expounds on one of these themes.

Guidelines for Success:

Everyone in this room is important to me and to the environment of the classroom.
By treating ourselves and each other with respect and consideration, we can be
happy and productive learners. Unions motto also comes into play as you prepare
to be successful, so remember to SOAR.

On time

Classroom Rules:
Union Redhawks know the rules and follow them. To be the best student you can be
and to help each class run smoothly, let these rules guide you toward meeting your
learning goals.

Approach each learning goal with a positive attitude.

o Many times you will feel that you are not interested in English class,
and it is alright for this to not be your favorite subject, but I do ask that
you approach each unit and each assignment with an open mind. You
must try each assignment.
Take responsibility for your learning
o Ask questions early and often.
o See me before or after school or during lunch.
o Support your peers by showing respect for their learning.
o Get ahold of any missing work and complete it as soon as possible.
o Keep track of your grades and assignments.
Follow all teacher given directions, the first time they are given.
o If you have a problem with any rule or direction, discuss it with me
Stay on task during class time (this helps cut down on homework
o Many students do not like homework, understandably so. In order to
cut back on the work you have to do outside of class, it is imperative
that you stay on task and finish work when it is given to you. If you
dont mind homework, and you think you will do better by working on
your assignments at home, you still must work on class specific work
during class time. See me if you have any specific concerns about this
Participate in in-class work
o I teach my classes in a very group oriented manner. This means that
much of the time we are together I will ask you to work in pairs, small
groups, or collaboratively as a whole group. I understand that many
students do not like to share their thinking with the whole class, but
that means that those students will need to make sure they participate
in small group work very often. I need to be able to see and hear your
thinking. Discussions allow me to do this.

For Redhawks to SOAR they must be engaged in class work and always put their
best foot forward. Here are descriptions of the type of classwork we will do and my
expectations about each one.
Whole Group Instruction
This will be teacher led instructional time in which students are expected to remain
aware, alert, and appropriate. This means that students should not chat amongst
themselves during instructional time. Discussion amongst yourselves tends to be
distracting to me and your peers. It takes up extra time when I have to repeat
instructions for those who could not hear due to others talking. I will try to keep my
whole group instruction time brief, so when I need to do it, it will be about topics
that are very important for the whole class to hear and understand.
Small Group or Pair Work

This will be student driven work time. Most of the work you will be doing in class is
work that you can discuss with partners or Learning Groups. Students are expected
to stay on task and be productive during group work time. Because this will take up
most of our class time, students must stay on task in order to complete their
activities and assignments. During these times, I expect that students will talk
amongst themselves a bit; however, I also expect these conversations to be related
to the course work. If I begin noticing students discussing Drake or Kim Kardashians
baby, I will begin by asking them to get back on topic. If the problem persists and I
need to address the issue with the same group more than twice in an hour, I will
reduce their participation grade for that assignment.
If you ever have a serious life issue that is bothering you so much that
you cannot stay on task, you need to let me know so we can work out
a solution.
This time is largely used to read together, write together, discuss ideas, practice
concepts, and refine your thinking. Your grade for this portion comes from
participating and showing your thinking. Not every assignment done in small groups
will be given a letter grade. Many activities we do are designed to help you think
through problems. Regardless of if you will get a letter grade, I expect you to work
on the materials given to you in group time.
Independent Work
This time is used for you to work through materials by yourself. This is also time
reserved for testing and journaling. Independent work time should be very quiet so
that each student is able to think without distractions. I will use independent work
time at least once in every class period. Usually this will be an opportunity to read
or write. Frequently, I will ask you to journal, free write, or write an exit slip. These
materials will be collected and counted as participation points.

Your grades for each of the coming nine weeks will be based on the following:

50 percent of your grade comes from large written assignments. Throughout

the term you will build a portfolio of your work including 1) Letter to the
Teacher 2) Memoir of an event in your life 3) Interview of an influential person
4) Multi-Genre Project.
2. 25 percent of your grade comes from daily participation and in-class writings.
You will receive credit for doing the in-class writings as well as simply being
3. 15 percent of your grade will come from small group work assignments. You
will work with your learning groups to accomplish different tasks over the
course of the term.
4. 10 percent of your grade will come from your group project. The project is
described in a handout that will be given closer to the time we begin working
on it.

Classroom Procedures
1. Be in the room by the time the bell rings.
2. Have class materials out and ready to use.
a. Pick up any missing work if absent previous day.
3. Students with classroom jobs, complete job quickly and quietly.
4. Begin journaling by responding to daily prompt.
a. Write the entire time!

Classroom Jobs
There are a few things that need to be done every day in our classroom in order for
our day to run smoothly. At the beginning of the term you will be asked to sign up
for different tasks you are willing to do in the classroom.

Weekly Assignments
All assignments for the week will be placed in colored folders on the side table
labeled Information Station. Collect the materials you need if you have been

Turning in Assignments
Turn in all completed work to the bins along the front wall. Each bin is labeled with
the class period First Hour, Second Hour, etc. If you would like to or if you need
to submit formal assignments electronically, you may place them in our classes
Google Drive folder.

Graded Assignments
Graded assignments will be returned to you in person when you are in class. I try to
get all graded work back within three days of it being turned in.

Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations

If you violate rules or break the social contract there may be serious consequences
for you. However, most of the time I will give you many chances to change your
behavior before these consequences come into play. These consequences are:

Loss of daily participation points

Conversation outside of class
Loss of class privileges
Contact with school counselor or principal
Contact with parent

If you ever feel that they rules or consequences for breaking the rules are unfair,
you have the right to discuss it with me or go straight to the office to discuss the
problem with the counselors.

Contact Me
Whenever you have questions or concerns, please visit me before school (7AM7:35AM), A-Lunch (10:50AM-11:20AM), or after school 2:35PM-4PM). Also, you or
your parents may call me during these times at 616-555-1234. Otherwise, you may
email me anytime at [email protected].

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