The Role of Islamic Education Teachers Competency in Improving The Quality of Education
The Role of Islamic Education Teachers Competency in Improving The Quality of Education
The Role of Islamic Education Teachers Competency in Improving The Quality of Education
This study discusses the urgency of the competency of
teachers on the subjects of Islamic religious education. This Keywords:
study used descriptive qualitative method and gather data
through observation, interview, and documentation. Data
Islamic education,
analysis was carried out through reduction, data teachers’ competency,
presentation, and data verification that ended with checking education quality
the validity of the data. The results of this study shows that
competence of teachers in junior high school is adequate. The
role of teachers in improving the quality of teaching, positions
which directly determine the success, considering the teacher
as a figure who is directly involved in learning in the
classroom. All of these roles requires more concrete effort, and
directly touch to the needs of students in order to get better
the quality of learning. The efforts made by the Islamic
religious education teachers in improving the quality of
education including the provision of guidance to students,
advice, supervision of students, providing motivation and
rewards, using varied teaching methods, and personal
approach to students. Supporting factors include the existence
of good cooperation from principals, teachers, parents, staff,
students and the local community, the infrastructure, the
competent teachers, and safe and orderly environment.
Inhibiting factors include the lack of instructional media; in
this case the writer mean is computer and LCD, the lack of
participation and support fromstudents’ parent. As for efforts
to deal with is as follows: add computer and LCD and
establish good coordination with parents.
e-ISSN: 2715-4572
p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 109
Kamus besar bahasa Indonesia ( Jakarta: Balai 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen” 228.
Pustaka,2005 ), edisi.3, 584.
7 Jhopn Whiley and sons,inc, Competence 12 Evita, E., Syahid, A., & Nurdin, N.
influential component in the creation of so that they can survive better in their
quality educational processes and lives.15
outcomes. If the three words are compared
Without the teacher, the learning or integrated with one another, the three
objectives will not be achieved the words are mutually supporting and
maximum. During this time, Islamic complementary. However, when viewed
education science books have in terms of its use, it appears that the
introduced at least three words related third term is more widely used.
to Islamic education: al-tarbiyah, al-ta'lim,
Furthermore, when the three words are
and al-ta'dib.13 Below will be explained
integrated, understanding will be
by each of these words:
1. Al-Tarbiyah obtained that al-tarbiyah means the
Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi argues that process of growing and developing
according to the Arabic dictionary, potential (physical, intellectual, social,
the At-tarbiyah pronunciation comes aesthetic, and spiritual) contained in
from three words:14 students. So that they can grow and
First, rabaa-yarbu, which means to develop optimally, through maintaining,
grow and grow. And al-tarbiyah can nurture, care for, improve and manage it
mean the process of growing and in a planned, systematic and sustainable
developing what is in students, both manner.
physically, psychologically, socially, and
spiritually. Thus, the word al-
Second, rabaa, yurbi, and tarbiyah contains the scope of
tarbiyatan means growing (nasyaa) and educational objectives, which is to grow
becoming big or mature. By referring to and develop the potential and process of
this second word, tarbiyah means an education that is to maintain, nurture,
effort to grow and mature students both care for, improve, and regulate it.
physically, socially, and spiritually. 2. Al-Ta'lim
Third, rabba-yarubbu tarbiyatan, The word al-talim, which means
which means to improve (aslaha), the plural, according to Hans Weher can
master the affairs, maintain and care, mean Information, advice, instruction,
beautify, give meaning, nurture, own, schooling, teaching, training, education,
manage and preserve and its existence. and apprenticeship (work as an intern,
By using these three words, tarbiyah study time for a skill).16 Abdul Jatah Falah
means efforts to maintain, nurture, care further said that:
for, improve, and regulate students' lives Ta'lim is the process of giving
knowledge, understanding,
analysis was carried out using reduction with the Deputy Principal of SMP
and verification techniques with various Negeri 10 Palu, as follows:
data sources.34 The reduced data was There are four teachers of Islamic
then analyzed by claiming to the Religious Education in the SMP
theoretical concepts used in this study. Negeri 10 Palu, including Dra
Djohariah, Dra Siti Jawariah, Dra
4. Result and Discussion Nur Huda S. Thahir, M.Pd.I and
4.1 Competencies of Islamic Religious Mr. Topalino, S.Ag., M. Pd.I.
Education Teachers Alhamdulillah, teachers in SMP
Negeri 10 Palu, teach according to
As well known that in addition to their scientific level, so that with
the principal, the thing that is no less the discipline that they have, they
important in order to improve the are more professional in teaching.
quality of education in schools is the Thus, learning objectives will be
role, function, and responsibility of the easier, and learning objectives will
teacher, bearing in mind that the teacher be achieved.35
is the person directly dealing with As a result of the interview above,
students in implementing the subjects, the writer concludes that there are four
so in the end, the education output can teachers of Islamic Education in SMP
be felt by the community. This situation Negeri 10 Palu. Ms. Djohariah and Mrs.
can be accomplished if supported by Siti Jawariah have S1 education
efforts to improve teachers' ability to qualifications, and Mrs. Nur Huda S.
manage and play a direct role in Thahir and Mr. Topalino have S2
teaching and educating their students. education qualifications. Thus, it is
Teachers are the foremost implementers expected that there are four teachers in
of children's education in schools. SMP Negeri 10 Palu to be professional in
Therefore, the success or failure of learning so that learning objectives can
efforts to improve the quality of be achieved in line with expectations.
education is also largely determined by As in this study, the authors do
the teacher's ability to carry out the main not explain one by one the competencies
daily tasks, namely the management of they have. The author will describe in
learning in schools. general the competencies they have as
There are four teachers in the SMP the results of interviews in the field.
Negeri 10 Palu as the author interviewed Professional teachers are teachers
who have certain conditions fulfilled, as
Context. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim stated by Islamic Religious Education
Societies, 7(1), 31-54.
teachers in the SMP Negeri 10 Palu:
Nurdin, N. (2016). The Roles of
Information Technology in Islamic Bank
Knowledge Management: A study of Two
Syariah Banks in Palu. Hunafa: Jurnal Studia 35
Kuntoro Rapail, Wakil Kepala Sekolah
Islamika, 13(2), 181-217. Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri Palu, “Wawancara,” Ruangan Wakasek, tanggal, 20
3i2.444.181-217 Agustus 2015.
e-ISSN: 2715-4572
p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 117
cooperate, patient, not easily upset, not teachers in the research location in order
easily discouraged and smart in to shape the character of students.
managing his emotions. While people Following up on these problems, the
with low social competence often make author's interviews with a number of
the people around them feel teachers with the intention of revealing
uncomfortable because of their the steps taken by them. The author has
arrogance and harsh words. Thus, the identified a number of steps taken by the
social competence of an educator is the teachers of SMP Negeri 10 Palu, they
basis for the educator concerned in are:
carrying out his teacher's job
professionally because basic educational a. Providing guidance to students
activities are the specialization of Tutoring for students meaning
personal communication between providing assistance to students in
educators and students. making choices wisely and in adjusting
As a teacher, they must be able to to the demands of life, so that students
present themselves in such a way that are more focused in learning and
their presence can be accepted in the responsible in assessing their own
community. In this way, educators will abilities and use their knowledge
be able to work well with school effectively for themselves, and have the
committee boards both inside and potential that develops optimally covers
outside the classroom. all aspects of his personality as a
potential individual. In addition, the
4.2 Teacher's Efforts in Improving the provision of guidance is also assistance
Quality of Education given by teachers to students to solve
In connection with the role and the problems they face.
function of teachers in learning, it is As the author's interview with
necessary to have an effort from the students named Angga Nuardi class VIII
teacher to optimize the roles and F revealed the importance of the
functions. The teacher's role will always guidance that the teacher gave him, that:
describe the expected behavior patterns Tutoring is a very influential
in various interactions, both with thing for me because, through the
students, fellow teachers, and school guidance of the teacher providing
staff, or even with the principal. From a suggestions such as reminding me to
variety of interactive activities, the study harder at home, I do it by creating
learning activities can be seen as central an atmosphere of discussion at home.
to its role, bearing in mind whether or Apparently, in this way, there are many
not it is realized that part of the teacher's benefits that I feel, among others,
time and attention is devoted to the expanding horizons and training to
cultivation of learning in the classroom convey ideas well and create
and interacting with students. appreciation. My parents were involved
In this study, identify the efforts in helping the teacher at home. 44
taken by Islamic religious education
e-ISSN: 2715-4572
p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 124