The Role of Islamic Education Teachers Competency in Improving The Quality of Education

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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education

Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020

The Role of Islamic Education Teachers

Competency in Improving the Quality of
Zuhaeriah Zuhaeriah 1*, Moh. Ali 2, Yusra Yusra3

1 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu

2 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu
3 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu

This study discusses the urgency of the competency of
teachers on the subjects of Islamic religious education. This Keywords:
study used descriptive qualitative method and gather data
through observation, interview, and documentation. Data
Islamic education,
analysis was carried out through reduction, data teachers’ competency,
presentation, and data verification that ended with checking education quality
the validity of the data. The results of this study shows that
competence of teachers in junior high school is adequate. The
role of teachers in improving the quality of teaching, positions
which directly determine the success, considering the teacher
as a figure who is directly involved in learning in the
classroom. All of these roles requires more concrete effort, and
directly touch to the needs of students in order to get better
the quality of learning. The efforts made by the Islamic
religious education teachers in improving the quality of
education including the provision of guidance to students,
advice, supervision of students, providing motivation and
rewards, using varied teaching methods, and personal
approach to students. Supporting factors include the existence
of good cooperation from principals, teachers, parents, staff,
students and the local community, the infrastructure, the
competent teachers, and safe and orderly environment.
Inhibiting factors include the lack of instructional media; in
this case the writer mean is computer and LCD, the lack of
participation and support fromstudents’ parent. As for efforts
to deal with is as follows: add computer and LCD and
establish good coordination with parents.

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p-ISSN: 2716-1439
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 109

1. Introduction internalized, and mastered by the

Competence is the ability to carry teacher to be able to carry out
out a task/work based on knowledge, professional tasks.1
skills, and attitudes in accordance with The purpose of education is
the required performance. Competence determined not only by the school but
for several professions is an important also by its structure, content, and
requirement in carrying out the curriculum is also largely determined by
framework and objectives of the the competence of teachers who teach
organization. The issue of competence is and guide students. If the teacher is
important because competency offers an analogized with a spear, then the teacher
organizational framework that is is the double-edged spear. One eye must
effective and efficient in utilizing limited have the sharpness in mastering the
resources. In every job and profession, material and the nature of the
especially in the field of education in knowledge to be taught, while the other
schools' scope, the main education one sharp eye is because it has the ability
personnel must be teachers who have or skills in gathering and presenting the
competencies in accordance with their material so that students can learn
fields and responsibilities. Teachers who meaningfully, and provide usefulness
have competence in their profession will that can be felt from the learning process
be able to carry out their duties properly that follows.2
and efficiently, effectively, on time, and As an essential element in
following the objectives. educational institutions, teachers as
According to Syaiful Sagala, instructors are expected to have
competence is a fusion of knowledge competencies in accordance with their
(power of thought), attitude (the use of teaching fields. This, at least, has
heart), and skills (physical power), implications for the ease of transferring
which are manifested in the form of knowledge to students, indicating the
actions. In other words, competence is a presence of pleasure and "curiosity" in
combination of mastery of knowledge, learning. Thus, internally the motivation
skills, values , and attitudes reflected in of learners will raise a penchant for
the habits of thinking and acting in learning and always training themselves
carrying out their duties or work. It can to be problem-solving in the problems
also be said that competence is a faced.
combination of ability, knowledge, Teachers play a major role in the
skills, attitude, character, understanding, development of education, especially
appreciation, and expectations that Islamic Religious Education teachers.
underlies a person's characteristics to
demonstrate work in explaining a task 1 Oemar Hamalik, Pendidikan Guru
or job in order to achieve quality Berdasarkan Pendidikan Kompetensi, (Jakarta; PT
standards in real work. So, competence Bumi Aksara, 2009), 39.
is a set of knowledge, skills, and 2 Isjoni, Guru sebagai Motivator
Perubahan, ( Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2009),
behaviors that must be possessed,
Cet. 2. 13.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 110

Therefore, any improvement efforts methods and is able to apply in learning

made in an effort to improve the quality planning models, understand the
of education will not make a significant curriculum properly making learning
contribution without the support of tools, implement learning in class, be a
professional and qualified teachers.3 model of students, train and guide
Based on observations, on students towards the achievement of
preliminary observations at the SMP 10 goals and examples of noble examples
Palu, the values in the formation of the and examples and so forth.
character of students, educators who are In this study, the reason the
in the SMP 10 Palu have fully author took place at the SMP 10 Palu as
implemented efforts in developing the a location for scientific research based on
implementation of the character several considerations based on initial
formation of students based on in terms observations on Saturday 27 January
of moral values. 2015.
As the results of the author's First, educators who are in the
interview with the coordinator of SMP Negeri 10 Palu already have a
Islamic Religious Education variety of competencies and have
subjects related to the implemented the best skills they have,
competencies of Islamic Religious and it's just everything else especially
Education teachers as follows: related to humans, which in this case
The Islamic Religious Education educating students does require energy
teacher numbered four people and and extra thinking.
already has four competencies as Secondly, looking at the condition of the
listed in the National Education students in the SMP Negeri 10 Palu in
System Law, which is: pedagogical accepting new students, not through
competence, professional screening where every student who
competence, personality registers at the school is accepted. Thus,
competence, and social the teachers in the SMP Negeri 10 Palu,
competence. 4 especially Islamic Religious Education
Educators, especially Islamic teachers, try their best to educate and
Religious Education teachers, have shape students so that they can have
various competencies obtained from three domains: cognitive, affective, and
professional teacher education that are personality.
relevant to their duties and
responsibilities. This should be able to 2. Literature Review
be mastered with effective learning
2.1 Concept of Teacher Competency
3 E.Mulyasa, Standar Kompotensi dan
The word competency can be
sertifikasi Guru (Cet: I; Bandung: PT Remaja interpreted as an ability. This word is
Rosdakarya, 2007), 5. now the key to education. In the
4 Siti Jawariah, Wawancara Koordinator

Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), 2 Februari

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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 111

curriculum, for example, we know CBC cognitive behaviors, effectively, and

(Competency-Based curriculum).5 psychomotor as well as possible.10
Competence is the authority From the information above, it
(power) to determine (decide can be concluded that the teacher's
something).6 In English, competency is an competence is the teacher's ability to
underlying characteristic of an individual carry out his teaching profession.
that is causally related to criterion- Teacher Competencies referred to in
referenced effective and superior performance Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14
in job or situation.7 of 2005 concerning Teachers and
"Competence is the ability, skills Lecturers on article 3 paragraph 1 that
possessed by a person, and skills states, "teacher competencies include
possessed by a person regarding his pedagogical competencies, personal
duties, positions and profession."8 competencies, social competencies, and
Meanwhile, based on the Law Article 3 professional competencies obtained
paragraph 1, it is explained that through professional education."11 So if
competency is a set of knowledge, skills, the teacher mastered the four
and behaviors that must be possessed, competencies, the teacher will carry out
internalized, and mastered by teachers their duties and responsibilities
and lecturers in carrying out their independently and as well as possible.
professional duties.9 The teacher is the most decisive
Competence is something that component in the overall education
describes a person's qualifications or system. This figure will always be a
abilities, both qualitative and strategic spotlight when talking about
quantitative. Competence is also defined educational issues. Teachers play a
as knowledge, skills, and abilities major role in educational development,
mastered by someone who has become a especially those that are held formally in
part of him so that he can perform schools.12 Teachers determine the
success of students in relation to the
learning process. Teachers are the most

10 Kunadar , Guru profesional

5 Ngainum Naim, Menjadi Guru yang Implementasi Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
Inspiratif, (Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar, 2011), 56. (KTSP), (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo,2007), 51.
6 Tim penyusun kamus pusat bahasa, 11 ”Undang-Undang RI Nomor 14 Tahun

Kamus besar bahasa Indonesia ( Jakarta: Balai 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen” 228.
Pustaka,2005 ), edisi.3, 584.
7 Jhopn Whiley and sons,inc, Competence 12 Evita, E., Syahid, A., & Nurdin, N.

at work, (Canada: Published simultaneously), 9. (2019). Understanding Students’ Learning

8 Trianto, Pengantar Penelitian Pendidikan Outcomes Differences Through the Application
bagi Pengembangan Profesi Pendidikan dan Tenaga of the Market Place Activity Type of Cooperative
Kependidikan, (Jakarta: Prenada Media Learning Model and the Application of
Group,2010), 53. Conventional Learning Models International
9 Ngainum Naim, Menjadi Guru yang Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education, 1(1), 67-
Inspiratif, 228. 85.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 112

influential component in the creation of so that they can survive better in their
quality educational processes and lives.15
outcomes. If the three words are compared
Without the teacher, the learning or integrated with one another, the three
objectives will not be achieved the words are mutually supporting and
maximum. During this time, Islamic complementary. However, when viewed
education science books have in terms of its use, it appears that the
introduced at least three words related third term is more widely used.
to Islamic education: al-tarbiyah, al-ta'lim,
Furthermore, when the three words are
and al-ta'dib.13 Below will be explained
integrated, understanding will be
by each of these words:
1. Al-Tarbiyah obtained that al-tarbiyah means the
Abdurrahman An-Nahlawi argues that process of growing and developing
according to the Arabic dictionary, potential (physical, intellectual, social,
the At-tarbiyah pronunciation comes aesthetic, and spiritual) contained in
from three words:14 students. So that they can grow and
First, rabaa-yarbu, which means to develop optimally, through maintaining,
grow and grow. And al-tarbiyah can nurture, care for, improve and manage it
mean the process of growing and in a planned, systematic and sustainable
developing what is in students, both manner.
physically, psychologically, socially, and
spiritually. Thus, the word al-
Second, rabaa, yurbi, and tarbiyah contains the scope of
tarbiyatan means growing (nasyaa) and educational objectives, which is to grow
becoming big or mature. By referring to and develop the potential and process of
this second word, tarbiyah means an education that is to maintain, nurture,
effort to grow and mature students both care for, improve, and regulate it.
physically, socially, and spiritually. 2. Al-Ta'lim
Third, rabba-yarubbu tarbiyatan, The word al-talim, which means
which means to improve (aslaha), the plural, according to Hans Weher can
master the affairs, maintain and care, mean Information, advice, instruction,
beautify, give meaning, nurture, own, schooling, teaching, training, education,
manage and preserve and its existence. and apprenticeship (work as an intern,
By using these three words, tarbiyah study time for a skill).16 Abdul Jatah Falah
means efforts to maintain, nurture, care further said that:
for, improve, and regulate students' lives Ta'lim is the process of giving
knowledge, understanding,

15 Lihat Abdul Mujib dan Jusuf

13 Abuddin Nata, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, Mudzakir, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta:
(Jakarta: Kencana, 2010), 7. Prenada Media, 2006),10-11.
14 Bukhari Umar, Ilmu Pendidikan 16 Abudin Nata, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam,

Islam,(Jakarta:Amzah, 2010), 21-22. (Jakarta: Kencana, 2010), 11.

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responsibility, and cultivation of educated or well-maintained, and that

trust, resulting in the purification means being a well being civil.22
(tazkiyah) or purification of human As a whole, the word al-tahzib is
beings from all impurities that related to mental and spiritual
make them human beings in a improvement, moral, and that is to
condition that allows them to improve one's mentality, which is not in
receive al-hikmah and learn line with the teachings or norms of life
everything that is beneficial to to be in line with the teachings or norms.
them and what they do not know.17 Improving their behavior to be good and
3. Al-Ta'dib respectable and improve their morals
The word al-ta'dib comes from the and character so that they become noble.
words addaba, yuaddibu, ta'diban, which The various activities include the field of
can mean education, discipline (obedient educational activities. That is why the
and subject to rules), punishment word al-tahzib also means education.23
(warning or punishment), According to Zakiyah Drajat,
and chastisement (sanctification).18 The quoted by Muhammad Nurdin, the
word al-ta'dib comes from the word teacher is a professional educator
manners, which means civilized, politely because they implicitly volunteered to
polite,19,20 karma, manners, manners, accept and shoulder some of the
morals, morals, and ethics.21 educational responsibilities that
The word ta’dib is the gradual shouldered on the shoulders of parents.
introduction and acknowledgment of When a parent submits his child to
human beings about the exact places of school, it means that he has transferred
all things in the order of creation, thus his child's education to the teacher. This
leading to the recognition and implies that they will not submit their
acknowledgment of the power and children to unprofessional teachers,
majesty of God in its creation and because not everyone can become a
existence. teacher.24
4. Al-Tahzib Teachers in Islam are responsible
The word al-tahzib literally means for children's development by striving
moral education or purifying itself from for all their potential, affective,
bad deeds, and it means being well- cognitive, and psychomotor potentials.
Teachers also mean adults who are
responsible for giving help to students
17 Bukhari Umar, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, in physical and spiritual development in
24. order to reach the level of maturity, and
18 Abudin Nata, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam,
be able to stand alone in fulfilling their
19 Ibid. duties as servants of God
Rusli, R. (2009). Gagasan Khaled Abu
Fadl tentang “Islam Moderat" versus "Islam 22 Ibid, 15
Puritan" (Perspektif Sosiologi Pengetahuan). 23 Ibid, 16.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin, 8(1), 99-123. 24 Muhammad Nurdin, Kiat Menjadi Guru
21 Ibid. Profesional, (Jogjakarta: Ruzz Media, 2008), 127.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 114

According to KI Hajar Dewantoro that

1. Definition of Islamic Religious education is:
Demands in the life of growing
Education is a very important
children, the purpose of
part of human life as a condition for
education is to determine all-
achieving a better life in the future. The
natural forces that exist in these
development and progress that is
children so that they, as humans
increasingly socialized among
and as members of the
Indonesian people demand a balance of
community, can achieve the
Islamic religious education.
highest safety and happiness.26
Talking about Islamic Education
Based on the above opinion, the
can not be separated from the notion of
authors conclude that education is a
education in general, because Islamic
process of students that takes place
Education is the same as the notion of
continuously until the student reaches
education in general, only the
adult livelihood. This process takes
foundation used in Islam. In Indonesia
place within a certain period. If the
Law No. 20 the year 2003 concerning the
student has reached adulthood, they will
national education system, article 1
be fully able to act alone for the welfare
explains that:
of his life and society. Thus, the
Education is a conscious effort
understanding of Islamic Religious
about planning to create an
Education is a systematic and pragmatic
atmosphere of learning and
efforts in helping students so that they
learning process so that students
live according to the teachings of
actively develop their potential to
have spiritual strength, self-control,
The definition of Islamic Religious
personality, intelligence, noble
Education, according to experts, is:
character, and the skills needed by
a) According to Zakiyah Darajdat, it is
themselves, society, nation, and
believed that Islamic Religious
Education is an attempt to enlighten
Education is an effort, direction,
and nurture learners so that they can
protection, and assistance given to the
always fully understand Islam, and
child aimed at the child's maturity, or
then embrace the goal, which
more precisely helps so that the child is
ultimately makes Islam a living point
sufficiently capable of carrying out his
of view.
own life's tasks. The influence comes
b) According to Tayar Yusuf, it is
from adults (or those created by adults
believed that Islamic Religious
such as schools, books, cycles of daily
Education is a conscious effort of the
life, etc.) and is shown to people who are
not yet mature.
Hasbullah, Dasar-dasar ilmu Pendidikan
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor (Jakarta: Raja Gafindo Persada, 2001), 2-4.
20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sisdiknas (Bandung: Citra 27
Zuhairini, dkk, Metodologi Pendidikan
Umbara, Januari, 2006), 72. Agama (Solo: Ramadhadi, 1993), 1.
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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 115

older generation to transfer the Education can also be interpreted as

experience, knowledge, and skills to guidance to someone to be able to go to
the younger generation in order to a better path.
become devout towards Allah SWT.28
c) According to Muhaimin, it is believed 3. Methodology
that Islamic Religious Education is a This study uses a qualitative
conscious effort to prepare learners to approach with the object of research is
believe, understand, appreciate and the SMP Negeri 10 Palu. The reason that
practice Islam through guidance, the authors chose the location of the
teaching, and/or training on the right study that is SMP Negeri 10 Palu
goals.29 because it is a school that has adequate
As is the case with another facilities and infrastructure, so it is very
science. Before further pointing out the appropriate to be used as a research
direction and purpose, then the ideology location. With these advantages, it can
needs to understand the meaning be understood that the SMP Negeri 10
contained in it so that the real meaning Palu has implemented innovative
can be known. learning so that the location is very
In an introduction to the representative when associated with the
philosophy of Islamic education, Ahmad Thesis Title.
D. Marimba said, "Education is the The use of qualitative methods in
guidance or leadership consciously by this study with several considerations.
educators on the physical and spiritual First, adjusting qualitative methods is
development of the educated towards easier when dealing with multiple
the formation of the main personality".30 realities. Second, it can present the
So, it can be understood that the nature of the relationship between
understanding stated above is a system researchers and informants directly.31
that can be used to form a perfect human Third, this method is more sensitive and
being, and has the ability to take attitude adaptable to the many sharpening of
and wisdom. On the other hand, the shared directors and the patterns of
meaning of Islamic Religious Education values encountered.32
can be understood as something that can Data that we collected using
change the pattern of human life from observation techniques, in-depth
the back then to advanced life. interviews, and studies from various
written documents.33 While the data
Abdul Majid, Dian Andayani, Pendidikan
Agama Islam Berbasis Kompetensi (Bandung: PT
Remaja Rosdakarya, 2004), 130. 31
Nurdin, N. (2017a). Research in Online
Muhaimin, dkk, Paradigma Pendidikan Space: The Use of Social Media for Research
Islam Upaya Mengefektifkan Pendidikan Agama Setting Jurnal Sistem Informasi (Journal of
Islam di Sekolah (Bandung: PT Renaya Information System), 13(1), 67-77.
Rosdakarya, 2001), 75-76. 32
Ibid., 5.
Ahmad D. Marimba, Pengantar Filsafat 33
Nurdin, N. (2017b). To Research
Pendidikan Islam, (Cet. VIII, Bandung : PT. Al Online or Not to Research Online: Using
Ma’arif, 1989), 19. Internet-Based Research in Islamic Studies
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analysis was carried out using reduction with the Deputy Principal of SMP
and verification techniques with various Negeri 10 Palu, as follows:
data sources.34 The reduced data was There are four teachers of Islamic
then analyzed by claiming to the Religious Education in the SMP
theoretical concepts used in this study. Negeri 10 Palu, including Dra
Djohariah, Dra Siti Jawariah, Dra
4. Result and Discussion Nur Huda S. Thahir, M.Pd.I and
4.1 Competencies of Islamic Religious Mr. Topalino, S.Ag., M. Pd.I.
Education Teachers Alhamdulillah, teachers in SMP
Negeri 10 Palu, teach according to
As well known that in addition to their scientific level, so that with
the principal, the thing that is no less the discipline that they have, they
important in order to improve the are more professional in teaching.
quality of education in schools is the Thus, learning objectives will be
role, function, and responsibility of the easier, and learning objectives will
teacher, bearing in mind that the teacher be achieved.35
is the person directly dealing with As a result of the interview above,
students in implementing the subjects, the writer concludes that there are four
so in the end, the education output can teachers of Islamic Education in SMP
be felt by the community. This situation Negeri 10 Palu. Ms. Djohariah and Mrs.
can be accomplished if supported by Siti Jawariah have S1 education
efforts to improve teachers' ability to qualifications, and Mrs. Nur Huda S.
manage and play a direct role in Thahir and Mr. Topalino have S2
teaching and educating their students. education qualifications. Thus, it is
Teachers are the foremost implementers expected that there are four teachers in
of children's education in schools. SMP Negeri 10 Palu to be professional in
Therefore, the success or failure of learning so that learning objectives can
efforts to improve the quality of be achieved in line with expectations.
education is also largely determined by As in this study, the authors do
the teacher's ability to carry out the main not explain one by one the competencies
daily tasks, namely the management of they have. The author will describe in
learning in schools. general the competencies they have as
There are four teachers in the SMP the results of interviews in the field.
Negeri 10 Palu as the author interviewed Professional teachers are teachers
who have certain conditions fulfilled, as
Context. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim stated by Islamic Religious Education
Societies, 7(1), 31-54.
teachers in the SMP Negeri 10 Palu:
Nurdin, N. (2016). The Roles of
Information Technology in Islamic Bank
Knowledge Management: A study of Two
Syariah Banks in Palu. Hunafa: Jurnal Studia 35
Kuntoro Rapail, Wakil Kepala Sekolah
Islamika, 13(2), 181-217. Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri Palu, “Wawancara,” Ruangan Wakasek, tanggal, 20
3i2.444.181-217 Agustus 2015.
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As an educator who interacts the quality of education, so teachers

with students every day, they must need to work closely with school
have good physical health, which principals and the community.
means that teaching staff must be The teacher is one component of
in good shape and do not have the six main components that are
dangerous communicable diseases determinants of the implementation and
and have good spiritual health. success of an educational program,
This means that they do not namely: 1) teachers, 2) students, 3)
experience mental disorders or material/curriculum, 4) facilities and
abnormalities, having a mental infrastructure, 5) management or
attitude good towards the management, and 6) environment. For
educational profession, love and this reason, teachers as learning agents
serve, and has a high dedication to are required to carry out the learning
their duties and positions. Of process as well as possible within the
course, having good morals, framework of educational development.
namely having noble character and To be able to carry out its functions
having a high moral attitude, as properly, teachers are required to have
well as intellectual, that is, having certain conditions, one of which is
high knowledge and skills from competence, especially competencies
educational institutions of that are directly related to learning
educational staff, which provides activities, that are pedagogical and
provisions to fulfill their duties and professional competencies.
obligations as educators.36 The role of the teacher in carrying
Thus, these conditions can be out their duties and responsibilities, then
explored that the latter conditions are a teacher of Islamic Education must have
specific and only carried out specifically a number of competencies or master a
as well. Furthermore, to realize quality number of knowledge, attitudes, and
improvement by teachers based on their skills related to their field of work.
roles, functions, and responsibilities, of
Competencies that must be possessed by
course, teachers will be faced with a
teachers can include pedagogical
number of problems including
characteristics of different students, competencies, personality competencies,
relatively limited learning media, lack of social competencies, and professional
understanding of psychological aspects competencies.
and background of students and lack of
1. Pedagogical Competence
coordination between a teacher with the Pedagogical competence is
students' parents. Therefore, the related to the ability to manage to learn.
existence of these problems will cause There is a mastery of the characteristics
teachers to not be optimal in improving of students, mastering theories and
principles of learning, developing
Djohariah, Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam
di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri Palu, curriculum, utilizing learning
“Wawancara,” Ruangan Guru, tanggal, 8 Juni 2015. technology, effective communication to
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p-ISSN: 2716-1439
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 118

students, and organizing learning Then explained again by Islamic

effectively and efficiently. Religious Education teachers in the
The pedagogical competence interview as follows:
referred to in this study is the ability of Teacher pedagogical competence
students in-depth and the organization is the ability of teachers in managing
of learning that educates. As the results student learning which at least includes:
of the author's interview with the a. Understanding of students
Deputy Principal of SMP Negeri 10 Palu The understanding of students is one
as follows: of the pedagogical competencies that
A teacher's pedagogical teachers must-have. There are four
competence is characterized by his things that teachers must understand
ability to organize a quality about their students: the level of
learning process, and his attitudes intelligence, creativity, physical and
and actions can be made an growth, and development as well as the
example. Alhamdulillah, for potential of students.
Islamic Religious Education b. Ability to manage and carry out
teachers in SMP Negeri 10 Palu learning
already has that attitude. So that in Meanwhile, to manage learning
the learning process and outside situations, teachers must be able to
the learning of students slowly design learning well so that learning
changes toward a positive objectives can be achieved as expected.
direction. 37 In this case, the teacher tries to plan a
Next, the Islamic Religious learning system that utilizes available
Education teacher explained in the resources. So that all learning activities
interview as follows: from start to finish can be planned
As a teacher, of course, they must strategically, including anticipating
better understand the psychology problems that are likely to emerge from
of child development while the planned scenario. The plan is
learning in educating includes the regulated in the scenario. While the
ability to design learning, implementation of learning is a process
implement learning, assess the of interaction between students and the
learning process and outcomes, environment, resulting in a change in
and make continuous behavior towards a better direction. In
improvements. 38 this interaction, there are certain factors
that influence both external and internal
factors. Therefore, of course, in learning,
Kuntoro Rapail, Wakil Kepala Sekolah the most important task from the teacher
Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri Palu, is to condition the environment to
“Wawancara,” Ruangan Wakasek, tanggal, 6 Juni
2015. support changes in the formation of
Siti Jawariah, Guru Pendidikan Agama student competency behavior.
Islam di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 c. The ability to use learning technology
Negeri Palu, “Wawancara,” Ruangan Perpustakaan,
tanggal, 6 Juni 2015.
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Of course, in organizing learning, educators, parents, and the community.

teachers use technology as a medium. In the context of the learning process in
Provide learning materials and the classroom, Islamic Religious
administer using information Education teachers who have
technology. Accustom students to professional abilities means that they
interact with technology. The can carry out the learning process
educational facilities generally include effectively.
facilities and infrastructure so that the However, the challenges and
improvement of educational facilities responsibilities in the world of education
must be emphasized in increasing in the future are not easy, so they always
learning resources, both in quantity and close ranks to prepare themselves to be
quality, in line with the development of part of the calculated learning
educational technology today. community. In this regard, SMP Negeri
d. The ability to carry out evaluations of 10 Palu is ready to deliver the academic
learning outcomes community in particular and society, in
The evaluation of learning outcomes general, to become better, quality, and
is carried out to find out changes and the have a competitive advantage in their
formation of students' competencies, fields.
which can be done by classroom The pedagogical competence of
assessments, tests of basic abilities for Islamic Religious Education teachers in
the final assessment of education units, SMP Negeri 10 Palu is relatively good
and program assessments. because it is seen from the quality of
e. Development of students education in SMP Negeri 10 Palu,
The development of students is part increasing from year to year. When
of the pedagogical competencies that viewed from teachers who teach Islamic
teachers must have to actualize the Religious Education, they already have
various potentials possessed by each competent pedagogical competencies in
student. In this case, students' their fields, especially Islamic Religious
development can be done in a way, Education teachers.
including extracurricular, enrichment,
and remedial, as well as persuasive 2. Personality Competencies
guidance for students with problems.39 The personality competencies of
Personality competence is a teachers in SMP Negeri 10 Palu in the
personal ability that is steady, noble, following interviews:
wise, and authoritative, as well as being Teacher's personal competence at
a role model for students. Social SMP Negeri 10 Palu already has a stable,
competence is related to communication mature, wise, dignified, and noble
skills among fellow educators, character. It is also expected to foster
teacher independence in carrying out
Djohariah, Guru pendidikan Agama Islam
di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri Palu,
“Wawancara,” Ruangan perpustakaan, tanggal, 10
Juni 2015.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 120

tasks and is always accustomed to One example of good behavior

building a work ethic.40 expressed by students is that Islamic
The teacher is not only a teacher, education teachers always start teaching
trainer, and supervisor, but also as a in a timely manner. Other students also
mirror where students can look in the state that teachers sometimes start on
mirror. In the interpersonal relationship time.
between the teacher and the student's Analyzing the answers of these
subject, the situation of the student is students, one thing that is inherent in the
created, which allows the student's status of Islamic Religious Education
subject to learn to apply the values that teachers in SMP Negeri 10 Palu is good
become examples and give examples. behaviors, fortitude, patience and
The teacher is able to be a person who interestingly are the demands of the
understands students with all the community indirectly for an individual
problems. The teacher must also have teacher of religion Islam in order to
the authority so that students are display all of these things in everyday
reluctant to do so. The nature of teacher life.
educators is that they are innocent and Regarding the teacher's behavior,
imitated. what is desired in the teacher's personal
The teacher's personality is capacity standard is the expectations
determined by the morals that they have that process. This was stated by a
because all of the teacher's behavior or student, Nurul Islami class VIII E (14
morals will be noticed by their students, years old) that:
and this will greatly affect the authority The religion teacher can pay
of a teacher. Therefore, a teacher must attention to examples of good
have a good character. behavior. It is our hope, especially
The understanding of a teacher religion teachers know everything
who has a steady and stable personality related to good and bad things.
is an individual who has consistency in Thus, the teacher can advise us, for
acting according to legal norms, social example, the teacher teaching on
norms, and ethics that apply, both in the time naturally affects other friends
school environment and the school itself. not to be late to class.41
Therefore, on one hand, a teacher must From the interview above, the author
show proactiveness as an individual concludes that an Islamic religion
community, and on the other hand, the teacher with the status he has will
role and status inherent in him must be certainly behave to students because the
highlighted. teacher is a figure who is innocent and
imitated. Other indicators of teacher
personality are "adult" in all respects.
Luter, Guru Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah
Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri Palu, 41Nurul Islami, Peserta didik Sekolah
“Wawancara,” Ruangan Wakasek, tanggal, 6 Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri 10 Palu kelas
Juni 2015. VII, wawancara dikelas, pada tanggal 06 Januari
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The understanding included in it is that achieved if the teacher can arrange

when faced with a problem or students and teaching facilities to
phenomenon, a teacher must treat or achieve learning objectives.
display behavior that is in accordance Alhamdulillah, teachers at SMP Negeri
with the phenomenon. In this context, a 10 Palu, have tried to make them
teacher is required to pay attention to professional teachers in their respective
the right attitude, both in the classroom fields.42
and outside the classroom and even in Professional work is supported
the environment of society. Another by a particular knowledge in depth,
understanding is to have the which can only be obtained from
independence to act as an educator and appropriate educational institutions so
to have a work ethic as a teacher. that its performance is based on the
3. Professional Competence knowledge it has that can be
Furthermore, after the teacher has scientifically justified. A profession
professional abilities that support the emphasizes expertise, in certain specific
role and function, the strategies that can fields appropriate to the type of
be carried out in connection with efforts profession, so that one can be separated
to improve the quality of education from one another.
include: the implementation of learning The intended professional
more activating learners' learning, competence is the ability to master
overall attention to all students, extensive and in-depth learning
understanding the different characters of material. The professional competencies
each student, utilizing the environment that must be possessed by a teacher
as a source of learning and carry out an include mastering the foundation of
overall evaluation of the learning education, in this case, knowing the
outcomes of students. Considering the purpose of national education, knowing
importance of the role of teachers in the function of schools in society, and
efforts to improve the quality of knowing the standards of basic
education. Especially in the competencies and competency
implementation of learning, it is indicators in learning. Mastering subject
appropriate that the ability to be matter, in this case, mastering
improved, fostered well and curriculum material to be taught,
continuously so that they have the mastering relevant supporting material
ability in accordance with the demands relevant to the material to be taught, and
of their profession. mastering language correctly and
As the results of the interview adequately.
stated as follows: The implementation of Islamic
Professional teachers must have Religious Education learning in the
skills in managing classes that are the
teacher's task in learning activities by 42 Luter, Guru Bahasa Indonesia di
providing optimal learning conditions. Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri
Palu, “Wawancara,” Ruangan Guru, tanggal, 12
Optimal learning conditions can be
Agustus 2015.
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curriculum is only 2 hours of Therefore, in the teaching process, there

learning, but if calculated in terms are activities to guide students so that
of its implementation and practices students develop according to their
it can be more, this is done in development tasks, train skills, both
addition to learning in class, there intellectual and motor skills so that
are also other religious activities students can live in a fast-changing and
that support, such as recitation on competitive society, motivating students
Thursday and Sunday, eradication in order to stay motivated to face
of the illiteracy of the Al-Qur'an challenges and obstacles, the ability to
which is carried out on Thursday design and use various media and
Ba'da Magrib until Ba'da Isya.43 learning resources to increase the
The essence of the above statement is effectiveness of teaching, and so forth.
the implementation of Islamic Religious The social competencies possessed
Education learning in SMP Negeri 10 by Islamic Religious Education teachers
Palu. It is carried out for more than 2 in SMP Negeri 10 Palu in interviews as
hours per week, and this is the follows:
accumulation of the implementation of The social competence of teachers
Islamic Education learning that is in SMP Negeri 10 Palu is fairly
carried out in class and outside the good because the social
classroom. competencies referred to here are
the abilities and skills that teachers
4. Social Competence have in relation to interactions with
This social competence is very other people. This means that
important to be owned by an educator in teachers must have the skills to
undergoing social interaction. Because interact with anyone, both fellow
with social competence in teachers, students, and the
communicating, the conversation is community. Thus when problems
pleasant to hear, good at talking and occur, it is easy to identify, analyze,
sociable, easy to work together, not and find a way out of each problem
easily upset, not easily discouraged, and that arises.44
smart in managing their emotions. As the interview results above, the
Therefore, an educator's social writer concludes that this social
competence is the basis for the educator competence is very important to have
concerned in carrying out a teacher's job for a teacher in conducting social
professionally. interaction because by having this
The task of teaching is not just to competence in communicating
convey information but a process of pleasantly, does say bad words,
changing the behavior of students in articulate, easy to get along, easy to
accordance with the expected goals.
44 Luter, Guru Bahasa Indonesia di
43 Observasi, di Sekolah Menengah Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri
Pertama (SMP) Negeri 10 Palu, Tanggal 19 Palu, “Wawancara,” Ruangan Guru, tanggal, 12
Agustus 2015. Agustus 2015.
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cooperate, patient, not easily upset, not teachers in the research location in order
easily discouraged and smart in to shape the character of students.
managing his emotions. While people Following up on these problems, the
with low social competence often make author's interviews with a number of
the people around them feel teachers with the intention of revealing
uncomfortable because of their the steps taken by them. The author has
arrogance and harsh words. Thus, the identified a number of steps taken by the
social competence of an educator is the teachers of SMP Negeri 10 Palu, they
basis for the educator concerned in are:
carrying out his teacher's job
professionally because basic educational a. Providing guidance to students
activities are the specialization of Tutoring for students meaning
personal communication between providing assistance to students in
educators and students. making choices wisely and in adjusting
As a teacher, they must be able to to the demands of life, so that students
present themselves in such a way that are more focused in learning and
their presence can be accepted in the responsible in assessing their own
community. In this way, educators will abilities and use their knowledge
be able to work well with school effectively for themselves, and have the
committee boards both inside and potential that develops optimally covers
outside the classroom. all aspects of his personality as a
potential individual. In addition, the
4.2 Teacher's Efforts in Improving the provision of guidance is also assistance
Quality of Education given by teachers to students to solve
In connection with the role and the problems they face.
function of teachers in learning, it is As the author's interview with
necessary to have an effort from the students named Angga Nuardi class VIII
teacher to optimize the roles and F revealed the importance of the
functions. The teacher's role will always guidance that the teacher gave him, that:
describe the expected behavior patterns Tutoring is a very influential
in various interactions, both with thing for me because, through the
students, fellow teachers, and school guidance of the teacher providing
staff, or even with the principal. From a suggestions such as reminding me to
variety of interactive activities, the study harder at home, I do it by creating
learning activities can be seen as central an atmosphere of discussion at home.
to its role, bearing in mind whether or Apparently, in this way, there are many
not it is realized that part of the teacher's benefits that I feel, among others,
time and attention is devoted to the expanding horizons and training to
cultivation of learning in the classroom convey ideas well and create
and interacting with students. appreciation. My parents were involved
In this study, identify the efforts in helping the teacher at home. 44
taken by Islamic religious education
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 124

The interview description above students do not do something a

strongly recommends the guidance of second time.45
the teacher. Psychologically this will be Expressed by students of SMP
responded by students as participants Negeri 10 Palu as follows:
and students. In an effort to provide guidance,
in addition to providing advice,
b. Giving Advice sometimes also punishment is
Another form of effort for Islamic given if students do something
Religious Education (PAI) teachers is wrong, for example, when lazy to
advising students. Giving advice means study or lazy to go to school.46
giving suggestions or input to solve a From the above interview, it is
problem based on knowledge, illustrated that the purpose of giving a
experience, and common sense. Advice penalty or sanction is to stop the bad
has a considerable influence in opening behavior, and the next goal is to educate
children's eyes to the awareness of the and encourage students to stop the bad
nature of something and encourage behavior themselves.
them to do something good. Besides that, the punishment
Advice is given by the teacher given is still reasonable, logical,
every time they meet anywhere. Thus, objective, and does not burden the
students can feel the efforts made by the mentality and must be comparable
teacher to make students progress in between the mistakes made and the
everything, including learning, so that punishment is given. If the punishment
children can improve their learning is too severe, then students tend to avoid
achievement. or leave.
The action above was confirmed by
the teacher of SMP Negeri 10 Palu: c. Supervision towards students
I realize that teachers must guide Supervision is carried out in an
their students more whenever they open and continuous manner that is
want to learn and finish studying known to all parties. Various things
in class. To create a better planned in SMP Negeri 10 Palu are the
atmosphere of intimacy between embodiment of schools that have
educators and students, as implemented elements of openness,
educators, of course, in interacting responsibility/accountability, and
with students, they must be more participation. It is done by planning,
observant in seeing students'
situations. When students make
45 Djohariah, Guru Pendidikan Agama
mistakes, they will be given
Islam di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10
sanctions related to mistakes made, Negeri Palu, “Wawancara,” Ruangan Guru,
giving sanctions aimed at making tanggal, 8 Juni 2015.
46 Angga Nuardi, Peserta didik di

Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 10 Negeri

Palu, “Wawancara,” Ruang Tamu, tanggal, 28
Juli 2015.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 125

implementing, and supervising while we can find out the shortcomings

involving all elements within the scope and then find a way out.47
of the school and the community. Supervision conducted by the
Supervision of students is very teacher, especially related to the
important in seeing the level of implementation of the teaching and
development of students from various learning process, is welcomed by
aspects. Teacher supervision includes students. Students assume that with the
monitoring, evaluating, reporting, and continuous supervision of the teacher,
following up on supervision results. the students can increase their ability to
Management monitoring is carried out carry out tasks as students.
by the principal, teachers continuously If one semester is to be assessed
to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, for factors that do not support, the
and accountability of education school must improve the
management. implementation of quality improvement
Evaluation of the supervision of programs in the following semester. A
academic management is carried out by mid-term evaluation is carried out at the
school principals and school supervisors end of each year to determine how far
in a planned manner in accordance with the quality improvement program has
the supervision program that has been achieved the quality goals that have
prepared at the beginning of the school been set previously. Through this
year to carry out the duties and evaluation, the program's strengths and
functions of teachers. Supervision is the weaknesses will be identified to be
task of a school principal. improved in the following years.
Various supervision carried out Teacher supervision means
by various parties aims to find various controlling or supervising all activities
problems and find solutions if there are or activities that are being carried out by
programs that cannot be implemented. students both directly and indirectly.
In other words, supervision is carried Teacher supervision is intended as a
out to find a way out in solving reinforcement of discipline so that
problems, both work programs, and cost children's education is not neglected,
management. because neglect of a child's education
This is as stated by Islamic will harm not only himself but also his
Religious Education teachers as follows: environment.
Various supervision of students Teacher supervision of students is
conducted aims to find a joint usually preferred in learning and social
solution if there are problems problems. By supervising students in
related to students. Besides that, terms of learning and relationships,
supervision is carried out to teachers can control the problems that
prevent unintended violations. As
a teacher, I strongly support the
existence of such supervision, so 47 Djohariah, Guru Pendidikan Agama
Islam di (SMP) 10 Negeri Palu, “Wawancara,”
Ruangan Perpustakaan, tanggal, 28 Juli 2015.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 126

occur so that preventive action can be action, we do whether our

taken.48 children perform well or not
Basically, teacher supervision does good. What we do, among others,
not mean restraint of children's freedom is directing how to study, and
to be creative but rather emphasizes the managing study time, and so on.
supervision of children's free and 49
responsible obligations. Supervision or Another form of teacher
control is carried out not only when in appreciation besides giving
school, but also when students are compliments is by giving a kind of gift
outside the school environment. or something like that. This prize is
intended to provide students
d. Providing motivation and motivation, encourage, and increase
appreciation trust in students themselves, as well as
to strengthen relationships with them.
As the primary educator, teachers
However, the teacher also gives advice
are also required to be able to provide
about the gift because it can also distort
motivation and encouragement, because
students' minds from actual learning
the task of motivating learning is the
teacher's responsibility, to encourage
students' enthusiasm for learning
e. Using teaching varies of methods
teachers should be able to give a kind of
This step is generally taken by a
gift to increase learning interest for
teacher to overcome students' boredom
students themselves. But if the child's
and present a conducive classroom
learning achievement is bad or lacking,
atmosphere. The steps taken by Islamic
the teacher's responsibility is to provide
Religious Education teachers at the
motivation or encouragement to
research location are using multi-
students to be more active in learning.
methods such as lecture method
As stated by Islamic Religious interspersed with Question and Answer
Education teachers in the interview as methods or exploration methods.
Based on the results of interviews
I think our encouragement as
with Islamic Religious Education
educators to children whether
teachers stated:
their achievement is
unsatisfactory or is lacking and is When teaching class, the
very necessary because the lack of responses of diverse students are
dissatisfaction or the lack of lacking attention and enthusiasm.
encouragement may increase less However, the use of various
than satisfying achievements and teaching methods turns out to be
may even lead to decisions. This interesting for students, especially
if there are questions and answers
48 Observasi, di Sekolah Menengah
Pertama (SMP) Negeri 10 Palu, Tanggal 20
Agustus 2015.
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Vol.2 No. 1 Tahun 2020 127

or discussions about daily life research description. It can be concluded

about the actual theme.49 that the competence of Islamic Religious
Education teachers in SMP Negeri 10
The interview results indicate that
Palu is adequate in terms of the
the use of varied learning methods can
pedagogical competence of Islamic
help students learn better, classes are
Religious Education (PAI) teachers
more conducive, not boring, and so on.
capable of managing student learning.
f. Taking a personal approach towards Teacher personality competencies
students already have good personalities, are
In connection with the teachers' stable, mature, wise, authoritative, and
role and function in learning, it is have good character and are expected to
necessary to have an effort from the grow the teacher's independence in
teacher to optimize the roles and carrying out tasks and are always
functions. The teacher's role will always accustomed to building a work ethic.
describe the expected behavior patterns The social competence of Islamic
in various interactions, both with Religious Education (PAI) teachers is
students, fellow teachers, and school very good because the teachers here
staff, or even with the principal. From a already have the abilities and skills
variety of interactive activities, the related to the interaction with other
learning activities can be seen as central people. Professional competence is
to its role, bearing in mind whether or sufficient but there are still teachers who
not it is realized that part of the teacher's still need to improve performance to be
time and attention is devoted to the more professional in learning.
cultivation of learning in the classroom The efforts of Islamic Religious
and interacting with students. Education teachers in improving the
One of the teacher's strategic quality of education in SMP Negeri 10
steps is to take a personal approach to Palu is to provide guidance to students,
students, both directly and through the give advice, supervise students, provide
parents of the students concerned. The motivation and appreciation, use varied
aim is to track down any constraints teaching methods, and take a personal
experienced by students and their approach to students.
friends. The results can be used as
evaluation material to provide REFERENCES
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