Lit Linkage

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Corie Randall

EDU 5201
Literacy Linkage
December 3, 2015

Students will experience the difference between producers and consumers by creating a booklet
using a production line.
Main Curriculum Tie:
Social Studies - 2nd Grade
Standard 4- Objective 1
Describe how producers and consumers work together in the making and using of goods and
Content Objectives:
Day 1
SWBAT Demonstrate the process of producing a booklet by using an assembly line with a group.
SWBAT Tell the definitions of a producer and consumer verbally to a partner.
Language Objectives:
Day 1
SWBAT Retell the definitions of producers, consumers, and assembly line to a partner verbally.
Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
Attention Getter: Where do you think things in the store come from? (15minutes)

Discuss where things in the store come from.

Define producers and consumers using vocabulary cards

Lesson: Producing
Assembly Line Accordion Booklet:

In groups of four, students will produce accordion-style booklets and use them in the lesson thus
making the students consumers. (20 minutes)

Divide the class into groups of four or five. Pass out papers for making the booklet and
the Accordion Booklet Assembly Line Instructions. Give students in each group a Producer
job number.


Teacher models folding the product (booklet) from start to finish.


Each student does their assigned task and passes it on to the next person in the assembly

Students will complete a think/pair/share where they will discuss with the peer sitting next to
them the definition of both a producer and consumer. (e.g. teacher will say: Class, think in your
mind what the definition is for a producer. Turn to your partner, partner A, you share first
Student should be heard saying A producer is Then the teacher will ask one or two students
to share what the definition of a producer is. The same discussion will take place with the
definition of consumer.
State Standards and Objectives

Standards: Social Studies Standard 4: (Financial Literacy): Students will explain how the
economy meets human needs through the interaction of producers and consumers.
Objective 1 part a. Define and explain the difference between producing and


WIDA Standards: English Language Development Standard 5: English language learners

communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area
of Social Studies.

Comprehensible Input

Since there are developing and emerging proficiency levels in this classroom teacher will
make sure that they are speaking at a regular pace and speaking more slowly when talking about
the vocabulary words and the concepts.

Teacher will also use repetition throughout the lesson especially when discussing the
main objectives. Repeating the key ideas and details of what a consumer and producer are many

Teacher will introduce the definitions of producer consumer by speaking at a regular rate
and enunciating properly. For example: Consumer is a person who uses goods or services. Read
this definition at a regular pace and have it written on the board in both English and in the
students native languages.
Feature 16: Frequent Opportunities for Interaction and Discussion
Day 1

Students will interact with the teacher throughout the entire lesson.

Begin by using direct instruction while teaching vocabulary words through the

Use a whole group discussion using questioning throughout the PowerPoint.

Students will be given many opportunities to answer and ask questions during the
Feature 22: Activities Integrate All Language Skills

Reading-Using the definitions and examples of the vocabulary words in both English and
their native language.

Writing-Students will have the opportunity to write in the booklets in the assembly line

Listening-Students will have many opportunities to listen during whole group discussion,
think pair share and during the grouping activity.

Speaking-Students will have many opportunities to speak throughout the entire lesson.
During whole group discussion, think pair share, assembly line activity, and during the grouping
For more reading integration books will be placed around the classroom about producers and
consumers that students can read about during their free reading time.
Review & Assessment
Formative Assessments

As students are working in their groups the teacher will walk around to determine if they
are meeting the objectives and staying on task whether creating their booklet or discussing their
cards and if they either go into the producer pile or the consumer pile.

Once they have determined where each card goes, students will come to the front of the
class and share what card they received and where it goes. This is the main way the teacher will
formally assess to see if students understand the key concepts of the lesson that day.

Once the students finish their booklets and turn them in, the teacher will be able to see if
the students were able to understand what a producer and consumer are whether through words
or drawings.

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