2013 September Fcps Part 2 TOACS

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2013 September fcps part 2 TOACS

contribured by dr mehwish shehyar

a. Is it compatible with life
b. How will it effect my delivery
c. Where will I be delivered
2. Hemodynamic graph (interactive)
a. Whats this (SI)
b. Explain why
c. How do you know its severe moderate or mild on graph
d. How do you know it by history
3. B Lynch
a. Demonstrate it on dummy
b. Whats modified B lynch
c. What do you do before applying b lynch intraoperatively
4. Breech
a. Deliver Breech
b. Which forceps will you apply
c. Which is the best method to deliver head
5. Instrumental delivery scenario requiring vacuum application
a. Where is the point where you apply this
b. Prerequisites
c. How do you do that
6. Histological picture of diplococci gonorrhea
a. Whats this
b. How will you screen partner
c. How will you treat
d. What symptoms will show
7. Write protocol for RH NEGATIVE
8. Write steps of audit for increased c section rate
9. HRT counseling for insomnia and hot flushes (interactive)
a. What are the other menopausal symptoms
b. What will you prescribe her

c. What are the hormonal options

d. What are the trade names
10. Epidural set
a. Identify and name all the parts
b. Indications
c. Contraindications
d. Whre do you administer that, at what level for c sexn and vaginal delivery
e. What drug you administer in it
11. Endometrial carcinoma with ovaries involvedintraoperatively. What is next step
a. Which stage is this
b . What next to do
c. What will you do postoperatively
d. What are the types of radiation
e. Which type of radiation you give to this patient

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