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Alcatel-Lucent 9353

Wireless Management System Small Cells

Home Device Manager 4.3 Adaptation Kit
Installation Guide

August 2013

Alcatel-Lucent Confidential

2003-2013 Alcatel-Lucent
All rights reserved.
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copies may be printed, it is not recommended. Viewing of the master electronically ensures access to the current issue. Any hardcopies taken
must be regarded as uncontrolled copies.
The information contained in this document is the property of Alcatel-Lucent. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Alcatel-Lucent,
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sender and destroy it immediately.

About This Document


This publication contains step-by-step installation and upgrade instructions of Home

Device Manager Adaptation Kit.
Reason for Revision

The issue reasons are:

Issue Number

Issue Date

Reason for Reissue


Aug 2013

SCMS Version 4.3 First


HDM AK User Guide

ISSUE 01/ EN August 2013

Alcatel-Lucent Confidential

About This Document

List of Figures


List of Tables


Part I: Introduction


Prerequisites for HDM 3.1/4.1.x ........................................................................................................... 2

Part II: Reference Documents

Part III: Installing HDM Adaptation Kit for the First Time

Multi Domain Support for HDM 4.1.x

Defining The Multi Domain Support .................................................................................................... 5


The Adapting HDM to Femto


Defining The Device Type ................................................................................................................. 10

Importing Criteria Templates, Actions, Policies, Alarms and Custom Functions via Bundle
for HDM 4.1.x ................................................................................................................................... 21
Importing Criteria Templates.............................................................................................................. 23
Importing The Custom Functions ....................................................................................................... 27
Importing Actions .............................................................................................................................. 33
Importing Policies .............................................................................................................................. 38
Setting SCE Parameters...................................................................................................................... 45
Assignment Of The nbi_alarm_mgr Role To The nbi_user ................................................................. 48
Defining Alarms ................................................................................................................................ 49
Defining Reports ................................................................................................................................ 49
Defining HDM Dashboard Alarm XML ............................................................................................. 49
Defining Jobs ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Part IV: Upgrading HDM Adaptation Kit to SCMS4.3




Prerequisites for HDM3.1/HDM4.1.x ................................................................................................. 51


Upgrade Procedure


Deleting Actions and Policies ............................................................................................................. 52

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Deleting Criteria Templates................................................................................................................ 56

Upgrading the DeviceTypes ............................................................................................................... 57
Upgrading via Bundle package for HDM 4.1.x ................................................................................... 57
Upgrading Criteria Templates ............................................................................................................ 58
Upgrading Custom Functions ............................................................................................................. 58
Upgrading Actions ............................................................................................................................. 60
Upgrading Policies ............................................................................................................................. 60
Upgrading Alarms .............................................................................................................................. 61
Upgrading Reports ............................................................................................................................. 61
Upgrading SCE Parameters ................................................................................................................ 61
Part V: Removing the HDM Adaptation Kit


Part VI: Adding Device Type Based on Software Version


Part VII: Assignment of the NBI_ALARM_MGR Role to the NBI User


Part VIII: Alarms



Adding Alarm Definitions

Adding Alarm Definitions for HDM3.1, HDM 4.1.x .......................................................................... 80


Listing Alarm Definitions


Deleting Alarm Definitions


Part IX: Reports


Adding Report Groups (Optional)


Importing Reports


Exporting Report .zip File


Deleting Reports


Command Line Report Script


Part X: PKI Server Script (Optional)


Part XI: Dashboard Alarm Configuration (Optional)


Part XII: Jobs


Creating Jobs


Listing Jobs


Deleting Jobs


Part XIII: User Tips



Usage of Actions

Setting PM File Transfer Time ......................................................................................................... 108

HDM AK User Guide
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Rebooting Femtos ............................................................................................................................ 109

Part XIV: Terminology




List of Figures

Figure 1 Click on the netopmgr user ....................................................................................6

Figure 2 Add the HDM_DomainManager to the Chosen field ..............................................6
Figure 3 Login to SCE .........................................................................................................7
Figure 4 Add the SCE parameter.........................................................................................7
Figure 5 Logon to the hdmadin console ...............................................................................8
Figure 6 Click on Manage Domains .....................................................................................8
Figure 7 Assign both users to super-domain........................................................................9
Figure 8 Default Values in HDM Adaptation Kit ................................................................. 11
Figure 9 - Device type file example after default value update. ............................................. 11
Figure 10 - Logon Form for HDM 3.1 and HDM 4.0.x ........................................................... 12
Figure 11 - Logon Form for HDM 4.1.x ................................................................................. 12
Figure 12 - Creating Device Type ......................................................................................... 13
Figure 13 - Providing Device Type Info ................................................................................. 14
Figure 14 - Selecting XML File ............................................................................................. 14
Figure 15 - Loading XML File ............................................................................................... 15
Figure 16 - Activation Settings .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 17 - Entering the ACS URL........................................................................................ 17
Figure 18 - Provisioning Mode .............................................................................................. 17
Figure 19 - Connection Request Method .............................................................................. 18
Figure 20 - Creating Device Type ......................................................................................... 19
Figure 21 - Device Types List ............................................................................................... 19
Figure 22 - Software Version Warning .................................................................................. 20
Figure 23 Bundle Import .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 24 Select file Bundle zip file .................................................................................... 22
Figure 25 Import ................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 26 Close ................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 27 - Manage Device Selection Criteria....................................................................... 25
Figure 28 - Upload Criteria Templates .................................................................................. 26
Figure 29 - Uploaded Criteria Templates .............................................................................. 26
Figure 30 - Search Profile ..................................................................................................... 27
Figure 31 Manage Custom Functions ................................................................................ 28
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List of Figures

Figure 32 Importing Custom Functions .............................................................................. 29

Figure 33 Selecting Custom Functions File........................................................................ 30
Figure 34 Uploading Custom Functions ............................................................................. 31
Figure 35 - Uploaded Custom Functions .............................................................................. 32
Figure 36 - Imported Custom Functions................................................................................ 32
Figure 37 - Importing Actions................................................................................................ 35
Figure 38 - Uploading FemtoActions.xml File ....................................................................... 36
Figure 39 - Uploading Actions .............................................................................................. 36
Figure 40 - Uploaded Actions ............................................................................................... 37
Figure 41 - Imported Actions ................................................................................................ 38
Figure 42 - Importing Policies ............................................................................................... 40
Figure 43 - Uploading FemtoPolicies.xml File ....................................................................... 41
Figure 44 - Uploading Policies .............................................................................................. 42
Figure 45 - Uploaded Policies ............................................................................................... 42
Figure 46 - Imported Policies ................................................................................................ 43
Figure 47 - Enabling Policies ................................................................................................ 44
Figure 48 - Enabled Policies ................................................................................................. 45
Figure 49 - SCE Console ...................................................................................................... 46
Figure 50 - Update SCE Variable ......................................................................................... 48
Figure 51 - Existing Policies in SCMS................................................................................... 53
Figure 52 - Deleting Existing Policies ................................................................................... 54
Figure 53 - Existing Actions in FMS 2.2 ................................................................................ 55
Figure 54 - Deleting Actions ................................................................................................. 56
Figure 55 Manage Custom Functions ................................................................................ 59
Figure 56 Deleting Custom Functions ................................................................................ 60
Figure 57 - Selecting Device Type ........................................................................................ 67
Figure 58 - Selecting XML File ............................................................................................. 68
Figure 59 - Adding XML file .................................................................................................. 68
Figure 60 - Device Types (Based On Software Version) List ................................................ 69
Figure 61 Setting Default Device Type .............................................................................. 70
Figure 62 - Logon Form ........................................................................................................ 71
Figure 63 - Security Realms ................................................................................................. 72
Figure 64 - Realms ............................................................................................................... 72
Figure 65 - Global Roles ....................................................................................................... 73
Figure 66 - Roles .................................................................................................................. 75
Figure 67 - Selecting NBI_ALARM_MGR ............................................................................. 75
Figure 68 - Check HDM_NBI_Manager group ...................................................................... 75
Figure 69 - Selecting Predicate List ...................................................................................... 76
Figure 70 - Adding Group ..................................................................................................... 77
Figure 71 - Finishing Process ............................................................................................... 77
Figure 72 - Process finished ................................................................................................. 78
Figure 73 Define Alarms .................................................................................................... 81
Figure 74 Importing Alarms ............................................................................................... 81
Figure 75 Selecting Alarms File ......................................................................................... 82
Figure 76 Uploading Alarms .............................................................................................. 83
Figure 77 - Uploaded Custom Functions .............................................................................. 84
Figure 78 - Imported Alarms ................................................................................................. 85
Figure 79 - Selecting Alarms ................................................................................................ 86
Figure 80 Alarms List......................................................................................................... 87
Figure 81 - Alarms ................................................................................................................ 88
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List of Figures

Figure 82 - Deleting Alarm Definitions .................................................................................. 89

Figure 83 - PM file transfer time window ............................................................................. 108

List of Tables

Table 1 - Custom functions ................................................................................................... 32

Table 2 - SCE Parameters for Femto Support ...................................................................... 46
Table 3 - Default values for SCE parameters........................................................................ 64

HDM AK User Guide

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Part I: Introduction

A5580 HDM (Home Device Manager) will be used for managing the Femto
BSR devices. HDM offers quite flexible management interface. For the Femto
BSR management, HDM needs to be configured with some Femto specific

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Prerequisites for HDM 3.1/4.1.x

A5580 HDM 3.1/4.1.x should be installed to your system. Please refer to [R3]
for this purpose.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 is required for HDM 4.1.x and JRE 1.5 is
required for HDM 3.1.
Reporting Module is required only for reports to be used. Please refer to [R4]
for this purpose.

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Part II: Reference


NOTE: The following links to be updated

[R1] 3JB-00029-ADAA-PCZZA

HDM Programming Guide

[R2] 3JB-00029-ABAA-PCZZA

HDM Deployment Guide

[R3] 9YZ-04190-0624-RJZZA

A5580 HDM Light Installation Guide

[R4] 3JB-00047-AAAY-PCZZA

HDM Reporting Deployment Guide

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Part III: Installing HDM

Adaptation Kit for the First

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Multi Domain Support

for HDM 4.1.x

This section describes how to configure the multi domain support for HDM
4.1.x. If you do not have a multi domain support license, skip this section.

Defining The Multi Domain Support

First login to WebLogic console page "https://<HDM_IP>:9002/console"
where HDM_IP is the HDM servers IP address via the hdm_admin user.
Goto the netopmgr users page: Home>Summary of Security Realms
>myrealm >Users and Groups >netopmgr. Add the HDM_DomainManager
group into the netopmgrs Groups. Fellow below figures.

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Multi Domain Support for HDM 4.1.x

Figure 1 Click on the netopmgr user

Figure 2 Add the HDM_DomainManager to the Chosen field

To enable the multi domain feature set the SCE parameter

hdm.domains.enabled to true. This can be set http://<HDM_IP>:7003/sce/
via the user netopmgr.
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Multi Domain Support for HDM 4.1.x

Figure 3 Login to SCE

Figure 4 Add the SCE parameter

Assign both netopmgr and nbi_user users to the super-domains domain.

To perform this action, login to HDMAdmin Page (http://<HDM
IP>:7003/hdmadmin) via the netopmgr user. And add these users to the
super-domains domain. Follow below screenshots.

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Multi Domain Support for HDM 4.1.x

Figure 5 Logon to the hdmadin console

Figure 6 Click on Manage Domains

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Multi Domain Support for HDM 4.1.x

Figure 7 Assign both users to super-domain

Note: Domains have to be manually created by the operator on HDM and

SCMS. Domain name in HDM should match with the RDNId in SCMS. For
example if HDMDomain/Domain_1 is set as the DN in SCMS, then in HDM
side the domain should be be defined as Domain_1. Also, different users
should be created for each domain. The Super users (nbi_user and
netopmgr) should not be added to all domains. Also, fill only domain name
and description in HDM. Do not enter any device qualifiers (device types,
user/service tags or IP addresses); Automatic domain assignment from
HDM is not supported.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

The Adapting HDM to


This section describes how to install HDM Adaptation Kit (AK) for the first

Defining The Device Type

In order for HDM to manage Femto BSR devices, a device type must be
created for Femto BSR. With HDM 3.1, a device type can support multiple
software versions by adding deviceType.xml files based on the software
In SCMS-04.3, HDM Adaptation Kit contains six deviceType.xml files.
Four of them are used for the Femto BSR 2.4 and Femto BSR 3.0 backward
compatibility which are generated from BCR02.4-BSR XMIM 4.1f and BCR03-00-BSR-XMIM-06.00 model and named as
tr069BSR_fms3.0_bsr_xmim6.0.xml and
Two deviceType.xml files are used for Femto BSR 4.x. The file names are
tr069BSR_fms4.0_bsr_xmim6.0.xml and
tr069BSR_fms4.0_bsr_xmim6.0_2.xml which are generated from BCR-0400-BSR-XMIM-06.00 model.
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Device Type Values:

Before creating a new device type, change the Manufacturer, Device Type
OUI, Product Class and software version values in deviceType.xml file. The
default values in HDM Adaptation Kit is a warning text like in the following

Figure 8 Default Values in HDM Adaptation Kit

You should changes these values with the appropriate value of BSR Femto
devices Manufacturer, Device Type OUI, Product Class and software version.
(Exp: Manufacture = Alcatel-Lucent, OUI = 001D4C, Product Class = 9365
BSR Femto or Alcatel-Lucent 9360 Small Cell Solution, Software Version =
BSR- To do this, open device type file with a text editor program,
edit software version value, then save the file. After that, the device type file
should look like the following figure.

Figure 9 - Device type file example after default value update.

For adding new device types based on software version, please refer to section
Step-by-step importing new device type procedure:
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

1 Change software version in device type file as explained above.

2 Log on to HDM Management Console. For HDM 4.1.x, if multi domain

support is enabled, select super-domain in the domain input.

Figure 10 - Logon Form for HDM 3.1 and HDM 4.0.x

Figure 11 - Logon Form for HDM 4.1.x

3 After logging on to the HDM you will be on the Welcome tab. Go to

Device Types tab.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

4 Select New button at the bottom left.

Figure 12 - Creating Device Type

On the new page:

5 Give a name for the device type definition.

6 Enter a Description.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 13 - Providing Device Type Info

7 Click on the Browse button to select the device type file.

Figure 14 - Selecting XML File

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

8 Then click on the Load XML File button. After this operation Device Type
Attributes panel should be automatically filled.

Figure 15 - Loading XML File

Activation settings should be filled manually as follows:

9 Enter fbsrpass as HTTP Default Password.

10 To define the ACS URL, click on the ACS URL icon.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 16 - Activation Settings

11 At the pop-up window enter the public HDM URL to the ACS URL textbox
PORT>/cwmpWeb/CPEMgt) (https should be used instead of http if you
will be working with outside tunnel femtos). HDM has two interfaces called
OAM-OAM and OAM-NE therefore there are two IP addresses. OAM-NE IP
address of the HDM server must be used in this <HDM SERVER IP> URL.
See Figure 17 - Entering the ACS URL

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 17 - Entering the ACS URL

12 Select Provisioning Mode as Zero Touch.

Figure 18 - Provisioning Mode

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

13 Select Connection Request Method as Direct.

Figure 19 - Connection Request Method

14 Enable connection request.

15 Click on the Create button at the bottom right side.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 20 - Creating Device Type

16 The newly created device type should be listed under the Device Types tab.

Figure 21 - Device Types List

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

17 Return to step 4 and repeat the steps one more time with Device Type Name as
Femto_2 and xml file which has the same name ending with _2.xml.

18 You should update the software version of your device type before you create
it, otherwise, you can see a warning message like in the below figure:

Figure 22 - Software Version Warning

19 Add other device type models. Please refer to section ADDING DEVICE

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Importing Criteria Templates, Actions, Policies, Alarms

and Custom Functions via Bundle for HDM 4.1.x

Criteria Templates, Actions, Policies and Custom Functions can be import as a

bundle for HDM 4.1.x
Step-by-step importing bundle:

1 Log on HDM Management Console. For HDM 4.1.x, if multi domain support
is enabled, select super-domain in the domain input.

2 Go to Welcome tab.

3 On the System Settings, click on the Bundle Import.

Figure 23 Bundle Import

4 In the following window, click on the browse button to select Bundle. Check
bundle.zip delivered within the HDM Adaptation Kit 4.1.x release.
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 24 Select file Bundle zip file

5 Select Import.

Figure 25 Import

6 Check Bundle Import completed successfully. Ignore errors caused by

template/default items. Click on the Close button.
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 26 Close

7 Continue below importing selections without processing the import steps. Do

only the enable or activition steps, if available.
Note that the unfiltered Alarm.xml file is delivered within the bundle. For
using the filtered one, re-import the alarm dictionary with
Alarms_with_filter.xml file (Delete Alarms, import
Alarms_with_filter.xml file and enable imported Alarms).

Importing Criteria Templates

Two criteria templates (Find All TR-069v1 Devices, Find All SNMP Devices) are installed by
default on HDM. Dont delete these two criteria templates.

Criteria Templates in HDM Adaptation Kit:

1. Find Devices By Location
2. Find Devices By Cluster ID
3. Find Devices Within List
4. Find All Small Cell Devices
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

5. Find Small Cell Devices By Alarm Management

6. Find Small Cell Devices By Cluster ID
7. Find Small Cell Devices Without Service Tag Inside Last Contact Time
8. Find Small Cell Devices By FM Expiration Date
9. Find Small Cell Devices By IMSEI In Guest
10. Find Small Cell Devices By IMSEI In Owner
11. Find Small Cell Devices By Performance Attribute
12. Find Small Cell Devices By RFTrace Attribute
13. Find Small Cell Devices By Serial Number
14. Find Small Cell Devices By Service Tag
15. Find Small Cell Devices By Service Tag and Software Version
16. Find Small Cell Devices By Software Version
17. Find Small Cell Devices in a Cluster with Software Version Lower Than
18. Find Small Cell Devices in a Cluster with Software Version Lower Than
Between Contact Time
19. Find Small Cell Devices Out Of The Last Contact Time Interval
20. Find Small Cell Devices Without Service Tag
21. Find Small Cell Devices By BsrGroupId
22. Find Small Cell Devices Within List
23. Find Small Cell Devices With Realtime SCN
Step-by-step importing criteria templates:

8 Log on HDM Management Console. For HDM 4.1, if multi domain support is
enabled, select super-domain in the domain input.

9 Go to Welcome tab.

10 On the System Settings, click on the Manage Device Selection Criteria.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 27 - Manage Device Selection Criteria

11 In the following window, click on the browse button to select criteria

templates. Check criterias directory delivered within the HDM Adaptation
Kit release. For HDM 3.1 use criterias_for_hdm3.1 folder and for HDM 4.1.x
use criterias_for_hdm4.1 folder)

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 28 - Upload Criteria Templates

12 Select one by one and click on the Upload button. After that you will see all
criteria templates are on the list.

Figure 29 - Uploaded Criteria Templates

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

13 Click on the close button.

14 Browse Devices tab. These Criteria Templates are shown on the Search
Profile list.

Figure 30 - Search Profile

Importing The Custom Functions

Importing The Custom Functions from HDM3.1.x/HDM4.1.x GUI

To do this procedure, HDM Custom Function Management GUI license is

needed. Otherwise follow selection: Importing The Custom Functions from
Solaris. Step-by-step importing custom functions:
1 Log on HDM Management Console. For HDM 4.1.x, if multi domain support
is enabled, select super-domain in the domain input.
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

2 Select Manage Custom Functions from Welcome tab.

Figure 31 Manage Custom Functions

3 Select Import.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 32 Importing Custom Functions

4 In the Import Custom Function window, click on the Browse button and
go to the customFunction directory in HDM Adaptation Kit delivery. Select the
customFunction.zip file.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 33 Selecting Custom Functions File

5 Click on the Upload button. Custom Functions will appear in the box.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 34 Uploading Custom Functions

6 The uploaded custom functions will be listed on the result list. Click on the
Close button.

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Figure 35 - Uploaded Custom Functions

7 Now you will be able to see the imported custom functions in the Custom
Functions tab.

Figure 36 - Imported Custom Functions

The custom functions created for BSR Small Cell Management Solution are:
Table 1 - Custom functions

Display Name

JavaScript File

Metadata File

Function Name




initialActivation (1140)




customDownload (1142)




setACLFunction (1116)

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

Bulk Set On
Line Function



bulkSetOnLine (1118)

Factory Reset



customFactoryReset (1124)

Trigger Manual triggerManualAlarmResynch.js triggerManualAlarmResynch.xml triggerManualAlarmResynch

PM Enable



pmEnableAction (1199)

PM Disable



pmDisableAction (1200)

Perform Single




Importing Actions
Some actions need to be defined in HDM to support BSR Femto. These actions
have already constructed but they have to be imported to HDM manually. The
actions in HDM must be backed-up separately. General backup of the HDM
will not include the actions. These actions are:
1. CM Download Action: This action is performed to make BSR Femto
devices, download the configuration files, which are created by FAL from
a specific location.
2. FM Deactivate Action: This action executes a Set Parameter Values
operation which disables the fault notifications.
3. Femto Activation Action: Femto devices have many parameters, which
need to be configured when the devices are activated. This action performs
several functions consecutively and fulfills the initial configuration of BSR
Femto devices.
4. Femto SetACL Action: By the execution of this action, you can update the
femtoACLlist parameter in the Femto BSR devices.
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

5. PM Disable Action: This action disables BSR Femto devices to upload

performance files periodically. By default, collection of PM files is
6. PM Enable Action: By the execution of this action, BSR Femto devices
upload performance files to the file server periodically.
7. RFTrace Disable Action: This action disables Femto devices to upload
RFtrace files periodically. By default, collection of RFtrace files is
8. RFTrace Enable Action: By the execution of this action, Femto devices
upload RFTrace files to the file server periodically.
9. SDF Download Action: This action is performed to make BSR Femto
devices to download software description files, which are created by FAL,
from a specific location.
10. Sync Operational States Action: This action synchronizes Femto devices
operational states in HDM database.
11. Trigger CM File Creation Action: When executed, Femto devices send
an Inform message with a vendor specific event (M
X_001D4C_rebuildDb) and FAL creates the CM file by receiving this
12. Trigger SDF File Creation Action: When executed, Femto devices send
an Inform message with a vendor specific event (M
X_001D4C_upgradeWithMib) and FAL creates the SDF file by receiving
this notification.
Before executing this action, Device.Services.BSR.1.SDM.1.targetSoftwareRelease
parameter must be set manually for target software version.
13. Reboot Action: When executed, a reboot request sent to the femto device.
14. Enable Fault Notification Action: Enables fault notification on Femto by
setting Device.Services.BSR.1.faultNotificationEnabled value to true.
15. Trigger Manual Alarm Synchronization: Calls the Trigger Manual
Alarm Synchronization custom function. When executed, it triggers (set
faultResyncRequired attribute to true) the manual alarm synchronization
with respect to the value of the
Device.Services.BSR.1.faultNotificationEnabled attribute. If fault
notification is not enabled, it gives an error (You need to enable fault
notification first).
16. Perform Single SPV Action: Performs one by one the SPV action.
17. Update Administrative state: Lock/Unlock Femtos.
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

NOTE: Before importing the actions into the HDM, be sure that you have
successfully imported the custom functions. Otherwise, you can get invalid
xml error while importing the actions.
To import the actions mentioned above, perform the following procedures
1 Log on to the HDM management console (For HDM 4.1, if multi domain
support is enabled, select super-domain in the domain input.) and go to the
Actions tab

2 Click on the Import button.

Figure 37 - Importing Actions

3 In the Import Action window, click on the Browse button and go to the
actions directory in HDM Adaptation Kit delivery. Select the
actions/FemtoActions.xml file.

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Figure 38 - Uploading FemtoActions.xml File

4 Click on the Upload button. Actions will appear in the box.

Figure 39 - Uploading Actions

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5 The uploaded actions will be listed on the result list. Click on the Close

Figure 40 - Uploaded Actions

6 Now you will be able to see the imported actions in the Actions tab.

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Figure 41 - Imported Actions

Importing Policies
Some policies need to be defined in HDM to support BSR Femto. These
policies have already constructed but they have to be imported to HDM
manually. The policies in HDM must be backed-up separately. General backup
of the HDM will not include the policies. These policies are:
1. Activate PM File Upload: This is an instant-triggered policy that is
manually started after WMS upgrade and fileserver backup. This policy
calls PM Enable Action action.
2. Activate RFTrace File Upload: This is an instant-triggered policy that is
manually started after WMS upgrade and fileserver backup. This policy
calls RFTrace Enable Action action.
3. Automatic Femto re-sync with HDM: This is an event-triggered policy
whose aim of the re-synchronization is to keep up-to-date the Femto
configuration parameter value in HDM when an update is performed in

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The Adapting HDM to Femto

4. CM Download Policy: Boot, Value Change, Periodic and Connection

Request events trigger this policy. It applies on a specific group of devices.
This group of devices is tagged by FAL after the execution of Trigger CM
File Creation Action. This policy calls CM Download Action action.
5. Deactivate PM File Upload: This is an instant-triggered policy that is
manually started before WMS upgrade and fileserver backup. This policy
calls PM Disable Action action.
6. Deactivate RFTrace File Upload: This is an instant-triggered policy that
is manually started before WMS upgrade and fileserver backup. This
policy calls RFTrace Disable Action action.
7. Femto Activation Policy: This policy is triggered by the event
Activation. It executes predefined Femto Activation Action. All Femto
devices are targeted by this policy.
8. Femto SetACL: This is an instant-triggered policy whose aim to update
femtoACLlist parameter value of the Femto.
9. FM Deactivate: This policy is triggered by periodic informs. Target
devices of this policy are filtered by the Find Devices By FM Expiration
Date criteria template. Devices which have a service tag
FMexpirationDate and as the value of the service tag which have a date
value maximum 7 days past than the current date are targeted by this
policy. It executes FM Deactivate Action action. It sets
FMexpirationDate service tags value to-1 as an exit option on
successful operations.
10. SDF Download Policy: Boot, Value Change, Periodic and Connection
Request events trigger this policy, which applies on a specific group of
devices. This group of devices is tagged by FAL after the execution of
Trigger SDF File Creation Action. This policy executes SDF Download
Action action.
11. Sync Operational States: Reboot event of Femto devices triggers this
policy. It executes predefined Sync operational States Action action.
12. Reboot All Femtos: This is an instant-triggered policy which can be used
for sending a reboot request to all of the femto devices.
13. Reboot All Untouched Femtos: See Rebooting Femtos.
14. Reboot NOK Femtos: See Rebooting Femtos.
15. Reboot Untouched Femtos: See Rebooting Femtos.
16. Update Administrative state Policy: Used by SCMS.
17. Perform Single SPV: Used by SCMS.
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18. Update Administrative state: Used by SCMS; Lock and unlock Femtos
19. Outside Tunnel Femto Activation: This policy is triggered by the event
Activation for outside tunnel Femos.
20. Outside Tunnel Femto Settings: Triggered by outside tunnel Femtos.

NOTE: Before importing the policies, be sure that you have successfully
imported the actions and criteria templates.
To import policies in to the HDM, perform the following procedures step-bystep:
1 Log on to the HDM management console. For HDM 4.1, if multi domain
support is enabled, select super-domain in the domain input.

2 Go to the Policies tab

3 Click on the Import button. Import Policy window will appear.

Figure 42 - Importing Policies

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4 In the Import Policy window click on the browse button and go to policies
directory in HDM Adaptation Kit delivery. Select the
policies/FemtoPolicies.xml file.

Figure 43 - Uploading FemtoPolicies.xml File

5 Click on the Upload button (See Figure 44 - Uploading Policies). Policies

will appear in the box. Close the window.

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Figure 44 - Uploading Policies

Figure 45 - Uploaded Policies

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6 Imported policies can be seen at the Polices tab. If the policies dont appear,
click on the Find Policies button at the top right side of the console.

Figure 46 - Imported Policies

7 Check the boxes near the policies and click on the Enable button at the
bottom left side of the window. Now, the policies are enabled. Select the
following policies to enable:
Femto Activation Policy
Sync Operational States
CM Download Policy
SDF Download Policy
FM Deactivate Policy
Update ACL Policy
Automatic Femto re-sync with HDM
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Update Administrative state Policy

Perform Single SPV Policy
If you are going to use HDM server with outside-tunnel femto (small cell)
CPE devices, enable following polices:
Outside Tunnel Femto Settings
Outside Tunnel Femto Activation Policy

Figure 47 - Enabling Policies

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Figure 48 - Enabled Policies

Setting SCE Parameters

HDM has some configuration parameters, which needs to be updated for the
BSR Femto deployments. These parameters must be set from Server
Configuration Editor. See Figure 49 - SCE Console.
SCE (Server Configuration Editor) URL = http://<Public HDM Server

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Figure 49 - SCE Console

Update following SCE parameter values as in the table, if the parameter does
not exist in SCE, create it.
Table 2 - SCE Parameters for Femto Support

Parameter Name



HDM Adaptation Kit



true (default is false)




false (default is true)


false (default is true)


false (default is true)





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false (default is true)


true (default is false)


true (default is true)


true (default is true)


3600 (default is 43200)


1000 (default is 500)

If you are going to use HDM server with outside-tunnel femto (small cell)
devices, update/add the following SCE parameters (if not, make sure
following parameters are setted to their default values):
Parameter Name



true (default is true)


300 (default is 3600)

Optionally you can make the following changes on SCE.

Parameter Name






Step-by-step updating SCE parameters

1 Go to SCE (Server Configuration Editor) Console. Check HDM 3.1/4.1
Deployment Guide for more information [R2].

2 Select the Global Configuration view.

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3 Find all parameters given above on the list and click on variable name to
update their values. See Figure 50 - Update SCE Variable.

4 If you cant find a parameter on the list, click on the New button and add the

5 On the following window, update values according to the Table 2 - SCE

Parameters for Femto Support.

6 Then click on the OK button to save changes.

Figure 50 - Update SCE Variable

Assignment Of The nbi_alarm_mgr Role To The nbi_user

The global alarm synchronization is based on HDM NBI web service calls. To
use this service, the NBI user needs to be assigned the NBI_ALARM_MGR
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The Adapting HDM to Femto

role. How to assign this role to the NBI_USER, please refer to section
Assignment of the NBI_ALARM_MGR role to the NBI user.

Defining Alarms
In order HDM to handle alarms generated by the BSR, alarms should be
defined on HDM. For defining the alarms please refer to section Alarms.

Defining Reports
In order to view built-in and custom reports, HDM Reporting Module should
be installed and these reports should be defined in HDM. For defining the
custom reports and built-in reports please refer to section Reports.

Defining HDM Dashboard Alarm XML

In order to setup the interface status alarm configuration, HDM Dashboard
Module should be installed and for defining the alarm counter please refer to
section HDM Dashboard.

Defining Jobs
In order HDM to clean unused policies and actions created by FAL, a
periodically executed job should be defined on HDM. For defining the jobs
please refer to section Jobs.

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Part IV: Upgrading HDM

Adaptation Kit to SCMS4.3

This section describes how to upgrade HDM adaptation Kit from

SCMS3.0/SCMS4.0/SCMS4.1 to SCMS4.3 without affecting any existing

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Prerequisites for HDM3.1/HDM4.1.x

A5580 HDM 3.1/HDM 4.1.x should be installed to your system. Please refer to
[R1] for this purpose.
HDM adaptation kit must be applied to HDM 3.1/HDM 4.1.x.
Ensure that there is no registered femto device in HDM.

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Upgrade Procedure

This section describes the upgrade procedure. If you follow this procedure,
your devices will be protected in the HDM. However, you will lose the
statistical data about policies (like Results Summary).

Deleting Actions and Policies

While deleting the policies and actions make sure only the policies and actions
that were installed with HDM Adaptation Kit are selected. If you have user
created policies, dont use the select all box on top of the list. Delete process is
permanent and there is no way to undelete.
1 Be sure that HDM 3.1.x/HDM 4.1.x correctly installed.

2 Go to the Policies tab.

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 51 - Existing Policies in SCMS

3 Select the policies that were delivered with HDM Adaptation Kit. Then click
on the Delete button.
List of policies that were delivered with HDM Adaptation Kit:

Activate PM File Upload

Activate RFTrace File Upload

Automatic Femto re-sync with HDM

CM Download Policy

Deactivate PM File Upload

Deactivate RFTrace File Upload

Femto Activation Policy

Femto SetACL

FM Deactivate Policy

Reboot All Femtos

Reboot All Untouched Femtos

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Reboot NOK Femtos

Reboot Untouched Femtos

SDF Download Policy

Sync Operational States Policy

Outside Tunnel Femto Activation

Outside Tunnel Femto Settings

Update ACL Policy

Update Administrative state Policy

Perform Single SPV Policy

Figure 52 - Deleting Existing Policies

4 Go to the Actions tab.

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 53 - Existing Actions in FMS 2.2

5 Select the actions that were delivered with HDM Adaptation Kit. Click on the
Delete button.
List of actions that were delivered with HDM Adaptation Kit:

CM Download Action

Enable Fault Notification Action

FM Deactivate Action

Femto Activation Action

Femto SetACL Action

PM Disable Action

PM Enable Action

RFTrace Disable Action

RFTrace Enable Action

Reboot Action

SDF Download Action

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Sync Operational States Action

Trigger CM File Creation Action

Trigger Manual Alarm Synchronization

Trigger SDF File Creation Action

Outside Tunnel Femto Activation Action

Update ACL Action

Update Administrative state Action

Perform Single SPV Action

Figure 54 - Deleting Actions

Deleting Criteria Templates

Two criteria templates (Find All TR-069v1 Devices, Find All SNMP Devices) are installed by
default on HDM. Dont delete these two criteria templates.
Apply the following steps to delete Criteria Templates.
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Upgrade Procedure

1 On the Welcome tab, click Manage Device Selection Criteria.

2 In the Criteria Manager, select the check box next to the criteria template to
To delete multiple criteria templates at once, select the check boxes next to the
templates to delete. To delete all criteria templates, select the check box in the
header area of the Manage Criteria table. You should check boxes near the
criteria templates included in HDM Adaptation Kit.

3 Click Delete.
The selected criteria template is deleted. If multiple criteria templates were
chosen, all selected templates are deleted.

4 Click Close to exit.

Upgrading the DeviceTypes

1 Add the new device type (for SCMS 4.1) included in HDM adaptation kit
delivery. Please refer to section ADDING DEVICE TYPE BASED ON

2 Preserve existing SCMS 4.1 device type definitions.

3 Delete existing SCMS 4.1 device type definitions from HDM.

Upgrading via Bundle package for HDM 4.1.x

If exist delete all alarms: Deleting Alarm Definitions and perform only the step 13 from selection Upgrading Custom Functions. Import criteria templates, Custom
Functions, Actions, Policies and Alarms by applying the section Importing
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Upgrade Procedure

Criteria Templates, Actions, Policies, Alarms and Custom Functions via Bundle
for HDM 4.0. Follow below selections without import any items.

Upgrading Criteria Templates

Caution: If bundle package imported successfully, please ignore these steps.
Import all criteria templates included in HDM Adaptation Kit by applying the
section Importing Criteria Templates.

Upgrading Custom Functions

Caution: If bundle package imported successfully, please ignore these steps.
Upgrading Custom Functions for HDM3.1.x/HDM4.1.x

Delete existing HDM Adaptation Kit Custom Functions by applying these


1 Log on HDM Management Console.

2 Select Manage Custom Functions from Welcome tab.

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 55 Manage Custom Functions

3 Select the custom functions that came with HDM Adaptation Kit (ones with
Function Code higher than 1000) and click on Delete

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 56 Deleting Custom Functions

Please apply section Importing The Custom Functions to import all custom


Upgrading Actions
Caution: If bundle package imported successfully, please ignore these steps.
Please apply section Importing Actions to upgrade actions in HDM Adaptation

Upgrading Policies
Caution: If bundle package imported successfully, only perform step 7 @
Importing Policies

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Upgrade Procedure

Please apply section Importing Policies to upgrade policies in HDM

Adaptation Kit.

Upgrading Alarms
Caution: If bundle package imported successfully, only perform step 8 @
Adding Alarm Definitions.
You should first delete all alarm definitions as described in Deleting Alarm
Definitions section and then re-create new alarm definitions as described in
Adding Alarm Definitions section.

Upgrading Reports
If HDM Reporting Module is installed, you should first delete all reports as
described in Deleting Reports section and then import new reports as described
in Importing Reports section. If HDM Reporting Module is not installed, skip
this section.

Upgrading SCE Parameters

Update/add SCE parameters by applying the section Setting SCE Parameters.

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Part V: Removing the HDM

Adaptation Kit

This section describes how to remove HDM Adaptation Kit. Since there are
dependencies between the objects, the order of the removal process is
important. For example, policies are dependent to actions. You cannot remove
an action if you dont remove the policies first which depends to it.
The step-by-step procedure for removing the layer:
1 Removing the device
1. Go to the Devices tab
2. Check the boxes near the device records that belong to the Femto BSR.
3. Click on the Delete button.
4. If the device cannot be removed, disable first and retry the procedure.
2 Removing the policies:
1. Go to the Policies tab
2. Check the boxes near the policy records that youve imported for Femto
BSR management.
3. Click on the Delete button.
3 Removing the actions:
1. Go to the Actions tab
2. Check the boxes near the action records that youve imported for Femto
BSR management.
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Upgrade Procedure

3. Click on the Delete button.

4 Removing the custom functions:
Custom functions could not be removed in HDM 3.1/HDM 4.x.x if they are
used in Actions or executed on any device. You should not delete custom
5 Removing criteria templates:
1. Go to the Welcome tab of the HDM Management Console
2. Select Manage Device Selection Criteria
3. Select the criteria templates that you imported before (which are included
in HDM Adaptation Kit).
4. Click on the Delete button
6 Removing the firmware images if exist:
1. Go to the Firmware tab.
2. Check the box near the firmware images that is created for Femto BSR.
3. Click on the Delete button.
7 Removing device type xml:
1. Go to the Device Types tab.
2. Check the box near the device type record that you want to remove.
3. Click on the Delete button.
8 Default values for SCE Parameters:
1. Go to the SCE console (http://<HDM IP>:<PUBLIC SERVER
2. Set the following parameters to their default values:

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Upgrade Procedure

Table 3 - Default values for SCE parameters

Parameter Name

Default Value





























*Null values are not accepted in SCE; enter a space character ( ) for empty fields.

9 Removing the alarms

1. Go to the Alarms tab
2. Select the alarms that you want to remove
3. Click on the Delete button
10 Removing the reports
Refer to section Deleting Reports.

11 Removing the jobs

Refer to section Deleting Jobs.

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Upgrade Procedure

After you perform the steps mentioned above, whole HDM adaptation layer
will be removed from HDM.

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Part VI: Adding Device

Type Based on Software

You can add software version of your device type for SCMS 4.1. Then you
should select one of the device type models as default device type model.
Hereafter when a Femto device comes to HDM to be registered; if any device
type model that have the same software version with the incoming Femto
device is created before, the device is going to be registered with that device
type model(not with the default model). If any device type model (that have the
same software version with incoming device) is not created before, then
incoming device will be registered with the default device type model.
For example, if you select an SCMS 4.1 device type model as the default
device type, all devices will be registered with that device type model unless a
device type model is not created with the same software version with the
incoming device.
You must repeat all of the steps below for both Femto and Femto_2 device
types with both devicemodel.xml and devicemodel_2.xml files
Step-by-step adding device type based on software version:
1 Add Manufacturer, OUI, Product Class and softwareVersion tags of
your device type into device type attribute file if not exists. See selection
Defining The Device Type.

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Upgrade Procedure

2 Click Device Types tab. Then click on the Manage button of the device
type which you want to add based on software version. See Figure 57 Selecting Device Type.

Figure 57 - Selecting Device Type

3 Click Browse button. Select device type attribute file. See Figure 58 Selecting XML File

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Figure 58 - Selecting XML File

4 Click Add button. See Figure 59 - Adding XML file

Figure 59 - Adding XML file

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Upgrade Procedure

5 Software version of device type is added to the list. See Figure 60 - Device
Types (Based On Software Version) List.

Figure 60 - Device Types (Based On Software Version) List

6 If needed, modify the default device type.

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 61 Setting Default Device Type

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Part VII: Assignment of the

the NBI User

NBI user needs to be assigned to NBI_ALARM_MGR role to use

getActiveAlarms() and getActiveAlarmsCount(). Check whether this role is

1 Log on web logic server console. See Figure 62 - Logon Form.

Figure 62 - Logon Form

2 After logging on to the weblogic server you will be on the main page. Click on
Security Realms link. See Figure 63 - Security Realms.

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 63 - Security Realms

3 On opened page click on myrealms link. See Figure 64 - Realms.

Figure 64 - Realms

4 Go to the Roles and Policies tab. Then click Global Roles link. See Figure
65 - Global Roles.

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 65 - Global Roles

5 Click Roles link under Global Roles. See Figure 66 - Roles.

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Upgrade Procedure

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 66 - Roles

6 Find NBI_ALARM_MGR from the list. Then click View Role Conditions.
See Figure 67 - Selecting NBI_ALARM_MGR.

Figure 67 - Selecting NBI_ALARM_MGR

7 You should see HDM_NBI_Manager group in Role Conditions.

Figure 68 - Check HDM_NBI_Manager group

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Upgrade Procedure

8 If HDM_NBI_Manager group does not exist, do the following after clicking

Add Conditions button.

9 Select Predicate List. Then click on Next button. See Figure 69 - Selecting
Predicate List.

Figure 69 - Selecting Predicate List

10 Enter HDM_NBI_Manager and press Add button. Iterate this step for each
group you want to add. See Figure 70 - Adding Group.

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 70 - Adding Group

11 After adding group or groups to condition press Finish button. See Figure 71
- Finishing Process.

Figure 71 - Finishing Process

12 HDM_NBI_Manager group is assigned.

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Upgrade Procedure

Figure 72 - Process finished

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Part VIII: Alarms

Set nbi.notification.alarm.send.Alarm parameter to true in SCE to be able to

send alarm notifications. See section Setting SCE Parameters.

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Adding Alarm

Adding Alarm Definitions for HDM3.1, HDM 4.1.x

Step-by-step importing alarm definitions:
1 Log on HDM Management Console. For HDM 4.1.x, if multi domain support
is enabled, select super-domain in the domain input.

2 Select Define Alarms from Welcome tab.

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Adding Alarm Definitions

Figure 73 Define Alarms

3 Select Import.

Figure 74 Importing Alarms

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Adding Alarm Definitions

4 In the Import Alarm Definition window, click on the Browse button and
go to the Alarms directory in HDM Adaptation Kit delivery. There are two
different Alarm dictionaries: Alarms.xml and Alarms_with_filter.xml. The
Alarms.xml filter has no any applied filtering. Whreas by the
Alarms_with_filter.xml filters following paramters in the alarms detail body:







Import the Alarms.xml file for handling with rare (non-filtered) Femto
alarms. Or select the Alarms_with_filter.xml file for using parameter filtering
in the Alarms detail body.

Figure 75 Selecting Alarms File

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Adding Alarm Definitions

5 Click on the Upload button. Alarms will appear in the box(It is normal for
this loading to take some time).

Figure 76 Uploading Alarms

6 The uploaded alarms will be listed on the result list. Click on the Close

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Adding Alarm Definitions

Figure 77 - Uploaded Custom Functions

7 Now you will be able to see the imported alarms in the Alarms tab but they
will be disabled.

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Adding Alarm Definitions

Figure 78 - Imported Alarms

8 Select all the Alarms by clicking the empty box on top of the Alarms List and
select Enable.

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Adding Alarm Definitions

Figure 79 - Selecting Alarms

9 Now you will be able to see all the alarms and they will be enabled.

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Adding Alarm Definitions

Figure 80 Alarms List

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Listing Alarm

Step-by-step listing alarms:

1 Go to Alarms tab. See Figure 81 - Alarms. Click on the column "alarm

name" or 'alarm type" or "perceived severity" to display inserted alarm
In case it is not functional (you are not able to display the alarms), use filtering
(under Show Alarms->Perceived Severity).

Figure 81 - Alarms

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Deleting Alarm

Step-by-step deleting alarms:

1 Go to Alarms tab. See below figure - Deleting Alarm Definitions. Select all
of the HDM Adaptation Kit alarm definitions. Then, click delete button. All
selected alarm definitions should be deleted.

Figure 82 - Deleting Alarm Definitions

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Part IX: Reports

HDM Reporting provides operational reporting capabilities on HDM data.

With HDM Reporting, you can view, print, import and export reports, as well
as manage groups of reports. You can also use it to initiate and monitor ETL
(extract, transform, load) processes used to refresh report data.
The following custom reports are provided with the HDM Adaptation Kit:
1. Number of Femto AP up & running: Provides number of devices with
Device.Services.BSR.1.operationalState and
Device.Services.BSR.1.LCell.1.operationalState parameters set to
2. Number of Femto AP Up with radio transmission OFF: Provides number of
devices with Device.Services.BSR.1.operationalState parameter
enabled and Device.Services.BSR.1.LCell.1.operationalState
parameter disabled
3. Number of customers authorized declared (access control): Provides the
number of devices with user setted service tag of femtoACLList
4. GPS Report: Provides list of devices with their GPS data details.
5. Carrier Report: Provides list of devices with their carrier related data
6. Femto List Report: List offline/online Femtos.
7. QUIProductClass: Provides number of devices of OUI and Product Class.
The following built-in reports are provided with since HDM 3.1 Reporting
8. Contact Failure. Identifies devices that have not contacted Home Device
Manager within a specified period. Optionally, you can specify a device
type as a parameter for the report.
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Deleting Alarm Definitions

9. Detailed CPE Summary. Provides a summary of the number of activated

devices and total device count, broken out by software version. The report
also shows the last contact time interval in four ranges: less than one day,
one day to one week, one week to one month, and more than one month.
10. Detailed Device History. Summarizes historical data for a specific device.
11. Detailed Device Status. Summarizes devices based on last contact time.
12. General CPE Summary. Provides a summary of the number of activated
devices and total device count.
13. Policy Inventory Status. Lists enabled policies by date. Both eventtriggered and instant-triggered policies are listed.
14. Policy Summary. Provides the current status of a specific policy.
15. Device Alarm History Summary. Provides a summary of device alarms
listed by alarm type.
16. Device Alarm History Details. Provides a view of details about device
alarms raised.
17. Device Alarm Status Summary. Provides a summary of the status of device
alarms in the system, categorized by alarm type.
18. Device Alarm Status Details. Provides details of the status of device alarms
in the system, categorized by alarm type.
You can log on to the HDM Reporting Console as reportsmgr (default
password: password) or netopmgr using the following URLs:

http://<HDM SERVER IP>:<PUBLIC SERVER PORT>/report-console/

or for secure access:

https://<HDM SERVER IP>:<PUBLIC SERVER SSL PORT>/reportconsole/

PUBLIC SERVER PORT is the clear (non-SSL) port of the Managed Server.
PUBLIC SERVER SSL PORT is the secure (SSL) port of the Managed Server.
If you cannot see the login page or welcome page when you entered the above
URLs, be sure that HDM Reporting Module is installed on the server.

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Adding Report Groups


Report groups are categories of reports which may be added or deleted. As the
number of reports in the system grows over time, it is convenient to have
report groups to ease navigation.
Add the following three groups by applying the following steps.
Groups to add:
1. Device Reports
2. Policy Reports
3. Device Alarm Reports
To add a report group
1. Log on to HDM Reporting Console.
2. From the Manage tab, click Manage Groups.
3. The Manage Report Groups dialog box is displayed.
4. In the Group Name field, type the name of the new report group.
5. Click Add.
6. The report group is added.
7. When you are finished adding report groups, click Close.

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Importing Reports

A report to be imported consists of a .zip format file containing:

A .rptdesign file (a report definition XML document)

A .properties file (localizable strings in Java properties file format)

Apply the following steps for all of the custom reports in HDM Adaptation Kit.
You can also import the built-in reports provided with the reporting module.
2 Log on to HDM Reporting Console.

3 From the Manage tab, click Import. The Import Report dialog box is displayed.

4 Click the Browse button next to the Report .zip file field. The Choose file
dialog box is displayed.

5 Navigate to and select the .zip file for the report to be imported, and then click

6 Optionally, from the Select a group for the report list, click a report group
under which to put the new report. If no report groups have been created, this
list is not activated.

7 In the Report Name field, type a name for the report.

8 Optionally, in the Description field, type a description of the report.

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Importing Reports

9 Click Import.
The report is imported. If the report name does not appear immediately in the
list on the Manage page, check to see if the report group with which it is
associated is selected in the Show Group list, and select it if it is not.

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Exporting Report .zip


Apply the following steps to export a reports .zip file.

1 Log on to HDM Reporting Console.

2 From the Manage tab, select the report group from the Show Group list that
contains the report to export.

3 Find the report name in the list, and click Download in the same row. The File
Download dialog box is displayed.

4 Click Save. The Save As dialog box is displayed.

5 Navigate to the directory in which to save the report .zip file, and click Save.
The report .zip file is saved.

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Deleting Reports

Apply the following steps to delete a report.

6 From the Manage tab, select the report group from the Show Group list that
contains the report to delete.

7 Find the report name in the list, and select the corresponding check box at the
beginning of the same row. To delete multiple reports at once, select multiple
check boxes. To delete all reports, select the check box in the header of the
reports list.

8 Click Delete.

9 In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

The report is deleted.

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Command Line Report Script

Command Line Report


See the Using the command-line report generation utility selection in the

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Part X: PKI Server Script


Find PKI server installation instructions in 3MN-01516-0624-RJZZA 5580 HDM Light

Installation Guide - Installation Method for SCMS on Solaris.

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Command Line Report Script

Part XI: Dashboard Alarm

Configuration (Optional)

Dashboard Console is a web-based application that enables users to monitor

health metrics on systems that use JMX datasources, such as individual
Managed Servers as well as the entire Cluster. Monitoring results are stored in
a relational database that handles time-series data, from which Dashboard
Console generates graphs. The graphs, whose data you can export, show views
of Managed Server and cluster health data over the past hour, day, or week
from JDBC, Northbound Interface (NBI), Southbound Interface (SBI), and
server-related sources. With Dashboard Console, HDMs interface health setup
should proceed as follows:
1 Log on to Login to HDM Dashboard. HDM Dashboard URL: http://<Server

2 In the Configuration section, click the on Manage Configuration and

download HDM Dashboard configure XML file.

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Command Line Report Script

3 Edit the dashboad-config.xml and change change the target parameter on the
line below from server to cluster
<datasource name="osDataSource"
4 First, to set the warning threshold value, make sure that all required interfaces
are in UP and RUNNING state. Then, execute below command in the HDM
server to find threshold value:
# /sbin/ifconfig a | grep UP| grep RUNNING | wc l | awk '{print expr $1*3}'
The warning threshold value should be:
warning threshold value = <output> - 1 = 9 1 = 8
and set the critical threshold value set as follows,
critical threshold value = <warning threshold value> 1 =8 - 1= 7
Please note that, you have to update the warning threshold value, if the
intended UP and RUNNING interface number has changed. Also you can
find this command in the dashboard folder. Also, if needed please look at the
command examples selection below, for other counter commands.

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Command Line Report Script

5 Append the following osDataSource counter reachable.device.count with

updated waringThreshold (2) value near to Osdatasourcecounters field:
<counter datasource="osDataSource" name="reachable.device.count"
displayName="Reachable Device Count" unit="interfaces up"
aggregationType="gauge" enableAlarm="true" cluster="true"
warningThreshold="8" criticalThreshold = "7" ><property name="bash"
value="/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep UP| grep RUNNING | wc l | awk '{print
expr $1*3}'"/></counter>
6 Finally, append the counter parameter to display of dashboard under following
XML tag:

<displayInfo context="system">
<group displayName="OS Counters">
<counter name="os.committed.virtual.memory"
<counter name="os.free.physical.memory"/>
<counter name="os.total.physical.memory"/>
<counter name="os.free.swap.space"/>
<counter name="os.total.swap.space"/>
<counter name="os.max.file.descriptor"/>
<counter name="os.open.file.descriptor" summary="true"/>
<counter name="os.process.cpu.time" summary="true"/>
<counter name="reachable.device.count"/>

7 Save the dashboard-config.xml file, upload this configuration file to HDM


Script Examples:

To monitor only the south bound interface status:

/sbin/ifconfig bge1|grep RUNNING| grep UP |wc -l|awk '{print

expr $1*3}'
where bge1 is the south bound interface and 3 is alarm trigger value.

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Command Line Report Script

Part XII: Jobs

During the resynchronization of the HDM, WMS and the Femto itself, an
action and a policy is created in HDM with a name like nbi bulk operation
00000123-3167-5DF7-3167-5D8EAC1D0295. These actions and policies are
seen in the GUI and they are not used anymore. So, a cleanup script is created
to delete these unused actions and policies.

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Creating Jobs

1 From the HDM Adaptation Kit directory, copy the

delete_nbi_generated_actions_and_policies.sql file (located in the
hdmadaptation/jobs/ directory) into a temporary directory on the
Administration Server host.

2 Use SQL*Plus to complete the following steps:

1. Log in to the database instance:
sqlplus hdm_dbuser/password@net_service_name

hdm_dbuser is the user name for the HDM OLTP Schema Owner
password is the password for the HDM OLTP Schema Owner account.
net_service_name is the net service name of the database instance.
2. To run the script, type:
SQL> @<path-to-the-script>/bulkSetOnLine_actionpolicy_cleanup.sql

3. The script should be executed successfully without an error:

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Commit complete.

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Listing Jobs

The following procedure is not required during creation. You can do the
following test if you want to list the jobs after creating it.

1 Use SQL*Plus to complete the following steps:

1. Log in to the database instance:
sqlplus system/password@net_service_name

system is the system user (not required to login as sysdba).
password is the password for the system user.
net_service_name is the net service name of the database instance.
2. To run the script, type:
sqlplus>select interval,what from dba_jobs;
You can see the list of jobs.
The created HDM Adaptation Kit job should be seen as :
interval : TRUNC(SYSDATE+1)+3/24
what :
CURSOR csr_pol
SELECT p.ID, p.policyactionid

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Deleting Jobs

Please follow the procedures below to delete HDM Adaptation Kit jobs. Be
careful not to delete other db jobs.

1 Use SQL*Plus to complete the following steps:

1. Log in to the database instance with the system user:
sqlplus system/password@net_service_name

ex : sqlplus system/hdmdb@HDMDB
password is the password for the system user.
net_service_name is the net service name of the database instance.
2. To get the job number, run the following script, type:
SQL>select job,what from dba_jobs;
CURSOR csr_pol
SELECT p.ID, p.policyactionid

In the what column of the result; HDM Adaptation Kit job starts with
DECLARE CURSOR. So, in the above example, 83 is the job number of
HDM Adaptation Kit job, but it can be a different number in your
environment. You can see more than one jobs as the result of this query. You
should select the HDM Adaptation Kit job id carefully.
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Deleting Jobs

3. Exit sqlplus

4. Log in to the database instance again with HDM OLTP Schema Owner
account :
sqlplus hdm_dbuser/password@net_service_name

hdm_dbuser is the user name for the HDM OLTP Schema Owner
password is the password for the HDM OLTP Schema Owner account.
net_service_name is the net service name of the database instance.
5. To delete the job, execute the following script, type:
SQL> execute


Ex: execute dbms_job.remove('83');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.

The job is deleted.

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Part XIII: User Tips

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Usage of Actions

This section explains some of the scenarios and usage of parameters used in
the actions.

Setting PM File Transfer Time

PM file transfer time parameter on the Femto is set during the initial activation,
CM download operation and SDF download operation. For these scenarios,
Femto Activation Action, Custom Download Action and SDF Download
Action are used. The parameter Device.Services.BSR.1.PM.1.transferTime
is set to a time which is randomly generated in these actions. The random
generation operation needs two parameters which are passed to the actions as
in the following figure:

Figure 83 - PM file transfer time window

The first parameter is the start-time, and the second parameter is the end-time
for the PM file transfer time window. The randomly generated PM file transfer
time value is generated between the given start-time and the end-time.
If you select: start hour = 02:00 and end hour = 06:00, then
Device.Services.BSR.1.PM.1.transferTime can be selected as 02:00, 03:00,
04:00, 05:00 or 06:00.
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Usage of Actions

Unless the actions are modified the default values for the start-hour and endhour are 02:00 and 06:00.

Rebooting Femtos
There are some policies in the HDM Adaptation Kit which can be used for
rebooting Femtos and they run the Reboot Action. Reboot Action is an
action which is just calling the primitive reboot function.

If you want to reboot all of the Femtos, you can use Reboot All policy.

If you execute Reboot All policy then, all successfully rebooted Femtos
will have a service tag REBOOT with a value of OK while all nonrebooted Femtos will have the same service tag with the value NOK.

If you want to run the Reboot Action on Femtos on which it is never be

executed (successfully or unsuccessfully), you can use Reboot All
Untouched Femtos policy. This policy executes the Reboot Action
action on the Femtos which havent got a service tag REBOOT. After the
execution, the policy puts the service tag with the value OK or NOT
with respect to the policy execution result.

If you want to run the Reboot Action on Femtos which are failed to
reboot by one of the reboot policies, you can use Reboot NOK Femtos
policy. This policy executes the Reboot Action on Femtos which have a
service tag REBOOT with the value NOT, and updates the REBOOT
service tag value with respect to the policy execution result.

If you want to reboot the Femtos on which any of the reboot policies didnt
executed and have a last contact time inside a specific time interval, you
can use Reboot Untouched Femtos policy. This policy is a bit different
than Reboot All Untouched Femtos policy. It is targeting devices which
havent got a REBOOT service tag and have a last contact time between
two time parameters that you can define.

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Part XIV: Terminology

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Auto Configuration Server


Base Station Router


Configuration Management


Fault Management


A5580 Home Device Manager


Northbound Interface


Performance Management


Server Configuration Editor


Software Description File

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ISSUE 01/ EN August 2013

Alcatel-Lucent Confidential


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