Jan 2 2016 Bulletin

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Crisis in Heaven


Memory Text: Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the

Throne, and to the Lamb (Revelation 7:10).

1. Inviting ALL to an Hour of Power, Bible

Studies and testimonies every
Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m.

Superintendent: Alonso Lopez


2. Pathfinders Club meeting resume on

January 10, 2016

Praise & Worship

Hymn of Praise.. He lives.... No. 251
Congregational Prayer.........Clara Baptiste
This week we will be praying for the Bermuda
Conference,Commitment to Daily Bible Study and
Prayer, Teachers and Students
Next week: Greater NY and NY Conferences, Golovenko
Family,Unity among members, Leadership Team

Childrens Story..
Offering...Local Church Budget........Edwin Onyango
ScriptureGenesis 2:15-25...Sylvia Reeve
Special Music... Alisha Sealy

Elder Kirmane Allen

It begins with me
Hymn of Consecration..Just as I am No. 313
Benediction.... Bob Reeve

Sunset Today: 5:01 p.m. Next Friday: 5:07 p.m.

Next Weeks Offering Ontario Advance
Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to [email protected]

3. Youth Bible Study Group on

Thursdays 7 pm will resume after the
holidays in January 2016.
4. Early Teens Bible Study Group
for youth ages 11-14 will resume
next year, after holidays, starting
January 2016. Teens will continue
using Amazing Facts curriculum
Most Important Questions.


January 9 at 6:30
PM at the church.
Please come and
fellowship, share
memories and
refreshments as we
bid fond farewell to
the Golovenko
family, they shared their lives and ministry with us for
eleven years. It is the desire of the Leadership Team to
involve the church in blessing the family with a monetary
gift, please give as you are able to either in an envelope
marked "Golovenko," or directly to the Treasurer Edwin
Onyango no later that the morning of January 9.

8. Pastor James Rooney and his

family will be installed as our new
pastoral family on January 23
during the Worship Hour, a getacquainted Fellowship Potluck will

5. Church Directory: The Church Directory is being

updated once again. If you have made changes to your
contact information (address, phone, email) or if you
would like your information to be included please let me
know. Please email me at [email protected] The
printed copy will be distributed January 9
6. January 9, 2016 Pastor Alex Golovenko
will preach his farewell sermon as he
transitions to Pastor Windsor Seventh-day
Adventist community of churches.

9. Students are invited to register for the ACF (Adventist

Campus Fellowship) retreat at Camp Frenda. This is
a great opportunity for college and university students
attending public schools to connect with other students
and learn creative ways to witness to others. The cost is
$99 per person and the registration deadline is January
29, 2016. Dr. Allan Walshe from Andrews Theological
Seminary will speak on topics of discipleship and
spiritual growth.

Pastoral Blog

For all officers, incumbent and newly elected! Ministry Convention is

coming to our Region! February 7 @ Glen Cairn School in London.
Birthday Wishes for January
Jan 1 Mary Tavares
Jan 3 Valdemar Ferreira
Jan 5 Mark-Shane Scale
Jan 5 Sheena Teague
Jan 6 Cathy Wood
Jan 7 Casey Dawson
Jan 7 Barry Beckles
Jan 9 Rico Gultom
Jan 10 Sofia Gaspar
Jan 10 Marilyn Nicotera

Jan 10 Trevor Palmateer

Jan 10 Lilly Somers
Jan 15 Betty Haskell
Jan 15 Anatoli Golovenko
Jan 15 Joel Danquah
Jan 18 Gavin Reid-Kindness
Jan 18 Nolan Reeve
Jan 20 Philomena Danquah
Jan 21 Maria Carreiro
Jan 24 Alisha Sealy

Jan 24 Leonard Mashoko

Jan 19 Ivan Kasule
Jan 27 Pat Thompson
Jan 28 Michael Golovenko
Jan 28 Abiola Olawoore
Jan 28 Rosa Mashoko
Jan 29 Kayhanna Allen
Jan 29 Kayannie Allen
Jan 31 Rita Topper-Orielly

I am writing from Louisville, Kentucky where over 3000 young Adventists and
their parents have come together to consider how those called and chosen are to
be faithful. I was talking to Erik Reid from the North London church during the
break between seminars when a family from Windsor came and greeted me as
their pastor . When I return home from GYC my term as the pastor of London
churches will be officially over and I begin the transition to Windsor, starting there
on January 30. Yet as I listened to the morning devotional led by Taj Pacleb, (a
youth evangelist whom I would strongly recommend to be invited to London for
outreach in the future), I just had to write one more blog .
I am thinking about who we are as the Seventh-day Adventists, and I am
reminded of this statement by Ellen G. White in 1864, soon after our church was
organized The name Seventh-day Adventist carries the true features of our faith in
front, and will convict the inquiring mind. Like an arrow from the Lord's quiver, it will
wound the transgressors of God's law, and will lead to repentance toward God and
faith in our Lord Jesus Christ (Spiritual Gifts vol.4 p.55). Much later she reminded
again with the letter (#110, 1902) We are Seventh-day Adventists. Are we
ashamed of our name? We answer, No, no! We are not. It is the name the Lord has
given us. It points out the truth that is to be the test of the churches....That this may
be, we must look ever to Jesus.
Our Name covers the whole story of humanity from Creation in six days by
God Who invited us to rest in Him to the Advent of Christ in His Glory to re-create
the New heaven and the New Earth! Our name covers our purpose from beginning
to the end, and it communicates our faith in God Who creates miraculously. He did
it at the beginning and He will do it again to end the evil for good. This name may
stand as a rebuke to other protestant movements as it reminds of the Fourth
Commandment as a peculiar sign on those who Worship God on His terms. We
see ourselves as a prophetic movement brought by God into existence for end
times to call believers to Fear God, Give God Glory, and Worship God as one who
Created, because the Hour of His Judgment has come (Revelation 14:6-12).
This is where urgency of my blog is, this is why I feel I must write at least one
more time to the churches where I served: if we do not live up to our name we will
experience identity crisis! If we have the Name but our daily life does not
correspond to the message and purpose it conveys, we have identity crisis! We
cannot carry a name of Sabbath Keepers and continue breaking the Sabbath. We
cannot carry a name of Believers in the Soon Second Coming (Advent) if we are
not going out of the comfort zone to warn the world that it is fallen and there is no
hope outside of God who is Coming to end the Judgment. Do our attitudes show
our reverence to God? Do our interactions between one another show the fear of
God? Do our actions and lifestyle, how we dress, eat, drink, spend money give
Glory to God? Is our Sabbath rest and Three Angels Message preaching evident
and obvious to our children, our co-workers, our neighbours? Do our kids know
where the Three Angels Message is in the Bible?
We are the Seventh-day Adventists! Lets not be ever ashamed or hide this
name! In this world confused about directions, purpose, identity, we have a
message that we exist by the Will of God! (Revelation 4:11) and it must be sounded
loud and clear. Live up and out Our Identity as the Seventh-day Adventists.

Christs servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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