IGC3 - Exam Template

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NEBOSH International General Certificate

in Occupational Health and Safety



Student Name: Anas Shoaib

Student Number: 00301681
Date of Submission: 16/09/2015

IGC3 The Health and Safety Practical Application
Candidate and course provider declarations:
For completion by the candidate:
I declare that the work submitted for this practical application assessment ie. the completed observation sheets
and the report to management, is my own work.
I recognise that contravention of this statement
constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBOSH Malpractice

Name (Print)

Anas Shoaib


16 / 09 / 2015

For completion by a course provider representative (e.g. internal practical assessor):

I declare that the work marked is identical to that received from the candidate. I recognise that contravention of
this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBOSH
Malpractice policy.

Name (Print)
For completion by the course providers internal practical assessor:
I declare that I have marked this work and am both qualified and approved by NEBOSH to do so. I recognise
that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties
set out in the NEBOSH Malpractice policy.

Name (Print)

NB: This declaration must be completed in full, submitted and retained with the
candidates script. If this declaration is not submitted the candidates result may be
declared void.

(2011 specification)

Assessors marking sheet


Date of practical application 16 / 09 / 2015

Name of assessor

Course provider no.


Course provider

Safety First Training

Student number


Student name

Anas Shoaib



Completion of observation sheets


Range and number of hazards/good practice



Identification of suitable control measures and



Report - Introduction and Executive Summary


Introduction providing an overview of the chosen



Executive summary

Report - Main findings of the inspection


Quality of interpretation of findings and clear

references to strengths and weaknesses


Identification of possible breaches of international



Persuasiveness / conciseness / technical content

Report - Conclusions and Recommendations


Clear and concise conclusions which are clearly

related to report findings and are effective in
convincing management to take action



Recommendations which present realistic actions to

improve health and safety in the chosen area





marks awarded

(if different)

Outcome: PASS (60% or more)

Date assessed

REFER (less than 60%)

Assessors signature
Date received by course provider

Date received by NEBOSH

(if applicable)

Assessors additional comments on the practical application:

ASSESSED BY (name in block letters)

The mark sheet must be retained by the Course Provider and sent to NEBOSH only if requested.


NEBOSH Moderators comments:

(2011 specification)

Candidates observation


Sheet number 01

of 01

Student name Anas Shoaib

Student number

Place inspected Wilson Engineering Works.

Date of inspection 16 / 09

Hazards and consequences

Location: Absorption Tower

Control measures



Immediate and longer-term actions

Immediate: Install vibration absorbers

around the columns to make sure
vibrations are minimized.

1 day

Medium: Proper inspection and

maintenance every month to make sure
vibrations dont increase to a harmful

1 month

Long-term: Replace the absorption

tower with the one that has very less
vibrations to get rid of the vibrations and
to ensure safety of all the workers and
smooth running of the process.

3 months

Immediate: Clean the surface as soon as

possible to make sure workers are safe.

3 hours

Medium: Proper maintenance and

cleaning of the floor after every week to
make sure area is free of any impurities.

7 days

Long-term: Provide workers with

proper footwear that will not slip on the
slippery floors.

1 month

Location: Electrical panels

Immediate: Tie the wires so that they

wont be a hindrance in workers path.

2 hours

Hazard: Large amount of

Medium: Route the wires along the wall

7 days

Hazard: An absorption tower

is used to separate out
components of a rising gas with
the use of a falling liquid to
trap the gas. The columns of
absorption tower through which
gas pass are vibrating very
Consequence: The intense
vibrations in the tower can
break the inner walls or even
choke the seals and valves on
the absorption tower, and in
turn can harm the worker that
are working on and around it.
Location: Absorption tower
Hazard: There is chemical
contamination on the floor and
so many workers are working
and walking around the floor.
Consequence: Worker may
slip on the contaminated floor
and may injure themselves.

/ 2015

trailing wires are on the floor in

the panel area.

so that no one will come in contact with


Consequence: Persons
operating the electrical panels
may trip while moving around
in the area.

Long-term: Do underground wiring so

that wires wont be a problem for the
workers and operators that come in
electrical panels area.

3 months

Immediate: Cover the electrical

switches with non-conducting material
properly to avoid contact.

1 day

Medium: Proper supervision and use

non-conducting personal protective
equipment (gloves and clothing) for the
person whos present at the electrical

5 days

Location: Electrical panels
Hazard: There are naked
conducting switches on the
operating area of the electrical
Consequence: Person
operating or worker in the area
could touch those switches
while working and catch
electric shock.
Location: Electrical panels
Hazard: Room is too hot and
there is no room for air to pass
Consequence: Workers will
get exhausted too soon and as
there are electrical equipment
around so room may be a
source for fire.
Location: Processing area
Hazard: Workers are at
awkward height with the
conveyer that has so many
different products coming out
of the plant.
Consequences: Workers
standing at the conveyer may
have back pain and sprained
neck after a while. This could
affect work.
Location: Processing area
Hazard: Workers are manually

1 month
Long-term: Properly insulate all the
switches, install guards to avoid
complete contact.

Immediate: Open the doors for smooth

air flow to allow better ventilation.

15 minutes

Medium: Install 3 fans in the area to get

a better working environment.

7 days

Long-term: Install 2 air conditioning

units to make sure room never gets hot
and electrical equipments life is

2 months

Immediate: Give workers rest brakes

after every hour to make sure they dont
catch pains.

1 hour

Medium: Give the worker proper seats

so that they will work comfortably and
there will be no complain of ill-health.

7 days

Long-term: Adapt the height of the

conveyer according to the workers along
with comfortable seating so that theyll
work safely.

2 months

Immediate: Give workers rest breaks

after every hour to gain the strength.

1 day

handling wood chips required

in cutting them to a
comfortable size to process
them into paper.
Consequences: Workers can
get severe back pain due to
manual handling and may even
leave work after no follow-up
on this problem.
Location: Processing area
Hazard: Refiners clean the
paper in presence of workers
and make sure there are no
impurities in it as paper passes
through the moving machinery.
Consequence: Worker can get
entrapped within two moving
parts of refiners and hurt
Location: Boiler area
Hazard: Workers have to get
on the stair and then on
platform to monitor the
working of boiler and make
sure all the seals, valves and
meters are within the given
Consequence: Worker may
lose balance while working or
monitoring the boiler.
Location: Boiler area
Hazard: Boiler is working
without proper earthing of the
Consequence: Absence of
earthing can cause fire if the
leakage current stays on and
doesnt pass to the ground.

Location: Boiler area
Hazard: Workers are seen

Medium: Manual aids to be provided to

that includes trolleys and gin wheels to
be provided to the workers.

7 days

Long-term: Pellet truck to be provided

so that workers wont have to do the
minimal work, concentrate on the
process and be more productive.

3 months

Immediate: Have a proper supervision

on the workers that work around

2 hours

Medium: Install protective cover to

make sure workers doesnt come in
contact with refiners.

3 days

Long-term: Completely isolate the

refiners, install guards to make sure no
one comes in contact and install sensors
to prevent any damage.

2 months

Immediate: Proper supervision of the

worker and avoid lone working to make
sure he doesnt fall.

1 day

Medium: Make sure workers have

safety harness around them to make sure
falls are avoided.

7 days

1 month
Long-term: Ensure safe systems of
work and install guardrails around the
workplace when worker is working at

Immediate: Make sure to do proper

visual inspection for the cracks of the
electrical cables going connected to

2 hour

Medium: Proper maintenance of boiler

after every 2 weeks to make sure nothing
gets out of control.

2 days

Long-term: Earthing plates installed

with wires attached to it to make sure
accidents are avoided.

14 days

Immediate: Give periodic rest breaks to

the workers.

1 day

distracted while working on the

Consequence: Workers
distraction due to stress could
result in poor performance or
severe results on the boiling
Location: Filtering area
Hazard: PVA and starch are
lying by the side where paper is
being filtered.
Consequence: PVA and starch
in open can cause skin and
inhalation problems to the
workers working in the area.

Location: Filtering area
Hazard: Workers are working
on their own with any
Consequences: Workers may
work on their own without any
guidance and communication
that could affect the filtering of
the paper that is being filtered
at the area.
Location: Warehouse area
Hazard: Vehicles are moving
haphazardly around the
warehouse without any proper
Consequence: Vehicles could
strike the workers and
warehouse staff that are
working. Serious injuries could
Location: Warehouse area

Medium: Proper meetings with senior

people to avoid stress and get back the
lost confidence.

7 days

Long-term: Meetings with manager of

the area to define proper roles and
responsibilities so that there is no
conflict and ensure smooth running.
Immediate: Try to make sure workers
doesnt come into contact with
chemicals where its absolutely needed.
And add periodic rest breaks.

14 days

Medium: Worker should wear gloves

and face-piece respirators to avoid illhealth.

7 days

Long-term: Move those chemicals to

the warehouse where there is proper
storage area. And make sure ppes are
worn when handling these chemicals.

3 months

Immediate: Verbally guide the workers

on how to work on the process and work

2 hours

Medium: Routine visit of the manager

to make sure there is enough supervision
and guidelines for the workers.

7 days

Long-term: Proper training of the

workers that are working in the filtration

1 month

Immediate: Install warning and speed

signs in the area.

1 day

Medium: Train the drivers about the

route and make sure their vehicle is
properly maintained.

7 days

Long-term: Separate the vehicle

walkways so that accidents are avoided

2 months

Immediate: Repair the parts that needs

absolute attention.

1 day

Hazard: Warehouse building is

old and, needs repairing and
Medium: Renovate the structure and do
complete repairs of the warehouse.

1 day

7 days

Consequence: Warehouse
could have a premature
collapse due to old building and
many worker working
underneath may get injured or
some may even die.
Location: Warehouse area
Hazard: First-aid facility was
also absent from area always
filled with workers.
Consequence: In case of any
accident, absence of first-aid
will be horrendous to the
workplace and the worker who
is injured.
Location: Management dept.
Hazard: The lighting in the
management department isnt
proper and there are around 48
people working.
Consequence: Improper
lighting could give glares,
flickers and reflections to the
workers working and busy in
paperwork on DSE or while
type writing.
Location: Management dept.
Hazard: There are 2 small
rooms with total of 48 people
working in both the rooms.
Consequence: Improper
spacing can be very difficult for
a worker to concentrate on the
duties and roles that are
assigned and may affect his/her
Location: Management dept.
Hazard: Some people are seen
having a much different output
than other people where all
have their roles and
responsibilities defined.

Long-term: Make a layout and construct 3 months

the warehouse building again to make
sure there are no causalities.

Immediate: 2 first-aid boxes must be

present inside the warehouse building.

1 day

Medium: A person should be trained as

first-aider and proper equipment must be
provided to the person to preserve life.

7 days

Long-term: A room must be made

properly for emergency first-aid
treatment, with basic facilities provided
in the room.

3 months

Immediate: Make sure all the lights are

working and replace faulty with the new

1 day

Medium: Add more lights to make sure

rooms are properly lit.

5 days

Long-term: Along with addition of

lights, install windows to make sure
natural lighting is introduced into the
rooms where staff is working.

1 month

Immediate: Give them alternate rest

breaks so that minimum people work in
the room at one time.

1 day

Medium: Accommodate workers in the

appended empty room to make them a
little more comfortable.

7 days

Long-term: Construct proper room with

all the facilities required so workers can
work safely and do as required by their

2 months

Immediate: Talk to the employee and

get his confidence up.

1 day

Medium: Do a proper health

surveillance and check if there is
anything that is concerning him/her with

4 days

Consequence: Anxiety,
depression and no recognition
could be factors for the
different output of different
people with same workload.
Location: Drying section

Long-term: Have proper meetings with

the person to inquire about his concerns
about poor output in work and how to
make it better in terms of workload and
balance of it.

1 month

Immediate: Dont wear long clothing or

hanging jewelry near the parent reel.

1 day

Hazard: Parent reel makes sure

paper comes out of the drying
Medium: Wear proper ppe (clothing and
section smoothly and no
gloves) to make sure no part comes into
irregularity is identified.
contact with parent reel and work is done
Consequence: Parent reel in
the drying section has a
Long-term: Install automatic guards to
machine that works to make
make sure when hand or any clothing
sure paper may be rolled
comes into the vicinity of the parent reel,
smoothly onto it so any person drying section stops.
standing near it may get his
clothes entangled and stop the
whole processing.
Location: Drying section
Immediate: Proper supervision of the
place and make sure workers stay at a
Hazard: Starch, latex and
distance when drying is in process.
kaolin are present in the size
press to make sure paper is
Medium: Make sure workers wear
added and completely dried
proper fat-piece respirators and gloves
after coming out of the dryer.
while working.
Consequence: Starch, latex
and other materials may come
out of their compartments and
can injure workers skin or even
eyes. This impact of ejection of
materials can be harmful.
Location: Drying section
Hazard: While starting the
dryer the operator has to shear
in the starter. The machine then
starts and drying is done.
Consequence: While shearing
in, operator may hurt his hand
against the body of the dryer.
Location: Drying section
Hazard: While the paper
moves in between the rollers,
parent reel and press section

7 days

3 months

1 day

7 days

Long-term: Install guards on the size

press and press section so that there is
impact with the materials of the drying

3 months

Immediate: Make sure there is speed

defined for the operator with which he
has to move the starter of dryer machine.

1 day

Medium: Provide operator with proper

gloves so that all the type of injuries are

7 days

Long-term: Replace the shear in starter

with push button to make sure all the
equipment, cost and operator are saved.

3 months

Immediate: Reduce the speed of the

dryer to a controllable limit and not
enough to slow down production or not
fast to catch fire.

1 day

there is friction in between the

rollers as the speed is very

Medium: Add a stream of small amount

of lubricator to the rollers so that rollers
wont stuck at all.

7 days

Consequence: The high

amount of friction can result in
sparks and cause fire as paper is
just a fuel and oxygen is
already present in the air.
Location: Maintenance dept.

Long-term: Add a water streamer in the

press section so that paper is always wet
before leaving the press section and then
enters the material adding and dryer but
there are no further rollers involved.

2 months

Immediate: Make alternate timings for

the workers that use the washing

1 day

Hazard: The maintenance staff

has to use the common washing
facilities all the time.
Medium: Make some temporary
washing facilities in the maintenance
Consequence: The
room to reduce the overload.
maintenance staff will have to
wait for others to use the
Long-term: Make a complete separate
facilities and that will affect
washing facility for the workers to make
their work.
sure there is smooth running of the work
in all departments.
Location: Maintenance dept.
Immediate: The exit signs should be
properly marked to make it easy for
Hazard: The maintenance
people to get out in emergency.
department has no emergency
procedure for fire or any
Medium: Emergency lighting should be
emergency as there were no
present to make it easy for the people to
drills or any fire plan in place.
see when lights are out and there are
alarms ringing.
Consequence: In case of any
emergency, workers sitting in
Long-term: Make a complete rescue
the maintenance department
plan, give trainings on emergency
will not be able to conceive in
evacuation and do fire drills after plan is
which to way to go or how to
in place.
evacuate the area.
Location: Main engineering
Immediate: Make alternate timings for
the workers that use the washroom
facilities. Make sure there is food packed
Hazard: The workers here are give to the workers when theyre resting.
without eating and hygiene
facilities and have to outside to Medium: Make some temporary
eat and use washrooms.
washing facilities in the maintenance
room to reduce the overload. Arrange
Consequence: The use of
tables and give them proper food.
external facilities can be time
taking and can reduce the
Long-term: Make a complete separate
output of the production.
washing and eating facility for the
workers to make sure there is smooth
running of the work in all departments.
And production targets are met and there
is no complaint from the management.

7 days

2 months

1 day

7 days

3 months

12 hours

7 days

2 months

Location: Chipping section
Hazard: The chipper is
chipping wood with the help of
circular saw at the rate of 14
wood logs in an hour.

Immediate: Proper supervision of the

place and make sure workers stay at a
distance when wood is being cut.

1 day

Medium: Make sure workers wear

proper fat-piece respirators and gloves
while working. Use push-sticks if
possible to align the wood.

7 days

Consequence: The worker

working on the shipping section
may be exposed to the circular
Long-term: Install adjustable guards on
saw and could cut his finger or the circular saw so that there is less
injure himself/herself.
contact with the materials of the cutting
Location: Docking area
Immediate: Dont allow any person to
stand under the hydraulic lift when its at
Hazard: The hydraulic lift is
used to make sure wood is
taken from the ground to the
Medium: Barricade the area and make
level equal to the workplace so sure lift is properly maintained after
that trucks can transport them
every heavy load is moved from it.
to the plant. Its in use for 3
Long-term: Replace the hydraulic lift
with a new one so that maintenance cost
Consequence: Hydraulic lift
is saved and any crushing injury could
can collapse and crush the
be avoided.
person standing right under it.
Location: Waste and disposal
Immediate: Throw chlorine on the
particular places where there is water to
make sure risk of bacteria is avoided.
Hazard: There is presence of
Legionella bacteria due to
Medium: Sweep the floor properly to
improper disposal of waste and make sure there is no water on the
inswept water on the floor.
Consequence: This bacteria
may lead to cough, flu, fever
and or could be harmful to
workers using, handling and
disposing the waste.
Location: Management area
Good practice: Drinking water
facility is very good. Water is
clean along with proper filters
to make sure workers health is
a top priority of the company.

1 month

1 day

7 days

3 months

1 hour

7 days

Long-term: Training & awareness of

1 month
workers about risks of legionella bacteria
and how to make sure no one carries this
bacteria. Health surveillance to be
carried out after a while to ensure health
and safety of workers.
Immediate: No immediate control
Medium: No medium control needed.
Long-term: Regular reviewing of water
samples after some time.

2 months

(2011 specification)

Student number




Location Different areas of Wilson Engineering Works

Date of review 16

/ 09

/ 2015

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place

The inspection was carried out at a site operated by Wilson Engineering Works which is a
famous pulp and paper industry in the region at 11AM on 16/09/2015. This company makes paper
for different purposes that is used in books and different office works. Purpose of the visit was to
do a complete and thorough health and safety inspection of the company and advise the higher
management if there were any breaches of legislation and give recommendations they can follow
to abide by law, reduce injuries to zero and help workers to work safely .
Absorption tower was monitored first where purification of pulp is done so that paper
produced is clean and without an impurity. Right to the tower situated is the chipping section
where wood is being chipped. Next to the chipping section is the boiler section where wood pulp
goes. Electrical panels and maintenance department were inspected to make sure all the unsafe
conditions are taken in consideration. Next to the electrical department lies the processing area
and the drying area. Warehouse and management section were inspected while lie within the
spread of workplace. Some other inspections were done on the waste disposal, docking area, main
engineering floor and filtering section to make sure no part of the company was left uninspected.
Whole workplace was selected for the inspection of health and safety issues. Workers in the
chosen areas are chipping wood, then purifying it from impurities. Boiler takes up the pulp and
makes it to such a high temperature so that filtering and drying becomes easy. Docking and waste
disposal are monitored to make sure workers dont get any disease or injury while working.
Management and maintenance department makes sure workers and machines are well looked
after. Warehouse is the main component of the processing paper industry where all the required
parts and storage is present in case of an emergency or for a planned preventive maintenance.
There are above 200 people working in which 150 are solely on the plants and security.
And 50 are in the management which forms all the policies and manages all the cost implications
of the plant. The plant works 24 hours a day with the first 12 hours concentrated on main
production and rest on production and shut down. There are around 6 vulnerable workers in the
company which have been given proper treatment according to their special needs. Absorbers,
dryers, generators, boilers, electrical panels, vehicles and filters form the core components of the
plant. Packaging process is done after all the paper is made out of the wood pulp and it very
important factor in the industry and run by 3 very competent operators that are solely at the
packaging plant to do top job.

(2011 specification)

Student number




Location Different areas of Wilson Engineering Works

Date of review 16

/ 09

/ 2015

Executive Summary

Wilson Engineering Works health and safety management system is generally of a

reasonable standard. However, after completing the inspection and after proper
discussions with the Wilsons management team it was clear that although there were
a number of issues in terms of health and safety, some more significant than others,
the issues could all be resolved within specified time, with proper effort and along
with adequate resources. Doing this would certainly increase compliance with
current legislation and crucially, protect the employees from harm which at present
is a complex and potentially dangerous work environment for the employees and for
even visitors. It was also clear that Wilsons management team take a painstaking and
active approach to health and safety matters and are shrewdly aware of how exposed
they might be if they do not work to continuously improve standards with regard to
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)
Regulations 1992, the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Regulatory
Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Recommendations include refresher training and maintenance of signs and electrical
equipment, all of relatively low cost, particularly when related to the risks observed.
Some of them required significant cost as warehouse revamp. One area observed that
was under good control was the testing and provision of clean water.

(2011 specification)



Student number 00301681

Location Different areas of Wilson Engineering Works

Date of review 16

/ 09

/ 2015

Main findings of the inspection

As Wilson Engineering Works are performing well over the past few years, but in the last two
years they have secured much larger and considerably more complex projects. As a result it
would appear that the management of health and safety has been compromised and my visit
has shown that a number of hazards are present and that the management systems in place are
not currently in line to make sure there are no accidents. The main areas of concern are:

Work at height (Observation number 9)

There are numerous issues surrounding the carrying out of work at height at the boiler and
these need to be addressed. It is not enough to simply rely on the supervisor to ensure that
work at height is being carried out safely. Risk assessments and method statements are
provided. Workers need proper safety equipment and for the long-term there must be safe
systems of work and guardrails provided around the worker to make sure there is no injury.
The cost implications for medium and long-term are just $150 for safety equipment for the
worker who goes up to the boiler and $170 to install guardrails so that worker will work safely.
SSOW is a documented procedure and it doesnt cost anything. Failure to comply is a breach
of The Work at Height Regulations 2005.

Lack of PPEs (Observation number 2, 12, 21, 27)

Whilst it is clear that Wilson are a successful and generally well-managed company, being ISO
rated, it is evident that given the scope of the hazards found, the management of health and
safety risk at this time is not adequate. The issues detailed above coupled with concerns such as
failure to provide adequate PPE for various activities that are involved in the different
processes. Cost implications in all the areas amounts to $200-500 and PPEs are required until
long-term measures are not taken. Failure to comply is a breach of the Personal Protective
Equipment Regulations 1992.

Fire and emergency procedures (Observation number 25)

There is no fire and emergency procedure in maintenance place for the workers. Theyre kept
busy in the maintenance work and are not involved along with other workers when fire drills
are done and have place never visited for risk assessment. This is indicative of a lack of
supervision on the part of management. It is essential to put signs and extinguishers, update the
fire plan accordingly and ensure safe egress in the event of a fire. The cost implications are
around $1000 for the whole three rooms and that includes firefighting equipment, signs and
emergency lighting. The lack of extinguishers in a number of areas and no indication of fire
exits for workers could result in serious harm or death in the event of a fire. As well as
breaching some of the acts detailed above it is incumbent upon employers under the
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to put in place procedures to ensure the safety of
employees involved in maintenance should a fire start.

Warehouse Revamp (Observation number 15)

Warehouse was inspected thoroughly and there was many issued concerned but the important
one was old building of the warehouse. And the premature collapse that could happen to the
whole building resulting in deaths. The people working in the warehouse are in large number
and doesnt come at the workplace to get injured. Its moral responsibility of the employer to
provide them with a safe place, safe equipment along with proper training and supervision.
Immediate measures are taken place but it has to be made sure building is 100% safe. The cost
implications are around $3000-3500 to make sure building is safe for the next 20 years. Failure
to comply is a breach of Building Act 1984.

Welfare facilities (Observation number 26, 24)

There are no washing facilities and eating facilities available to maintenance workers and
workers at general engineering floor of the Wilson Engineering Works. Management at Wilson
are poor in doing risk assessment for them and have not done enough in past months in
providing them basic welfare facilities that are their rights. New risk assessments and method
statements are done in order to make sure all the people are involved and no one is left behind.
The cost implications are around $2500 for all the washing facilities and eating facilities of the
worker. By doing this there will be an increased output and workers morale will be increased
and theyll be working safely. Failure to comply with inability to provide welfare facilities is a
breach of Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

(2011 specification)



Student number 00301681

Location Different areas of Wilson Engineering Works

Date of review 16

/ 09

/ 2015


As discussed earlier, Wilson Engineering Work are clearly a successful business but
management of health and safety appears to have deteriorated. The companys awareness and
understanding of their duties and responsibilities, though commendable, needs to be translated
into action.
Routine maintenance, provision of guardrails, working at height, earthing of absorption tower
and revamp of warehouse are identified as an areas where attention is needed. The poor
maintenance of warehouse building and lack of emergency procedures were particular areas
requiring immediate management attention. Under the ILO Occupational Safety and Health
Convention C155, Article 16, employers have a responsibility to ensure equipment, plant and
the person is safe and others who may be in the workplace or come into contact with their
equipment. Proper provision of PPEs is a requirement that employer has to fulfil. Stress and
anxiety suggest a lack of appreciation of the need for good health and safety practice.
New workers should have refresher training to remind them of the importance of health and
safety issues. All the areas identified in the findings of this report could result in injury or a
fatality, which would cause pain to the victims and their families. Employers have a legal and
moral duty of care to take action and reduce the risk identified. The inspection identified one
good practice where strong management of hazards was in place, clean water to all the
employees. The good practice is commended and should be continued. Health and safety needs
to be of a high priority as failure to manage risk can lead to prosecution, fines or compensation
claims, which can affect companys reputation and financial position as well as the health and
safety of the people involved.
I suggest that my recommendations are implemented at the earliest according to the priority
allocated to them in the recommendations section. By implementing them, company will
demonstrate to all workers that their health and safety is being taken seriously at all levels.
Also, it will show that, in the long term, a positive health and safety culture is being developed,
which will reduce the sizeable cost attributed to accidents and enhance the reputation of the
organisation amongst its competitors.

(2011 specification)



Student number 00301681

Location Different areas of Wilson Engineering Works

Date of review 16

/ 09

/ 2015


Likely resource implications


Review date

Complete revamp of
Shifting of all the warehouse
warehouse building to storage to a temporary storage.
make sure its safe for
workers and plant that is Cost of employing contractor to
being operated.
do all the construction work
Approx $6000
Absence of emergency
The main costs here will be
plan is a hazard from firefighting equipment coupled
health and safetys
with cost of paint and signage.
perspective and must be
Approx. $1000
taken up as soon as
Earthing to be made at
Earthing plate and earthing
the boiler to avoid any
wires to be managed.
chance of fire.
Approx. $150




Working at height is a Guard rails should be installed

very important issue and and safety harness should be
all the control measures worn by the worker doing the
must be met properly.
Approx. $320


Washing and eating Installation of washing facilities

facilities are to be
and eating arrangements for the
provided to the workers
so that there is no breach
Approx. $2500
of workers rights
Starch, latex and kaolin
Proper gloves, face-piece
are chemicals used for respirators and guards are to be
paper but they are
installed so that there is no
hazardous to humans
contact with chemicals.
skin and can cause
Approx. $550
inhalation problems.



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