Stewart's Toils With A NEBOSH Certificate - NCC2

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5/25/2018 Stewart's toils with a NEBOSH certificate: NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Part III



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NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Select Language ▼

Part III
This Post follows on from a couple I posted a few of months ago for NCC2, this takes FOLLOWERS
it to the final stages where we have to complete the practicle observation
walkaround and then prepare a writtenn report to management Followers (7)

NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Part I

NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Part II

Sample report

A Study Book for the NEBOSH

1. This report is not the only way that can be used to write your report, merely
an example of what would obtain a good pass. National Certificate in
Construction Health &
2. All defects noted should be chronologically numbered. This will allow for Safety
easy reference to items in when writing the report to management.
Construction Skills
3. If you are carrying out inspections in more than one area, please start a new Health and Safety 2008 -
observation sheet for each area.
Nebosh General Certificate
4. Number pages as in the sample report. Health and Safety for
5. Please ensure your writing is reasonably legible and leave a space between
each paragraph. HSE Books
6. Do not attempt to re-write your observation sheets in the time that you are
given to write your report to management. If you do, you will run out of time. NEBOSH
Successful health and safety
7. The observation sheets used in this post are similar to those you would be management
given during the actual inspection.

8. You will be supplied with a several headed sheets of paper. Ensure you
complete the headings required. LABEL CLOUD

9. We recommend that you number each item so that you may refer to it in 5 Steps.Construction Law
your report tomanagement. and Management Control
of hazards Duty of Care
10. It is anticipated that the following sample report would receive reasonably
good marks in all section Element 1 Element 1
Construction law and management 1/13
5/25/2018 Stewart's toils with a NEBOSH certificate: NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Part III

Element 2 Element 2
Construction site — hazards and
controls Element 3
Candidate name Candidate num Element 8 Element 9
Place inspected Date of inspecti Essential Basics Example

Actions to be taken Example Questions
Risk Exams H and S Policy Hazard.
List hazards, unsafe practices and good List all immediate and lo Information Source Health HS
(H, M, L)
practices actions required
1 The guard on lathe No.4 was lying on an Replace guard and instru
H Legislation Management
adjacent bench operator it must not be r
2 Tools and waste were lying on a side bench Tools should be properly
Waste put into a waste re
3 Empty cardboard boxes were lying around
Remove boxes to store o NCC1 NCC2
on the floor skip as appropriate NGC1 NGC1 Element 3
4The local exhaust ventilation(LEV) was not Secure the LEV to the gr Organising for health and safety
properly connected to the bench grinder M instruct the supervisor to Past Exam Past Exam
and ensure it is always co
Paper Practicle Exam
5 A pool of oil was on the floor next to drill Clean up the oil and spea
H RIDDOR Risk Assessment
number 4 operator
Six Pack welfare
6 The earth wire to the electric This should be connected
welding booth table is broken Efforts should be made t
this was due to lack of kn
negligence. BLOG ARCHIVE
7 Tins of solvents were lying vented to These should be remove
▼ 12 (19)
atmosphere M Operators should be inst
must not recur. ► September (1)
8 The Forklift truck was blocking access to a The driver should be ins ► July (1)
fire point move the truck to a safe
L place, given the reason w ▼ May (3)
not to park it in such a p
Typical Examination
Questions based on
9 The guard on drilling machine No.12 was Secure the guard.
hanging loose on one bolt M Enquiries should be mad Element 1.3...
it was not reported
Organising for health and
10 Oil was being stored in two mineral bottles Remove the bottles safety
Employees should be rem
This practice is unaccept NCC2: Construction
given the reasons why. health and safety
11The visual panel on milling machine (No.9) The guard should be rep practical app...
was cracked Enquire from the operat
had happened and if it h ► April (4)
12 A pallet was partially blocking a The pallet should be rem ► March (4)
passageway L the forklift driver inform
► February (4)
block passageways at any
13 An obsolete Factories Act 1961 poster was Remove the obsolete pos ► January (2)
on display. Other notices were noted for L Replace other statutory a
their absence information posters as re ► 11 (3)
14 Cigarette ends were observed on the floor An investigation should ► 08 (31)
of the flammable goods store to find out who was smo
appropriate action taken
Supervisors should be re
are expected to be vigilan
such unsafe practices
15 The lighting above the variable speed M This type of lighting coul 2/13
5/25/2018 Stewart's toils with a NEBOSH certificate: NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Part III

turning lathe is undiffused stroboscope effect on mo

fluorescent lights and should either be def pical Examination Question
replaced. (with answers) From the
16 Cans of paint and empty oil containers had Remove these cans and d Management of Health &
been dumped in the skip for ordinary waste. have them taken away as Safety Paper NGC1
waste by a specialist was
M (a) Define the term 'Negligence'
Instruct staff this must n (2) (b) Outline the THREE
again. standard conditions that must
17 Damage safety goggles and gloves were These should be remove be met for an employee to
lying around at random throughout the L Staff reminded of their le prove a...
machine shop take care of their PPE.
18 Various hand-tools were lying around Such tools can be danger
CC2: Construction health and
damaged. Files were observed with no and should either be scra
handles on them M repaired. safety practical application
Staff should be reminded Part III
duty of care
is Post follows on from a
19 Storage racking had obviously been hit by The racking should be re couple I posted a few of
the forklift truck inquiries made as to wh
damage had not been rep months ago for NCC2, this
Consideration should be takes it to the final stages
whether the driver shou where we have to complete the
disciplined or trained.

Note: Start a new sheet for each location visited, but continue the
number sequence of observations. y First Test Paper for NGC1
With respect to undertaking
Report to Senior Management general risk assessments on
Candidate name _________________________________ Candidate activities within a work place: i
Number C___________
Outline the FIVE key stages of
Place inspected _________________________________ Date of Inspection the risk...
____ /___ /____
pical Examination Questions
based on Element 2 The
This inspection was carried out to identify: Health & safety Policy
the title sugests this post
Hazards and potentially dangerous situations and areas
contains example question
Breaches of statutory or common law duties of care from element 2 of the NGC1
Management of health & safety
Time-scaled recommendations in order to appropriately deal with the certificate, Th...
hazards, dangerous situations and breaches of legislation identified

The inspection was carried out at a time when no work was being undertaken; GC1 Test Paper 2
therefore observations are only made on the conditions observed at the time of the anagement of Health and
inspection and any reasonable assumptions that can be made as a result of the
observations. Safety 1) A contractor has been
engaged by a manufacturing
General Observations: company to undertake
Generally the safety standards observed throughout the premises inspected were
extensive maintenance work
reasonable and displayed a good degree of general safety practices and awareness.
However there were a number of deficiencies noted mostly of low risk, which are o...
indicative of a certain degree of slackness both in terms of safety supervision and of
diligence amongst the workforce.
Observations and recommendations on the necessary action to be taken by local
managers and supervisors are shown on the appended observation sheets. Gadget
There were two items noted that required immediate attention because of the
nature of the hazard and the imminent nature of the associated danger. These are
highlighted on the inspection sheets. In each case the deficiencies and This content isn't available
recommendations were immediately made known to the local manager for his/her over encrypted connections
yet. 3/13
5/25/2018 Stewart's toils with a NEBOSH certificate: NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Part III


1. The earth wire on the metal table in the electric welding booth
was broken
This is a breach of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and could have
resulted in a prohibition notice being served and a criminal prosecution
being undertaken against both the company and/or individual members of
management or staff (see item 6 on the observation sheets).

Recommendation Gadget

This content isn't available

Whilst this particular incident may have received immediate attention it is over encrypted connections
recommended that the supervisor be instructed to ensure no recurrence of
this type of incident takes place. yet.

1. Cigarette ends on the floor of the flammable goods store.

Smoking in this area could well result in an explosion. The condition of the
cigarette ends suggests that this was no isolated incident. The smoking STEWART'S TOILS WITH A
shows a blatant disregard for the 'No Smoking' notice that is prominently NEBOSH CERTIFICATE
displayed (see item 4 on the observation sheets)
Links for 2017-02-22
Recommendations: []
Links for 2016-08-08
As these cigarette ends were easily observed it should also have been obvious []
to supervisors who should have taken appropriate action to deal with the
Links for 2016-06-12
situation. It is recommended that supervisors be reminded of their need to
be vigilant for such offences. Also a general notice be displayed warning that []
such smoking is a serious safety violation that will result in severe Links for 2016-06-01
disciplinary action.

Other Deficiencies: Links for 2016-04-29

As shown on the observation sheets there were a number of other items that require
your attention.
These can be grouped as follows:
Housekeeping: Items 1, 2, 4, 21, 22 & 25 on the observation sheets SUBSCRIBE TO

Whilst the overall housekeeping standards were reasonable there were a number of Posts
items lying around and other situations that required attention.
Housekeeping is often indicative of the safety culture of an organisation and gives
first impressions to visitors such as HSE inspectors, insurance personnel or
Poor housekeeping can cause damage to equipment and products and often leads to
accidents. It can also constitute a breach of duties of care under The Workplace
(Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, Section 2 of the health and Safety at
Work etc, Act 1974 and common law duties of care.

On all these grounds it is worth emphasising to employees and supervisors the need
for good housekeeping standards to be maintained at all times.

Machinery Safety: Items 1, 4 & 11 on the observation sheets

Deficiencies include missing, loose or damaged guards and local exhaust

ventilation. These are all breaches of The Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998

Instructions should be issued to ensure that guards are not removed and defective
equipment is reported in order that repairs may be carried out. 4/13
5/25/2018 Stewart's toils with a NEBOSH certificate: NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Part III

There were also no markings on machines to indicate they had been reviewed to
ensure they are in compliance with The Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998.

Hazardous Substances: Items 7, 10 & 16 on the observation sheets

A certain degree of carelessness was observed with regards to the storing, use and
disposal of dangerous substances. This constitutes a breach of The Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and The Environmental
Protection Act 1990.

All personnel, especially managers and supervisors should be reminded of the need
to adhere strictly to the company policy on the control of substances hazardous to
health as it is a requirement of the 2002 Regulations.

Fire Safety: Items 7, 8 & 14 on the observation sheets

There are a number of non-conformances relating to fire safety such as uncapped

tins of solvent, fire doors blocked and evidence of smoking. These are non-
conformances to the company's own fire precaution arrangements and are in breach
of the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997.

Staff should be reminded of their statutory and contractual duties to comply with
fire prevention and protection arrangements.

Personnel Protective Equipment: Item 17 on the observation sheets

There were a number of damaged safety goggles and gloves lying around the
workshop. This clearly indicates that employees are in breach of their duties of care
to take reasonable care of equipment supplied to them under the Personal
Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992.

All employees must be reminded of their statutory duties of care and that if this
abuse continues disciplinary action will be taken. It may also be worth discussing
this matter at the next meeting of the company safety committee.

Safety Information and Posters: Item 13 on the observation sheets

An old Factories Act poster was on display. This observation indicates a formal
procedure is required to renew and review posters around the premises. This could
also indicate a breach of the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals)
Regulations 1996.

It is recommended that a procedure be adopted to review and replace as required
notices. Obsolete posters reduce the credibility of all notices on display.


It is recommended that some refresher and upgrading training on safety awareness

would be an advantage. This could draw the attention of all staff to their statutory,
common and contractual duties of care as well as explaining to them good safety
practices and the advantages of developing a good safety culture. The training
programme should be commenced within a medium time-scale.

Safety Monitoring

This inspection indicates that in the longer term the company would benefit from
setting up a safety inspection and auditing system. These audits will be of value in
monitoring health and safety compliance with legal requirements and also the
safety management system of the company. 5/13
5/25/2018 Stewart's toils with a NEBOSH certificate: NCC2: Construction health and safety practical application Part III

Cost of Compliance

Most of the recommendation made can be implemented at little or no cost. In the

replacement of equipment costs will be moderate. Whilst safety training will result
in some time off work for those attending in-house courses (approximately one half
day each) plus fees to tutors the advantages should more than repay themselves
over a period of time.

The Benefits

The benefits of implementing the actions recommended will reduce the possibility
of recurrence of these types of non-conformances. It will also benefit the company
in reducing damage and lost time incidents as well as assisting to improve the
overall safety culture of the organisation.


Marks for the report to management could be reduced for

the following reasons:
Item Reason for low marks
Not emphasising the more serious
Selection of topics
hazards with no attempt to differentiate
management action for 10
between trivial issues and important
Unrealistic costs. Better to use
statements such as low, medium or high
Consideration of cost
5 costs with perhaps a
general note emphasising the benefits of
spending the money.
Breaches of legislation not being
correctly identified. Candidates will not
be penalised for omitting the dates of
legislation or for referring to items of
Identification of beaches of
5 legislation in shortened terms where the
full title has already been given.
Inaccuracies, in titles, or confusion
where over where the legislation applies
will lead to lower marks being awarded.
Lower marks will be given for poorly
structured, reports where items are not
Presentation of information 10
in a logical sequence or more important
topics not highlighted.
Marks awarded in this section will
reflect the marks awarded in the other
Effectiveness in convincing
15 section. Vague, weak or erroneous
management to take action
statements will not inspire action by




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Unknown 1 June 2017 at 15:53

Can anyone reading this PLEASE understand that this practical was written
in 2012 and the NEBOSH guidelines have now changes. This example
WILL FAIL. There are new forms, see the NEBOSH website for up to date
I am a NEBOSH trainer / Registered practical assessor. DO NOT COPY

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L I N KS FO R 2 0 1 7 - 02 - 2 2 [ D E L . I C I O . U S]
L I N KS FO R 2 0 1 6 - 08 - 0 8 [ D E L . I C I O . U S]
L I N KS FO R 2 0 1 6 - 06 - 1 2 [ D E L . I C I O . U S]
L I N KS FO R 2 0 1 6 - 06 - 0 1 [ D E L . I C I O . U S]
L I N KS FO R 2 0 1 6 - 04 - 2 9 [ D E L . I C I O . U S]



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