May 2011
Field Experience
Madison after School Program, Madison, SD
Spring 2015
September 2015-Present
Fall 2012
Work Experience
May 2012-September2012
Volunteer Experience
Camp Bring It On, Joy Ranch, Florence, SD
Summer 2014
Camp Counselor
Supervised kids with cancer throughout the day, helped with arts and crafts activities, outdoor
games, and fishing.
Supervised large groups of children and communicated effectively with all ages.
Professional Skills
Technology: Microsoft Office, iPads, Promethean Board, Website Design, Blogging, Computer
Hardware, Desire2Learn, Heart Rate Monitors, Pedometers
Dakota State College of Education Dispositions
Interacting with Students: Caring, Patient, Fair, Open-Minded, Accepting of Others, Flexible,
Creative, Empathetic
Interacting with Peers, Staff, Parents: Reliable, Cooperative, Responsible, Flexible,
Organized, Disciplined, Creative, Adaptable to Change, Effective Communicator
Intrapersonal: Integrity, Hardworking, Life-Long Learner