Apush New Deal FRQ DBQ

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2003 APUSH DBQ- FDR and New Deal

Having gone through severe unemployment, food shortages, and a seemingly remiss President Hoover, the American
.___ people were beginning to lose hope. But sentiments began to turn as FOR stepped into office and implemented his New
Deal programs. I=DR and his administration responded to the crisis by executing policies that would successfully address
reform, relief, and, unsuccessfully, recovery. Although WWII ultimately recovered America from its depressio"n, it was
FOR's response with the New Deal programs that stopped America's economic downfall, relieved hundreds of
Americ::ans, reformed many policies, and consequently expanded government power.
One of FOR's first orders of business was to respond to the need of reforming the banking system. FOR created the
Emergency Banking Act that shut down all banks across the US and only allowed them to reopen upon government
inspection. This proved effective as Americans began to restore their trust in the banking system. The EBA also
demonstrated how government power was expanding, as the program allowed the government to ignore states' and
businesses' rights to shut down the banks.

John L Lewis praises the Wagner Act, which was FOR's response to the "widespread labor unrest". (Doc G) The Wagner
Act addressed the concerns of workers over their rights as union members and ability to collectively bargain. The act
proved effective as labor unrest began to dwindle. FOR took this chance to once again increase the government's power
by creating the National labor Relations Board. The NLRB enforced the terms of the Wagner Act. The Wagner Act
changed the role ofthe government by implying that social justice was now also on the government's agenda of what to
provide to citizens, in addition to political rights and economic security.
Another instance of reform provided by FOR and his administration was social security. (Doc E) In response to Townsend
and his followers, FDR created the Social Security Act which gave pensions to old-age workers, along with many other
benefits to citizens. The effectiveness of Social Security was only satisfactory, as it failed to help farmers and domestic
workers. Yet, it implanted hope into millions of Americans for the well-being of their future and the capitalist system.
__ fhe Social Security Act was also revolutionary in changing the government's role by showing how a citizen's welfare was
now also part of the government's responsibility. All these new programs and organizations created by the New Deal
show how they greatly expanded the government's power and influence. FOR's New Deal was a progression of small
change that consequently led to an expansion of government power. (Doc C) The New Deal's many reform programs
provided a foundation for America to build off of.


FOR's New Deal also sought out to provide relief for Americans. Unemployment rates were high and poverty was
widespread. To solve these problems, FOR created many programs and organizations, ~uch r,ts the Federal Emergency
Relief Administration (FERA), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Civilian Conservation Corps {CCC), and the
Works Progress Administration (WPA). Poor women, and also men, were barely assisted by the government. (Doc A)
Urban unemployment represented a big problem in the US. To solve the unemployment Issue, FDR implemented the
CWA, which gave jobs to many people to build or repair roads, buildings, and other structures. This was very effective
because it not only dealt with the problem of unemployment, but it also impr9ved the deteriorating parts of the
country. Unfortunately, public works programs like these greatly increased the national debt, as well. The CCC
functioned in the same way, providing millions of jobs to unemployed workers for maintaining and restoring the
The Federal Emergency Relief Program revitalized local relief programs by giving them funding. All of these programs
were in the First New Deal and dropped unemployment about twenty-five percent from 12,830,000 unemployed to
7,700,000 unemployed, thus proving the effectiveness of these relief programs. (DocJ) The creation of such programs
also expanded the role of government by demonstrating that the government could have a large bureaucracy. The
numerous programs FOR implemented were all run by the bureaucracy, thus the "bureaucracy in Washington grew by
leaps and bounds" according to William lloyd Garrison, Jr. (Doc D)
One of the issues the New Deal did not completely heal was recovery, which would be taken care of by WWII. Two of
FOR's chief recovery programs, the National Industrial Recovery Act of June 1933 {NIRA} and the Agriculture Adjustment
Administration (MA) were repealed because they were viewed as unconstitutional. Garrison says that some New Deal
programs "retarded the recovery of industrial activity." (Doc D) This was true in the case of the NIRA, as it promoted a

cycle of overproduction and underproduction and set in many complicated codes. The government's powers expanded
too much when the court ruled against NIRA. (Doc F)
Although the role of government had been increased by other New Deal programs, NIRA crossed the line for many of
the justices on the Supreme Court. The AAA was also one of the programs that "retarded the recovery of industrial
a~;;tivity". The AAA attempted to increase farm prices by paying farmers not to overproduce, thus keeping the prices
stable. But millions of Americans were still starving, so it made more sense to the public to give the surplus of food to
the starving Americans. The AAA was deemed unconstitutional because it expanded the power of government too
much. Under the AAA, the agriculture sector was viewed as a "creeping socialism", as the government regulated what to
produce and how much of it. The government's role in the economy was becoming much too interfering in the private
sector. These fears reflected, "that the Administration at Washington is accelerating its (sic} pace towards socialism ... "
(Doc B) Under FOR, Congress was made rubber stamp and FOR's policies went through undisputed. Therefore, many of
FOR's "socialist" policies ended up becoming implemented. The judiciary reacted and shut down both NIRA and the AAA
because they not only proved impractical, but also tried to greatly expand the role of the government.


Overall, FOR's response to the crisis in America proved beneficial to many American.$, at least for the short term. As
DocumentJ demonstrates, it was WWII that truly solved the problem of depression and spurred America's recovery.
However, FOR's New Deal impacted the future of America mentally.lt instilled trust for FOR and his leadership which
would be critical as America was heading into WWII, and FOR would have to serve three terms which resulted in "the
government as an instrument of democratic action in the future has... been strengthened and renovated." (Doc H)





Part A

writing time--45 minutes)

Percent of Section IT score-45

Directions: The following question requires you to construct a coherent essay that integrates your interpretation of
Documents A-J and your knowledge of the period referred to in the question. High scores will be earned only by
essays that both cite key pieces of evidence from the documents and draw on outside knowledge of the period.

1. Analyze the responses of Franklin D. Rooi;evelt' s administration to the problems of the Great Depression.
How effective were these responses? How did they change the role of the federal government?
Use the documents and your knowledge of the period 1929-1941 to construct your essay.

Document A
Source: Meridel Lesueur, New Masses, January 1932.
It's one of the great mysteries of the city where women go when they are out of work and
hungry. There are not many women in the bread line. There are no flop houses for women
as there are for men, where a bed can be had for a quarter or less. You don't see women lying
on the floor of the mission in the free flops. They obviously don't sleep ... under newspapers
in the park. There is no law I suppose against their being in these places but the fact is they rarely are.


Yet there must be as many women out of jobs in cities and suffering extreme poverty as there
are men. What happens to them?

Source: Letter to Senator Robert Wagner, March 7, 1934.

It seems very apparent to me that the Administration at Washington is accelerating it's [sic]
pace towards socialism and communism. Nearly every public statement from Washington is
against stimulation of business which would in the end create employment.

Everyone is sympathetic to the cause of creating more jobs and better wages for labor; but,
a program continually promoting labor troubles, higher wages, shorter hours, and less profits
for business, would seem to me to be leading us fast to a condition where the Government
must more and more expand it's relief activities, and will lead in the end to disaster to all

Copyright 2003 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Available to AP professionals at apcentral.collegeboard.com and to
students and parents at www .collegeboard.com/apstudents.





Source: The Evening Star (Washington D.C.), April 26, 1934.


1~34, The Washington Post. Reprinted with permission.

Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division,

Clifford Berryman Collection, LC-USZ62-17290.

Source: William Lloyd Garrison, Jr., "The Hand of Improvidence," The Nation,
November 14, 1934.

The New Deal, being both a philosophy and a mode of action, began to find expression in
diverse forms which were often contradictory. Some assisted and some retarded the recovery
of industrial activity ... An enormo11s outpouring of federal money for human relief and
immense sums for public-works prqjects struted to flow to all points of the compass ...
Six billion dollars was added to tbe,national debt.' a bureaucracy in Washington grew
by leaps and bounds ... and finally; to lend the picture the heightened academic touch,
John Maynard Keynes, of Cambridge, England, ... commenced the plan of buying Utopia
for cash.


Copyright 2003 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Available to AP prpfessionals at apcentral.collegeboard.com and to
students and parents at www.collegeboard.com/apstudents.




Source: Print and Photograph Division, Library of Congress, 1935.

Copyright 2003 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved .

. Available to AP professionals at apcentral.collegeboard.com and to
students and pl,lrents at www.collegeboard.com/apstudents.






Source: Charles Evans Hughes, majority opinion, Schechter v. United States, 1935.
The question of chief importance ~lates to the provision of the codes to the hours and wages
of those employed ... It is plain th~t these requirements are imposed in order to govern the
details of defendants' management pf their local business. The persons employed ... are
not employed in interstate commerqe. Their wages have no direct relation to interstate
commerce ...
The authority of the federal go_vemment may not be pushed to such an extreme.

Source: NBC radio broadcast, Job.xi L. Lewis, December 13, 1936.
It is the refusal of employers to grant such reasonable conditions and to deal with their
employees through collective bargaining that leads to widespread labor unrest. The strikes
which have broken.out ... especially in the automobile industry, are due to such "employee
Huge corporations, such as United States Steel and General Motors ... have no right to
transgress the law which gives to the workers the right of self-organization and collective


Source: "The New Deal in Review" editorial in The New Republic, May 20, 1940.
The government as an in~trunient of democratic action in the future has also been strengthened
and renovated. This is not merely a matter of the addition of many new agencies, but of the
more efficient organization of the whole executive department- including a planning board
under the President which so far has been relatively unimportant but is capable of future
development. The Courts, too, have been revivified, partly by legislation, but principally by
excellent new appointments, so tha~ we now have a Supreme Court which is abreast of the



Copyright C 2003 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Available to AP professionals at apcentral.collegeboard.com and to
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Document I
Source: "The Roosevelt Record," editorial in The Crisis, November 1940.
To declare that the Roosevelt administration has tried to include the Negro in nearly
every phase of its program for the p,eople of the nation is not to ignore the instances
where government policies have ha!:'med the race...
At Boulder Dam, for example, the administration continued the shameful policy begun by
Hoover of forbidding Negroes to live in Boulder City, the government-built town. And in
its own pet project, the TVA, the aqministration forbade Negroes to live in Norris, another
government-built town at Norris D~.

[The] most important contribution of the Roosevelt administration to the age-old color line
problem in America has been its do~trine that Negroes are a part of the country and must
be considered in any program for the country as a whole. The inevitable discriminations
notwithstanding, this thought has been driven home in thousands of communities by a
thousand specific acts. For the first time in their lives, government has taken on meaning
and substance for the Negro masses.











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Available to AP professionals at apcentral.collegeboard.com and to
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