Postcolonial Urban Apartheid
Postcolonial Urban Apartheid
Postcolonial Urban Apartheid
Postcolonial Urban Apartheid
This quote answers a few questions as to why injustices, such as the one
researched in this article, lead to poor economic situations for those people who
do not find themselves in the majority or those referred to as the other. The
police harassment and everyday racism further contributes and enhances the
stigma that not only the country, but also the media put on the people. When this
mindset of one race being lesser and more aggressive become popular it leads to
political platforms, such as those of people like Jean-Marie Le Pen who publically
believed that "For years, if not for decades, we've been repeating our alarm of a
massive immigration from outside Europe that will result in the submergence
and ruin of France." When statements like this are made it becomes difficult to
find money to fund more racial diverse schools and when we are not able to
educate our youth how may we expect them to become productive Frenchmen
and find jobs? Instead of enabling them to become functioning parts of society
they are placed in a cyclical trap of inequalities.
Another part of this article I found extremely interesting was the section
on Violent Spirals. Due to the aforementioned rage amongst the youth riots and
rebellion against the government, police, and more privileged began. One way
this became prevalent was through what became known as rodeos. This is when
a young man would steal a vehicle, initiate a police chase, and finally abandon
and burn the vehicle. This became almost that of a trend of those in cites to
show their response to their injustices:
Although the American media have mistakenly referred to such violence as
involving "gangs," these groups are not organized into larger economic or
political units. Rather, loosely structured fictive kinship of "older" and
"younger brothers" (les grands et les petits frres) gives shape to
community-wide networks of economic exchange and social reciprocity. In