College of Education Lesson Plan Format: Learning Target (I Can Statement

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College of Education


Learning Target (I can statement): I can read and sound out words with long us, long es and ed ending. I can follow along and determine what is going on in the
Whole Class Read Aloud
Standards w/Assessments Named1.RI.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
1.RF.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds



Specific Standard

(can be

Reading Standards for


Key ideas and Details

Craft & Structure

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Range of Reading & Level of Text
Reading Standards for

Key ideas and Details

Craft & Structure

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Range of Reading & Level of Text
Reading Standards:
Foundational Skills

Print Concepts

Phonological Awareness
Writing Standards

Text Types & Purposes

Production & Distribution of Writing

Research to Build and Present
Range of Writing
Speaking & Listening

Comprehension & Collaboration

Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas

Life in the Forest By: Claire Daniel

Materials and Resources Needed:

A. The Lesson

Introduction - (Think about the connection on pages 87-89 in your text)

Getting attention

Ok kids we are going to take a look at this song kids. The first time we are just
going to listen to it. Write the vocab words up there for them. Have the second
time kids sing along ask if they heard any of the words written on the board,
listen to it a third time ask if they hear any more words.

Relating to past experience and/or knowledge

Back to their desks, write out 9 words for them all having long us, es and ed
endings, they will sound out each word by sounds they will then finish by
reading the word all the way out. they have gone over these words in the past
couple days so they know what they are, on the ed endings, write down what
sound the ed sounding makes, ex: t sounding, d sounding and ed sounding.
Following this break the board into 3 parts, one with ed ending long es and long
us, each student will receive a sticky note and individually will put them up on
the board where they belong.

Creating a need to know

Start a whole class conversation on what the kids already know about the forest,
what kind of animals are shared in this book, they will have the book open so
they will see some of the examples of the animals they talk about in the book,
then talk about what kind of plants they already know about as well, book calls
for a graphic organizer but I feel this is efficient enough.

Sharing objective, in general terms

I am going to read the book Life in the Forest while you guys follow along, make
sure you guys are paying attention because I am going to ask you a few
questions about what is going on throughout the story.

1. Methods (core of the lesson)

Before Reading
(Think about the
teaching phase on
pages 89-91 in your

Preread title and authors name, ask the kids what animals are on the cover? Do they know anything
about these animals? I know that squirrels can put a bunch of nuts in their mouth. Ask them to look
at the pictures and ask if these are real animals in a real place, this selection is an expository


nonfiction because it tells facts about real animals in a real forest.

During Reading-

Pg. 118- what can we learn about these pages after reading the captions and looking at the

List specific questions

and pages you might
ask them
(Think about the active
involvement phase from
your 91 -94 in your
text book)

Pg.120- do you think the woodpecker is a good name for the bird?
What does the photo and caption say about this woodpecker?
Pg.123- what made the log so soft and damp?
Pg.126- what is this page mostly about?

After Reading-

Why do you think the forest is such a busy place?

What might students


What did the author say about each animal? What animals did she mention? What did they talk
about each animal, give an example of what they should say foxes catch and eat small animals.

(Think about the link

pgs 94-96 in your text
Student Worktime:
Time Frame:_____
Describe what students
will be doing to
practice what you have
taught. This should be
very closely connected
to the after reading

Students will be handed out a worksheet very similar to a KWL chart. They will draw a picture, write
about what they already knew, something they learned and something they are still wondering
about. They will then spend the rest of them time working on this, I am sure I will be heavily needed
due to their lack of writing skills, I will be wandering around, making my way useful in any way

2. Closure What did the students learn from this lesson? Think about the follow-up pgs 96-99 in your text book

The students should have a much firmer grasp of their ed endings along with the long es and us. they should also be able to

listen to text and be able to retell information they heard throughout the story. They should be able to then take out information
from the text and be able to put it into their own words.

Reflection-To Be Filled Out After Teaching:

A. Assessment-Did your students understand the lesson? What was you evidence? Remember-Compare to your Criteria for Success.

1)What went well with the lesson?

I thought overall the lesson went very smoothly, I thought that the kids were into the lesson to start things out, I thought that how the lesson was
drawn out it went very smoothly, I think it was in good order and the fluency, it was never too choppy, I think that was the best thing about this
2) Did your students meet the instructional objectives? What was your evidence?
The students did meet the instructional objective, they were to work on their long es and us along with the ed endings, they furthered their
understanding of it, this lesson was more of a review so I did not expect them to make leaps and bounds, but the kids did a very good job, I could tell
that they a good job by looking through their worksheets and helping them along, all of the kids had it completed in time for recess and just by
looking through all the worksheets, they did an excellent job.
3) After analysis of success and student errors, what new insights do you have about the students you taught?
I think the big thing with 1st graders is really keeping their attention, what I learned from that is that you really need to stay on top of your game the
entire day, there is no break for you, you need to keep on them and have a seamless lesson plan for the entire day. I also know now that maybe
having them write their own responses is a little much for these kids at this age, where they struggle on just getting complete ideas and sentences
down, therefore them writing complete sentences and getting their ideas on paper might be a bit much for these students.

B. Next Steps-Based on your assessments what do you need to work on next meeting? (Think of this through the lens of if you were going to teach these students
1) What did you learn from this lesson, which will affect the next lesson?
I think if I have ever have them do some sort of assessment that requires them to write, I would change the format, maybe have them tell me what
they are thinking so that I can write it down for them so they can just copy it down, I will still know that they have complete understanding of what is
going on in the lesson, but it erases a lot of wasted time that I had them asking me how to spell words and trying to have them get their answers
down onto paper.
2) If you were to teach this group of students tomorrow, what may you need to work on?
I need to work on being able to keep their attention for an extended period, I am very aware that they are first graders therefore they dont have that
kind of attention span, so maybe just changing things up more and more. I also felt slightly unprepared, where I could have studied more and got
things more in line, instead of just going about things like I knew exactly what I was teaching, which I did not have full grasp.
3) What could you improve upon the next time, as a teacher?
I think next time I could know everything that they were learning, it was tough for me to jump into curriculum that I have not done anything with or
related to in this curriculum. The hardest thing for me as teaching is having the kids respect me and be ok with me teaching the class, as being a
step in almost as a sub these kids dont see me as the person in charge and I know this will come in time, and spending more time in the classroom.

C. Back Pocket Idea

a. If this lesson would not have gone the way I planned, I thought I was going to have the students come around to me and physically
tell me what they learned so instead of them being graded through the paper I would have had full understanding if they got the concept through a
verbal assessment which would have been just fine.

D. Resources: What resources did you use which would be of interest to the classroom teacher?
Everything was provided, I borrowed her kwl chart, and the text was through her curriculum, she was aware of everything I was using.

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