Edu 354 - Reading Lesson Plan

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Carly Lewis

Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
CAEP 2018 K-6 Elementary Teacher Preparation Standards
*Reading Lesson Allen Elementary 11/13/18*
“Imagination Sparks Innovation”

This lesson on text features is important because students need to gain a solid foundation on how to identify different
parts of a text in order to gain greater understanding about what it is about. Students will utilize these skills throughout
the rest of their lives when they read and write; the hands-on activities, collaboration, and guided instruction will help
students deepen their knowledge of text features.
(CAEP K-6 1.a)

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)—Students will explore text features using hands on materials through a variety of workstations.
B. Objective(s)—
1. Students will be able to identify different text features within an article.
2. Students will be able to apply their knowledge of text features in real-world applications.
3. Students will create a text feature reference tool that supports their understanding on the topic.

C. Standard(s): Professional Society/State/District

4.RN.3.1 Apply knowledge of text features to locate information and gain meaning from a text (e.g., charts, tables,
graphs, headings, subheadings, font/format).
(CAEP K-6 3.c)
II. Management Plan- Time per lesson element, use of space, list of materials. Describe expectations and procedures.
Time: 1 hour- an hour ten; I indicated by each activity how long they will approximately take.
- Ipads
- Text feature pictures
- Real world tangible items
- Magazines/ articles
- Guided reading articles
Space: Students will be working all over the room. Each guided reading group will meet at my table then the three
workstations are scattered throughout the classroom. The article exploration group will be at the extra half-moon table
across the room, the clips and hands on exploration will be at the combined tables, and the bingo text feature game will
take place on the carpet.
Students: I am fortunate to have both Mrs. Cooper and the student teacher helping in the classroom so they will be at two
different workstations while I am at the guided reading table. When my students are working independently I will scan
the room to make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to be. I will walk around when I see fit, when my
students at the table are able to work without instruction. This will probably occur in two of my groups. I will encourage
my students to explore and discuss with one another, and at each workstation there is need for talking so I do not expect
them to be quite. I will inform the students to maintain a quiet voice, no yelling or messing around with their peers. They
will work independently as well as with a partner for some activities.
Suggestions: I have included what students are in which group later on in this lesson plan.

III. Anticipatory Set (8 minutes)

- Students will each receive a picture of something (i.e. animal, game, food, book etc.)

“All around the room I have placed envelopes with different words/ topics in them. You are to WALK around the classroom
and try and find the envelope that correlates with your picture. For example, I have a picture of animals stuck in pollution in
the ocean. What do I think the topic is I should be looking for? Wait for student response. I would look for something like
“Pollution in the Ocean” or “Ocean Pollution”. Give me a thumbs up if you know what you are doing? Make sure you are not
pushing or shoving, walk to where you want to go and you are welcome to help one another just no yelling across the room.
You should not exceed a level 2 voice.”
- Share some examples with the class. Ask students to explain why they thought they went together.

IV. Purpose: must be stated to the students! Why do they need to learn this?
“It is important to learn different text features because it will help you better be able to determine what a story or text is
about without reading through the whole piece. Also, certain text features help you emphasize meaning which is a great skill
to have going into reading and writing on your own.”


V. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners-- Demonstrate your understanding of individual
differences and diverse families, culture, and communities unique to the students in this class as you describe the
specific instructional opportunities provided in this lesson.
A. Remediation: I have a student diagnosed with ADHD. Paying attention/ sitting still in class is more difficult
for him. He also has a hard time grasping the concepts unless it is explained to him in greater depth one on
one; mainly due to the fact that he does not pay attention in class. For him, I would go up and talk to him
after giving initial instruction, and explain it to him, providing him with more guidance. I will also have the
teacher or the assistant in the classroom keep an eye on him, making sure he stays on task. Also, I would
allow him to work at the standing desk quietly by himself if I notice him walking around distracted.
a. I will observe how well some of the struggling students are doing and make adjustments as
needed. For example, I will inform some students they only have to choose 3 text features to
explore and add evidence too if I notice they are falling behind.
B. Enrichment: For my more advanced students, I will encourage them to continue filling out their text
feature booklet as much as they can. Once they have finished 5 slides, they can move on to completing
however many more they would like.
C. I differentiated the reading groups by interest while also keeping in mind who I knew could and could not
work together. I took a quick survey a few weeks before my lesson asking what the students would prefer
to learn more about. Almost the entire class raised their hand for Fortnite. I originally had four different
articles I was going to use, but then after I got to thinking I decided to use the Fortnite article with two
guided reading groups so more students could read it, I strategically placed students in groups where I
know they would work well with one another. My Fortnite groups are the two I am going to have to keep a
closer eye on. I chose not to group by size, rather by what the students would participate in effectively.

(CAEP K-6 1.b)

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

Mini Lesson (The day prior Mrs. Cooper will be teaching them)

“Now we are going to jump into our center groups, you all know how this works, when you hear the music you will rotate to
your next group. On the screen you will see your groups, I am trusting that you will work efficiently and well with the people
in your group, or you will lose the opportunity to work together. The centers are a little different today, but I am excited
because you guys are going to have a lot of fun if you listen and get all your work done. Explain the centers briefly, the adult
helper working at each center will know what to do as well. These centers should come as a slight refresher for you,
expanding on what you already know from our mini-lesson the other day.”

Text Features we will be exploring:

1. Title - Gives you a clue about the main topic of the text
2. Title Page- identifies the topic of the text/ tells what the text will be about
3. Table of contents- tells the names of chapters
4. Labels- say what the picture or object is.
5. Heading - Gives you a clue about the main idea of a part of the text, or section
6. Photographs - Show you what something looks like in real life
7. Captions - Give you information about the picture
8. Bold Words- signal important information or new words
9. Italics- signal important words, new ideas, or foreign words
10. Glossary- alphabetical list of important words and their meanings found at the end of a book.
11. Charts/ Graphs- visually organize information
12. Cutaways- helps the reader understand something by looking at it from the inside.
13. Maps- can help a reader see where places or things are located.

Google Slides:

“Throughout the centers today you will be creating your investigation booklet! You are all detectives and have to use clues to
support your investigation. You should have all received this document and are able to add to it throughout our time today.
You will choose 5 text features to add evidence to and delete the other slides off your booklet. Have fun with this!”

Detective Booklet; students will use this to fill out 5 text features they learn about through the lesson/ workstations.
Workstations (10 minutes each):
1. Text Features Bingo
Students at this workstation will take part in a text feature bingo game. They will practice their skills by playing with the
whole group. There will be a teacher or helper at this workstation helping delegate and flip the picture cards over. The
students will have chips to place on their game boards when they match the picture to the text feature on their game
board. The goal is for them to fill their board, or get three in a row, depending on how they want to play. After a student
receives ‘bingo’, the instructor will check their answers and reward them with a piece of candy. The students will
continue to play, switching their game boards.
2. Explore and Discover Text Features Using Real World Items
At this workstation I will have real world items where they may have to use text features to be able to tell what the object
is or what it is about. Some of the objects I will have to play around with at the workstation are the following:
- Mac n Cheese Box
- Cereal Box
- Soup cans
- Kleenex Box
- Game Box (board games)
- Marker Box
- Recipe
3. Magazines/ Article- Clips
At this workstation students will explore the text features in magazines and articles. They will take pictures of their
examples and add them to their “Detective Book”. They will also create a clip describing one of the text features they
learned about. Students know how to add these clips to their presentation. They are welcome to add more if they have
time and have completed everything else.

 Differentiate instruction according to learner readiness, strengths, weaknesses, interests, and motivators of
individual students. Include differentiated content, processes, and products. (CAEP K-6 3.d)
Guided Reading Lessons (for 2 separate groups of learners) should include all 5 stages in the reading process.

Guided Reading Groups

Pre-Reading Reading Responding Exploring Applying

Reefs “Can someone tell me Read the first section, “What did you think “Go back and “Throughout the
1. Averyella what a reef is and stop before “A Heated about the article? highlight or circle rest of the
2. Angel where I can find it? Problem”. Ask the What did you learn? the text features workstations you
3. Bryce Today in our reading students, “What you notice. Think will be exploring
4. Aiyonna group we are going to happens when corals Today we are about how these more text features
read an article about are bleached? What continuing to talk support our reading and applying them
reefs, it is called do they look like when about text features throughout. to real life. Make
“Reefs In Peril”. This they are healthy? How and how they sure to use text
is a true article about did you figure that support the non- features to help you
the Australian Great out? Where did you fiction texts that we while reading other
Barrier Reef that is look?” read. texts! Take your
suffering from a huge Continue reading the How do we know article with you
coral bleaching rest of the article. what the article is and use it as
incident. It is Have students read about? Where can evidence for your
important to talk this on their own we find the title of investigation.”
about how we can silently. the text? Wait for
help preserve our “Think about how this student response.
oceans which will article is easy to read? Photographs are a
help our Earth What does it include? great text feature
overall.” you can find
throughout many
different texts. How
do the photographs

help us uncover
what this article is
Fortnite Group 1 What are your Have the students “What did you think “Go back and “Throughout the
1. Saul favorite games to begin to read the about the article? highlight or circle rest of the
2. Christian play online? Why do article silently. Tell What did you learn? the text features workstations you
3. Keyonna you like playing those them to stop when you notice. Think will be exploring
4. Larenzo games? they get to the section Today we are about how these more text features
5. Kaeden Today in our group labeled, “It’s a Social continuing to talk support our reading and applying them
6. Brayton we will be reading an Experiment”. about text features throughout. to real life. Make
article about Fortnite, “Have you learned and how they sure to use text
called “Are You A anything new about support the non- features to help you
Fortnite Group 2 Fortnite Addict?” This Fortnite in the fiction texts that we while reading other
1. Luis article comes from beginning section? read. texts! Take your
2. Odonis the perspective of a Can anyone tell me How do we know article with you
3. Jaleigha professional what the next section what the article is and use it as
4. Jamelle discussing how we are about to read about? Where can evidence for your
5. Novah Fortnite has taken is about? How do we we find the title of investigation.”
over so many minds know that? the text? Wait for
and has such a huge Have students student response.
impact on many continue reading the Photographs are a
people.” rest of the article. great text feature
you can find
throughout many
different texts. How
do the photographs
help us uncover
what this article is
Marine “Have you ever been Have the students “What did you think “Go back and “Throughout the
1. Delilah to the ocean? What begin to read the about the article? highlight or circle rest of the
2. Abbee did you see there? article silently. Tell What did you learn? the text features workstations you
3. Patric What is your favorite them to stop when you notice. Think will be exploring
4. Jose sea animal? they get to the section Today we are about how these more text features
5. Alex Today we are going labeled, “Searching continuing to talk support our reading and applying them
to read an article The Waters”. about text features throughout. to real life. Make
about Sea life and “What have you and how they sure to use text
what goes on below learned from the first support the non- features to help you
the surface. The section about life fiction texts that we while reading other
article dives head under the sea? What read. texts! Take your
first into talking creatures do we see in How do we know article with you
about life under the the article? How do we what the article is and use it as
sea. Let’s dive in!” know what they are about? Where can evidence for your
called?” we find the title of investigation.”
Have students the text? Wait for
continue reading the student response.
rest of the article. Photographs are a
great text feature
you can find
throughout many
different texts. How
do the photographs
help us uncover
what this article is
about? Why do you
think the book has
photographs instead
of illustrations?”

Questions I may ask during the guided reading lesson:

 Why do you think the book has photographs instead of illustrations?
 What information does the table of contents give us?
 Why are headnotes and footnotes important?
 Why is it important to pay attention to headings?
 What is the purpose of the photograph?
 What makes captions important?
 How do we decide which details are important?
 How do details support the main idea and main topic of a text?
 How can we use our understanding of main topic and details in our writing?

VII. Check for understanding. How do you know students have learned? What strategies will you implement if all
students have not met lesson outcomes? Employ one or more strategies to determine student learning.

Have different text features on the overhead doc cam (i.e. Title, Heading, Captions, and Cutaway).
“Now who thinks they have a “Title” text feature from the little mini game we played earlier? Wait for student reply, have
them come up to the doc cam and place it beside the text feature. Continue for 3-4 examples. Checking for student
understanding on the concepts. Does anyone have any questions on text features at this time?”

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure

“Can someone raise their hand and tell me what their favorite center was and what they learned from it? Now we are going
to share our Detective Booklets with the class. I will randomly select someone to airplay their presentation for the class to see.
Quickly walk us through what you discovered.”
Do this for about 2-3 students, depending on time.


Develop a plan for assessing the degree to which your students have mastered the learning outcomes from this lesson.
Your plan should include formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and strengthen instruction that will
promote continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each student. (CAEP K-6 3.a)
Formative: Questions, listening to student responses, walking around the classroom and observing, Detective Booklet,
Summative: Clips, Detective Booklet


Include unique self-answer questions that specifically address unique lesson content, methodology, and assessment.

1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
5. How could I assess my students differently or at a later time to check for understanding?
6. What could I do in my next lesson to continue learning understanding?

Glossary Photographs
Bold Words

Bold Words Charts/
Free Space!
Space! Graphs

Labels Maps


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