RPG Python Game Website

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Combines Reading Comprehension and WTL

Text Based Grouping w/Discussion, Active Teaching through Discussion Debate, Student
Control and Peer Evaluations
Computer Science Content Standards (CSTA)
CL.L2-01 Apply productivity/ multimedia tools and peripherals to group collaboration and
support learning throughout the curriculum.

CT.L2-08 Use visual representations of problem states, structures, and data (e.g., graphs,
charts, network diagrams, flowcharts).

CT.L2-14 Examine connections between elements of mathematics and computer science

including binary numbers, logic, sets and functions.

CT.L2-15 Provide examples of interdisciplinary applications of computational thinking.

CD.L2-02 Identify a variety of electronic devices that contain computational processors.
CD.L2-04 Use developmentally appropriate, accurate terminology when communicating about

MD Literacy Standards
Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on
explanations in the text.
Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes,
or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.
Learn how software engineers develop computer games.
Learn about the process of product re-engineering.
Learn how engineering teams address problem solving.
Learn about teamwork and working in groups.
Activity Description (WTL)
Groups will develop team websites using Weebly with comments enabled to describe the
process of developing a 2 player RPG using the python programming language.

I will ask the students to work in teams of 4 to develop their own Role Playing Computer
Program. During each phase of completion, students from other groups will offer feedback in an
effort for students to successfully complete each phase of the project. Students will be able to
view each others progress as the group publishes their developments. In order for a group to
move to the next phase, all groups must comment and a response must also be offered by the
group members in conclusion.
Programmed Game Description
Suppose you want to create a simple role playing game. Your program will consist of humans
verses a monster or enemy of choice and try to defeat each other ( humans try to kill the
enemies and vice versa).
Pre-Reading/ Guide (Reading Comprehension)


Home Page: (Will develop as the last phase of the game creation utilizing the information
provided by the group)
A description of the game must be present for a standard user (non-programmer) to understand.
Rules and game play must be present and written without coding terminology.

Game Planning Page (WTL-Reader Response) Students must answer the following in a blog
format in order to brainstorm a solution for game and a moderator in each group will make final
posts with the conclusion in planning for each.
How would you keep track of how close a fighter is to death?
What characteristics of a fighter might be important in such a program?
What would you expect your fighters to be able to do?
What information might your fighters need to tell your program?
What data and methods would you use to describe a Human or an Enemy , and to give them
the required capabilities?
Would there be any differences between your Human and your Enemy class?

Game Planning Flow Chart Page:

Students will work together on paper to create a flow chart for the program using the answers to
the guiding questions from their blog.
Upon completion of the flow chart, the group will use Illustrator to create a PDF file of the flow
chart to upload to the webpage.

Pseudo Code Page: (Reading Comprehension)

Students will offer the definition of Pseudo code after reading the article:
A document displaying the pseudo code that compliments the flow chart will be displayed below
the collective definition.
Code Page: (Graphic Organizer)
Upon successfully creating commented code, the group will display a chart comparing the
pseudo code beside the actual code to show the translation into Python.

Game Page:
The *.py file will be posted and able to be downloaded and played. Students from other groups
can comment after playing the game any bugs and pros and cons of the game play.

Ethics Page: Text Based Grouping w/Discussion and Journaling/Blogging

During the course of the program development, students will be able to view each others
assignment throughout the process; often times helping each other along the way develop their
own ideas simply by viewing each others.
Students will read the Programmers Code of Ethics http://www.gammadyne.com/ethics.htm
Student will write a paragraph describing the ethical implications of adapting someone else's
software programming:
The concept of "intellectual property" is an umbrella term for legal entitlements which attach to
certain names, written and recorded media, and inventions. Take a stand for or against whether
you should provide financial or other credit to the original developer of software that you
adapt/change to make new software. Consider that the original software did not sell well, but
that your edited version sold very well.

Follow-Up Activity: Active Teaching through Discussion Debate/ Graphic Organizer

Have a live classroom debate of the pros and cons and the concept of intellectual property
rights. Students will prepare a Compare and Contrast Diagram to reflect on the debate and
supply it for a grade in their learning portfolio.

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