PUBLICITY UPDATE - 12 March 2008
PUBLICITY UPDATE - 12 March 2008
PUBLICITY UPDATE - 12 March 2008
Publicity newsclip
managing media intelligently
Expose. Educate. Empower. Wednesday, 12 March 2008
If one takes Eskom as an example, seeing as it has If, as a communications professional, this concept of
been in the news so much lately: blogs, social instant knowledge appeals to you, please contact
networks, radio and print media have all been Newsclip on to find out
reporting on the load shedding issue. When 20 people more about how this product could work for you.
call in and speak out on air on the John Robbie Show
on Talk Radio 702, criticising Eskom and portrayingit See you next week.
in a negative light, it is crucial that Eskom knows DANIEL
about it as it is happening. GET TO KNOW THE TEAM
This is where Gate5 COOL, Newsclip’s online, live EDITOR Daniel Munslow
analysis system, comes into play. As can be seen DEPUTY EDITOR Pat McClelland
from the image above, as soon as a clip is allocated to EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Stefanie Jason
the client, the information dials and graphs change to MEDIA RESEARCHER Roane Booth
accommodate the development. That means that a MARKETING MANAGER Vanessa Evans
company can respond to a crisis as it is happening,
rather than when the traditional 40-pages of content here.
Daniel Munslow is on Facebook... Visit himLhere
analysis reach the executives’ desk.
Daniel is a member of the Public Relations Institute of
Imagine being able to pick up what is happening across Southern Africa (PRISA) and of the Public Relations
all media in real-time and, in Eskom’s example in the Consultancy Chapter (PRCC).
upper right corner, be able to allocate a spokesperson
to call in to the John Robbie Show while the listeners are GET IN TOUCH
on air. It doesn’t get better than that. Similarly, imagine Want to make a contribution? Want to share your opinions
being able to know exactly what is being said about you and stories about the public relations industry? We want
on key blogs - as they are being written. You might not to hear from you.
have as much control of the Web 2.0 phenomena of
Consumer Generated Content, but you will be able to You can email us at or call
adapt your communications strategy to accommodate us on (011) 288-6600.
these developments.
Media Update
Indeed, this is the power of technology and the
Publicity Update
technological innovations that are all around us. totallyMAd -
“After you've done a thing the same way for two years, Data is provided for information purposes only. Newsclip shall not be responsible for any
direct or indirect or other damage of any kind whatsoever suffered or incurred by you
look it over carefully. After five years, look at it with related to your use of, or your inability to access or use, the content of this publication.
suspicion. And after ten years, throw it away and start Although we have taken all possible steps to ensure the validity of our sources, reliance on
the information contained in this update is used at your own risk.
all over.” - Alfred Edward Perlman, New York Times, 3
July 1958.