PUBLICITY UPDATE - 12 March 2008

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Publicity newsclip

managing media intelligently

Expose. Educate. Empower. Wednesday, 12 March 2008

PUBLICITY NEWS Melissa Attree has

launched GetOn
This month, the Public eMarketing, with the aim of
Relations Institute of South assisting brands to engage
Africa (PRISA) will award Truth and with consumers using specific
Reconciliation facilitator, Archbishop online methods. Attree is an experienced marketing
Desmond Tutu, the PRISA Gold Medal and communications professional. GetOn specialises
for Outstanding Public Relations and in Social Media interaction (blogging for business,
Communication for South Africa. In the past the social networking) and WebPR (optimised media
PRISA medal was awarded to the likes of Nelson releases, pitching to bloggers.) The agency aims to
Mandela, Mark Shuttleworth, Dr Christian Barnard make web 2.0 easier to understand and implement,
and Gary Player. The Gold Medal serves not only to and is facilitating courses on behalf of the Institute for
honour individuals who have utilised public the Advancement of Journalism (
communication and PR to place South Africa on the to find out more). 'Working the Web' is a must for any
global map, but also individuals who have used these communications specialists who need to improve
resources to create local and international awareness their web knowledge and skills. For more information,
of certain South African communities. The annual or read Atrree's
one can log on
event is set to take place at Vodaworld in Midrand on
eMarketing blog
26 March. Limited corporate tables of ten are
available at R13 000, and individual tickets can be NEW ACCOUNTS
purchased at R435. For more information, email Cape Town-based consultancy,
Ref res h PR, has been
Julie O'Neil, Ph.D., of Texas appointed by the South African
Christian University and Sean Institute of Hypnotherapy (SAIH)
Willi ams o f t h e N ati o na l City to manage its PR portfolio. Founded
Co r poratio n w on t he fi rst-eve r in 1998, the SAIH facilitates the
Jackson/Sharpe Award at the 11th practice of hypnotherapy in South
International Public Relations Africa and is the only facility of its kind in South Africa
Research Conference (IPRRC). The that provides expert knowledge around the theory and
Jackson/Sharpe Award is given in recognition of the practice of hypnosis through its training division, known
best scholarly research that bridges the gap between as the Mastermind Hypnotherapy Training Centre. Click
public relations scholarship and practice. Click lhere Lhere
here for more.
for more.
Sabela Loss
Public relations agency, C o n t r o l , a
Meier & McEwan, Johannesburg-based
announced on 11 March, its security company,
change of name to Eclipse has appointed PURE
Public Relations. In addition Communications
( as its PR
to its rebranding, the agency agency of record. PURE will kick off with building a
has launched a specialist Entertainment Division, to new website, then embark on an aggressive public
be headed up by Egoli star Hannes van Wyk. The relations campaign to build Sabela into a thought
agency – with a proven 10-year track record of leader in the industry. The website will go live on 18
delivering specialist PR services – was acquired by a April when Sabela will be running a client golf day
private investor in late 2007. This was soon followed here for more.
hosted by Dale Hayes. ClickLhere
by the appointment of Gavin Etheridge as Business
Unit Manager Cape Town to service the needs of the PEOPLE ON THE MOVE
agency’s growing corporate client portfolio. Since
new ownership in September 2007, Eclipse Public The following promotions have been made at Magna
Relations has experienced a revenue growth of 50% Carta PR, Cape Town:
adding new clients to its portfolio that include, among
others, Bayer and Gardener Ross Golf & Country  Kate Thompson has been promoted to Account
Estate (Ernie Els). The firm also currently represents Director from Senior Account Manager.
Falke, Master Builders Association (MBA), Nettex,  Fehraad de Nicker has been promoted to Account
Steve Madden, The Institute of Municipal Engineering Manager from Junior Account Manager.
of Southern Africa (IMESA) and several Procter &  Natalie Bezuidenhout has been promoted to Junior
here for more.
Gamble brands ClickLhere Account Manager from Junior Account Executive.
A Newsclip Media Monitoring Initiative UPDATE


Identifying the future before it arrives is a tricky

thing to do... But a necessary one in this day and
age of constant innovation and development.
Gone are the days where a company could wait
and assess the market for six months and then
decide whether to be an adopter of change. Now,
once a technological innovation is out there, it is
estimated that a company has in the region of six
months to get it off the ground, or miss out.

When it comes to public relations and

communications, nothing is different. We live in a
world of change; the internet and mass/new
media is changing the way we do business and the
way we manage our lives and relationships - both
business and professional.

Newsclip, as a media monitoring and analysis

company, has come a long way in the last 25
year... Whereas it started off as a press cutting
agency with a pair of scissors and paper, it is now a
technologically innovative company and market
leader in media monitoring and analysis.

When it comes to media analysis, the company

has recognised that content analysis in its
traditional sense can no longer support the rapid I haven’t even gone into the fact that COOL allows a
movements in the media industry. Companies need user to see a ten-week trend at any given time -
to know what the media is saying about them in real- allowing for an instant snapshot of how the media has
time. reported on you over time.

If one takes Eskom as an example, seeing as it has If, as a communications professional, this concept of
been in the news so much lately: blogs, social instant knowledge appeals to you, please contact
networks, radio and print media have all been Newsclip on to find out
reporting on the load shedding issue. When 20 people more about how this product could work for you.
call in and speak out on air on the John Robbie Show
on Talk Radio 702, criticising Eskom and portrayingit See you next week.
in a negative light, it is crucial that Eskom knows DANIEL
about it as it is happening. GET TO KNOW THE TEAM

This is where Gate5 COOL, Newsclip’s online, live EDITOR Daniel Munslow
analysis system, comes into play. As can be seen DEPUTY EDITOR Pat McClelland
from the image above, as soon as a clip is allocated to EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Stefanie Jason
the client, the information dials and graphs change to MEDIA RESEARCHER Roane Booth
accommodate the development. That means that a MARKETING MANAGER Vanessa Evans
company can respond to a crisis as it is happening,
rather than when the traditional 40-pages of content here.
Daniel Munslow is on Facebook... Visit himLhere
analysis reach the executives’ desk.
Daniel is a member of the Public Relations Institute of
Imagine being able to pick up what is happening across Southern Africa (PRISA) and of the Public Relations
all media in real-time and, in Eskom’s example in the Consultancy Chapter (PRCC).
upper right corner, be able to allocate a spokesperson
to call in to the John Robbie Show while the listeners are GET IN TOUCH
on air. It doesn’t get better than that. Similarly, imagine Want to make a contribution? Want to share your opinions
being able to know exactly what is being said about you and stories about the public relations industry? We want
on key blogs - as they are being written. You might not to hear from you.
have as much control of the Web 2.0 phenomena of
Consumer Generated Content, but you will be able to You can email us at or call
adapt your communications strategy to accommodate us on (011) 288-6600.
these developments.
Media Update
Indeed, this is the power of technology and the
Publicity Update
technological innovations that are all around us. totallyMAd -

“After you've done a thing the same way for two years, Data is provided for information purposes only. Newsclip shall not be responsible for any
direct or indirect or other damage of any kind whatsoever suffered or incurred by you
look it over carefully. After five years, look at it with related to your use of, or your inability to access or use, the content of this publication.
suspicion. And after ten years, throw it away and start Although we have taken all possible steps to ensure the validity of our sources, reliance on
the information contained in this update is used at your own risk.
all over.” - Alfred Edward Perlman, New York Times, 3
July 1958.

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