totallyMAd - 14 March 2008
totallyMAd - 14 March 2008
totallyMAd - 14 March 2008
managing media intelligently
A marketingAadvertising
The SAARF AMPS 2007B were released earlier this The highest penetration of magazines is in the Western
week for the period February to November 2007. For Cape, followed by Gauteng. The Western Cape is down
this period there have been no significant 4% from the previous period. Overall penetration is up
demographics changes and some data was trended from 7% in 1997 to 40% today.
over a 10-year period for comparability purposes.
The balance of the data is trended as usual over the Interestingly, there have been no changes to the
past three periods. business titles, nor to the TV guides. There has however
been a substantial increase for custom magazines, with
This AMPS release has a sample size of 21,068, Club Foschini, Lewis and Jet all up and Edgars holding
extrapolated to a population of 31 109 000 - up 0.7% 6.7% penetration.
from the 2006 period.
The motoring category has remained relatively stable.
The AMPS are validated against other market
research to ensure comparability and accuracy. Some Media Consumption - Television
examples include Vodacom’s list of subscribers, the
number of people who subscribe to DStv (using There have been overall increases to SABC1, 2 and 3, as
Multichoice figures), and information from Statistics well as and DStv. The only station to decline was M-
Net’s main service station.
South Africa.
Household income for television viewing is at its highest
General Data - Overview
with DStv, at R17 337 and an average age of 40; while
the lowest is SABC1 at R5 626 and an average age of 36.
So to start with - average household income is
standing at R5 870, up from an average of R2 435 in
Media Consumption - Radio
1994. Break down by province remain stable, with
some changes to the LSM categories. LSM 1-4 are Radio listening is stable, with 91.1% penetration for
down 24%, LSM 5-6 are up 17%, LSM 7-8 are up 45% commercial and 17.1% for community stations. Talk
and LSM 9 and 10 are up 21%. Radio 702, Kaya FM and Gagasi have shown solid growth
over the period.
In terms of education standards, there remains a
constant decline in the number of respondents who Media Consumption - Other
indicate they have no schooling - comparable to the
increase in the number of people who completed There have been no major changes to outdoor or cinema
primary and matric. Functional literacy is up from media consumption, but internet is up, significantly so in
71% in 1997 to 88% in 2007. LSM 8 to 10.