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Employer'S Pocket Guide ON Youth Employment

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U. S. Department of Labor


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Every year, millions of teens work in part-time or summer

jobs. Early work experiences can be rewarding for young
workers providing great opportunities for teens to learn
important work skills. .
Through the YouthRules! initiative, the U.S. Department of
Labor and its strategic partners seek to promote positive and
safe work experiences for young workers. YouthRules!
strives to educate teens, parents, educators, employers and
the public on Federal and State rules regarding young workers. Components of the initiative include a website
(www.youthrules.dol.gov), printed materials like this guide,
outreach events, training seminars, and partnering activities.
This guide outlines what teens can and cannot do on the job
and what hours they may be employed. In addition to presenting proven tips that will help ensure teens learn the habit
of good workplace safety, this guide also provides important
information about accessing State youth employment standards and occupational safety and health provisions.
YouthRules! helps all of us work together to ensure young
workers have safe and rewarding employment experiences.

A Quick Look at the Fair Labor

Standards Act

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) youth employment provisions are designed to protect young workers by limiting the
types of jobs and the number of hours they may work. The
provisions differ based on the age of the minor.

18 Years of Age

Once a youth reaches 18 years of age, he or she is no longer

subject to the Federal child labor provisions.

16 and 17 Years of Age

Hours Rules:

Under the FLSA, 16- and 17-year-olds may be employed for

unlimited hours in any occupation other than those declared
hazardous by the Secretary of Labor (see below). Several
States do restrict the number of hours and times of day that
this age group may be employed. Be sure to check with your
State Department of Labor. You can find the State rules by
logging onto www.youthrules.dol.gov.

Occupation Rules:

Seventeen hazardous non-farm jobs, as determined by the

Secretary of Labor, are out of bounds for young workers
below the age of 18. Generally youth may not work at jobs
that involve:
1. Manufacturing or storing explosives
2. Any driving by 16-year-olds, certain driving for 17-year-olds,
and being an outside helper on a motor vehicle (limited
driving by 17-year-olds is permitted.)
3. Coal mining

Occupation Rules, cont.

4. Logging and sawmilling

5. Power-driven woodworking machines*
6. Exposure to radioactive substances and to ionizing
7. Power-driven hoisting equipment
8. Power-driven metal-forming, punching, and shearing
9. Mining, other than coal
10. Meat packing or processing, including power-driven meat
slicing machines in retail and food service establishments*
11. Power-driven bakery machines, including mixers
12. Power-driven paper-products machines, including balers
and compactors*
13. Manufacturing brick, tile, and related products
14. Power-driven circular saws, band saws, and
guillotine shears*
15. Wrecking, demolition, and ship breaking operations
16. Roofing operations*
17. Excavation operations*
*Limited exemptions are provided for apprentices and
student-learners under specified standards.

14 and 15 Years of Age

Hours Rules:

14- and 15-year-olds may work outside of school hours in certain jobs (see below) for up to:

3 hours on a school day

18 hours in a school week
8 hours on a non-school day
40 hours in a non-school week

Also, the work must be performed between the hours of 7

a.m. and 7 p.m., except from June 1 through Labor Day, when
the evening hours are extended to 9:00 p.m. Several States
also regulate the hours that young workers under age 18 may
work, so check with your State Department of Labor. You can
find the State rules by logging onto www.youthrules.dol.gov.

Occupation Rules:

Fourteen- and 15-year-olds may work in a variety of jobs,

including those generally located in:
4 offices
4 grocery stores
4 retail stores
4 restaurants
4 movie theaters
4 baseball parks
4 amusement parks
4 gasoline service stations
Fourteen- and 15-year-olds may not work in the following
4 communications or public utilities jobs
4 construction or repair jobs
4 driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver
4 manufacturing, mining and processing occupations
4 power-driven hoisting apparatus or machinery, other than
typical office machines

4 public messenger jobs

4 transporting of persons or property
4 workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or
processed, or
4 warehousing and storage
In addition, 14- and 15-year-olds may not work in any job or
occupation declared hazardous for older youth and listed on
pages 4-5 of this guide.

13 Years of Age or Younger

Fourteen is generally the minimum age for employment under

the FLSA. However there are some jobs that are specifically
exempted from the youth employment rules and may be performed by those under 14 years of age. Again, it is important
to check with your State Department of Labor to learn how
the State rules apply to this age group. You can find the State
rules by logging onto www.youthrules.dol.gov.

Young workers under 14 years of age

may generally:

4 Deliver newspapers
4 Work as a baby-sitter on a casual basis
4 Work as an actor or performer in motion pictures,
television, theater or radio
4 Work in a business solely owned or operated by the
youths parents. However, parents are prohibited from
employing their children in manufacturing, mining, or any
other occupation declared hazardous for older workers by
the Secretary of Labor. (See list of hazardous occupations
listed on pages 4-5 of this guide).

Employers Safety Checklist

For Young Workers

To be sure, some tasks and tools present more of a hazard

than others. Many hazardous activities are limited or prohibited for young people by the FLSA. (See pages 4-5 of this
guide). But employers can take some simple steps to prevent
injuries to working teens.
4 Understand and comply with the Federal and State youth
employment and occupational safety and health rules.
4 Stress safety, particularly among first-line supervisors who
have the greatest opportunity to influence teens and their
work habits. They are important role models. Make sure
that young workers are appropriately trained and
supervised to prevent injuries and hazardous exposures.
4 Work with supervisors and experienced workers to
develop an injury and illness prevention program and to
help identify and solve safety and health problems. Many
injuries can be prevented through simple work redesign.
4 Train young workers to recognize hazards and to use safe
work practices. This is especially important since teens
often have little work experience and new workers are at a
disproportionate risk of injury.
4 Make sure young workers know the Federal and State
youth employment rules and frequently remind them that
they must be obeyed. Let them know safety is a priority.

Good Ideas from Other Employers

Take advantage of others experiences. Here are some examples of compliance tips that are being used successfully by
employers across the country.

4 Different colored vests are issued to employees under the

age of 18 by one chain of convenience stores. That way,
supervisors know who is not allowed to operate the
electric meat slicer.
4 An employer in the quick service industry, with over 8,000
young workers, developed a computerized tracking
system to ensure that workers under 16 years of age are
not scheduled for too many hours during school weeks.
4 One supermarket issues teens a laminated, pocket-sized
"Minor Policy Card" on the first day of work. The card
explains the firms policy and requirements for complying
with the youth employment rules. A sample card is
available on the YouthRules! website at
4 Many employers have taken the simple, but critical step of
training all their supervisors in the requirements of the
FLSA. Refresher training at periodical intervals is equally
4 Some employers place special "Warning Stickers" on
equipment that young workers may not legally operate or
clean. As part of YouthRules!, the Department of Labor
is making these stickers available to employers while
supplies last. In addition, these stickers can be down
loaded at www.youthrules.dol.gov.
4 Many employers conduct their own compliance checks of
their businesses to ensure they achieve and maintain
compliance with all youth employment rules. For more
information about this process and to obtain a sample
compliance questionnaire visit www.youthrules.dol.gov.

Preparing Young Workers

To Work Safely

Young workers want to do a good job but they need help to

work safely. Their inexperience works against them and they
may not feel comfortable asking questions. Employers should
take the following four steps to help prepare youth to work
safely. What they learn, they will take with them throughout
their working lives.

1. Double Check Tasks

Supervisors and co-workers can help compensate for inexperience by showing teens how to do the job correctly. What may
be obvious to an employee may not be so clear to a teen tackling a task for the first time. Time spent showing a young
worker the best way to handle a job will be paid back threefold through work done right and without harm to products
or injury to the worker. Training youth to work safely is a
multi-step process:
4 Give them clear instructions and tell them what safety
precautions to take.
4 Ask them to repeat your instructions and give them an
opportunity to ask questions.
4 Show them how to perform the task.
4 Then watch them as they do it, correcting any mistakes.
4 Finally, ask if they have any additional questions.
Once young workers know what to do and have demonstrated
that they can do the job right, check again later to be sure
they are continuing to do the task correctly. Dont let them
take short cuts with safety. Be sure, too, that supervisors and
co-workers set a good example by following all the appropriate rules as well.


2. Show Them How to Use Safety


The FLSA prohibits young workers from doing tasks identified

as particularly hazardous, including operating heavy equipment, driving, and using electric meat slicers. In addition,
younger minors are prohibited from working late at night and
using certain power tools.
This does not eliminate every hazard, however, and some
youth may still need to wear personal protective equipment
(PPE) such as safety shoes, hard hats, or gloves, depending on
the nature of the work. Be sure that the teens know when
they need to wear protective gear, where to find it, how to
use it, and how to care for it.
In other cases, young workers may simply need to know
about safety features of equipment or facilities. For example,
they may need to be aware that they must keep exit doors
free from clutter, assure that safety guards remain on machinery, or that equipment is turned off or disconnected prior to
cleaning and at the end of each shift.

3. Prepare Teens for Emergencies

Every worker needs to be ready to handle an emergency. You

should prepare your young workers to escape a fire, handle
potentially violent customers, deal with power outages or
face any other risks that affect your business. Youths also
need to know who to go to if an injury should occur and they
need first aid or medical care.

4. Set Up a Safety and Health Program

A strong safety and health program involving every worker at
your business is your best defense against workplace injuries.
For help in establishing or improving a safety and health program, contact the Departments Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA). See page 12 of this guide.


Resources to Tap

For information about employment standards that apply to

young workers or about YouthRules!, contact the Department
of Labors Wage and Hour Division toll free at (866) 4USWAGE or
(866) 487-9243. TTY/TDD callers may call 877-889-5627 toll-free.
For information about OSHA, occupational safety and health
provisions, and locating the nearest OSHA office call (800)
321-OSHA or (800) 321-6742 toll free. Or check the OSHA
website for a list of these offices at www.osha.gov.
You can also obtain both general and detailed information
about rules for youth employment by visiting our YouthRules!
website at www.youthrules.dol.gov.
The website provides links to several departmental sites including:
4 Wage and Hour Division (WHD)
(http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd), which enforces Federal
minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child
labor requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. WHD
also enforces the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker
Protection Act, the Employee Polygraph Protection Act, the
Family and Medical Leave Act, the Davis Bacon Act , the
Service Contract Act and other statutes applicable to Federal
contracts for construction and for the provision of goods and
4 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
(www.osha.gov) which provides detailed information on safety
standards, technical advisors, compliance assistance, and many
other materials.
4 Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
(www.doleta.gov) which seeks to build up the labor market
through the training of the workforce and the placement of
workers in jobs through employment services. From this site
you can access Americas Job Bank (www.ajb.org), the worlds
largest pool of active job opportunities and ETAs Youth
Center which helps young workers acquire important job
hunting skills.

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