Landslide Types and Processes David M. Cruden y Davi J. Varnes

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The chapter discusses different types of landslides and provides terminology for describing landslide features and classification. It also reviews changes made to the landslide classification system since 1978.

Some of the different types of landslides discussed include spreading, slides, flows, falls, and subsidence. The chapter aims to describe features of landslides to allow for their unambiguous classification.

Some important sources of information about landsliding mentioned are proceedings from the International Symposium on Landslides, texts and descriptions by various authors, and reviews of landsliding around the world.

~Chapter 3









he range of landslide processes is reviewed in

this chapter, and a vocabulary is provided for
d($cribing the features of landslides relevant
to their classification for avoidance, control, or remediation. The classification of landslides in the
previous landslide report (Varnes 1978) has been
widely adopted, so departures from it have been
minimized and the emphasis is on the progress made
since 1978. Although this chapter i~ complete in
itself, particular attention is drawn to 'changes and
additions to the vocabulary used by Varnes in the
previous report and the reasons for the changes.
. The term lO.ndslide denotes "the movement of
a mass of rock, debris or earth down a slope"
(Cruden 1991, 27). The phenomena described as
landslides are not limited either to the land or to
sliding; the word as it is now used in North
America has a much more extensive meaning than
its component parts suggest (Cruden 1991). The
coverage in this chapter will, however, be identical to that of the previous report (Varnes 1978).
Ground subsidence and collapse are excluded, and
snow avalanches and ice falls are not discussed.
This chapter also follows Varnes's expressed
intention of (1978, 12) "developing and attempting
to make more precise a useful vocabulary of terms
by which ... [landslides] ... may be described." The
terms Varnes recommended in 1978 are largely
retained unchanged and a few useful new terms
have been added. Eliot (1963,194) noted:


... Words strain,

Crack and sometimes break, under the burden,
Under the tension, slip, slide, perish,
Decay with imprecision, will not stay in place,
Will not stay still. ...
Such displaced terms are identified in this chapter.
Following Varnes (1978), the use of terms relating
to the geologic, geomorphic, geographic, or climatic characteristics of a landslide has been discouraged, and the section in the previous report in
which these terms are discussed has been deleted.
The viewpoint of the chapter is that of the
investigator responding to a report of a landslide
on a transportation route. What can' be usefully
observed and how should these observations be
succinctly and unambiguously described?
The technic;al literature describing landslides
has grown 'Considerably since 1978. An important
source of landslide information is the proceedings
of the International Symposium on Landslides.
The third symposium met in New Delhi, India
(Swaminathan 1980), and the symposium has since
metquadriennially in Toronto, Canada (Canadian
Geotechnical Society 1984); in Lausanne, Switzerland (Bannard 1988); and in Christchurch, New
Zealand (Bell 1992); it is scheduled to meet in
Trondheim, Norway, in 1996.
Among the other important English language
texts and collections of descriptions of landslides
have been those by Zaruba and Mencl (1982),
Brunsden and Prior (1984), Crozier (1986), and

Landslide Types and Processes

with landslide activity, many of Hutchinson's sugCosta and Wieczorek (1987). Eisbacher and
Clague (1984) and Skermer's translation of Heim's
gestions from the Working Party on the World
Bergsturz und Menschenleben (1932) have made
Landslide Inventory (WP/WLl) have been
adopted (WP/WLI 1993a,b).
descriptions of the classic landslides of the European Alps more accessible to North Americans.
Under Hutchinson's chairmanship, the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG)
Important reviews of landsliding around the
world were edited by Brabb and Harrod (1989) and
Commission on Landslides and Other Mass MoveKozlovskii (1988). Kyunttsel (1988) reviewed
ments continued its work on terminology. The
declaration by the United Nations of the Interexperience with classification in the USSR and
noted "considerable divergences of views between
national Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
various researchers concerning the mechanisms
(1990-2000) prompted the IAEG Commission's
underlying certain types oflandslides. This applies
Suggested Nomenclature for Landslides (1990) and
the creation of the WP/WLI by the International
particularly to lateral spreads."
A historical perspective has been added to, the
Geotechnical Societies and the United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
discussion of spreading to show that this type of
landslide was recognized in North America over - (UNESCO). The Working Party, formed from the
IAEG Commission, the Technical Committee on
100 years ago and is represt:,nted here by some
extremely large movements. Both the size and the
Landslides of the International Society for Soil
gentle slopes of these movements command parMechanics and Foundation Engineering, and nomticular attention.
inees of the International Society for Rock MeCrozier commented:
chanics, published Directory of the World Landslide
Inventory (Brown et al. 1992) listing many workers
The two generalized classifications most likely
interested in the description of landslides worldto be encountered in the English speaking
wide. The Working Party has also prepared the
world are by}.N. Hutchinson (1968; Skempton
MultilinguaL Landslide Glossary, which will encourand Hutchinson, 1969) and D.}. Varnes (1958;
age the use of standard terminology in describing
1978).... Both authors use type of movement
landslides (WP/WLI 1993b). The terminology
to establish the principal groups.... The major
suggested in this chapter is consistent with the sugdistinction between the two classifications is
gested methods and the glossary of the UNESCO
the difference accorded to the status of flow
Working Party (WP/WLI 1990, 1991, 1993a,b).
movements ... slope movements which are
initiated by shear failure on distinct, boundary
shear surfaces but which subsequently achieve
most of their translational movement by
The criteria used in the classification of landslides
flowage . . . this dilemma depends on whether
presented here follow Varnes (1978) in emphasizthe principal interest rests with analyzing the
ing type of movement and type of material. Any
conditions offailure or with treating the results
can be classified and described by two
of movement. Hutchinson's classification
first describes the material and the secnouns:
appears to be related more closely to this first
ond describes the type of movement, as shown in
purpose. . .. Both Hutchinson's and Varnes'
Table 3-1 (e.g., rock fall, debris flow).
classifications have tended to converge over
The names for the types of materials are un. recent years, particularly in terminology.. .' .
changed from Varnes's classification (1978): rock,
Whereas Varnes' scheme is perhaps easier
debris, and earth. The definitions for these terms are
to apply and requires less expertise to use,
given in Section 7. Movements have again been
Hutchinson's classification has particular
divided into five types: falls, topples, slides, spreads,
appeal to the engineer contemplating stability
analysis. (Crozier 1986, Ch. 2)
and flows, defined and described in Section 8. The
sixth type proposed by Varnes (1978, Figure 2.2),
complex landslides, has been dropped from the forThe synthesis of these two classifications has conmal classification, although the term complex has
tinued. Hutchinson (1988) included topples, and
this chapter has benefited from his comments,' In
been retained asa description of the style of activity of a landslide. Complexity can also be indicated
Section 4 of this chapter particularly, which deals



Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

Table 3-1
Abbreviated Classification of Slope Movements






Rock fall
Rock topple
Rock slide
Rock spread
Rock flow

Debris fall
Debris topple
Debris slide
Debris spread
Debris flow

Earth fall
Earth topple
Earth slide
Earth spread
Earth flow

by combining the five types of landslide in the ways

suggested below. The large classification chart
accompanying the previous report (Varnes 1978,
Figure 2.1) has been divided into separate figures
disrributed throughout this chapter.
Table 3-2
Glossary for Forming Names of Landslides












Extremely rapid
Very rapid
Very slow
Extremely slow

Very wet








Extremely rapid
Very rapid
Very slow
Extremely slow

Very wet



NOTE: Subsequent movements may be described by repeating the above descriptors as

many times as necessary.

The name of a landslide can become more elaborate as more information about the movement
becomes available. To build up the complete identification of the movement, descriptors are added
in front of the two-noun classification using a preferred sequence of terms. The suggested sequence .
provides a progressive narrowing of the focus of the
descriptors, first by time and then by spatiallocation, beginning with a view of the whole landslide,
continuing with parts of the movement, and finally
defining the materials involved: The recommended
sequence, as shown in Table 3-2, describes activity
(including state, distribution, and style) followed
by descriptions of all movements (including rate,
water content, material, and type).
This sequence is followed throughout the chapter and all terms given in Table 3-2 are highlighted
in bold type and discussed. Second or subsequent
movements in complex or composite landslides
can be described by repeating, as many times as
necessary, the descriptors used in Table 3-2.
Descriptors that are the same as those for the first
movement may then be dropped. from the name.
For instance, the very large, and rapid slope
movement that occurred near the town of Frank,
Alberta, Canada, in 1903 (McConnell and Brock
1904) was a complex, extremely rapid, dry rock
fall-debris flow (Figure 3 ~ 1). From the full name of
this landslide at Frank, one would know that both
the debris flow and the rock fall "Yere extremely
rapid and dry because no other descriptors are used
for the debris flow.
As discussed in Section 4.3, the addition of the
descriptor complex to the name indicates the
sequence of movement in the landslide and distinguishes this landslide from a composite rock
fall-debris flow, in which rock fall and debris flow
movements were occurring, sometimes siinultaneously, on different parts of the displaced mass. The


Landslide Types and Processes

Slide at Frank,
Alberta, Canada

(oblique aerial
photograph from
south). About 4: 10

a.m. on April 29,

1903, about 85
million tonnes of
rock moved down
east face of Turtle
Mountain, across
entrance of Frank
mine of Canadian
American Coal
Crowsnest River,
southern end of
town of Frank,
main road from
east, and Canadian
Pacific mainline
through Crowsnest
Pass. Displaced
mass continued up
opposite side of
valley before coming
to rest 120 m above
valley floor. Event
lasted about
100 seconds.

full name of the landslide need only be given once;

subsequent references should then be to the initial
material and type of movement, for example, "the
rock fall" or "the Frank rock fall" for the landslide
at Frank, Alberta.
Several noun combinations may be required to
. identify the multiple types of material and movement involved in a complex or composite landslide. To provide clarity in the description, a dash
known as an "en dash" is used to link these stages,
as in rock fall-debris flow in the example above.
(An en dash is half the length of a regular dash and
longer than a hyphen; it is used to remove ambiguity by indicating linkages between terms composed of two nouns.)
The full name of a landslide may be cumbersome and there is a natural tendency, particularly

among geologists, to establish type examples with

which other landslides may be compared. Shreve
(1968), for instance, referred to the landslide in
Frank, Alberta, as belonging to the Blackhawk type.
It seems clear that type examples should be historic
landslides that have been investigated in detaif'
shortly after their occurrence and are of continuing interest to landslide specialists. In addition, for
a type example to be useful, other landslides with
the same descriptors should occur in similar material. The Blackhawk landslide (Figure 3-2) was a
prehistoric landslide, and thus was not subject to
investigation at its occurrence (Shreve 1968). It is
therefore not a suitable type example; nevertheless, it may have been a Frank-type landslide.
Although Varnes (1978, 25) discussed "terms
relating to geologic, geomorphic, geographic, or

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ . _ . _.._


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

tions may be unlikely. The inclusion of complex

and composite landslides would increase the number of type examples to over a billion.

Before landslide types are discussed, it is useful to

establish a nomenclature for the observable landslide features and to discuss the methods ofexpressing the dimensions and geometry of landslides.
3.1 Landslide Features

Blackhawk landslide:
view upslope to
south over lobe
of dark marble
breccia spread
beyond mouth of
Blackhawk Canyon
on north slope of
San Bernardino
Mountains in
;outhern California.
Maximum width of
obe is 2 to 3 km;
1eight of scarp at
lear edge is about
15 m [Varnes 1978,
:igure 2.28 (Shelton


:IGURE 3-3
310ck diagram of
dealized complex
~arth slide-earth
low (Varnes 1978,
:igure 2.1 t).

climatic setting," he recommended against the

practice of using type examples because the terms
"are not informative to a reader who lacks knowledge of the locality" (1978, 26). Moreover, type
examples are impractical because of the sheer
number required to provide a fairly complete landslide classification. About 100,000 type examples
would be required for all the combinations of
descriptors and materials with all the types of
movement defined in Table 3-2 and in the following sections, although admittedly some combina-

Varnes (1978, Figure 2.It) provided an idealized

diagram showing the features for a complex earth
slide-earth flow, which has been reproduced here as
Figure 3-3. More recently, the IAEG Commissiori
on Landslides (1990) produced a new idealized
landslide diagram (Figure 3-4) in which the various features are identified by numbers, which are
defined in different languages by referring to the
accompanying tables. Table 3-3 provides the definitions in English.
The names of the features are unchanged from
Varnes's classification (1978). However, Table
3-3 contains explicit definitions for the surface of
rupture (Figure 3-4, 10), the depletion (16), the
depleted mass (17), and the accumulation (18) and
expanded definitions for the surface of separa.tion
(12) and the flank (19). The sequence of the first
nine landslide features has been rearranged to proceed from the crown above the head of the displaced material to the toe at the foot of the


Landslide Types and Processes

displaced material. This sequence may make these

features easier to remember.
It may also be helpful to point out that in the
zone of depletion (14) the elevation of the ground
surface decreases as a result oflandsliding, whereas
in the zone of accumulation (15) the elevation of
the ground surface increases. If topographic maps
or digital terrain models of the landslide exist for
both before and after movements, the zones of
depletion and accumulation can be found from the
differences between the maps or models. The volume decrease over the zone of depletion is, of
course, the depletion, and the volume increase
over the zone of accumulation is the accumulation. The accumulation can be expected to be
larger than the depletion because the ground generally dilates during landsliding.








Landslide features:
upper portion, plan
of typical landslide
in which dashed line
indicates trace of
rupture surface on
original ground
surface; lower
portion, section in
which hatching
indicates undisturbed
ground and stippling
shows extent of "
displaced material.
Numbers refer to
features defined in
Table 3-3 (lAEG
on Landslides 1990).

Table 3-3
Definitions of Landslide Features




Main scarp


Minor scarp

Main body





Surface of rupture



Toe of surface of
Surface of separation
Displaced material


Zone of depletion


Zone of accumulation
Depleted mass




Original ground surface

Practically undisplaced material adjacent 'to highest parts of main scarp

Steep surface on undisturbed ground at upper edge of landslide caused by movement of
displaced material (13, stippled area) away from undisturbed ground; it is visible part of
surface of rupture (10)
Highest point of contact between displaced material (13) and main scarp (2)
Upper parts of landslide along contact between displaced material and main scarp (2)
Steep surface on displaced material of landslide produced by differential movements within
displaced material
Part of displaced material of landslide that overlies surface of rupture between main scarp
(2) and toe of surface of rupture (11)
Portion of landslide that has moved beyond toe of surface of rupture (11) and overlies
original ground surface (20)
Point on toe (9) farthest from top (3) of landslide
Lower, usually curved margin of displaced material of a landslide, most distant from main
scarp (2)
Surface that forms (or that has formed) lower boundary of displaced material (13) below
original ground surface (20); mechanical idealization of surface of rupture is called slip
surface in Chapter 13
Intersection (usually buried) between lower part of surface of rupture (10) of a landslide
and original ground surface (20)
Part of original ground surface (20) now overlain by foot (7) of landslide
Material displaced from its original position on slope by movement in landslide; forms both
depleted mass (17) and accumulation (I8); it is stippled in Figure 3-4
Area of landslide within which displaced material (13) lies below original ground
surface (20)
Area of landslide within which displaced material lies above original ground surface (20)
Volume bounded by main scarp (2), depleted mass (17), and original ground surface (20)
Volume of displaced material that overlies surface of rupture (10) but underlies original
ground surface (20)
Volume of displaced material (13) that lies above original ground surface (20)
Undisplaced material adjacent to sides of surface of rupture; compass directions are
preferable in describing flanks, but if left and right are used, they refer to flanks as viewed
'from crown
Surface of slope that existed before landslide took place



Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

3.2 Landslide Dimensions

The IAEG Commission on Landslides (1990)
utilized the nomenclature described in Section
3.1 (including Figure 3-4 and Table 3-3) to provide definitions of some dimensions of a typical
landslide. The IAEG Commission diagram is
reproduced here as Figure 3-5. Once again, each
dimension is identified on the diagram by a number, and these numbers are linked to tables giving
definitions in several languages. Table 3-4 gives the
definitions in English.
The quantities Ld , Wd , Dd and Lr ,Wr ' Dr are
introduced because, with an assumption about the
shape of the landslide, their products lead to estimates of the volume of the landslide that are use-

VOL.eps =.1.
1ta . b . c
where a, b, and care semimajor axes. Thus, the
volume of a "spoon shape" corresponding to onehalf an ellipsoid is
VOL =-1 -1ta
. b . c =-1ta
. b.C


But as shown in Figure 3-6(b), for a landslide

a=Dr ,b=Wr/2, andc=Lr /2. Therefore, the volume

of ground displaced by a landsBde is approximately

Landslide dimensions:
upper portion, plan
of typical landslide
in which dashed line
is trace of rupture
surface on original
ground surface;



= - 1ta .


b . c =-4 1tD . W /2 . L /2


This is the volume of material before the landslide

moves. Movement usually increases the volume of
the material being displaced because the displaced
material dilates. After the landslide, the volume of
displaced material can be estimated by 1/61tDdWd Ld
(WP/WLI 1990, Equation 1).
A term borrowed from the construction industry, the swell factor, may be used to describe the
increase in volume after displacement as a percentage of the volume before displacement. Church
(1981, Appendix 1) suggested that a swell factor of
67 percent "is an average figure obtained from
existing data for solid rock" that has been mechan-

lower portion,

section in which
hatching indicates
undisturbed ground,
stippling shows
extent of displaced
material, and broken
line is original ground
surface. Numbers
refer to dimensions
defined in Table 3-4
(IAEG Commission
on Landslides 1990).

ful in remedial work. For instance, for many rotational landslides, the surface of rupture can be
approximated by half an ellipsoid with semiaxes
q, W)2, LJ2. As shown in Figure 3-6(a), the
volume of an ellipsoid is (Beyer 1987, 162)

Table 3-4
Definitions of Landslide Dimensions




Width of displaced mass, Wd

Width of surface of rupture, Wr
Length of displaced mass, Ld
Length of surface of rupture, L,
Depth of displaced mass, Dd

Depth of surface of rupture, D,

Total length, L
Length of center line, Lei

Maximum breadth of displaced mass perpendicular to length, Ld

Maximum width between flanks of landslide perpendicular to length, L,
Minimum distance from tip to top
Minimum distance from toe of surface of rupture to crown
Maximum depth of displaced mass measured perpendicular to
plane containing Wd and Ld
Maximum depth of surface of rupture below original ground surface
measured perpendicular to plane containing W, and L,
Minimum distance from tip of landslide to crown
Distance from crown to tip of landslide through points on original
ground surface equidistant from lateral margins of surface of rupture
and displaced material

Landslide Types and Processes

(a) Ellipsoid

(b) Landslide

ically excavated. His estimates may approximate

the upper bound for the swell due to landsliding.
Nicoletti and Sorriso-Valvo (1991) chose an average dilation of 33 percent, so 4DT~Lr '" 3Dd~Ld'
More precise information is as yet unavailable.
The ground-surface dimensions of the displaced
material, Ld ,~ , and of the surface of rupture, W:'
and the total length, L, of the landslide can be
measured with an electronic distance-measuring
instrument; a rangefinder may be sufficiently precise for a one-person reconnaissance. Measurement of the distance L may present problems
because the toe of the surface of rupture is often
not exposed. Its position can sometimes be estimated from graphical extrapolations of the main
scarp supported by measurements ofdisplacements
within the displaced mass (Cruden 1986). Although Dd and D can also be estimated by these
techniques, site investigations provide more precise methods of locating surfaces of rupture under
displaced material (Hutchinson 1983).
The total length of the landslide, dimension L
(5, Figure 3-5), is identical with length L, "the
maximum length of the slide upslope," shown in
Figure 3-3 (Varnes 1978); both are the straightline distances from crown to tip. Readers are cautioned that several writers define the length of a
landslide in terms of its horizontal extent and frequently use the letter L to define this horizontal
distance in tabulations of observations arid in calculations. This use ofL is a source of potential confusion and inaccuracy, and readers should make
certain that they can identify the dimension being
specified by L in every case.
It should also be emphasized that it is unlikely
that the displaced material at the tip has traveled


Estimation of
landslide volume
assuming a

from the crown despite the frequency of this assumption, originally due to Heim (1932). Material
displaced from close to the landslide crown usually
comes to rest close to the head of the landslide.
Nicoletti and Sorriso-Valvo (1991) proposed that
an estimate of the "overall runout" of a landslide be
determined by measuring the length of a line constructed along the original ground surface equidistant from the lateral margins of the displaced
material. However, such measurements may not
have immediate physical significance and are also
more difficult and imprecise than measurements of
L. The length of the landslide measured through
these central points is called the length ofcenter line,
Lei' Note that Lei will increase w~th the number of
points surveyed on the center line, and the ratio
L)L will increase with the curvature of the center
line in plan and section.
The difference in elevation between the crown
and the tip of the landslide may be used to determine H, the height of the landslide. Combining
estimates of Hand L allows computation of the
travel angle ex, as shown by Figure 3-7. If the tip is
visible from the crown, the travel angle can be mea-

Definition of
travel angle (ex)
of a landslide.



Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

Mobility of
sturzstroms, chalk
debris flows, and
landslides in mine
wastes related to
travel angle (a)
and debris volume
. (modified from
Hutchinson 1988,
Figure 12).

sured directly with a hand clinometer. The H-value

may be conveniently estimated with an altimeter
when tip and crown are accessible but not visible
from each other. Hutchinson (1988) compiled data
from several different types of debris flows to illustrate how debris-flow mobility appears to be related
to the travel angle-and to the volume and lithology of the displaced material (Figure 3-8).
The measurements discussed above are adequate during reconnaissance for defining the basic
dimensions of single-stage landslides whose displacement vectors parallel a common plane. Such
landslides can be conveniently recorded on a landslide report such as that shown in Figure 3-9.
Estimates oflandslide volume determined by these
methods are imprecise when topography diverts
the displacing material from rectilinear paths.
More elaborate surveys and analyses are then necessary (Nicoletti and Sorriso-Valvo 1991).

and state of activity defined by Varnes (1978) and

some of his terms defining sequence or repetition
of movement have been regrouped under three
1. State of Activity, which describes what is
known about the timing of movements;
2. Distribution of Activity, which describes
broadly where the landslide is moving; and
3. Style of Activity, which indicates the manner
in which different movements contribute to the
The terms used to define these three characteristics
of landslide activity are given in the top section of
Table 3-2 and are highlighted in bold type the first
time they are used in the following sections.
The reader is cautioned that the following discussions relate to the terminology proposed by the
UNESCO Working Party (WP/WLI 1990, 1991,
1993a,b) and given in Table 3-2. Other reports and
authors may use classifications that apply different
meanings to apparently identical terms. For example, in Chapter 9 of this report, a Unified Landslide
Classification System is introduced that is based on
landslide classification concepts presented by
McCalpin (1984) and Wieczorek (1984). This sys-


The broad aspects of landslide activity should be

investigated and described during initial reconnaissance of landslide movements and before more
detailed examination of displaced materials is
undertaken. The terms relating to landslide age



_ Chalk failures forming a talus
failures forming a flow slide
Flow slide in coal mine waste
o Flow slide in kaolinized granite
7 6 Approximate value of H (m)
More mobile Alpine and Cordilleran
(reported by Hsu,1 975)


o Chalk

-1;:- ..........


zo "-







format! on














....... 0.4


0.0 L -

10 3


'\ '








.........._0 85












I I)


for chalk

:\ degree of


138 145
0 -





.....I._---'_ _--L

10 7

10 6



(m 3 )

10 8

- - - J _....

10 9

Proposed standard
landslide report

Inventory Number:
Date of Report:





Date of Landslide Occurrence:

Landslide Locality:
Reporter's Name:






m as.I.

Surface of rupture


m as.I.


m as.I.




Surface.of rupture

Displaced Mass






Wd =



Dd =

V= nLdDdW./6

orV =

Swell factor =


m3 x 10"






Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

tem is compared with a stability classification proposed by Crozier (1984). For further information
on such alternative systems, the reader should refer
to Tables 9-1, 9-2, and 9-6 and the associated text
in Chapter 9.

4.1 State of Activity

Figure 3-10 illustrates the several states of activity
by using an idealized toppling failure as an example. Active landslides are those that are currently
moving; they include first-time movements and
reactivations. A landslide that is again active after
being inactive may be called reactivated. Slides
that are reactivated generally move on preexisting
shear surfaces whose strength parameters approach
residual'(Skempton 1970) or ultimate (Krahn and
Morgenstern 1979) values. They can be distinguished from first-time slides on whose surfaces of
rupture initial resistance to shear will generally
approximate peak values (Skempton and Hutchinson 1969). Landslides that have moved within
the last annual cycle of seasons but that are not

Sections through
topples in different
states of activity:
(1) active-erosion at
toe of slope causes
block to topple;
(2) suspendedlocal cracking in
crown of topple;
(3) reactivatedanother block
(4) dormantdisplaced mass
begins to regain its
tree cover and
scarps are modified
by weathering;
(5) stabilized-fluvial
deposition stabilizes
toe of slope, which
begins to regain its
tree cover; and
(6) relict-uniform
tree cover over slope.


moving at present were described by Varnes

(1978) as suspended.
Inactive landslides are those that last moved
more than one annual cycle of seasons ago. This
state can be subdivided. If the causes of movement
remain apparent, the landslide is dormant. However, if the river that has been eroding the toe of
the moving slope changes course, the landslide is
abandoned (Hutchinson 1973; Hutchinson and
Gostelow 1976). If the toe of the slope has been
protected against erosion by bank armoring or if
other artificial remedial measures have stopped
the movement, the landslide can be described as
Landslides often remain visible in the landscape
for thousands of years after they have moved and
then stabilized. Such landslides were called ancient
or fossil by Zaruba and Mencl (1982, 52), perhaps
because they represent the skeletons of onceactive movements. When these landslides have
been covered by other deposits, they are referred
to as buried landslides. Landslides that have clearly
developed under different geomorphic or climatic
conditions, perhaps thousands of years ago, can
be called relict. Road construction in southern
England reactivated relict debris flows that had
occurred under periglacial conditions (Skempton
and Weeks 1976).
Within regions, standard criteria might be
developed to assist in distinguishing suspended
landslides from dormant and relict landslides.
These criteria would describe the recolonization
by vegetation of surfaces exposed by slope movements and the dissection of the new topography by
drainage. The rate of these changes depends on
both the local climate and the local vegetation, so
these criteria must be used with extreme caution.
Nevertheless, it is generally true that when the
main scarp of a landslide supports new vegetation, the landslide is usually dormant, and when
drainage extends across a landslide without obvious discontinuities, the landslide is commonly
relict. However, these generalizations must be confirmed by detailed study of typical slope movements under local conditions; Chapter 9 provides
a systematic approach for such determinations.
Figure 9-7 shows some idealized stages in the evolution of topographic features on suspended, dormant, and relict landslides.
The various states of activity are also defined by
an idealized graph of displacement versus time
(Figure 3-11). For an actual landslide, such a graph


Landslide Types and Processes

(far left)

Displacement of
landslide in different
states of activity.



FIGURE 3-12 (left)

Sections through
landslides showing
different distributions
of activity:
(1) advancing,
(2) retrogressing,
(3) enlarging,
(4) diminishing, and

Time in years

can be created by plotting differences in the position of a target on the displacing material with
time. Such graphs are particularly well suited to
portraying the behavior of slow-moving landslides
because they presuppose that the target is not displaced significantly over the time period during
which measurement takes place. The velocity of
the'target can be estimated by the average rate of
displacement of the target over the time period
between measurements.
There is some redundancy in using the descriptions of activity state with those for rate of movement (see Section 5). Clearly, if the landslide has
a measurable rate of movement, it is either active
or reactivated. The state of activity might then be
used to refer to conditions before the current
movements of the landslide. If, for instance, remedial measures had been undertaken on a landslide
that is now moving with moderate velocity, the
landslide might be described as a previously stabilized, moving, moderate-velocity landslide. Landslides
with no discernible history of previous movement
would be described as active.
4.2 Distribution of Activity
Varnes (1978) defined a number of terms that can
be used to describe the activity distribution in a
landslide. Figure 3-12 shows idealized sections
through landslides exhibiting various distributions
of activity.
If the surface of rupture is extending in the direction of movement, the landslide is advancing,
whereas if the surface of rupture is extending in the
direction opposite the movement of the displaced
material, the landslide is said to be retrogressive. If
the surface of rupture is extending at one or both
lateral margins, the landslide is widening. Movement may be limited to the displacing material or

(5) confined.

the surface of rupture may be enlarging, continually

adding to the volume of displacing material. If the
surface of rupture of the landslide is enlarging in
two or more directions, Varnes (1978, 23) suggested the term progressive for the landslide, noting
that this term had also been used for both advancing and retrogressive landslides. The term is also
currently used to describe the process by which the
surface of rupture extends in some. landslides (progressive failure). The possibility of confusion seems
sufficient now to abandon the term progressive in
favor of describing the landslide as enlarging.
Hutchinson (1988, 9) has drawn attention to confined movements that have a scarp but no visible
surface of rupture in the foot of the displaced mass.
He suggested that displacements iI} the head of the
displaced mass are taken up by compression and
slight bulging in the foot of the mass.
To complete the possibilities, terms are needed
for landslides in which the volume of material being
displaced grows less with time and for those landslides in which no trend is obvious. The term diminishing for an active landslide in which the volume
of material being displaced is decreasing with time
seems free of undesired implications. A landslide in
which displaced materials continue to move but
whose surface of rupture shows no visible changes
can be simply described as moving. Several types of

In 1-4, Section 2
shows slope after
movement on
rupture surface
indicated by shear
arrow. Stippling
indicates displaced


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

landslide may exhibit diminishing behavior. Movement may stop in parts of both rotational slides and
topples after substantial displacements because the
movements themselves reduce the gravitational
forces on the displaced masses. Similarly, movements of rock masses may rapidly dilate cracks in
the masses, cause decreases in fluid pore pressures
within these cracks, and hence decrease rates of
movement. However, it may be premature to conclude that the displacing material is stabilizing
because the volume being displaced is decreasing
with time. Hutchinson (1973) pointed out that the
activity of rotational slides caused by erosion at the
toe of slopes in cohesive soils is often cyclic.
4.3 Style of Activity

Sections through
landsliaes showing
different styles of
activity. (1) Complex:
gneiss (A) and
migmatites (I) are
forming topples
caused by valley
incision; alluvial
materials fill valley
bottom; after
weathering further
weakens toppled
material, some of
displaced mass
moves by sliding
(modified from
Giraud et al. 1990).
(2) Composite:
limestones have
slid on underlying
shales, causing
toppling failures
below toe of slide
rupture surface
(modified from
Harrison and
Falcon 1934).
(3) Successive:
later landslide (AB)
is same type as
landslide CD but
does not share
displaced material
or rupture surface.
(4) Single.

The style oflandslide activity, or the way in which

different movements contribute to the landslide,
can be defined by terms originally established by
Varnes (1978, 23). Figure 3-13 shows idealized sec-



tions through landslides exhibiting various styles

of activity. Varnes defined complex landslides as
those with at least two types of movement. However, it is now suggested that the term complex be
limited to cases in which the various movements
occur in sequence. For instance, the topple
described by Giraud et al. (1990) and shown as
Figure 3-13(1), in which some of the displaced
mass subsequently slid, is termed a complex rock
topple-rock slide. Not all the toppled mass slid, but
no significant part of the displaced mass slid without first toppling. Some of the displaced mass may
be still toppling while other parts are sliding.
The term composite, formerly a synonym for
complex, is now proposed to describe landslides in
which different types of movement occur in different areas of the displaced mass, sometimes simultaneously. However, the different areas of the
displaced mass show different sequences of movement. For example, the structures shown in Figure
3-13(2), first described by Harrison and Falcon
(1934, 1936), were called slide toe topples by
Goodman and Bray (1976), but according to the
classification proposed in this chapter, they are composite rock slide-rock topples. The term composite was
introduced by Prior et al. (1968, 65, 76) to describe
mudflows in which "slipping and sliding ... occur in
intimate association with flowing" and "the material ... behaves as a liquid and flows rapidly between
confining marginal shears." In the proposed naming
convention, such movements are composite earth
slides-earth flows and the convention of treating the
topographically higher of the two movements as the
first movement and the lower of the two movements
as the second movement was adopted.
A multiple landslide shows repeated movements
of the same type, often following enlargement of
the surface of rupture. The newly displaced masses
are in contact with previously displaced masses
and often share a surface of rupture with them. In
a retrogressive, multiple rotational slide, such as that
shown in Figure 3-14, two or more blocks have
each moved on curved surfaces of rupture tangential to common, generally deep surfaces of rupture
(Eisbacher and Clague 1984).
A successive movement is identical in type
to an earlier movement but in contrast to a multiple movement does not share displaced material
or a surface of rupture with it [Figure 3-13(3)].
According to Skempton and Hutchinson (1969,
297), "successive rotational slips consist of an




: i


Landslide Types and Processes

Inactive head scarp


head scarps

assembly of individual shallow rotational slips."

Hutchinson (1967,116) commented that "irregular successive slips which form a mosaic rather
than a stepped pattern in plan are also found."
Single landslides consist of a single movement
of displaced material, often as an unbroken block
[Figure 3-13(4)]. For instance, Hutchinson (1988)
described single topples in which a single block
moved and contrasted these with multiple topples
(Figure 3-15). Single landslides differ from the
other styles of movement, which require disruption of the displaced mass or independent movements of portions of the mass.

in its lower limit. These two limits now span 10

orders of magnitude. Interpretation of the scale
was aided by Morgenstern's (1985) analogy to the
Mercalli scale of earthquake intensity. He pointed
out that the effects of a landslide can be sorted into
six classes corresponding approximately to the
six fastest movement ranges of Varnes's scale.


FIGURE 3-14 (above)

(a) Map view and
(b) cross section of
typical retrogressive,
multiple rotational
?Iide (Eisbacher
and Clague 1984,
Figure 10).

Single Topple


The previous rate-of-movement scale provided by

Varnes (1978, Figure 2.1u) is shown here as Figure
3-16. This scale is unchanged from Varnes's original scale (1958) except for the addition of the
equivalent SI units, which range from meters per
second to millimeters per year. Varnes--(1958)
not discuss the divisions of the scale, then given in
units ranging from feet per second to feet per 5
years; the scale probably represented a codification
of informal practice in the United States at the
time. Nem cok et al. (1972) suggested a fourfold
division of a similar range of velocities.
Figure 3-17 presents a modified scale of landslide velocity classes. The divisions of the scale
have been adjusted to increase in multiples of 100
by a slight increase in its upper limit and a decrease







Comparison of (a) single topple (Hutchinson 1988) with (b) multiple
topples [modified from Varnes 1978, Figure 2.1 d1 (de Freitas and
Watters 1973)].

Varnes landslide
movement scale
(Varnes 1978,
Figure 2.1 u).

Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation


Velocity Description

10 2


10 1
10 0


3 m/sec


10- 1

1010- 3


10- 4
10- 5
10- 6
10- 7


1.5 m/day


1.5 m/mo


1.5 m/yr


60 mm/yr


Velocity Description


10- 8
10- 9

0.3 m/min



5xl0 3

5 m/sec

5xl0 l

3 m/min

5x 10- 1

1.8 m/hr

5xl0- 3

13 m/month

5xl0- 5

1.6 m/year

5x 10- 7





Proposed landslide
velocity scale.








An added seventh class brings these effect classes

into correspondence with the divisions of the
velocity scale.
The Mercalli scale is based on descriptions of
local effects of an earthquake; degrees of damage
can be evaluated by investigating a house or a section of a street. Yet the intensity value can be correlated with the total energy release of the event
because both local damage and the area affected are
related to the magnitude of the earthquake. The situation is different for landslides. Small, rapid debris
avalanches are known to have caused total destruction and loss of lives. In contrast, a large slope
movement of moderate velocity can have much less
serious effects because it can be avoided or the
structures affected can be evacuated or rebuilt. It is
suggested that a measure of landslide risk should
include both the area affected and the velocity; the
product of these two parameters is approximately
proportional to the power release of the landslide.
Varnes (1984) drew attention to the United
Nations Disaster Relief Organization terminology
in which the specific risk, R" or the expected degree
of loss due to landsliding or any other natural phenomenon, can be estimated as the product of the
hazard (H) and the vulnerability (V). The hazard is
the probability of occurrence of the phenomenon
within a given area; the vulnerability is the degree
of loss in the given area of elements at risk: population, properties, and economic activities. The vulnerability ranges from 0 to 1. In this terminology
the vulnerability of the landslide might well
increase with velocity because it can be expected
that extremely rapid landslides would cause greater
loss of life and property than slow landslides.
A parameter that is difficult to quantify is the
internal distortion of the displaced mass. Structures on a moving mass generally are damaged
in proportion to the internal distortion of their
foundations. For example, the Lugnez slope in
Switzerland (Huder 1976) is a 2S-km2 area moving steadily downward at a IS-degree angle at a
velocity as high as 0.37 m/year. The movements
have been observed by surveying since 1887. Yet
in the six villages on the slope with 300-year-old
stone houses and churches with bell towers, none
of these structures have suffered damage when displaced because the block is moving without
distortion. Damage will also depend on the type
of landslide, and each type may require separate

Landslide Types and Processes

Landslide velocity is a parameter whose destructive significance requires independent definition.

Table 3-5 defines the probable destructive significance of the seven velocity classes on the new
landslide velocity scale (Figure 3-17). Several case
histories in which the effects of landslides on
humans and their activities have been well
described and for which the landslide velocities are
also known are given in Table 3-6, which suggests
a correlation between vulnerability and landslide
velocity. An important limit appears to lie
between very rapid and extremely rapid movement, which approximates the speed of a person
running (5 m/sec). Another important boundary
is between the slow and very slow classes (1.6
m/year), below which some structures on the landslide are undamaged. Terzaghi (1950, 84) identified as creep those slope movements that were
"proceeding at an imperceptible rate.... Typical
creep is a continuous movement which proceeds
at an average rate of less than a foot per decade.


Table 3-5
Definition of Probable Destructive Significance of Landslides of Different
Velocity Classes





Catastrophe of major violence; buildings destroyed by
impact of displaced material; many deaths; escape unlikely
Some lives lost; velocity too great to permit all persons to
Escape evacuation possible; structures, possessions, and
equipment destroyed
Some temporary and insensitive structures can be
temporarily maintained
Remedial construction can be undertaken during
movement; insensitive structures can be maintained with
frequent maintenance work if total movement is not large
during a particular acceleration phase
Some permanent structures undamaged by movement
Imperceptible without instruments; construction possible
with precautions

Table 3-6
Examples of Landslide Velocity and Damage




St. Jean Vianney

Heim (1932)
Heim (1932)
Bishop (1973)
McConnell and Brock (1904)
Mueller (1964)
Engineering News Record (1971)
Tavenas et al. (1971)
Bishop (1973)

70 m/sec
70 m/sec
31 m/sec
28 m/sec
25 m/sec
18 m/sec
7 m/sec
4.5 m/sec

Panama Canal

Cross (l924)

1 m/min


Zaruba and Mend (1969)

6 m/day


Wind Mountain

Huder (l976)
Palmer (1977)

10 m/year
10 m/year


Little Smoky

Huder (l976)
Thomson and Hayley (1975)
Haefeli (l965)

0.37 m/year
0.25 m/year
0.02 m/year

Ft. Peck Spillway

Wilson (l970)

0.02 m/year


115 deaths
457 deaths
11 deaths, houses destroyed
70 deaths
1,900 deaths by indirect damage
15 deaths, equipment destroyed
14 d~aths, structures destroyed
144 deaths, some buildings
Equipment trapped, people
150 houses destroyed, complete
Road maintained with difficulty
Road and railway requir~ frequent
maintenance, buildings adjusted
Six villages on slope undisturbed
Bridge protected by slip joint
Tunnel maintained, bridge
protected by slip joint
Movements unacceptable,
slope flattened


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

Mudslide fabric and
associated variability
in water content
(modified from
Hutchinson 1988,
Figure 9).

Higher rates of creep movement are uncommon."

Terzaghi's rate is about 10-6 mm/sec. The limit of
perceptible movements on the scale given in
Figure 3-17 and Table 3-5 is conservatively lower
than Terzaghi's. Still lower rates of movement can
be detected with appropriate instrumentation
(Kostak and Cruden 1990).
Varnes (1978, 17) pointed out that "creep has
come to mean different things to different persons,
and it seems best to avoid the term or to use it in
a well-defined manner. As used here, creep is considered to have a meaning similar to that used in
the mechanics of materials; that is, creep is simply
deformation that continues under constant stress."
The term creep should be replaced by the appropriate descriptors from Figure 3-17, either very
slow or extremely slow, to describe the rate of
movement of landslides.
Estimates of landslide velocities can be made by
repeated surveys of the positions of displaced
objects (Thomson and Hayley 1975; Huder 1976),
by reconstruction of the trajectories of portions of
the displaced mass (Heim 1932; McConnell and
Brock 1904; Ter-Stepanian 1980), by eyewitness
observations (Tavenas et al. 1971), by instrumentation (Wilson 1970; Wilson and Mikkelsen 1978),
and by other means. The Colorado Department of
Transportation experimented with the use of timelapse photography to document the movement of a
relatively slow-moving but very large landslide.
The estimates reported were usually the peak velocities of substantial portions of the displaced masses;
these estimates are suitable for damage assessments.
Rates of movement will differ within the displaced
mass of the landslide with position, time, and the
period over which the velocity is estimated. Such

Location of


Varnes (1978) suggested the following modifications to terms first proposed by Radbruch-Hall
(1978) to describe the water content of landslide
materials by simple observations of the displaced

1. Dry: no moisture visible;

2. Moist: contains some water but no free water;
the material may behave as a plastic solid but
does not flow;
3. Wet: contains enough water to behave in part
as a liquid, has water flowing from it, or supports
significant bodies of standing water; and
4. Very wet: contains enough water to flow as a
liquid under low gradients.
These terms may also provide guidance in estimating the water content of the displaced materials while they were moving. However, soil or rock
masses may drain quickly during and after displacement, so this guidance may be qualitative
rather than quantitative. Individual rock or soil
masses may have water contents that differ considerably from the average water content of the
displacing material. For example, Hutchinson
(1988) noted that debris slides (which Hutchinson
termed mudslides) generally were composed of
materials that exhibited a fabric or texture consisting of lumps of various sizes in a softened clay
matrix. Samples taken from different portions of
this fabric had considerably different water contents, with lumps having much lower water contents than that of the matrix (Figure 3-18).

Site B















Typical water-content
values for London Clay
Site A

differences argue against very precise reports of

landslide velocity in reconnaissance surveys.

According to Shroder (1971) and Varnes (1978),

the material contained in a landslide may be
described as either rock, a hard or firm mass that
was intact and in its natural place before the initiation of movement, or soil, an aggregate of solid
particles, generally of minerals and rocks, that
either was transported or was formed by the weathering of rock in place. Gases or liquids filling the
pores of the soil form part of the soil.
Soil is divided into earth and debris (see Table
3-1). Earth describes material in which 80 percent

Landslide Types and Processes

or more of the particles are smaller than 2 mm, the

upper limit of sand-size particles recognized by
most geologists (Bates and Jackson 1987). Debris
contains a significant proportion of coarse material; 20 to 80 percent of the particles are larger than
2 mm, and the remainder are less than 2 mm. This
division of soils is crude, but it allows the material
to be named by a swift and even remote visual
The terms used should describe the displaced
material in the landslide before it was displaced.
The term rock fall, for instance, implies that the
displacing mass was a rock mass at the initiation of
the landslide. The displaced mass may be debris
after the landslide. If the landslide is complex and
the type of movement changes as it progresses, the
material should be described at the beginning of
each successive movement. For instance, a rock
fall that was followed by the flow of the displaced
material can be described as a rock fall-debris flow.









The kinematics of a landslide-how movement is

distributed through the displaced mass-is one of
the principal criteria for classifying landslides.
However, of equally great importance is its use as a
major criterion for defining the appropriate response
to a landslide. For instance, occasional falls from a
rock cut adjacent to a highway may be contained by
a rock fence or similar barrier; in contrast, toppling
from the face of the excavation may indicate adversely oriented discontinuities in the rock mass
that require anchoring or bolting for stabilization.
In this section the five kinematically distinct
types of landslide movement are described in the
sequence fall, topple, slide, spread, and flow
(Figure 3-19). Each type oflandslide has a number
of common modes that are frequently encountered
in practice and that are described briefly, often
with examples of some complex landslides whose
first or initial movements were of that particular
type. These descriptions show how landslides of
that type may evolve.



extremely rapid. Except when the displaced mass

has been undercut, falling will be preceded by
small sliding or toppling movements that separate
the displacing material from the undisturbed mass.
Undercutting typically occurs in cohesive soils or
rocks at the toe of a cliff undergoing wave attack
or in eroding riverbanks.

8.1 Fall

A fall starts with the detachment of soil or rock

from a steep slope along a surface on which little
or no shear displacement takes place. The material then descends mainly through the air by falling,
bouncing, or rolling. Movement is very rapid to

8.1.1 Modes of Falling

Observations show that the forward motion of

masses of soil or rock is often sufficient for free fall
if the slopes below the masses exceed 76 degrees

Types of landslides:
(a) fall, (b) topple,
(c) slide, (d) spread,
(e) flow. Broken
lines indicate original
ground surfaces;
arrows show portions
of trajectories of
individual particles
of displaced mass
[modified from
Varnes 1978, Figure
2.1 (Zaruba and
Mencl 1969)].


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

(0.25:1). The falling mass usually strikes a slope

inclined at less than this angle (Ritchie 1963),
which causes bouncing. Rebound from the impact
will depend on material properties, particularly
restitution coefficients, and the angle between the
slope and the trajectory of the falling mass (Hungr
and Evans 1988). The falling mass may also break
up on impact.
On long slopes with angles at or below 45
degrees (1:1), particles will have movement paths
dominated by rolling. There is a gradual transition
to rolling from bouncing as bounces shorten and
incidence angles decrease. Local steepening of the
slope may again project rolling particles into the
air, restarting the sequence of free fall, bouncing,
and rolling (Hungr and Evans 1988).

8.2 Topple

A topple [Figure 3-19(b)] is the forward-rotation

out of the slope of a mass of soil or rock about a
point or axis below the center of gravity of the displaced mass. Toppling is sometimes driven by gravity exerted by material upslope of the displaced
mass and sometimes by water or ice in cracks in the
mass. Topples may lead to falls or slides of the displaced mass, depending on the geometry of the
moving mass, the geometry of the surface of separation, and the orientation and extent of the kinematically active discontinuities. Topples range
from extremely slow to extremely rapid, sometimes
accelerating throughout the movement.
8.2.1 Modes

of Toppling

8.1.2 Complex Falls

Flexural toppling was described by Goodman and

Sturzstroms are extremely rapid flows of dry debris

created by large falls and slides (Hsu 1975). These
flows may reach velocities over 50 m/sec. Sturzstroms have also been called rock-fall avalanches
(Varnes 1958) and rock avalanches (Evans et al.
1989; Nicoletti and Sorriso-Valvo 1991). Two
examples of historic sturzstroms in Switzerland,
the Rossberg landslide of 1806 and the Elm landslide of 1881, are discussed in Chapter 1. Hsu
(1975) suggested that 5 million m 3 is the lower
limit of the volume of significant sturzstroms, but
Hutchinson (1988) demonstrated that falls in
high-porosity, weak European chalk rocks with
volumes two orders of magnitude smaller have the
same exceptional mobility because of collapse of
the pores on impact and consequent high porewater pressures. Some of Hutchinson's data are
reproduced in Figure 3-19.
The motion of sturzstroms probably depends on
turbulent grain flow with dispersive stresses arising
from momentum transfer between colliding grains.
Such a mechanism does not require the presence
of a liquid or gaseous pore fluid and can therefore
explain lunar and Martian sturzstroms. Van Gassen
and Cruden (1989) showed that the motion of the

Bray as

complex, extremely rapid, dry rock fall-debns flow

that occurred near the town of Frank, Alberta,
Canada, in 1903 (see Figure 3-1) could be explained
reasonably well by momentum exchange between
the moving particles and measured coefficients of

occurring in rocks with one preferred discontinuity system, oriented to present a rock slope
with semi-continuous cantilever beams....
Continuous columns break in flexure as they
bend forward.... Sliding, undermining or erosion of the toe (of the displaced mass) lets the
failure begin and it retrogresses backwards with
deep, wide tension cracks. The lower portion
of the slope is covered with disoriented and disordered blocks.... The outward movement of
each cantilever produces interlayer sliding
(flexural slip) and ... back-facin{scarps (obsequent scarps).... It is hard to say where the
base of the disturbance lies for the change is
gradual. . . . Flexural toppling occurs most
notably in slates, phyllites and schists. (Goodman and Bray 1976, 203)
A flexural topple in the proposed classification is a

retrogressive, complex rock topple-rock fall. Typical

examples are shown in Figures 3-20(a) and 15-16.
In contrast, block toppling occurs
where the individual columns are divided by
widely-spaced joints. The toe of the slope with
short columns, receives load from overturning,
longer columns above. This thrusts the toe
columns forward, permitting further toppling.
The base of the disturbed mass is better defined
than in the case of flexural toppling; it consists
of a stairway generally rising from one layer to


Landslide Types and Processes

the next. The steps of this stairway are formed

by cross-joints.... New rock breakage ...
occurs much less markedly than in flexural
topples .... Thick-bedded sedimentary rocks
such as limestones and sandstones, as well
as columnar-jointed volcanics exhibit blocktoppling. (Goodman and Bray 1976, 203)



Typical examples of block toppling are shown in

Figure 15-16.
Chevron topples are block topples in which the
dips of the toppled beds are constant and the
change ofdip is concentrated at the surface of rupture (Cruden et al. 1993). This mode was named
from its resemblance to chevron folds (Ramsay
1967, 436). Chevron topples occur on steeper
slopes than other block topples. The surface of
rupture is often a sliding surface [Figure 3-20(b)]
forming a complex rock topple-rock slide.
Block-flexure toppling is characterized by

pseudo-continuous flexure of long columns

through accumulated motions along numerous
cross joints. Sliding is distributed along several
joint surfaces in the toe [of the displaced mass]
while sliding and overturning occur in close
association through the rest of the mass.
(Goodman and Bray 1976, 204)
Sliding occurs because accumulated overturning
steepens the cross joints. There are fewer edge-toface contacts than in block toppling but still
enough to form "a loosened, highly open ... disturbed zone [displaced mass].... Interbedded sandstone and shale, interbedded chert and shale and
thin-bedded limestone exhibit block flexure toppling" (Goodman and Bray 1976, 204). Typical
block-flexure topple examples are shown in Figures
3-20(c) and 15-16.
8.2.2 Complex and Composite T()pples

A complex rock topple-rock slide is shown in Figure

3-13(1). This cross section of the La Clapiere landslide was described by Giraud et al. as follows:
Several distinct movements may be identified
as the phenomenon progresses, along with a
modification of water flows within the rock
mass, due to considerable changes in permeability over time and probably in space as a


Three modes of toppling. (a) Flexural: cracks indicate tension-crack topple;
fallen blocks below topple show movement is complex rock topple-rock
fall. (b) Chevron: multiple block topple; hinge surface of chevron may
develop into surface of rupture of slide forming complex multiple rock
topple-rock slide. (c) Block-flexure.

result of deformation of the massif. (Giraud

et al. 1990, 250)
Goodman and Bray ( 1976) identified four composite landslide modes in which toppling was
caused by earlier sliding. These landslide condi-


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

tions are discussed in detail in Chapter 15 and are
illustrated in Figure 15-17. A slide head topple
occurs as blocks from the crown of the slide topple
onto the head of the displaced mass. According to
the naming convention, such a landslide is a com-

posite rock slide-retrogressive rock topple.

Rotational sliding of earth or debris above a
steeply dipping sedimentary rock mass can cause
slide base toppling as the sliding induces shear forces
in the top of the rock mass (Goodman and Bray
1976). The resulting landslide is, according to
the proposed naming convention, a composite earth

slide-advancing rock topple.

Toppling below the toe of the surface of rupture
of a rock slide may be caused by load transmitted
from the slide. Such a failure is call~d a slide toe topple (Goodman and Bray 1976). According to the
proposed naming convention, it is a composite

rock slide-rock topple.

The formation of extension cracks in the crown
of a landslide may create blocks capable of toppling, or a tension crack topple (Goodman and Bray
1976). According to the proposed naming convention, this is a retrogressive multiple topple, perhaps forming part of a compositefall or slide. Such
failures may also occur in cohesive soils being
undercut along streambanks (Figure 3-21).

8.3 Slide

Debris topple
(Varnes .1978,
Figure 2.1 e).

A slide is a downslope movement of a soil or rock

mass occurring dominantly on surfaces of rupture
or on relatively thin zones of intense shear strain.
Movement does not initially occur simultaneously
over the whole of what eventually becomes the
surface of rupture; the volume of displacing material enlarges from an area oflocal failure. Often the
first signs of ground movement are cracks in the
original ground surface along which the main scarp
of the slide will form. The displaced mass may slide

beyond the toe of the surface of rupture covering

the original ground surface of the slope, which
then becomes a surface of separation.

8.3.1 Modes of Sliding

Varnes (1978) emphasized the distinction between
rotational and translational slides as significant for
stability analyses and control methods. That distinction is retained in this discussion. Figure 3-22
shows two rotational slides and three translational
slides. Translational slides frequently grade into
flows or spreads.
Rotational slides (Figure 3-23) move along a surface of rupture that is curved and concave. If the
surface of rupture is circular or cyc10idal in profile,
kinematics dictates that the displaced mass may
move along the surface with little internal defor.mation. The head of the displaced material may
move almost vertically downward, whereas the
upper surface of the displaced material tilts backward toward the scarp. If the slide extends for a
considerable distance along the slope perpendicular to the direction of motion, the surface of rupture may be roughly cylindrical. The axis of the
cylindrical surface is parallel to the axis about
which the slide rotates. Rotational slides in soils
generally exhibit a ratio of depth of the surface of
rupture to length of the surface of rupture, /Lr
(see Table 3-4 and Figure 3-5 for definitions
of these dimensions), between 0.15 ar;,d 033
(Skempton and Hutchinson 1969).
Because rotational slides occur most frequently
in homogeneous materials, their incidence in fills
has been higher than that of other types of movement. Natural materials are seldom uniform, however, and slope movements in these materials
commonly follow inhomogeneities and discontinuities (Figure 3-24). Cuts may cause movements
. that cannot be analyzed by methods used for rotational slides, and other more appropriate methods
have been developed. Engineers have concentrated their studies on rotational slides.
The scarp below the crown of a rotational slide
may be almost vertical and unsupported. Further
movements may cause retrogression of the slide
into the crown. Occasionally, the lateral margins
of the surface of rupture may be suffiCiently high
and steep to cause the flanks to move down and
into the depletion zone of the slide. Water finding
its way into the head of a rotational slide may con-




Landslide Types and Processes





Examples of
rotational and
translational slides:
(a) rotational rock
slide; (b) rotational
earth slide;
(c) translational rock
slide (upper portion
is rock block slide);
(d) debris slide;
(e) translational earth
block slide[Varnes
1978, Figures 2.1 g,
2.1i, 2.1j2, 2.1k, 2.11
(Hansen 1965)].


tribute to a sag pond in the backward-tilted, displaced mass. This disruption of drainage may keep
the displaced material wet and perpetuate the
slope movements until a slope of sufficiently low
gradient is formed.
In translational slides (Figures 3-22, 3-25, and
3-26) the mass displaces along a planar or undulating surface of rupture, sliding out over the original ground surface. Translational slides generally
are relatively shallower than rotational slides.
Therefore, ratios of DJLr for translational slides in
soils are typically less than 0.1 (Skempton and
Hutchinson 1969). The surfaces of rupture of
translational slides are often broadly channelshaped in cross section (Hutchinson 1988).
Whereas the rotation of a rotational slide tends to
restore the displaced mass to equilibrium, translation may continue unchecked if the surface of
separation is sufficiently inclined.
As translational sliding continues, the displaced
mass may break up, particularly if its velocity or

Cut through rotational slide of fine-grained, thin-bedded lake deposits,
Columbia River valley; beds above surface of rupture have been rotated by
slide to dip into slope (Varnes 1978, Figure 2.7).

Rotational slides
(Varnes 1978,
Figure 2.5).

Translational slide
of colluvium
on inclined
strata along 1-40,
Cocke County,
Tennessee (Varnes
1978, Figure 2.11).

Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation







water content increases. The disrupted mass may

then flow, becoming a debris flow rather than a
slide. Translational sliding often follows discontinuities such as faults, joints, or bedding surfaces or
the contact between rock and residual or transported soils.
Translational slides on single discontinuities in
rock masses have been called block slides (Panet
1969) or planar slides (Hoek and Bray 1981). As
Hutchinson (1988) pointed out, there is a transition from rock slides of moderate displacement that
remain as blocks on the surface of rupture to slides
on steeper and longer surfaces that break up into
debris or transform into sturzstroms. Where the sur-


Landslide Types and Processes

face of rupture follows a discontinuity that is parallel to the slope, the toe of the displaced mass may
form a wedge that overrides or ploughs into undisplaced material causing folding beyond the toe of
the surface of rupture (Walton and Atkinson
1978). Composite rock slide-rock topples [Figure
313(2)] or buckles and confined slides may result.
The surface of rupture may be formed by two
discontinuities that cause the contained rock mass
to displace down the line of intersection of the discontinuities, forming a wedge slide [Figure 3-27(a)
and Chapter 15, Figures 15-8 through 1514].
Similarly shaped displaced masses may be bounded
by one discontinuity that forms the main scarp of
the slide and another that forms the surface of rupture. The mode of movement depends on the orientations of the free surfaces relative to the
discontinuities in the rock masses (Hocking 1976;
Cruden 1978, 1984). Stepped rupture surfaces may
result if two or more sets of discontinuities, such as
bedding surfaces and some joint sets, penetrate the
rock masses. As shown in Figure 3-27(b), one set
of surfaces forms the risers of the steps and the
other forms the treads, creating a stepped slide
(Kovari and Fritz 1984).
Compound slides are intermediate between rotational and translational slides and their D, I L, ratios
reflect this position (Skempton and Hutchinson
1969). Surfaces of ruptUre have steep main scarps
that may flatten with depth [Figure 3-22(e)]. The
toes of the surfaces of rupture may dip upslope.
Displacement along complexly curved surfaces of
rupture usually requires internal deformation and
shear along surfaces within the displaced material
and results in the formation of intermediate scarps.
Abrupt decreases in downslope dips of surfaces of
rupture may be marked by uphill.facing scarps in
displaced masses and the subsidence of blocks of
displaced material to form depressed areas, grabens
[Figure 322(e)]. A compound slide often indicates
the presence of a weak layer or the boundary between weathered and unweathered material. Such
zones control the location of the surface of rupture
(Hutchinson 1988). In single compound slides, the
width of the graben may be proportional to the
depth to the surface of rupture (Crudenet al. 1991).
8.3.2 Complex and Composite Slides
Complex and composite slide movements are
common and the'litenlture contains numerous ref-

Shallow translational
slide that developed
on shaly rock slope
in Puente Hills of
southern California;
slide has low 0, IL,
ratio; note wrinkles
0.0 surface [Varnes
1978, Figure 2.33;
(Shelton 1966)].




(a) Wedge and
(b) stepped

erences to a variety of specialized names. Two of

these names, mudslide andfIowslide, are believed to
be imprecise and ambiguous, and therefore their
use is not recommended.
According to Hutchinson, mudslides are
slow-moving, commonly lobate or elongate
masses of accumulated debris in a softened
clayey matrix which advance chiefly by sliding
on discrete, bounding shear surfaces. '.' . In


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

long profile, mudslides are generally bilinear

with a steeper ... slope down which debris is
fed (by falls, shallow slides and mudslides) to a
more gently-inclined slope. . .. Mudslides are
especially well-developed on slopes containing
stiff, fissured clays, doubtless because of the ease
with which such materials break down to provide a good debris supply. (Hutchinson 1988,
Evidently these movements begin in either
weak rock or earth and retrogress by falls and slides
while advancing by sliding. Hutchinson and Bhandari (1971) suggested that the displaced material,
fed from above onto the mudslide, acted as an undrained load. Clearly mudslides are composite or
perhaps complex both in style ofactivity and in the
breakdown of displaced material into earth or
debris. The displaced material is generally moist,
though locally it may be wet. A mudslide is therefore often a retrogressive, composite rock slideadvancing, slow, moist earth slide. Other mudslide
modes may include single earth slides (Brunsden
1984). The current use of mudslide for several different landslide modes suggests that more precise
terminology should be used where possible.
.The term /lowslide has been used to describe sudden collapses of material that then move considerable distances very rapidly to extremely rapidly.
As Hutchinson (1988) and Eckersley (1990)
pointed out, at least three phenomena can cause
this behavior: (a) impact collapse, (b) dynamic
liquefaction, and (c) static liquefaction. Impactcollapse flowslides occur when highly porous,
often-saturated weak rocks fall from cliffs, resulting
in destruction of the cohesion of the material and
the generation of excess fluid pressures within the'
flowing displaced mass. Clearly these are complex
falls in which the second mode of movementis a
debris flow; if the displaced material is dry debriS,
the movement may be a' sturzstrom, previously
defined in Section 8.1.2. This mode of movement
can be recognized by both the materials involved
and the topography of the flow.
If the structure of the material is destroyed by
shocks such as earthquakes, saturated material may
liquefy and then flow, sometimes carrying masses of
overlying drier material with it. Such a movement
is a flow or liquefaction spread, which is further
defined in Section 8.4.1. Such movements are
characteristic of loess, a lightly cemented aeolian

silt. Landslides occurring in loosely dumped anthropogenic materials, both stockpiles and waste
dumps, have also been termed flowslides. These
loose, cohesionless materials contract on shearing
and so may generate high pore-water pressures after
some sliding (Eckersley 1990). Similar landslides
may also occur in rapidly deposited natural silts and
fine sands (Hutchinson 1988, 14). Since these
movements involve both sliding and then flowage,
they may be better described as complex slide flows.
Because these separate and distinguishable phenomena are comparatively distinct types of landslides that may be more accurately described by
standard descriptors, the use of the term f/.owslide
for all these types of movements is redundant, confusing, and potentially ambiguous.
In contrast, one form of compound sliding failure appears to warrant a special term. Sags (or sackungen) are deformations of the crests and steep
slopes of mountain ridges that form scarps and
grabens and result in some ridges with double
crests and small summit lakes. Material can be displaced tens of meters at individual scarps. The
state of activity, however, is generally dormant and
may be relict. The term sag may be useful to indicate uncertainty about the type of movement visible on a mountain ridge.
Movement is often confined, and small bulges
in local slopes are the only evidence of the toes of
the displaced material. Detailed subsurface investigations of these features are rare, and classification should awa'it this more detailed exploration.
As Hutchinson (1988, 8) demonstrated, the geometry of the scarps (which often face uphill) may be
used to suggest types of movement, which may
include slides, spreads, and topples. The modes of
sagging depend on the lithology of the displaced
material and the orientation and strength of the
discontinuities in the displacing rock mass. Varnes
et al. (1989, 1) distinguished
1. "Massive, strong (although jointed) rocks lying
on weak rocks,"
2. "Ridges composed generally of metamorphosed
rocks with pronounced foliation, schistosity or
cleavage," and
3. "Ridges composed of hard, but fractured, crystalline igneous rocks."
Sags of the first type are usually spreads
(Radbruch-Hall1978; Radbruch-Hall et al. 1976),

Landslide Types and Processes

which are discussed in Section 8.4. Sags in foliated
metamorphic rocks are often topples, and thus are
discussed in Section 8.2, although bedrock flow
may also occur (see Section 8.5). Sags in crystalline igneous rocks (Varnes et al. 1989,22) were
modeled by a plasticity solution for "gravityinduced deformation of a slope yielding under the
Coulomb criterion." Sags may thus be slides,
spreads, or flows, depending on the extent and
distribution of plastic flow within the deforming
rock mass.
Sags are often associated with glacial features.
The absence of Pleistocene snow and ice covers,
and the resulting loss of the permafrost and high
pore-water pressures these induced, may account
for the present inactivity of many sags. Varnes et
al. (1990) described an active sag in the mountains
of Colorado. Earthquakes, however, can also produce uphill-facing scarps along reactivated normal
faults. The surface features of sags require careful
investigation before any conclusions can be drawn
about the cause .and timing of slope movement.
Such investigations may be sufficient to allow the
identification of sags as other types of landslides.
In many landslides, the displaced material, initially broken by slide movements, subsequently
begins to flow (Figure 3-28). This behavior is especially common when fine-grained or weak materials are involved. These landslides have been
termed slump-earth flows. Slump has been used as a
synonym for a rotational slide, but it is also used to
describe any movement in a fill. It is therefore recommended that this mode of movement be termed
a complex earth slide-earth flow and that the use of
the term slump be discontinued.
In permafrost regions, distinctive retrogressive,
complex earth slide-earth flows, known as thawslumps (Hutchinson 1988, 21) and bimodal flows
(McRoberts and Morgenstern 1974), develop on
steep earth slopes when icy permafrost thaws and
forms flows of very wet mud from a steep main
scarp. These special landslide conditions are discussed in more detail in Chapter 25.

8.4 Spread
The term spread was introduced to geotechnical
engineering by Terzaghi and Peck (1948) to
describe sudden movements on water-bearing
seams of sand or silt overlain by homogeneous
clays or loaded by fills:



Plan of Ames slide

near Telluride,'
Colorado. This
enlarging complex
earth slide-earth
flow occurred in till
overlying Mancos
shale. Crown of
slide retrogressed by
multiple rotational
slides after main
body of displaced
material moved.
Surface of rupture
also widened on
left lateral margin
[Varnes 1978, Figure
2.10 (modified from
Varnes 1949)].



-=ate slumping



:;i~i~;~ump units

Narrow slump unit with

axes perpendicular to
axes of main slump units
and parallel with length
of main slide
"'$1800" remaining after
downward mcwement of
unit D 1rom IIfea E.

Zone of earth flow;
movement chiefly by

Toe of slide area; original
form aitered bV railroad
r8l;onstruetion work.


It is characteristic ... that a gentle clay slope

which may have been stable for decades or centuries, moves out suddenly along a broad front.
At the same time the terrain in front ... heaves
for a considerable distance from the toe. On
investigation, it has invariably been found that
the spreading occurred at a considerable distance beneath the toe along the boundary
between the clay and an underlying waterbearing stratum or seam of sand or silt. (Terzaghi and Peck 1948, 366)
Recognition of the phenomenon is considerably
older. One of the three types of landslides distinguished by Dana (1877, 74) occurs "when a layer
of clay or wet sand becomes wet and softened by
percolating water and then is pressed out laterally
by the weight of the superincumbent layers." An
early use of spread to describe this phenomenon is
by Barlow:
In a landslip [British term for some types of
landslide], the spreading ofsome underlying bed
which has become plastic through the percolation ofwater or for some other cause drags apart
the more solid, intractable beds above and pro-


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

duces fissures and fractures transverse to the

direction of movement. (Barlow 1888, 786)
'Spread is defined here as an extension of a cohesive soil or rock mass combined with a general subsidence of the fractured mass of cohesive material
into softer underlying material. The surface of rupture is not a surface of intense shear. Spreads may
result fr~m liquefaction or flow (and extrusion) of
the softer material. Varnes (1978) distinguished
spreads typical of rock, which extended without
forming an identifiable surface of rupture from
movements in cohesive soils overlying liquefied
materials or materials flowing plastically (Figure
3-29). The cohesive materials may also subside,
translate, rotate, disintegrate, or liquefy and flow.
Clearly these movements are complex, but they are
sufficiently common in certain materials and geological situations that the concept of a spread is
worth recognizing as a separate type of movement.
8.4.1 Modes of Spreading

. In block spreads, a thick layer of rock overlies softer

materials; the strong upper layer may fracture and
separate into strips. The soft underlying material is
squeezed into the cracks between the strips, which

may also fill with broken, displaced material

[Figure 3-29(a)]. Typical rates of movement are
extremely slow.
Such movements may extend many kilometers
back from the edges of plateaus and escarpments.
The Needles District of Canyonlands National
Park, Utah, is an example ofa block spread (McGill
and Stromquist 1979; Baars 1989). Grabens up to
600 m wide and 100 m deep stretch 20 km along
the east side of Cataract Canyon'on the Colorado
River (Figure 3-30). The grabens extend up to 11
km back from the river. A 450-m-thick sequence
of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks has been spread
down a regional slope with a 4-degree dip by the
flow of an underlying evaporite that is exposed in
valley anticlines in the Colorado River and its tributaries (Potter and McGill 1978; Baars 1989). This
approximately 60 km3 of displaced material con~
stitutes one of North America's largest landslides.
Liquefaction spreads form in sensitive clays and
silts that have lost strength with disturbances that
damaged their structure [Figpres 3-29(c) and
3-31]. These types of landslides are discussed further in Chapter 24. Movement is translational and
often retrogressive, starting at a stream bank or a
shoreline and extending away from it. However, if
the underlying flowing layer is thick, blocks may


Rock and earth
spreads: (a), (b) rock
spreads that have
experienced lateral
extension without
well-defined basal
shear surface or
zone of plastic flow
[Varnes 1978, Figure
2.1 m2 (Zaruba and
, Mend 1969); Figure
2.1 m3 (Ostaficzuk
1973)]; (c) earth
spread resulting
from liquefaction
or plastic flow of
subjacent material
(Varnes 1978,
Figure 2.10).







Landslide Types and Processes

sink into it, forming grabens, and upward flow can

take place at the toe of the displaced mass. Movement can begin suddenly and reach very rapid
Spreads are the most common ground failure
during earthquakes.... [They] occur in gentler
terrains (commonly between 0.5 per cent [0.3
degrees] and 5 percent [3 degrees)) with lateral
movement of a few meters or so.... [S]preads
involve fracturing and extension of coherent
material owing to liquefaction or plastic flow of
subjacent material. ... [S]preads are primarily
translational although some associated rotation and subsidence commonly occurs. (Andrus
and Youd 1987, 16)
Van Hom (1975) described two movements of
more th~ 8 km2 in area on very gentle slopes in
flat-lying beds ofSilty clay, clayey silt, and very fine
sand deposited in prehistoric Lake Bonneville,
Utah: The displaced material forms ridges parallel
to the main scarp of the landslide; distinctive
internal structures include gentle folds, shears, and
intrusions of liquefied sediment.
8.4.2 Complex Spreads


The Grabens



Geological cross section showing formation of The Grabens in Needles
District of Canyonlands National Park, Utah. Colorado River has carved
Cataract Canyon to within a few meters of top of Paradox Salt beds (IPps),
undercutting inclined layers of overlying Honaker Trail (IPht), Elephant
Canyon (Pee), and Cedar Mesa (Pern) formations. These formations have
broken up and are moving toward canyon by flowage within salt. Colorado
River follows crest of Meander anticline, a salt-intruded fold located above
a deep-seated fault zone (Baars 1989).

Major deformations in rock strata were found

along many valleys in north-central England during the construction of dams in the late 19th century. These deformations occurred where a nearly
horizontal, rigid-jointed cap rock overlaid a thick
layer of stiff-fissured clay or clay shale that in tum
overlaid a more competent stratum. A bending, or
cambering, of the rigid strata caused blocks of this
stratum to dip toward the valley. This bending of
the upper stratum was accompanied by severe
deformation and bulging of the softer lower strata
in the valley floor.
Hutchinson (1991) defined characteristic features of cambers and valley bulges as follows:
Marked thinning of the clay substratum as a
result of the transfer of clay into the valley bulge;
Intense folding and distortion in the valley bulge
itselfas a result of the meeting of the clay masses
moving in from beneath each valley side;
Sympathetic flexuring of the superincumbent
capping rocks, producing a valleyward camber,
a valley marginal syncline, and an upturn
against the flanks of the bulge; and

Earth spread-earth flow near Greensboro, Florida. Material is flat-lying,
partly indurated clayey sand of Hawthorn Formation. Length of slide is
275 m from scarp to edge of trees in foreground. Vertical distance is about
15 m from top to base of scarp and about 20 m from top of scarp to toe.
Landslide occurred in April 1948 after a year of unusually heavy rainfall,
including 40 cm in the 30 days preceding landslide [Varnes 1978, Figure
2.19 (modified from Jordan 1949)].


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

exaggeration. Figure 3-32(b) is based on a diagram
by Hutchinson (1991) that shows the same general
section without vertical exaggeration and emphasizes that the displaced materials are found on
slopes of less than 5 degrees. According to the proposed naming convention, a camber may be described as a relict, complex rock spread-'l'ock topple.
Ward (1948) described as a landslide another
complex spread in Britain in which stiff-fissured
clays overlaid fine sands but qualified his description as follows:

Extension and valleyward toppling of the capping rocks in the camber, resulting in opening of
near-vertical joints to form wide-open fissures,
termed gulls, in valleyward dips of the camber
blocks and in the development of dip-and-fault
structures between camber blocks as a consequence of their toppling.
The rotation of the dip of the rock blocks produces the slightly arched or convex form popularly
called a camber. Rotation is made possible by the
extension of "the <;ap-rock towards the valley producing widened joints (called gulls) often infilled
by till" (Hutchinson 1988, 19). The cap rock has
spread. The underlying clay exhibits

Cambering and
valley blJ1ging at
(a) detailed cross
section with 4x
vertical exaggeration
(modified from
Horswill and Horton
1976); and
(b) generalized
cross section drawn
without vertical
(modified from
Hutchinson 1991).

So much movement of various types had

occurred that it was difficult to trace the movement of the strata from the upper cliff until it
arrived in the form of mud on the beach some
180 feet below.... The underlying fine sand is
in a saturated, quick condition under the
blocks when they become detached and they
probably flounder forwards and tilt backwards.
(Ward 1948,36)

a brecciated structure, probably frost-induced,

in its upper parts, marked thinning as the
valley is approached and intense generallymonoclinal folding in ... the present valley
bottom.... The dramatic internal structures
appear to be the result principally of valleyward squeezing and extrusion made possible
by the weakening of the clay stratum by multiple freezing and thawing.... These cambers
and valley bulges are believed to be relict
periglacial features. (Hutchinson 1988, 19)

This description suggests that the clay was being

spread by the flow of the sand and thus the movement was a type of complex earth spread-debris flow.

Normal sub-horizonUil


A flow is a spatially continuous movement in

which surfaces of shear are short-lived, closely
spaced, and usually not preserved. The distribution
of velocities in the displacing mass resembles that
in a viscous liquid. The lower boundary of the displaced mass may be a surface along which appre-

Clay shale




camber slope'



8.5 Flow

Cambering and valley bulging affected slopes at

Empingham, England, that were excavated during
the construction of a dam (Horswill and Horton
1976). Figure 3-32(a) reproduces a portion of Figure 5 of Horswill and Horton (1976), which shows
the details of the structures with a fourfold vertical



- ------ -Thinni;:;

b~ ~.// ~



- - - - - ~ / \:::~~--:.

-- -- -- -

-. _-r.ene
of decollement!

Competant subs'tratlJm'










Middle Lias Silts and Clavs




Dam Choinage (m)


0 -100





Pipeline Choinoge{ml








Landslide Types and Processes

ciable differential movement has taken place or a

thick zone ofdistributed shear (Figure 3-33). Thus
there is a gradation from slides to flows depending
on water content, mobility, and evolution of the
movement. Debris slides may become extremely
rapid debris flows or debris avalanches as the dis~
placed _material loses cohesion, gains water, or
encounters steeper slopes (Figure 3-34).
Varnes (1978,19-20) used the terms earth flow
and sloW earth flow [Figure 3-33(a)] to describe "the
somewhat drier and slower earth flows in plastic
earth ... common ... wherever there is ... clay or
weathered clay-bearing rocks, moderate slopes,
and adequate moisture."
Keefer and Johnson (1983) included detailed
studies of the movement of earth flows in the San
Francisco Bay area (Figure 3-35). They concluded
(Keefer and Johnson 1983, 52): "Although some
internal deformation occurs within earth flows,

debris flows:
(a) debris flow,
(b) debris avalanche,
and (c) block stream
(Varnes 1978,
Figures 2.1q1,




Dry sand

Firm silt

most movement takes place on or immediately

adjacent to their boundaries." Their use of earth
flow thus covers landslide modes from slow earth
flow through slow, composite earth slide-earth flow
to slow earth slide. When extensive, striated, or
slickensided lateral margins or surfaces of rupture
are visible, the landslide might well be called an
earth slide; when the displaced mass is strongly
deformed internally, the landslide is probably an .
earth flow. If the same landslide shows both modes
of deformation, it is clearly a composite earth
slide-earth flow.
While defining landslide processes in permafrost regions, McRoberts and Morgenstern (1974)
used the term skin flow to describe a rapid to very
rapid slope movement in which a thin hiyer, or
skin, of thawed soil and vegetation flows or slides

Examples of flows:
(a) slow earth flow
[Varnes 1978, Figure
2.1 r3 (Zaruba and
Mend 1969), .
(b) loess flow, and
(c) dry sand flow
(Varnes 1978,
Figures 2.1 r5
and 2.1 r4).


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

Earth flow
developing from
initial rotational
earth slide near
Berkeley, California
(Varnes 1978,
Figure 2.22).

over the permafrost table, whereas Hutchinson

(1988,12) used the term active-layer slide. Seasonal
thaw layers, or active layers, up to a meter or so in
thickness may contain water originally drawn to
the freezing front where it formed segregated ice.
Melting of this ice may generate artesian porewater pressures that greatly reduce the resistance
of the active layer to movement. These landslide
conditions are discussed in more detail in Chapter
25. Similar shallow failure may also occur in loess
materials that become saturated or are subjected to
earthquake shaking [Figure 3-33(b)].
Open-slope debris flows form their own path
down a valley side onto the gentler slopes at the
foot. Deposition of levees there may outline a more
sinuous channel. The cornman, small dry flows of
granular material may be channelized (Figure 3-36)

Dry sand flow in
Columbia River
valley; dry sand
from upper terrace
flowed through
notch in cliffs of
more compact
sand and silt below
(Varnes 1978,
Figure 2.24).

or may extend as sheets for some distance across a

slope [Figures 3-33(b) and 3-37].
Channelized flows follow existing channels (Figures 3-34 and 3-38). As shown in Figure 3-39,
debris flows are often of high density, with over 80
percent solids by weight, and may exceed the density of wet concrete (Hutchinson 1988). They can
therefore move boulders that are meters in diameter. The mode of flow shown in Figure 3-40 often
occurs during torrential runoff following exceptional rainfalls. Soils on steep slopes unprotected
by vegetation whose natural cover may have been
destroyed by fire are prone to debris flows. Debris
may be added to small surface streams by erosion
or caving of their banks, increasing the power of
the flows. Coarser material may form natural levees, leaving the fines in suspension to move down
the channel. Flows can extend many kilometers
before they 'drop their suspended loads upon entering lower-gradient channels. The movement may
be in pulses, presumably caused by periodic mobilization of material or by the formation and bursting of darns of debris in the channel.
Pierson and Costa (1987) observed that the
term debris torrent was misleading and gave two
First, mountain torrent or debris torrent is used
in European and Japanese literature to mean a
very steep channel, not the material that flows
in it.... Second, the term was coined to differentiate between coarse debris flows occurring in channels and flows occurring on open
slopes ... , a criterion that has no rhealogic or
other process-specific basis. We suggest that the
usage of the term, debris torrent, be discontinued and the more general term, debris flow,
be used instead with appropriate descriptive
adjectives when specifics are required. (Pierson
and Costa 1987,10)

Debris avalanches are larger, extremely rapid,

often open-slope flows [Figure 3-34(b)]. The Mt.
Huascaran avalanche in Peru (Figure 3-41)
involved 50 million m3 to 100 million m3 of rock,
ice, snow, and soil that traveled at velocities of as
much as 100 m/sec. In this case, steam and air cushions were suggested to account for the high velocity and long distance of the debris travel (Varnes
1978,21). However, the contributions ofsnow and
ice to the movement should also be considered.


Landslide Types and Processes

Shallow dry sand
flow along shore
of Lake Roosevelt,
Washington State;
wave erosion or
saturation of
sediment by lake
water caused thin
skin of material to
lose support and
ravel off slope,
formed on older
terrace deposit
[Varnes 1978, Figure
2.25 (modified from
Jones et al. 1961 )].

According to Varnes, bedrock flows include


spatially continuous deformation and surficial

as well as deep creep. . . . [They involve]
extremely slow and generally nonaccelerating
differential movements among relatively intact
units. Movements may (1) be along many shear
surfaces that are apparently not connected; (2)
result in folding, bending, or bulging; or (3)
roughly simulate those of viscous fluids in distribution of velocities. (Varnes 1978, Figure
2.1, V)

"The processes involved in slope movements comprise a continuous series of events from cause to
effect" (Varnes 1978, 26). In some cases, it may be
more economical to repair the effects of a landslide
than to remove the cause; a highway on the crest
of a slope may be relocated rather than armoring
the toe of the slope to prevent further erosion.
However, the design of appropriate, cost-effective
remedial measures still requires a clear understanding of the processes that are causing the landslide. Although this understanding may require a

All the examples given by Varnes (1978) and

reproduced as Figure 3-42 show movements that
may have been initiated by sliding on the bedding
or schistosity of the rock mass. These might all
then be classified as complex slides. Further study
may define the complex modes of movement to
which these examples belong, in which sliding is
followed by buckling (Hu and Cruden 1993).
Clearly, cfurther examples of bedrock flow should
be explored in more detail before they can be more
than tentatively classified.
A lahar is a debris flow from a volcano. The flow
mobilizes the loose accumulations of tephra (airborne solids erupted from the volcano) on the
volcano's slopes. Water for the flow may come
from the ejection of crater lakes, condensations of
erupted steam, the nucleation of water vapor on
erupted particles and its precipitation, and the
melting of snow and iCe accumulated on a sufficiently high volcanic cone (Voight 1990).

Old debris flow in
altered volcanic
rocks west of
Pahsimeroi River
in south central
Idaho (Shaller
1991, Figure 8).

spectrum of
from sediment-laden
rivers to debris flows
(modified from
Hutchinson 1988,
Figure 15).

Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

Sediment Concentration by Weight, C(96)
















r:: ..
















(Debris Flow)


for G-2.60 - 2.75







l 'I'l



Debris Flow
Stre.amflow (E=ephemeral)
~ Wet Concrete














Water Content, w (96)

Very rapid debris
flow, or debris
avalanche, at
Franconia Notch,
New Hampshire,
June 24, 1948,
after several days
of heavy rainfall.
Colluvial soil up to
5 m thick moved
down over bedrock
along 450 m of a
45-degree slope.
Levees appear at
lateral margins.
Flow covered US-3

(Varnes 1978,
Figure 2.17).

detailed site investigation, a reconnaissance of the

landslide as soon as possible after its occurrence
can allow important observations of the processes
involved. These obserVations may guide both the
site investigation and the remedial measures.
Although Varnes (1978) provided a list of the
causes of slides, the aims in this section are less
ambitious. The section follows Varnes's distinction
that the three broad types oflandslide processes are
those that

1. Increase shear stresses (Section 9.1),

2. Contribute to low strength (Section 9.2), and
3. Reduce material strength (Section 9.3).
Common landslide triggering mechanisms are discussed at greater length in Chapter 4.
Processes and characteristics that contribute
to landslides are summarized in a checklist oflandslide causes arranged in four practical groups according to the tools and procedures necessary to
begin the investigation (see p. 70). Ground causes



10,000 .




Landslide Types and Processes


May 31, 1970,

Huascaran debris
avalanche (Peru)
originated at Point A.
Yungay had been
protected from
January 10, 1962,
debris avalanche by
ridge up to 240 m
high (Point 8), but
portion of later
avalanche overtopped protective
ridge. Cemetery Hill
(Point C) was only
safe place in Yungay,
some 93 people
escaping to it before
avalanche devastated
surrounding area.
Moving at an
average speed of
320 km/hr, debris
arrived at Point D on
Rio Santa 14.5 km
down 15-degree
average slope within
3 to 4 min after
starting from north
peak of Huascaran
(Point A). Debris
flowed 2.5 km up
Rio Santa (Point E)
and continued 160
km downstream to
Pacific Ocean,
devastating villages
and crops on its
floodplain [Varnes
1978, Figure 2.27
(modified from
Cluff 1971)).




can be identified with the customary tools of site

reconnaissance and investigation. Changes in site
morphology over time are apparent from the study
of surveys, maps, and aerial photographs. Identification of causes of movement requires the collection of data over time from a variety of field
instruments, including seismographs, rain gauges,
flow gauges, and piezometers. Some changes in
material and mass properties with time may, however, be inferred from gradual changes in the mass
properties with distance. Anthropogenic causes
can be documented by site records, plans, or other

9.1 Increased Shear Stresses

Shear stresses can be increased by processes that
lead to removal of lateral support, by the imposition of surcharges, by transitory stresses resulting
from explosions or earthquakes, and by uplift or
tilting of the land surface.

9.1.1 Removal of Support

The toe of a slope can be removed by erosion, steepening the slope. Typical "agents are streams and


Examples of rock
flows [Varnes 1978,
Figure 2.1 p1
(Nemcok et al. 1972;
Zischinsky 1966)].


Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation

Checklist of landslide Causes

1. Geological causes
a. Weak materials
b. Sensitive materials
c. Weathered materials
d. Sheared materials
e. Jointed or fissured materials
f. Adversely oriented mass discontinuity
(bedding, schistosity, etc.)
g. Adversely oriented structural discontinuity
(fault, unconformity, contact, etc.)
h. Contrast in permeability
i. Contrast in stiffness (stiff, dense material
over plastic materials)
2. Morphological causes
a. Tectonic or volcanic uplift
b. Glacial rebound
c. Fluvial erosion of slope toe
d. Wave erosion of slope toe
e. Glacial erosion of slope toe
f. Erosion of lateral margins
g. Subterranean erosion (solution, piping)
h. Deposition loading slope or its crest
i. Vegetation removal (by forest fire,
3. Physical causes
a. Intense rainfall
b. Rapid snow melt
c. Prolonged exceptional precipitation
d. Rapid drawdown (of floods and tides)
e. Earthquake
f. Volcanic eruption
g. Thawing
h. Freeze-and-thaw weathering
i. Shrink-and-swell weathering
4. Human causes
a. Excavation of slope or its toe
b. Loading of slope or its crest
c. Drawdown (of reservoirs)
d. Deforestation
e. Irrigation
f. Mining
g. Artificial vibration
h. Water leakage from utilities

rivers, glaciers, waves and currents, and slope movements. Anthropogenic landslides can be caused by
excavations for cuts, quarries, pits, and canals, and
by the drawdown of lakes and reservoirs.
Removal of material from the lateral margins of
the displaced mass can also cause movement.
Material can be removed from below the landslide
by solution in karst terrain, by piping (the transport of sediment in groundwater flows), or by mining. In some spreads, the loss of strength of the

material at depth within the displacing mass

results in its extrusion or, if the base of the spread
has liquefied, in its outward flow. These issues as
they relate to landslides in sensitive clay deposits
are discussed in Chapter 24.
9.1.2 Imposition of Surcharges

The addition of material can result in increases of

both the length and the height of the slope. Water
can be added by precipitation, both rain and snow;
by the flow of surface and groundwater into the
displacing mass; and even by the growth of glaciers. Surcharges can be added by the movement
of landslides onto the slope, by volcanic activity,
and by the growth of vegetation. Anthropogenic
surcharges include construction of fills, stockpiles,
and waste dumps; structural weight; and water
from leaking canals, irrigation systems, reservoirs,
sewers, and septic tanks.
9.1.3 Transitory Stresses

The local stress field within a slope can be greatly

changed by transitory stresses from earthquakes
and explosions (both anthropogenic and volcanic). Smaller transitory changes in the str~ss
field can result from storms and from human
activity such as pile driving and the passage of
heavy vehicles.
9.1.4 Uplift or Tilting

Uplift or tilting may be caused by tectonic forces

or by volcanic processes. In either case, this type
of increased shear stress may be associated with
earthquakes, which themselves can trigger landslides (Section 9.1.3). The melting of the extensive Pleistocene ice sheets has caused widespread
uplift in temperate and circumpolar regions.
Uplift of an area of the earth's surface generally
causes steepeping of slopes in the area as drainage
responds by increased incision. The cutting of valleys in the uplifted area may cause valley rebound
and accompanying fracturing and loosening ofvalley walls with inward shear along flat-lying discontinuities. The fractures and shears may allow
the buildup of pore-water pressures in the loosened
mass and eventually lead to landsliding.
9.2 Low Strength

Low strength of the earth or rock materials that

make up a landslide may reflect inherent material

Landslide Types and Processes

characteristics or may result from the presence of

discontinuities within the soil or rock mass.

effective intergranular pressure and friction and

destroys capillary tension.

9.2.1 Material Characteristics

Materials may be naturally weak or may become
weak as a result of common natural processes such
as saturation with water. Organic materials and
clays have low natural strengths. Rocks that have
decomposed to clays by chemical weathering
(weathered volcanic tuffs, schists, and serpentinites, for example) develop similar properties.
Besides the nature of the individual particles of
which the material is composed, the arrangement
of these particles (the fabric of the material) may
cause low material strengths. Sensitive materials,
which lose strength when disturbed, generally
have loose fabrics or textures.

9.2.2 Mass Characteristics

The soil or rock mass may be weakened by discontinuities such as faults, bedding surfaces, foliations,
cleavages, joints, fissures, shears, and sheared zones
(Chapters 12 and 14). Contrasts in bedded sedimentary sequences-such as stiff, thick beds overlying weak, plastic, thin beds or permeable sands
(or sandstones) alternating with weak, impermeable clays (or shales)-are sources of weakness.

9.3 Reduced Shear Strength

Clays are particularly prone to weathering processes and other physicochemical reactions. Hydration of clay minerals results in loss of cohesion,
a process often associated with softening offissured
clays. Fissuring of clays may be due to drying or to
release of vertical and lateral restraints by erosion
or excavation. The exchange of ions within clay
minerals with those in the pore water of the clays
may lead to substantial changes in the physical
properties of some clays. Electrical potentials set
up by these chemical reactions or by other processes may attract water to the weathering front.
The effects of extremes of temperature caused
by severe weather are not confined to clays. Rocks
may disintegrate under cycles of freezing and
thawing or thermal expansion and contraction.
Dry weather may cause desiccation cracking of
weak or weathered rock along preexisting discontinuities, such as bedding planes. Wet weather
may dissolve natural rock cements that hold particles together. Saturation with water reduces

In the initial reconnaissance of a landslide, the

activity and the materials displaced in that type of
landslide would be described using terms from
Table 3-2, the dimensions defined in Table 3-4
would be estimated, and some preliminary hypotheses would be chosen about the causes of the
movements. A simple landslide report form is provided in Figure 3-9; its format would allow the creation of simple data bases suited to much of the
data-base management software now available for
personal computers. The information collected
could be compared with summaries of other landslides (WP/WLI 1991) and used to guide additional investigations and mitigative measures.
Further investigation would increase the precision
of estimates of the dimensions and increase confidence in the descriptions of activity and material
and in the hypotheses about the causes of movement. The new information would then be added
to the data base to influence the analysis of new
landslides. These data bases could form the foundations of expert systems for landslide mitigation.


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