Carbonate Cementation - Sequence Strat Framework - Taylor

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1 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, U.K.
2 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, U.K.
3 Exxon Production Research Co., Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

ABSTRACT: Three macroscopic diagenetic features can be recognized of these diagenetic features, and their economic impacts, the ability to
in the sandstones of the Upper Cretaceous Desert Member of the understand and predict their distribution, size, and geometry is a significant
Blackhawk Formation and Castlegate Sandstone of the Mesaverde benefit to predicting reservoir continuity in discrete depositional units.
Group exposed in the Book Cliffs, Utah, each of which have distinctive To date, many models have been advanced to explain the origin and
form, geometry, and stratigraphic distribution. Diagenetic alterations distribution of carbonate cements in siliciclastic successions. These include
are: (1) leached zones (‘‘whitecaps’’), up to 10 m thick, beneath coal the distribution of shell material (Bjørkum and Walderhaug 1990a, 1990b),
beds; (2) large (up to 8 m) concretionary carbonate-cemented bodies the presence of permeability heterogeneity in sandstones leading to local-
in amalgamated shoreface and thin fluvial sandstones; and (3) thin (up ized increased migration of carbonate-bearing fluids (Prosser et al. 1993),
to 2 m), laterally extensive carbonate-cemented horizons beneath ma- and the occurrence of breaks in sediment accumulation during the devel-
jor marine flooding surfaces. Each feature has distinct petrographic opment of marine flooding surfaces (Taylor et al. 1995).
and geochemical signatures, and formed through discrete diagenetic In parallel to these diagenetic studies, high-resolution sequence stratig-
processes. Large isolated carbonate-cemented bodies are composed of raphy has proven effective in understanding the stratigraphic evolution of
ferroan dolomite, most of which precipitated during early diagenesis. stratal successions and in predicting the geometry and continuity of sand-
Field and petrographic data, coupled with stable-isotope data (early stone deposits in subsurface reservoirs (Van Wagoner et al. 1990). Despite
cements, d13C 5 22.5 to 13.4‰ VPDB; d18O 5 27.8 to 212.0‰ obvious links, however, few studies have attempted to integrate detailed,
VPDB; 87Sr/86Sr 5 0.7078; later cements, d13C 5 23.1 to 25.7‰ high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic and diagenetic studies in order to
VPDB; d18O 5 212.0 to 215.1‰ VPDB; 87Sr/86Sr 5 0.7093) suggest
develop predictive models for diagenetic alteration. This paper presents
precipitation from meteoric fluids, input into sediments during times
field and geochemical data for diagenetic features (carbonate cementation,
of relative sea-level fall. The source of carbonate for the dolomite ce-
detrital-grain leaching) in the Upper Cretaceous strata exposed in the Book
ment was dissolution of detrital dolomite from beneath coals by organic
Cliffs of Utah and Colorado. We describe the petrography and geochem-
acids and subsequent mobilization by meteoric fluids. Carbonate pre-
cipitation in laterally extensive cement horizons appears to have start- istry of these carbonate cements and associated features and outline their
ed as a result of hiatus in sediment accumulation during marine flood- relationship to the stratigraphic framework. On the basis of this study we
ing events (relative sea-level rise). Cement precipitation in these hori- propose mechanisms by which these diagenetic features formed. Moreover,
zons continued through sediment burial as a result of organic-matter direct integration of diagenetic analysis into large-scale stratigraphic studies
oxidation reactions in overlying organic-rich mudstones. The results of appears to provide the best mechanism for the construction of process-
this study show a link between sedimentation (related to changes in based models of early diagenesis in siliciclastic successions.
relative sea level) and diagenesis, leading to the potential for the de-
velopment of process-based, predictive models of early diagenesis in GEOLOGICAL AND STRATIGRAPHIC SETTING
depositional successions.
The Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America stretched
from the present Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean (Fig. 1). This foreland
INTRODUCTION basin formed by crustal loading and flexural subsidence during thrusting
and folding in the Cordilleran Orogen (Burchfiel et al. 1992). The Upper
Diagenesis exerts a major control on the physical and chemical properties
of siliciclastic strata, and much attention has focused on developing models Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation and Castlegate Sandstone, which are de-
to understand and predict the occurrence and distribution of mineral ce- scribed in this paper (Fig. 1), were deposited along the western margin of
ments (porosity reduction) and framework-grain dissolution (porosity in- the Interior Seaway as a wedge of eastward-prograding siliciclastic strata
crease). A predominant diagenetic feature in sandstones is carbonate ce- (Hale and Van De Graaff 1964; Van De Graaff 1969, 1972), shed from
mentation, taking the form of macroscopic, localized cement bodies having the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt located to the west. Excellent exposure of
a variety of geometries, ranging from concretions to laterally persistent the Book Cliffs provides an outstanding area to study large-scale geometry
cemented zones (Bjørkum and Walderhaug 1990a, 1990b; Wilkinson 1991; and stratigraphic architecture of stratal units, and hence, has resulted in
McBride et al. 1995). In addition to forming prominent macroscopic fea- numerous stratigraphic and sedimentological studies throughout this region
tures in sedimentary successions, carbonate cements also have a consid- (e.g., Fouch et al. 1983; Van Wagoner 1991, 1995; O’Byrne and Flint 1995;
erable economic impact on petroleum exploitation by significantly degrad- Taylor et al. 1995). The study presented here was carried out on the Grassy,
ing reservoir quality and acting as barriers and baffles to fluid flow (Kan- Desert, and Castlegate strata in the Book Cliffs (Fig. 2). Marine shoreface
torowicz et al. 1987). In contrast to cementation, grain dissolution, sandstones and mudstones of the Grassy and Desert highstand systems
depending on its occurrence and timing, may lead to enhancement of po- tracts interfinger eastward and southward into the mudstone-dominated
rosity and permeability within the strata and also may provide sources for Mancos Shale. Each is overlain unconformably by the Desert and Castle-
mineral cements elsewhere in the succession. Given the prominent nature gate lowstand systems tracts, respectively, truncating the highstand systems
tracts toward the west (Fig. 2; Van Wagoner 1995). In addition to sequence
* Present Address: Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, boundaries, both marine flooding surfaces (parasequence boundaries) and
Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD, U.K. E- transgressive surfaces (overlying lowstand systems tracts) can be traced for
mail: [email protected] tens of kilometers in the outcrop.


Copyright q 2000, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 1073-130X/00/070-360/$03.00

FIG. 1.—Location map showing the location of

the outcrop exposures of the Upper Cretaceous
strata in the Book Cliffs, Utah and Colorado.
Locations mentioned in the text or used in
Figure 2 are shown.

METHODS materials against the international standard NBS-19. They are expressed as
per mil (‰) deviation from the V-PDB international standard (Coplen
Fresh, unweathered samples of cemented and uncemented sandstones 1994, 1995). Sample reproducibilities in the laboratory are better than 0.1‰
were collected by hand from numerous outcrop localities along the Book for both carbon and oxygen values.
Cliffs. Of these localities, twelve were the major focus of the analytical
In almost all cases it was impossible to separate detrital dolomite from
work (Fig. 2). In addition, material was sampled from two subsurface cores
authigenic dolomite. Whenever possible, however, care was taken to ana-
taken by the Exxon Production Research Company, each of which were
lyze samples that contained only one phase of carbonate cement. Conse-
located 0.5 km north of the natural outcrop. Polished thin sections of over
quently, a value for detrital dolomite was obtained from those samples
200 samples were prepared. After initial optical petrographic work in trans-
which contained no authigenic carbonate. In mixed detrital and authigenic
mitted light the sections were coated with carbon and analyzed both pet-
rographically and chemically in a Jeol 6400 Scanning Electron Microscope samples the percentage by volume of detrital dolomite versus authigenic
(SEM) equipped with a backscattered electron (BSE) detector. A fully dolomite was determined through a combination of point counting on a
quantitative Link eXL energy dispersive (ED) X-ray microanalysis system petrographic microscope and element mapping on an SEM (which was
was used to determine major-element composition (Ca, Mg, Fe) of car- possible because of the compositional difference between the detrital and
bonate grains and cements within the samples. Trace-element contents (Sr, authigenic dolomite). From these estimates, the value for the authigenic
Mn) of carbonate minerals were determined on thin sections using wave- dolomite was calculated.
87Sr/86Sr ratios for carbonate cements were measured at the University
length-dispersive X-ray analysis on a Cameca electron microprobe. Detec-
tion limits for both of these elements was approximately 300 ppm. of Texas. Samples were crushed by hand in an agate mortar, with minimal
Stable-isotope analyses were carried out at the Liverpool University Sta- grinding of detrital grains to limit the release of silicate Sr. Adsorbed sur-
ble Isotope Laboratory. Powdered samples were heated in a low-tempera- face Sr was removed with 1N ammonium-acetate exchange (an initial 8–
ture, oxygen-plasma oven for four hours to remove any organic matter. 10 hr followed by a second 1-hr exchange). Carbonate samples were re-
CO2 gases were obtained by reacting approximately 3 mg of powdered acted for 6–7 hr in 8% purified acetic acid, at room temperature (30 minutes
sample with approximately 1 ml of anhydrous 100% orthophosphoric acid for calcite samples). Dissolved material was separated from solids by cen-
heated to 508C. An acid fractionation factor of 1.01011 for dolomite and trifugation, concentrated by evaporation, and turned into nitrate salt with
1.00928 for calcite was used (values from those given by Friedman and nitric acid. Raw data were corrected to give 87Sr/86Sr values for authigenic
O’Neil 1977, to account for 508C reaction temperatures). Results were cor- dolomite and detrital dolomite in the same way as for C and O isotope
rected by standard methods (Craig 1957) and calibrated using standard data described above.

FIG. 2.—West-to-east cross section showing the lithostratigraphy and sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of the Grassy, Desert, and Castlegate depositional sequences
in the Book Cliffs (after Van Wagoner 1995).

RESULTS spherical to horizontally elongate in form. They have a maximum long-

axis diameter of 200 m, but more commonly extend up to 20 m. Although
Outcrop-Scale Diagenetic Features these concretions are prominent, they are not present throughout all the
Both leached zones and carbonate-cemented bodies are present exten- sandstones. They are exceedingly rare in proximal deposits (e.g., thick,
sively within the Grassy, Desert, and Castlegate depositional sequences. amalgamated fluvial sandstones or thick, amalgamated upper-shoreface and
These macroscopic diagenetic features are readily apparent in outcrop ex- foreshore strata). They are most predominant in highstand amalgamated
posures, which have enabled detailed analysis of their form and geometry, shoreface sandstones (Figs. 3A, 4A), thin lowstand fluvial sandstones, or
and of their sedimentological and stratigraphic distribution. Three catego- composite deposits of highstand shoreface and lowstand fluvial deposits
ries of outcrop-scale diagenetic features were recognized: (1) leached (Figs. 3B, 4B). In such deposits their form and geometry appear to be
zones; (2) large isolated concretionary carbonate-cemented bodies; and (3) strongly controlled by lithological heterogeneity in the sandstones. They
thin, laterally extensive carbonate-cemented zones. A summary of their are restricted to the coarser-grained parts of the sandstones and commonly
outcrop-scale features is given here. A detailed account of their form, ge- follow major grain-size changes in the sandstones. For example, in thin,
ometry, and stratigraphic distribution will be presented in a forthcoming coarse-grained, fluvial channels that incised into distal lower-shoreface, in-
paper. terbedded fine-grained sandstones and siltstones, the concretions are bound-
‘‘Whitecaps’’.—Laterally extensive leached horizons, evident in the ed at their lower edges by the basal surface of the channel (e.g., the Desert
field as whitened, bleached zones (‘‘whitecaps’’), are present in proximal Lowstand at Sagers Canyon West). However, in those thin fluvial channels
parts of the sequences, associated with coastal-plain and fluvial deposits. that incised into amalgamated, lower-shoreface medium-grained sandstones
Individual ‘‘whitecaps’’ are generally present beneath coal beds, and in the (e.g., the Desert Lowstand at Salt Wash; Fig. 4B), the concretion bodies
cases where no coal is observed, the ‘‘whitecap’’ zones are overlain by an crosscut the sequence boundary. In the Grassy highstand, a number of high-
erosion surface, which has removed part of the original overlying deposits. frequency sequence boundaries have been recognized by Van Wagoner
The leached zones have vertical thicknesses of 5–10 m, and have lateral (1995). Carbonate concretions are present in shoreface sandstones imme-
extents of up to 5 km. The ‘‘whitecaps’’ are more commonly observed in diately overlain by, and downdip from, these exposure surfaces (Fig. 3B).
the highstand and lowstand systems tracts, particularly in the coastal-plain Concretions are generally absent from shoreface sandstones that are not
sediments deposited in the Grassy and Desert highstands systems tracts, associated with these high-frequency sequence boundaries (Fig. 3B). In
and the fluvial sediments of the Desert and Castlegate lowstand systems many cases, compaction of sandstones around carbonate concretions can
tracts. At the bases of some ‘‘whitecaps’’, a thin horizon containing dis- be observed.
crete, reddish brown siderite concretions is present. These concretions are Thin, Laterally Extensive, Carbonate-Cemented Zones.—These ce-
generally 20 cm thick and up to 1 m long and are spaced up to 5 m apart. mented bodies, although not as volumetrically significant as the large con-
‘‘Whitecap’’ horizons are also present in the subsurface cores (e.g., Sego cretionary carbonate bodies, are equally prominent because of their dis-
No. 2 core; Van Wagoner et al., 1990), but can be detected only through tinctive form, geometry, and stratigraphic location. They have a maximum
petrographic analysis, because these horizons do not appear white in core. thickness of 3 m and have lateral extents of up to tens of kilometers. They
Large, Isolated, Concretionary Carbonate-Cemented Bodies.—A are present exclusively beneath marine flooding surfaces, and are best de-
prominent feature throughout the three sequences are large concretionary veloped beneath major transgressive surfaces (especially beneath the Buck
carbonate bodies. These concretions weather to a dark red-brown color and Tongue flooding surface, which bounds the top of the Castlegate lowstand
therefore can be mapped to delineate their form and distribution. The con- systems tract; Figs. 2, 4C, D). Although these cemented bodies are observed
cretions range from 1 m to 8 m in vertical thickness, and are roughly to be laterally continuous for hundreds of meters, more commonly they

FIG. 3.—Diagrammatic sketches of outcrop

exposures in the Grassy, Desert, and Castlegate
depositional sequences, illustrating the
occurrence and distribution of concretionary
carbonate cemented bodies. A) Sagers Canyon
East (east side of canyon). Note the presence of
large, isolated concretionary carbonates in the
amalgamated shoreface sandstones in the Grassy
highstand (beneath the Desert Sequence
Boundary/Flooding Surface; DSB/FS), and the
presence of large, dolomite-cemented bodies in
the fluvial sediments of the Castlegate lowstand
(above the Castlegate Sequence Boundary
(CSB). B) Salt Wash (east side of canyon). Note
the presence of concretionary carbonate bodies
in shoreface sandstones beneath a high-frequency
sequence boundary (HFSB) in the Grassy
highstand, and in the combined shoreface and
fluvial sandstones of the Grassy highstand and
Desert lowstand. Note also the absence of
concretions in shoreface sandstones above the
HFSB in the Grassy highstand.

take the form of individual roughly spherical, elongate cemented bodies less than 300 ppm. It has an average d13C of 10.3‰ VPDB, an average
separated by noncemented or poorly cemented sandstones. In the case of d18O of 24.6‰ VPDB, and an average 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.7092 (Table
the best developed and most areally extensive example (beneath the Buck 1; Figs. 6, 7). It also has a chemical and isotopic signature that is different
Tongue Flooding Surface), details of the cement geometry have been re- than any of the dolomite cements in the sequences (Table 1). In sandstones
moved by modern-day surficial erosion. Hence, because of irregular to- lacking cement, the predominant authigenic minerals are quartz over-
pography, it is uncertain if the cemented zone is continuous or composed growths, kaolinite, and late-stage calcite (Fig. 5B, C). Also, partial disso-
of separated cemented bodies. However, a clear lateral persistence can be lution of lithic fragments and feldspar grains is common in uncemented
observed in the distribution of the cemented bodies at this horizon. In many sandstones, a phenomenon rarely observed in carbonate-cemented sand-
cases, the upper surfaces of these cemented horizons contain an intensely stones.
bioturbated interval that contains unlined vertical burrows (a Glossifungites ‘‘Whitecaps’’.—Petrographically and mineralogically, sandstones con-
ichnofacies containing Skolithos burrows; Fig. 4D) suggesting that a firm stituting the ‘‘whitecap’’ horizons are devoid of detrital dolomite (and other
substrate may have developed shortly after deposition. carbonate) grains, which is an abundant component of the sandstones
throughout other parts of the Book Cliffs succession. ‘‘Whitecap’’ thick-
Petrography and Geochemistry of Diagenetic Features nesses, and associated zones of dissolution of detrital dolomite, range from
Background Petrography and Diagenesis.—Monocrystalline quartz is 5 to 10 m (Fig. 8). Detrital feldspar contents are also lower in sandstones
the predominant framework grain throughout the Book Cliffs sandstones. within ‘‘whitecaps’’ than away from them, with detrital feldspar absent for
Lithic grains of chert, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks are also common. a distance of up to 5 m below coal beds.
A significant component of all the sandstones are detrital dolomite grains, At the bases of some of the ‘‘whitecap’’ horizons are reddish-weathering
which are rounded to subangular and have a grain size similar to the as- siderite concretions, forming discrete concretions along individual zones.
sociated detrital quartz grains (Fig. 5A). From point-count data, the per- This siderite cement is a minor component of the sandstone, and occurs as
centage of detrital dolomite grains averages 10 volume percent of the sand- small (5 mm) rhombs rimming detrital grains (Fig. 5D). This siderite ce-
stones (equating to up to 15% of framework grains). Similar proportions ment is enveloped by quartz overgrowths and therefore predated quartz
of detrital dolomite have been recognized from other Upper Cretaceous cement in the sandstones.
Western Interior Seaway strata in Alberta (McKay et al. 1995). All detrital Large, Isolated Concretionary Carbonate-Cemented Bodies.—Fer-
dolomite is nonferroan, stoichiometric dolomite with Sr concentrations of roan dolomite is the predominant mineral cement in these cemented bodies.

FIG. 4.—Outcrop photographs of carbonate-cemented bodies in the Book Cliffs succession. A) Large carbonate concretion in amalgamated lower-shoreface sandstones
in the Grassy highstand at Sagers Canyon East. SB/FS 5 Desert sequence boundary/flooding surface (outcrop extent arrowed). Scale bar 5 2 m. B) Large, concretionary
carbonate-cemented body in the thin, fluvial Desert lowstand at Sagers Canyon West. SB 5 Desert sequence boundary; TS 5 Desert transgressive surface. Note the
absence of carbonate cement in the thin, lower-shoreface sandstones of the Grassy highstand below. The lower boundary of the carbonate cement body at this location
correlates to the increase in grain size above the Desert sequence boundary. Scale bar 5 2 m. C) Thin, laterally extensive cement zone (arrowed) beneath the Buck Tongue
flooding surface (BTFS; upper boundary of the Castlegate lowstand) at Horse Pastures. Scale bar 5 5 m. D) Unlined, vertical borrows of a Glossifungites ichnofacies in trough
cross-bedded fluvial sandstones of the Castlegate lowstand, directly beneath the Buck Tongue flooding surface (BTFS). One burrow is arrowed. Scale bar 5 0.5 m.

The style of cementation varies within individual cemented bodies. point–point in nature, and there is a general absence of long face contacts
Throughout the concretions, ferroan dolomite cement totally occludes po- (Fig. 5E). Quartz, kaolinite, and late calcite cements, which are abundant
rosity, constituting approximately 40% intergranular volume (Figs. 5E, 9). in sandstones away from cemented zones (Fig. 5B, C), are absent from
There is little evidence of grain replacement or corrosion by cements, and these cemented bodies. Although most of the cemented bodies are char-
therefore these dolomite-cemented sandstones are inferred to have the ap- acterized by high intergranular volumes of porosity-occluding cements, at
proximate intergranular porosity at the time of deposition. In addition to the edges of cemented bodies thin zones are present where ferroan dolomite
this high intergranular volume, detrital grain contacts are predominantly does not totally occlude porosity, and quartz cement and primary porosity

FIG. 5.—A) Thin-section photomicrograph showing detrital, monocrystalline, nonferroan dolomite (d) in uncemented sandstone. This detrital, inclusion-rich dolomite
grain has an inclusion-free, authigenic dolomite overgrowth (arrowed). Field of view 5 250 mm. B) Late calcite cement (c) in sandstone away from dolomite cement
zone. Note that the calcite cement postdates quartz overgrowth formation (q). Field of view 5 300 mm. C) Authigenic kaolinite (k) in an uncemented sandstone. Field of
view 5 130 mm. D) Early siderite rhombs (s), predating quartz overgrowth cement, in sandstone at base of leached zone that underlies a coal bed. Field of view 5 150
mm. E) Thin-section photomicrograph of early, ferroan-dolomite cement (fd) in the central part of a large, isolated dolomite-cemented body. Note the high cement volume,
the point–point contacts of detrital quartz grains (q), and the early diagenetic pyrite (p). Field of view 5 500 mm. F) Later, ferroan dolomite cement (fd2) from outer part
of large isolated concretion, precipitated on a less ferroan dolomite cement (fd1). Note presence of preserved primary porosity (p). Field of view 5 400 mm. G, H) Zoned
carbonate cement in laterally extensive cement zone beneath the Buck Tongue flooding surface. Note the detrital nonferroan dolomite core (d), surrounded by a thin zone
of ferroan dolomite, calcite with pyrite (c), and further ferroan dolomite (fd). Field of view 5 300 mm.

TABLE 1.—d 13C, d 18O, and 87/86 Sr data for carbonate cement components and detrital dolomite grains within selected samples from Book Cliffs.

d13C d18O Corrected d13C Corrected d18O

Sample ‰ VPDB ‰ VPDB 87/86
Sr ‰ VPDB ‰ VPDB Corrected 87/86Sr
Concretionary carbonates— SEG-13 2.55 26.96 0.707938 3.3 27.8 0.707806
early dolomite cement SEG-13a 1.07 28.88 0.707998 1.3 210.3 0.707872
SEG-14 0.24 210.09 0.708043 0.2 212.0 0.707933
SEG-15a 2.15 27.21 0.708109 2.8 28.1 0.707918
SA2-9 21.77 29.08 0.708149 22.5 210.6 0.708057
SCW-8 2.01 28.04 0.707909 2.6 29.2 0.707805
SEG-14a 20.25 29.50 n.d. 20.4 211.2 n.d.
SEG-15 0.03 29.00 n.d. 20.1 210.5 n.d.
SCW-6 0.96 28.59 n.d. 1.2 210.0 n.d.
SCW-7 2.63 27.50 n.d. 3.4 28.5 n.d.
SA3-8a 20.55 28.53 n.d. 20.8 29.9 n.d.
SA3-8b 20.49 28.05 n.d. 20.8 29.2 n.d.
Concretionary carbonates— SEG-11a 22.90 210.30 0.709266 24.5 213.3 0.709268
later dolomite cement SEG-11b 23.52 211.52 0.709294 25.5 215.1 0.709302
SEG-12 23.65 210.80 0.709161 25.7 214.0 0.709140
SA2-10 22.26 210.51 0.708867 23.1 212.5 0.708818
SCW-15 22.85 210.50 n.d. 23.9 212.5 n.d.
SA2-8 23.33 210.12 n.d. 24.5 212.0 n.d.
Laterally extensive cement bodies— CC52 22.15 29.19 0.709291 23.8 212.3 0.709313
dolomite cement TCA-29 23.92 211.36 0.710685 26.7 215.9 0.711637
ETW-1a 23.93 210.61 0.710348 26.8 214.7 0.711075
STUB-1 22.96 29.54 0.710272 25.1 212.9 0.710948
CQW-12 23.18 210.17 0.709062 25.5 214.0 0.709006
Detrital dolomite FN-3 0.30 24.44 0.709374 0.3 24.4 0.709374
FN-5 0.31 24.77 0.709343 0.3 24.8 0.709343
SEG-24 n.d. n.d. 0.709055 n.d. n.d. 0.709055
Late calcite cement SEG-29 27.14 216.02 0.711072 27.1 216.0 0.711072
The raw isotope data represent whole-sample analyses (a mixture of cement and detrital carbonate), and the ‘‘corrected’’ data for carbonate cements represent the calculated value for the cement component alone, following
correction for the presence of detrital dolomite.

are also present (Fig. 5F). In these outer zones porosity, which ranges from around 0‰ (-2.5 to 13.4‰ VPDB; Table 1; Figs. 6, 7). d18O values for
5 to 10 volume percent, is preserved and dolomite cement forms approx- the same cements are negative (-7.8 to 212.0‰ VPDB; Table 1; Figs. 6,
imately 10–25 volume % of the sandstone (Fig. 9). 7). These contrast with values for dolomite cements in the outer parts of
In addition to the petrographic textures, there are clear contrasts in com- concretions, for which both d13C and d18O values are significantly lower
position between the porosity-occluding dolomite cements forming the bulk (d13C 5 23.1 to 25.7‰ VPDB; d18O 5 212.0 to 215.1‰ VPDB;
of the concretions and the dolomite cements at the concretion edges. The Table 1; Figs. 6, 7). There is a strong positive correlation between d13C
concretion cores have low Fe contents (2–5 mol %; Figs. 9, 10), whereas and d18O (Fig. 6). 87Sr/86Sr data for the cements show an increase from
cements on the outer edge are more Fe-rich (8–14 mol %; Figs. 9, 10). Mn 0.7078 in the central parts to 0.7093 in outer parts (Table 1; Fig. 7). 87Sr/
contents mirror the changes in Fe contents, such that cements in concretion
centers have Mn contents in the range 0 to 400 ppm, and the outer cements
contain 300 to 1500 ppm Mn. Sr contents of dolomite cements are high,
up to 1000 ppm, in the central parts of cement zones, falling to 300 ppm
or less in the outer parts of concretions. Some concretions exhibit asym-
metrical changes in cement volume and cement composition (e.g., Fig. 9).
d13C and d18O values for dolomite cement also exhibit systematic chang-
es. d13C values for dolomite cements in the concretion cores are centered

FIG. 7.—Plot of d13C vs. 87Sr/86Sr for large isolated concretion cement, laterally
FIG. 6.—Plot of d13C vs. d18O for large isolated concretion cement, laterally extensive cements, detrital dolomite, and late calcite. Late Cretaceous seawater 87Sr/
extensive cements, detrital dolomite, and late calcite. 86Sr is indicated by a shaded bar (from Burke et al. 1982).

Dolomite cements in these laterally extensive cement bodies have Fe

contents of 3–6 mol % and Sr contents of approximately 300 ppm or less.
d13C values of the cements range from 23.8 to 26.8‰ VPDB, whereas
the d18O values range from 212.3 to 215.9‰ VPDB (Table 1; Fig. 6).
87Sr/86Sr ratios for the cements range from 0.7093 to 0.7116 (Table 1; Fig.



‘‘Whitecaps’’ (Leached Zones)

In the light of the abundance of detrital dolomite in strata throughout
the Book Cliffs succession, it can be assumed that detrital carbonate was
also originally present in the deposits that now form the ‘‘whitecaps’’ and
was subsequently removed some time after deposition. Petrographic anal-
ysis of these sandstones reveals the absence of oversized pores, which may
indicate that dissolution of detrital dolomite was an early diagenetic process
that took place prior to sediment compaction.
Such early dissolution of detrital dolomite (and other detrital carbonates)
was probably associated with release of acidic fluids from the overlying
coal-bearing intervals following deposition and during early sediment buri-
al and compaction. Organic-acid generation from coals during burial and
mineral leaching in underlying sediments has been well documented (e.g.,
Percival 1983; Van Keer et al. 1998). Organic acids have also been gen-
erated as a result of organic-matter oxidation reactions in landfill sites
shortly after deposition (Manning 1997; Manning and Bewsher 1997). Such
early postdepositional organic-acid generation is also likely within coals.
Of the detrital framework grains in the Book Cliffs strata, detrital dolomite
would be most affected by these organic-rich acid solutions, resulting in
leaching of the grains from sandstones immediately beneath the coals. De-
trital feldspar grains have also been leached from these horizons, but only
to depths of approximately 5 m beneath coal beds. The role of organic
acids in the dissolution of feldspar has been proposed and documented
experimentally (Surdam et al. 1989; Manning et al. 1992, 1994). Variations
in vertical extent of dissolution of detrital feldspar and detrital dolomite
most likely reflects the relative resistance of feldspars to organic-acid dis-
solution compared to dolomite. Dolomite leaching is not observed beneath
sequence boundaries, indicating that meteoric fluids alone were not re-
sponsible for dissolution of detrital dolomite.

Large, Isolated Concretionary Carbonate-Cemented Bodies

Cement Timing and Composition.—Preservation of intergranular space
(up to 40%) in the concretions, the general absence of detrital grain re-
placement textures, and the absence of later cements that are typical in
sandstones away from cemented zones indicate that the dolomite cement
formed during early burial of the sandstones, prior to significant compac-
FIG. 8.—Detrital carbonate contents in sandstones associated with a coal horizon, tion. By comparison with published compaction curves for sandstones (e.g.,
Grassy HST and Desert LST, Sego No. 2 core (see Van Wagoner et al. 1990). Note Baldwin and Butler 1985), cement precipitation within the first 200 m of
the absence of detrital dolomite in sandstones up to 10 meters beneath the coal burial is inferred. However, the presence of dolomite cements alongside
horizon. quartz cement in outer zones of concretions and the preservation of porosity
suggest that cementation continued through later burial. We therefore pro-
pose that the dolomite cements in the margins of the concretions formed
86Sr values are inversely correlated with d13C values for the cements as a during later burial.
whole (Fig. 7). The Fe content of the dolomite cement in the concretions increases from
Thin, Laterally Extensive Carbonate-Cemented Zones.—Laterally 2–5 mol % for early cements to 8–14 mol % for later cements. An expla-
extensive carbonate cements are petrographically distinct. They are pre- nation for this trend is that Fe contents in porewaters increased during
dominantly ferroan dolomite but, unlike in the large isolated concretions, sandstone burial, as a result of increased supply of Fe(II) to pore waters
the cements do not totally occlude porosity. Ferroan dolomite has over- through the reduction of Fe(III) residing in iron oxides and iron silicates.
grown detrital, nonferroan dolomite grains in optical continuity (Fig. 5G, Previous studies have documented that Fe(III) reduction proceeds through-
H). In some cases these cements are zoned, with initially ferroan dolomite, out diagenesis as a result of Fe(III)-containing minerals having differing
then calcite and pyrite, and finally ferroan dolomite (Fig. 5G, H). In pores reactivities (Canfield et al. 1992; Postma 1993). Increasing Mn contents in
away from carbonate cement overgrowths, quartz cement is common, along the dolomite cements can also be explained by this mechanism.
with preserved primary porosity. The marked change in Sr content of cements during burial can be ex-

FIG. 9.—Traverse across a large isolated

cement concretion in the Grassy highstand
systems tract in Sego No 2 core. Note that the
concretion is not symmetrical and that the earlier
parts, represented by the higher dolomite cement
volumes, dominate the upper parts of the cement
body. Note the increase in Fe and 87Sr/86Sr, and
the decrease in d13C and d18O in later cements
(i.e., from the upper parts to the lower parts of
the concretion).

plained by a different mechanism. Unlike Fe and Mn, Sr contents are high ocean values. If dolomite precipitation from marine fluids is assumed (Late
in early cements (up to 1000 ppm), with later cements falling to 300 ppm Cretaceous seawater 5 21.2‰ SMOW; Shackleton and Kennett 1975),
or less. However, only the earliest parts of concretions contain high Sr the d18O values for the cement would indicate precipitation at temperatures
contents, indicating that Sr concentrations in pore fluids decreased rela- of 62–928C (using the fractionation equation of Matthews and Katz 1977)
tively quickly during sandstone burial. High Sr contents can be supplied (Fig. 11). Under normal burial-temperature gradients (308C/km) and a bot-
to porewaters by early diagenetic dissolution of aragonitic shell material tom water temperature of 108C, this would suggest precipitation at burial
(Tucker and Wright 1990). We propose a similar mechanism for the Cre- depths of approximately 2–3 km, which is not supported by the petrograph-
taceous strata of the Book Cliffs, with early dissolution of aragonitic shell ic observations.
material leading to high Sr contents in porewaters. After complete disso- We propose that the cements precipitated from meteoric waters. Al-
lution of aragonitic shell material, porewater Sr concentrations decreased though there are no direct data for the meteoric-water composition in the
and dolomite cement with low Sr content was precipitated. study area, McKay et al. (1995) calculated a d18O value of 215‰ SMOW
C and O Stable Isotopes: Constraints on Cement Source and Pore- for the higher-latitude Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway strata in Can-
water Composition.—Early dolomite cements are isotopically distinct ada. Similarly, Hendry et al. (1996) conclude that Cretaceous meteoric
from later dolomite cement (Table 1; Fig. 6). d13C values for early cements water in the North Sea (a mid-latitude setting) was at least as negative as
of 22.5 to 13.4‰ VPDB suggest a carbon source dominated by marine 28‰ SMOW. On the basis of these data, we have assumed a d18O value
carbonate. d18O values (-7.8 to 212‰) are more equivocal. Given that of 210‰ SMOW to be reasonable for meteoric fluids in the Book Cliffs
petrographic evidence indicates early dolomite precipitation with no evi- area during the Late Cretaceous. For a d18O water composition of 210‰
dence for recrystallization of the cements, we reject the possibility of burial SMOW, precipitation temperatures for the early dolomite cements of 18–
recrystallization of cement to account for these light d18O values. Further- 388C are indicated (Fig. 11). These near-surface to shallow-burial temper-
more, there is no direct evidence for an 18O-depleted Western Interior Sea- atures are more consistent with the petrographic features present in the
way in the Utah–Colorado area at this time. Isotopic analysis of early dia- concretions.
genetic dolomite cements from the Mancos Shale in Colorado at a strati- Both d13C and d18O values for later dolomite cements in the isolated
graphic horizon similar to this study (Klein et al. 1999) shows d18O values concretions are significantly lower than those for early cements (d13C 5
from the earliest cements close to SMOW, suggesting that, at least locally,
the Western Interior Seaway waters were not significantly lighter that mean

FIG. 11.—Plot of d18O vs. temperature for the early and later ferroan dolomite
FIG. 10.—Chemical composition of detrital dolomite grains and dolomite cements cements of large isolated cement bodies. Curves for both Cretaceous marine water
in concretionary carbonate bodies (Ca, Mg, and Fe plotted as cation %). A 5 detrital and meteoric porewaters are shown (based on the fractionation equation of Matthews
dolomite grains; B 5 early dolomite cements; C 5 later dolomite cements. and Katz 1977).

23.1 to 25.7‰ VPDB; d18O 5 212.0 to 215.1‰ VPDB; Table 1). sources could have provided the large amounts of Mg required for the
The lower d13C values for later cements are consistent with marine car- cements. Hence, shell material is inferred to have been a minor source for
bonate continuing to be a predominant cement source during burial dia- the dolomite-cemented bodies in the Book Cliffs succession.
genesis, but with a significant component of organic-matter-derived car- A far more abundant source of carbonate in the succession is detrital
bonate, possibly derived from decarboxylation reactions in the adjacent dolomite grains. This detrital dolomite has d13C values consistent with a
Mancos Shale. The low d18O values are also consistent with precipitation ‘‘marine’’ carbonate, and it would also have formed a source for the Mg
from evolved meteoric fluids at slightly elevated temperatures (38–548C) in the dolomite cements. Petrographic data show that detrital dolomite
associated with sediment burial (Fig. 11). Thus, both d13C and d18O var- grains have remained unaltered throughout most of the sandstones. As dis-
iations within the concretionary cement bodies are consistent with contin- cussed previously, however, early diagenetic dissolution of detrital dolo-
ued precipitation during progressive burial. mite took place in ‘‘whitecap’’ horizons beneath coal beds (Fig. 8). We
87Sr/86Sr Constraints.—87Sr/86Sr values for early cements are slightly infer that this dissolution of detrital dolomite was a major source of car-
greater than Late Cretaceous seawater (0.70725–0.7075; Burke et al. 1982) bonate for the dolomite-cemented bodies in the Book Cliffs strata.
(Fig. 7). The later cements in the concretions have yet greater values (Table Transport of Carbonate.—In the Book Cliffs sequences coal beds are
1, Fig. 7). Because fractionation of 87Sr/86Sr does not occur during mineral present in highstand and lowstand strata deposited in coastal-plain envi-
precipitation, the fluids from which the carbonate cements precipitated had ronments during times of lowered relative sea level. During times of sea-
a 87Sr/86Sr composition more elevated than Late Cretaceous seawater. The level fall the freshwater hydraulic head may increase, potentially resulting
higher 87Sr/86Sr values for cements are best interpreted as resulting from in ingress of meteoric waters into more distal sediment packages (Mach-
precipitation from modified marine pore fluids. Breakdown of detrital feld- emer and Hutcheon 1988). In the case of the Book Cliffs succession these
spar and lithic fragments could increase 87Sr in the pore waters. However, meteoric fluids would have contained carbonate derived from dissolution
petrographic observations suggest that where such breakdown has occurred of detrital carbonate grains from beneath coal horizons. d18O data for car-
it is restricted to sandstones outside carbonate concretions. Within carbon- bonate cements strongly suggests that pore fluids at the time of precipitation
ate concretions dissolution is minimal. This indicates that dissolution of had a meteoric water component. Field analysis shows that the large con-
detrital grains occurred predominantly after early cement precipitation and, cretions occur in major sandstones and that their form is commonly con-
therefore, local grain dissolution could not be the source of 87Sr for the trolled by lithofacies heterogeneity (e.g., cements are restricted to the basal
early dolomite cements. In addition, feldspar contents within the sandstones parts of fluvial channels). Both of these observations suggest that large-
are generally low (maximum of 3 percent). Another source for 87Sr could scale fluid flow was an important process in the precipitation of these ce-
be addition of a meteoric-water component to the pore waters, which is ments and support the hypothesis that carbonate was imported to the sites
indicated from the d18O data (see above). Meteoric waters generally have of precipitation by ingress of meteoric fluids. The presence of carbonate
a high 87Sr/86Sr because of input of 87Sr from mineral dissolution (Faure concretions in shoreface sandstones downdip from high-frequency se-
et al. 1963). This is a plausible mechanism for elevation of the porewater quence boundaries in the Grassy highstand (Fig. 3B), and the absence of
87Sr/86Sr. A third source of 87Sr might be dissolution of detrital dolomite concretions in other shoreface sandstones, further supports the interpreta-
grains, which have a high 87Sr/86Sr value (Table 1; Fig. 7). In addition, tion that meteoric fluids transported carbonate into the sandstones during
dissolution of shell material would have moderated the above mechanism times of relative sea-level fall. The formation of carbonate-cemented bodies
inasmuch as it would be expected to have the same composition as Late parallel to groundwater flow directions has been documented by both
Cretaceous seawater. The 87Sr/86Sr values for the earlier cements are be- McBride et al. (1994) and Mozley and Davis (1996). Unfortunately, the
tween those of detrital dolomite and Late Cretaceous seawater (detrital shell nature of the exposure in the Book Cliffs (dominated by large cliffs) does
material). Given that the earlier cements have elevated Sr concentrations not allow such detailed assessment of the three-dimensional geometry of
(Fig. 9), it is therefore likely that 87Sr/86Sr values for early dolomite ce- individual cement bodies. The presence, in some cases, of asymmetrical
ments resulted from a combination of a meteoric component to the pore concretion growth away from lithofacies boundaries (Fig. 9) also supports
waters and dissolution of detrital dolomite and shell material, with possibly a large-scale fluid-flow component to solute transport.
an input from detrital feldspar. The higher 87Sr/86Sr values for the later Cement Precipitation Mechanisms.—A carbonate source and a trans-
dolomite cements is consistent with precipitation from pore fluids that have port mechanism has been identified above for the carbonate cements (Fig.
undergone modification with respect to 87Sr/86Sr during later burial through 12A). As meteoric fluids containing dissolved carbonate (and Ca and Mg)
burial dissolution of detrital feldspar and lithic grains. ingressed into more distal parts of the succession, they became mixed with
Source of Carbonate for Cements.—d13C data indicate that marine the existing marine pore waters. As a result, the fluids became supersatu-
carbonate was a major source for the carbonate cements in the sandstones. rated with respect to dolomite, and dolomite cement precipitation occurred,
For the case of the early dolomite cements this source appears to be the with nucleation taking place on detrital dolomite grains. In addition to Ca
only significant component, whereas later dolomite cements had a signifi- and Mg supplied by dissolution of detrital dolomite in up-dip locations, Fe
cant contribution from organic matter via decarboxylation reactions. Two present in dolomite cement must have been supplied by an additional
potential reservoirs of ‘‘marine’’ carbonate in the Book Cliffs sequences source. Fe(II) is supplied to pore waters during early diagenesis by Fe(III)
are primary shell material and detrital dolomite, both of which have been reduction. This reaction leads to an increase in pH (Coleman 1985) and
observed in the succession. Shell material is rare at present, mainly re- can significantly decrease the solubility of carbonates in pore waters. Pre-
stricted to fluvial/estuarine channel lags (see Van Wagoner 1995), and is cipitation of dolomite cement, therefore, was probably a result of the com-
generally replaced by dolomite. Relict dissolution voids are rare. It is hard bination of both meteoric fluid evolution through mixing with marine pore
to estimate depositional amounts of shell material. However, the size and waters, and pH increase through Fe(III) reduction.
abundance of large-scale dolomite-cemented bodies in the successions
(which commonly occupy up to one-third by volume of 10-m-thick amal- Laterally Extensive Cemented Zones
gamated shoreface sandstones) would seem to require significantly more
carbonate than could be supplied by the inferred amounts of shell material. Timing.—Carbonate cements in the thin laterally extensive cemented
Furthermore, if primary shell material, either internally or externally de- zones do not fully occlude porosity, and therefore the timing of cementation
rived, had been the source for dolomite cements, a source for the Mg in is poorly constrained. In the cemented zones, ferroan dolomite and calcite
the dolomite would also need to be invoked. Potential Mg sources could overgrowths are present around detrital dolomite grains (Fig. 5G, H),
be sea water or clay-mineral reactions. It is improbable, however, that these whereas away from these grains, quartz cements are common along with

FIG. 12.—Summary diagram of the diagenetic

mechanisms controlling the formation of
carbonate cements in the Upper Cretaceous Book
Cliffs strata. A) Downward-percolating
groundwaters, enriched in organic acids, beneath
coal horizons dissolve detrital dolomite in
sediments. During times of lowered relative sea
level these fluids migrated along high-
permeability units (amalgamated shoreface
sandstones, fluvial sandstones, and amalgamated
shoreface/fluvial sandstones). As these fluids
evolved by mixing with existing marine pore
fluids, cement precipitation in the form of
concretionary bodies resulted. In addition,
unstable shell material underwent dissolution and
provided a local source of carbonate in these
sandstones. B) During times of sea-level rise
(marine flooding events) a rapid increase in
accommodation space led to a period of
depositional hiatus. As a result sediment
residence times in early diagenetic zones
increased, leading to the initial precipitation of
early carbonate cement. C) During subsequent
burial of the sediments, organic-matter oxidation
reactions (iron reduction, decarboxylation) in the
organic-rich mudstones overlying the marine
flooding surface led to the continued
precipitation of carbonate cements in sandstones
beneath the marine flooding surface. As a result
of (B) and (C), laterally extensive carbonate
cemented zones formed.

preserved primary porosity. In contrast to the concretionary cement bodies, extensive cemented bodies in the Mancos Shale of the Book Cliffs area by
the presence of overgrowths of zoned ferroan dolomite and calcite cement Klein et al. (1999). These observations, together with the presence of zoned
on detrital nonferroan dolomite grains suggests relatively slow cement pre- dolomite cements, suggest that some early cement precipitation took place
cipitation. This is supported by the nature of discrete zones of dolomite in these cement zones.
and calcite, which suggests cement growth through different diagenetic On the basis of petrographic observations and the association of laterally
‘‘zones’’ (e.g., Coleman 1995; Curtis et al. 1986). The presence of unlined extensive cements with marine flooding surfaces, we propose that cemen-
vertical burrows in the top parts of many cement horizons, possibly indi- tation began at breaks in sediment accumulation during marine flooding
cating a firm substrate, may suggest possible early cementation in these events, at which time the rate of accommodation increase may outpace
bodies. sediment supply, resulting in a significant reduction in sedimentation (Jerv-
d13C, d18O, and 87Sr/86Sr Constraints.—d13C data (23.8 to 26.8‰ ey 1988; Taylor et al. 1995). At low rates of sediment burial, sediment
VPDB) suggest that a significant component of carbonate was derived from residence times in early diagenetic zones are high, thereby resulting in
organic-matter carbon. This is consistent with a cement origin during early greater intensity of early diagenetic reactions (through replenishment of
diagenesis. However, d18O and 87Sr/86Sr data suggest precipitation from sulfate and methane through diffusion, and organic matter through biotur-
either meteoric fluids or during later burial diagenesis. Because of the bation, and enhanced production of bicarbonate; Berner 1980; Curtis 1987).
small-scale zoning in these laterally extensive cement bodies, however, it Consequently, low sediment accumulation rates may lead to enhanced lo-
was impossible to obtain single-phase cement data. The stable-isotope data calized cementation. Raiswell (1987) has similarly argued, from geochem-
must therefore be treated as a mixture of different cement components. The ical evidence, that such breaks in sediment accumulation lead to the for-
isotopic data suggest that in these laterally extensive cements the later mation of carbonate concretions in marine mudstone successions.
burial cements are the most significant component, having isotopic com- Following this initial cementation phase (Fig. 12B) carbonate cementa-
positions similar to that of the later cements in the concretionary cemented tion continued through later burial, nucleating on early carbonate cement.
bodies (Figs 6, 7). Observations from the Book Cliffs (Taylor et al. 1995; d13C data suggest that this later carbonate cement had a significant organic-
unpublished data), however, show that these laterally extensive cemented matter source. The presence of organic-rich mudstones overlying the ma-
zones become more significant in distal strata, and that in these distal lo- rine flooding surface would have resulted in a local source of bicarbonate
cations cemented horizons are characterized by early, pore-occluding ce- through decarboxylation and iron reduction reactions taking place within
ments. Early diagenetic cementation has also been observed in laterally the mudstones during sediment burial (Fig. 12C).

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This work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (Grant No. chemistry, v. 19, p. 483–492.
GR3/8928 to RLG and CDC) and is gratefully acknowledged. Exxon Production MANNING, D.A.C., RAE, E.I.C., AND GESTSDOTTIR, K., 1994, Appraisal of the use of experimental
Research Company, Houston, and, in particular, John Van Wagoner, are thanked and analogue studies in the assessment of the role of organic-acid anions in diagenesis:
for access to their stratigraphic data sets in the Book Cliffs. Morgan Sullivan, Mike Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 11, p. 10–19.
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