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ISSN 0956-8549-747

Curse of the Benchmarks

Dimitri Vayanos


Paul Woolley


Article for general readership

March 2016

The Authors:
Dimitri Vayanos is Professor of Finance at the London School of Economics, where he also
directs the Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality. He received his
undergraduate degree from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and his PhD from MIT. Prior to joining the LSE, he
was faculty member at Stanford and MIT. His research, published inleading economics and finance
journals, such as the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Quarterly Journal of
Economics, the Review of Economic Studies, and the Review of Financial Studies, focuses on financial
markets, and especially on what drives market liquidity, why asset prices can differ from assets
fundamental values, why bubbles and crises can occur, and what are appropriate regulatory and policy
responses. He is an Editor of the Review of Economic Studies, a Director of the American Finance
Association, a Research Fellow at CEPR and a past Director of its Financial Economics program, a Research
Associate at NBER, and a current or past Associate Editor of a number of journals including the Review of
Financial Studies and the Journal of Financial Intermediation.
Paul Woolleys career has spanned the private sector, academia and policy-oriented institutions. He
gained his BA and D Phil in Economics from the University of York (UK) and was a lecturer there in the
early 1970s. Following this, he had a long spell at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, latterly
heading the division managing the Funds investment and borrowing activities. He returned to the UK as a
director of merchant bank, Baring Brothers. He then founded, and ran for 20 years, the UK arm of GMO,
the global fund management business based in Boston, US. He returned to academic life in 2007, funding
Paul Woolley Centres for the study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality at the London School of Economics,
where he is a full-time member of the research team, also at UTS Sydney and the University of Toulouse.
He is a Senior Fellow at the LSE and Adjunct Professor at UTS.
Any opinions expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the FMG.
The research findings reported in this paper are the result of the independent research of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the LSE


Dimitri Vayanos
Paul Woolley

March 2016
Obsession with short-term performance against market
cap benchmarks preordains the dysfunctionality of asset
markets. The problems start when trustees hire fund managers
to outperform benchmark indexes subject to limits on annual
divergence. For multi-asset portfolios the benchmark is
generally the performance of peer group funds, also based on
market cap. In the absence of formal instructions, asset
managers, as well as off-the-peg mutual funds, are still keen to
demonstrate their ability against the competition in the short
If securities markets were efficiently priced in the sense of
reflecting best estimates of fundamental value, there would be
no problem in using market cap benchmarks. But the terms
under which most professional investment is handled ensure
that markets are not efficient. Benchmarking causes, first, the
inversion of the relationship between risk and return so that
high volatile securities and asset classes offer lower returns
than low volatile ones. Second, it fosters the pursuit of
momentum strategies which then earn profits at the expense of
benchmarked funds. The paper explains how these problems
arise using rational models of asset mispricing and proposes an
incentive-based solution.

Empirical evidence does not bear out the predictions of standard

theory that high risk assets should deliver higher returns than low risk
assets. The risk that matters is the variability of price that cannot be
diversified away which is its variability in relation to the market as a whole.

The Capital Asset Pricing model predicts that the required rate of return,
and therefore an asset's price, will be directly proportional to its marketrelated risk, or "beta".
Empirical studies from as far back as the early 1970s have shown either that
there is no observable link between beta and return, or that the
correlation is inverse (figure 1). Based on studies of US stocks over 70
years and international stocks over 23 years, Frazzini and Pedersen (2012)
reports the relationship between beta and return to be flat, and that
between beta and alpha as negative. They find similar inversion in other
asset classes, such as US Treasuries and corporate bonds.
Figure 1: Beta Anomaly
US Equities, 1970-2011
Low beta
High beta





Global Equities, 1984-2011

Low beta
High beta




Source: GMO White paper Nov 2011

A second challenge to the theory of efficient markets is the presence of

momentum in security prices, defined as the positive serial correlation of
price changes. If prices were informationally efficient in reflecting the
consensus estimates of future cash flows, they would move randomly in
response to the random flow of price-sensitive information. Momentum
within equity and bond markets and among asset classes has been
extensively documented over the past 30 years, as in Asness et al (2013).

Anomalies on this scale cannot be explained as exceptional outcomes
in otherwise efficient markets and call for a theory framework that explains
mispricing as the natural state. In this spirit, Buffa, Vayanos and Woolley
(2014) develops an analytical framework showing how risk inversion is the
inevitable consequence of benchmarking. The analysis builds upon an
earlier paper showing that asset prices are determined not only by cash
flows, but also by flows of funds among market participants (Vayanos and
Woolley, 2013). The new paper shows that when investors use a measure
of relative performance that reflects their collective actions, such as market
cap-based indices or peer group performance, incentives and valuations
become distorted.
Fund management these days is mostly conducted by professional
managers (agents) acting for asset owners (principals). Delegation creates
asymmetric information: agents have better information and different
objectives compared with principals, and principals are uncertain of the
competence and diligence of agents. The appointment contracts drawn up
between the two parties are typically designed to minimize these agency
frictions and at the same time provide appropriate incentives to the
manager. In practice, neither side may think of the process in these precise
terms and are simply following convention, but this is what is happening.
The seemingly obvious solution is to benchmark the portfolio to an
appropriate market cap index, including constraints on the margin by which
annual returns may diverge from index returns. A typical instruction would
be for the manager to aim for rolling returns three percentage points over
benchmark returns, subject to an annual tracking error (standard deviation)
of, say, plus and minus six percentage points. This limits the potential
damage done by an incompetent manager taking excessive risk. It also has
the advantage of comparing the return of the fund with the default option
of passive investment in the index. For the fund manager, it provides a welldefined objective and a clear basis for measuring his contribution and

determining any performance-related fee. It has every appearance of being

an optimal contract that strikes a mutually acceptable balance between the
risk and return objectives of both sides.
To comply with tracking constraints, a manager must control how far the
composition of the portfolio departs from that of the index. He has to be
most vigilant of underweight positions in securities with large weights in
the index, especially those with volatile and rising prices. If a security
doubles in price and the investor is half-weight, the mismatch doubles; if he
is double-weighted and the price halves, the mismatch halves also.
Underweight positions in large, risky securities therefore have the greatest
potential to cause the manager grief.
The effect is strongest when an industry sector or entire asset class is
involved, such as the Tech bubble of 1999/2000, the commodities boom in
the mid-2000s and the Japanese equities bubble of the late 1980s.
BVW (2014) provides a framework for studying how investment contracts
interact with asset prices. Rather than taking the two stages separately and
specifying the contract exogenously, this is handled as a joint
determination of fund manager contracts, including fee structure, and the
formation of equilibrium market prices. Prices find their level given the
contracts and contracts are optimal given prices.
The model, which comprises asset owners, managers, and multiple
securities, traces in detail how benchmarking pressures distort prices. A
positive earnings shock for a security or sector causes prices to rise to a
new and higher valuation level. Managers who were underweight to start
with now find their mismatch has increased and need to make additional
purchases to satisfy their tracking constraint. This describes the plight of
value managers forced to buy bubble stocks they know to be over-priced.
There is no corresponding pressure on managers with overweight positions
because they have gained a contribution to their target return and are
unlikely to have breached the tracking error on the upside. The initial price

rise to the new valuation level is thus amplified, making these stocks both
more expensive and more volatile. There is an opposing force upon stocks
suffering negative shocks but the effect is stronger for stocks that increase
in price because they account for a larger fraction of market movements.
This is all captured in the general equilibrium framework of the model
which shows the amplification effects on valuation and volatility. The result
is that high beta and high volatile securities become significantly overpriced whereas low beta and low volatile stocks become underpriced. The first effect is stronger than the second, implying that the overall
market becomes permanently over-valued and prone to sector bubbles.
The bulk of investment, whether professional or personal, is based on
index benchmarks. An alternative is to have performance benchmarked to
peer-group funds but these too reflect market cap values and generate
similar outcomes. Even where no benchmark is specified, the manager will
often protect his commercial risk by tracking competitors' returns.
Calibration of the model shows that the effects of benchmarking can be
powerful enough to cause inversion of risk and return on the scale
observed in empirical studies. Specifically, the predictions are in line with
the empirical observation of an inverse relationship between a security's
return and its total volatility (i.e., market-related plus idiosyncratic risk), as
well as between its beta (market-related risk) and return.
The model shows that when agency frictions increase and managers are
accorded less freedom, benchmarking results in an even steeper inversion
and a greater propensity for bubbles. There is no clearer demonstration of
how asset owners' attempts to reduce their private risks exacerbate the
riskiness of the overall market.
One might imagine that there would be plenty of investors eager to exploit
the higher returns offered by low risk securities and that their buying would
go some way to correcting the distortion. After all, the advantages of
"betting against beta" have been well-documented over the years. But

unbenchmarked funds are equally attracted by the short-term

opportunities offered by the amplification effects created by benchmarked
funds. This is where the second part of the analysis comes in.
Investors have the choice of two basic strategies: Value which uses
estimates of fundamental worth, and Momentum which takes account
of fund flows moving across assets. Value is based on cash flows and
ignores fund flows, while momentum follows fund flows and ignores cash
flows. The challenge is to understand how momentum investing can thrive
when value investors stand ready to exploit mispricing. VW (2013) explains
this by recognizing that asset owners mostly delegate investment
responsibility to fund managers raising the problem of asymmetric
Asset owners have to learn about the ability of managers from the
accumulating evidence on performance. They eventually withdraw funds
from underperforming managers causing them to sell shares that have
mostly done badly, thereby amplifying the price declines. Outperforming
managers receive inflows and increase their holdings of assets that have
been doing well. Fund flows and price adjustments take place
gradually and in a manner consistent with momentum.
The model is conducted in a formal framework in which principals and
agents act rationally and optimally in light of available information. A
novel aspect is that prices do not adjust immediately or fully to expected
future flows since new circumstances may arise in the interim that nullify
their impact. Buyers may choose to buy fairly cheaply now rather than wait
for the possibility of buying the assets very cheaply in the future. They are
taking a "bird-in-the-hand" rather than waiting for "two in the bush". Their
actions damp the price fall but extend the duration of the decline, causing
prices to exhibit momentum. Similarly in rising markets investors choose
between a small profit now or the chance of a greater one later.
Once momentum enters the pricing system investors have the choice of
two strategies. They can follow fund flows and pursue momentum

strategies, hoping to sell before reversal sets in. Alternatively they can take
advantage of mispricing created by over-shooting and adopt value
strategies. Momentum is a short-term approach because trends are
typically short-lived and pay-offs established quickly. Value calls for
patience while waiting for prices to revert to fair value.
The leading question is who momentum investors sell to when they take
their bird-in-the-hand profit. By definition, prices will have been rising
before momentum investors move in and it will take a further rise to
establish a profit. Some new momentum investors may still come in at this
late stage, but investors looking for value will have lost interest long ago.
The buyers of momentum investors' cast-offs are likely to be value
managers complying with the constraints of index benchmarks and tight
Momentum investors are attracted to volatile assets with rising prices in
large, liquid markets. This is also the description of the assets benchmarked
investors are obliged to buy in response to rising prices, regardless of value
and however high they go. Unconstrained momentum investors are free
to select the timing of their trades whereas benchmarked funds are captive
buyers of securities with rising prices. Momentum traders can exploit this
The implication is that benchmarking to market cap both fosters
momentum and is gamed by it. Earlier it was shown that benchmarking
leads to the inversion of the relationship between risk and return as well as
to the over-valuation of the entire market. Momentum
investors compound the buying and selling pressure and amplify the
distortions caused by benchmarkers.
The mechanism is seen most clearly in equity markets where
momentum investing has been especially successful. Academic and
practitioner research has repeatedly confirmed not only the presence of
serial correlation in equity prices, but that it obeys a surprising
regularity. So much so that studies are able to describe the optimal

lookback (the period of rising price before purchase) and holding period.
Optimal periodicities for both lookback and holding periods are found to be
quite stable at 6-8 months over many decades and in most national
markets. Momentum traders have been able to make good profits by
keeping to fixed periodicities despite this practice being well-known and
widely used. No one has been clear who is stuck on the losing side of the
The explanation suggested by the model points to benchmarked funds as
the gullible party. Managers have to demonstrate compliance with tracking
error constraints within the annual client reporting cycle. This leads them to
rebalance portfolios following strong performance by stocks underrepresented there and to do this in time for the annual reports to clients.
Momentum traders know that they can enjoy the early stage of the price
rises and rely on benchmarkers coming in as buyers at the late
stage. Benchmarked funds are the sacrificial counterparties and without
them momentum traders would struggle to make a living.
Momentum is also present in the price performance of entire asset classes
but without the same regularity. Trending is still a powerful force but the
durations vary, so that optimal periodicities cannot be established with the
same confidence. Nevertheless, momentum investors can still rely on
benchmarked funds as late stage buyers and can exploit this competitive
advantage without being able to milk the relationship so consistently.
The exploitation of benchmarked funds appears to be stepping up to a new
level of sophistication. Investing on the basis of computer-driven models
has been around for several decades but, until recently, most advances in
algorithmic trading have been deployed in intra-day high frequency
trading. Now these techniques, including artificial intelligence, are being
harnessed to search more widely for opportunities to game the trades of
traditional players. These models are predatory, searching markets for
predictable and therefore exploitable behaviour, and benchmarked funds,
and the second-round responses they promote, are a massive and obvious


Short-termism in financial markets has been a periodic worry of
policymakers usually surfacing in the wake of a crisis. Successive
studies have failed to provide a convincing analysis of the phenomenon
because they have been lacking both a theory framework and an
operational definition of short-termism. The models described here help to
identify the problem and its solution.
Momentum and benchmarking share the defining feature of being
influenced by fund flows rather than cash flows. For momentum investors
the motive is short term gain; for benchmarkers it is avoidance of short
term underperformance against the benchmark. Both focus on
current price and valuation to the exclusion of what ultimately matters to
long term investors, which is the future stream of earnings and dividends.
Benchmarking and momentum are the embodiment of short termism and
the analysis in the previous sections is all about short termism, its origins
and impact on prices.
The charge sheet against benchmarking and momentum, is a long one.
Together they cause mispricing across the spectrum of asset markets,
notably the inversion of risk and return, bubbles and crashes, and secular
over-valuation. They lead to the misallocation of capital at the micro level,
and crises and contraction in the macro-economy. The implication is that
much of the activity in asset management and security markets is not
merely superfluous but wealth-destroying. This is not surprising given
that the majority of trades bear no relation to fundamental worth and are
focussed instead on window-dressing and gaming. The remedy lies in
changing incentives, not in a barrage of regulation, and starts with an
understanding of the strategy options facing investors.
A valuable spin-off from developing a rational framework to explain asset
mispricing is that it can be used to show the strategy choices available to
investors in mispriced markets. The models can be calibrated to show the a

priori risk-adjusted returns to different combinations and implementations

of momentum and value over any horizon, with or without tracking
constraints. The key comparisons are between value, benchmarked value
and momentum.
The central prediction is that momentum delivers higher risk-adjusted
returns than value in the short-term but that value dominates momentum
in the long-term (VW, 2013). The model shows value investors trading
securities based on an objective measure of fundamental value and
benefiting from the oscillation of prices around fair value, or mean
reversion. If trades deliver initial losses instead of gains, holdings are
retained or even augmented if still good value. Mean reversion confers on
value its main advantage that long run risk is less than the sum of the short
run risks. Returns to momentum in the model, as in empirical studies, are
based on investors buying and selling on a fixed cycle of lookback and
holding period regardless of fundamental value. This makes momentum a
succession of independent bets so that long run risk is equal to the sum of
the short run risks (figure 2).
Figure 2


Several qualifications to this prediction work in value's favour. First, the

distribution of outcomes for value is narrower than that for momentum
because they depend on expectations of future cash flows which generally
cluster around the consensus view. For example, a basic valuation model
such as price-to-book gives results not greatly different from more complex
valuation models. On the other hand, returns to momentum vary widely
outcomes are
sensitive to
investors sell before or after the trend reverses. Theory, as in empirical
studies, compares returns from the best outcomes only, thus flattering
the performance of momentum.
Second, the success of momentum depends on the optimal periodicity of
cycles of price around fair value remaining stable, while there is no
equivalent requirement for the success of value. Returns to momentum are
consequently more data-mined than those for value. Third, momentum
investors, by definition, buy late and miss the initial gains whereas value
investors face no comparable handicap. Finally, theory and empirical
studies generally exclude transactions costs. Trend following is a high
turnover strategy and involves buying into rising markets whereas value
strategies are generally countercyclical.
The practice of benchmarking, amplified by momentum, drives high risk
stocks up and their future returns down, while low risk stocks are
pushed down and their prospective returns up. Benchmarks based on
market cap will therefore be skewed towards high risk, low return
securities. Similarly, global benchmarks will have an over-allocation to high
risk, low return markets.
Benchmarked managers must rebalance portfolio weights in line with the
rotation of over-priced sectors, which implies buying high and selling low
each time. Value funds benchmarked to any index, including specialist subindices, will be a mix of carefully selected cheap stocks combined with a
bunch of dear stocks bought to comply with the tracking constraint. With


this drag on performance it is not surprising that trustees and asset owners
complain about the inability of managers to beat their benchmark.
Here is where the comparison with momentum is important. Benchmarked
value funds will be buying over-priced securities pushed higher by
momentum investors. Benchmarked funds lose out to momentum
investors over all but the shortest horizons.
The conclusion, qualified by practical considerations, is that value beats
both momentum and benchmarked value for medium and long term
horizons. Only for short horizons, equivalent to the formation period of the
average bubble, do momentum and benchmarked funds stand a chance
of outperforming value, depending on the state of market valuations at
inception. With the passage of time, the ranking puts value clearly in the
lead. While there is abundant empirical evidence supporting these
conclusions for equity-only portfolios, nothing seems available on the
returns to value applied as the core strategy for multi-asset portfolios. Few
funds adopt it and correspondingly few managers offer it.
The standard view is that homo economicus will always find the best and
cheapest way of fulfilling his needs which for the vast majority of investors
should mean investing on the basis of value. Trustees are not taking the
course that yields the best returns for two reasons. First, they fall victim to
a general failure to understand where finance goes wrong and, second,
they have conflicting incentives in their role as agents to the ultimate asset
Regarding the second, trustees act as agents to the ultimate asset owners
who are private investors, pension fund members and taxpayers. Just as
trustees are uncertain of the competence of the fund managers they
need assurance of
the ability
trustees. They judge this from the accumulating evidence on fund returns

with emphasis on the latest results. For their part trustees take to heart
Keynes' aphorism that worldly wisdom teaches that it is better for
reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally and
stick to what they have been taught to do.
Disappointing performance from the conventional model of investing has
spurred some trustees to follow the early example of private investors and
US college endowment funds in hiring hedge funds. Hedge funds have the
return on cash or T Bills as benchmark, which is one step in the right
direction. The corollary of giving a cash benchmark is that other controls
need to be in place to handle the problem of elevated agency friction. This
has not been done and hedge funds operate mostly under a cloak of
opacity and seek quick returns using momentum. The irony is that trustees
have been appointing one set of managers to exploit another set also in
their pay.
Benchmarking to market cap distorts incentives, prices and returns across
all securities markets. In dealing tidily with the private matter of agency
friction, asset owners have unwittingly created a far greater problem for
themselves and for the economy at large. The solution depends on a radical
revision of the contracts trustees write with fund managers with particular
regard to strategies, incentives and monitoring. There is a private benefit
even an early mover advantage - for every fund that changes to a value
strategy and the public interest is advanced by every fund that makes the
change. Once adopted, funds have nothing to gain and everything to lose
by capitulating.
The ultimate objective of trustees should be to have their entire fund
invested on the basis of fundamental value for both asset allocation and
security selection. However it is best to phase the changes over several
years to avoid the transition being associated with a single stage in the
cycle of market distortions.
There are various ways of implementing value and managers should
disclose their methodology at the outset and in regular reviews. Some will

choose to confine themselves to marketable securities, others will

also invest in infrastructure projects and there will be different degrees of
involvement in corporate decision-making. Level of turnover (the lower of
sales and purchases) is an unambiguous indicator of style, with high
turnover for momentum and low for value. A set of diagnostic tests should
be used to examine trading patterns, in particular, whether purchases
generally take place with rising prices (momentum) or falling prices (value)
Manager skills are best measured by comparing performance against the
results of other managers committed to the value style. Over the longer
term and therefore covering one or more valuation cycles, this would
provide a convincing demonstration of ability and in the shorter term
would help to explain underperformance against market indices when
bubbles are forming. Periodic underperformance against the universe of
non-value managers would be a positive sign that the fund was being run in
the manner intended. Work needs to be done by the consulting community
to start gathering the relevant data for peer comparisons. Performance
fees should only be paid on the basis of long-term results..
Passive investment currently accounts for some 30% of equity investment
by institutional funds, boosted by the rapid expansion of Exchange Traded
Funds (ETFs) By going passive, trustees lock their funds into the distortions
of the moment and go on to suffer a continuing bias to high risk, low return
securities. Collectively, they are endorsing the misvaluations created by the
70% of active funds.
The status quo is maintained by the asset management industry which
benefits from volatility and inefficient pricing, by trustees who should take
a stand but understandably dont and governments who are happy to see a
large and flourishing investment industry for the foreign exchange earnings
and taxes it brings in. Above all the present system has been bolstered by
the academic theory of efficient markets. The victims are the economy
and the ultimate asset owners who are dispersed, unaware of what is being
perpetrated against them and powerless. Capitalism is in danger of dying


by its own sword unless the present absurdities are recognized and
The most likely catalyst would be a multinational agency such as the Bank
of International Settlements or the EU Commission rising to the challenge
of promulgating a code of best practice for trustees and investors. The code
would recommend contract terms and need have no more than advisory
status at the outset, although it is likely to become fiduciary duty to
observe the code. Once a few leading funds acknowledge the need for
change and begin adopting the new contracts, the trickle would soon turn
into a flood, reinforced by emerging performance data. Market returns
would be higher and more stable, regulation could be lighter and the size
and cost burden of the asset management industry would shrink. If a final
sanction was needed to encourage the stragglers, the tax concessions could
be withdrawn from pension and charitable funds showing high turnover
and therefore deemed to be trading rather than investing.

Asness, Clifford, Tobias Moskowitz and Lasse Pedersen, 2013, Value and momentum
everywhere, Journal of Finance, 2013, 929-985.
Buffa, Andrea, Dimitri Vayanos, and Paul Woolley, 2014, Asset management contracts
and equilibrium prices, Paul Woolley Centre Working Paper.
Frazzini, Andrea, and Lasse Pedersen, 2014, Betting against beta, Journal of Financial
Economics 111, 1-25.
Vayanos, Dimitri, and Paul Woolley, 2013, An institutional theory of momentum and
reversal, Review of Financial Studies 26, 1087-1145.


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