Business Plan For: Mang Carpino

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Republic of the Philippines

Region III- Central Luzon

Department of Education
School Division of Tarlac Province
Cristo Rey High School
Senior High Department
Capas, Tarlac



In Partial fulfillment of the

Requirements of the K-12 Curriculum

Submitted by:
Matthew M. Redondo Hazel Tejana
Jurella Clariss Orpiano Kian Capit
Eadred Mae Baquiran Aldric O`santos
Jhanice Mata Jerald Agabon
John Paul Pasia Jesther Largo
John Paul Sto. Domingo Mylene Cortez
Andrea Sunga Maricris Orlanda
Kyle R-jay Bautista Kristine Joy Trinidad
Table of Contents

Executive Summary I

Company Profile II

Company Ownership III

Business History IV

Description of Product and Services V

Vision and Mission Statement VI

Logo Designing VII

Company Location VIII

Marketing Plan IX

Pricing Strategy X

Target Market XI

Promotion and Advertising Services XII

Operational Plan XIII

Organizational Plan XIV

Organizational Chart XV

Management Team XV
Part I.

Executive Summary

The Mang Carpino offers an odd and ingenious product which is the Carpino, a smoothie

with two different flavors, the Carrots and Pipino. Its target market is mostly the students and

teenagers and it will be located at Blk. 65 Cristo Rey, Capas, Tarlac.

Vision Statement

To be the best smoothie serving brand and to be the best company to be

recognized by its unique product that serves healthy and in good health product.

Mission Statement

To serve a product with a taste of unique carrots and pipino that will make

and promote a healthy wellbeing lifestyle through the use of vegetables.


Company Profile

The Mang Carpino is a sole proprietorship business that offers a healthy and inimitable

smoothie blends. It will be located at Blk. 65 Brgy. Cristo Rey Capas, Tarlac. The Mang Carpino

was derived from the name Mang Carding, which is he is the inspiration of the owner to build

the business. On the other hand, Carpino, means Carrots and Pipino, the two flavors of the


The shop will be open 7 days a week with hours as follow:




Company Ownership
The business will be fully owned by Mr. Matthew Redondo. Mr. Redondo was inspired

to make a business about on how to be healthy, he remembered that his grandfather who has a

colon cancer was just eating foods by blending it and making it as liquid, with that, he end up

thinking about a business but not just an ordinary business but a business that has a purpose, a

smoothie business that will serve a healthy and tasty smoothie that is made up of vegetables.



The Mang Carpino was created by the idea from its owner, Mr. Matthew Redondo. The

Company was created because of his grandfather that has a colon cancer. During those times that

his grandfather was in the hospital and unable to eat solid foods, one of the ways for his

grandfather to eat is to crash and blends the food and make the foods liquid for his grandfather to

eat. Also, his grandfather was not a health conscious person, so he decided to come up with this

kind of business to inspire others to be health conscious.

The company was formed because of the idea of its owner, it is to produce a creative

smoothie, that is not just an ordinary smoothie, he light up the business and the products, he

considered carrots and pipino (cucumber) as the main ingredients of the business product.

The Company`s name which is the “Mang Carpino” was inspired by Mang Carding, the

grandfather of the owner of the business, Mr. Matthew Redondo. The owner was inspired by

how his grandfather fought his fight during those times that he is facing his cancer; it gives him a
motivation to replaced Carding into Carpino. Car means “Carrots”, one of the flavors of their

smoothie. While Pino means “Pipino(Cucumber)” which compromises the two flavors of their




Mr. Matthew has developed some of additional taste for Mang Carpino. He will use whip

cream and tapioca. These are the additional ingredients for the smoothies. The business will offer

two different sizes. Grande size (12 oz.).

The cart will have a summer theme just like the smoothies that are well-known for its





Vision Statement

To be the best smoothie serving brand and to be the best company to be

recognized by its unique product that serves healthy and in good health product.
Mission Statement

To serve a product with a taste of unique carrots and pipino that will make

and promote a healthy wellbeing lifestyle through the use of vegetables.





The 2 meters cart will be located at Blk. 65 Brgy Cristo Rey Capas, Tarlac. It will be a

great opportunity for the business because the location is a well-known place in the community.

It will have a poster on its cart for it to be recognized.




The Mang Carpino`s team realized the success of Carpino will have to be achieved by

doing good services and by doing a good quality products and also providing a pleasant service.



The Mang Carpino company`s pricing strategy will help to gain a excessive income on

sales of the product and services.

Penetration Pricing Strategy will be used by Mang Carpino`s company as they will enter

the business industry. Their product will start at low cost that will surely attract the attention of

the customers. The reason why they lessen the price of their product it is for their customers for

them to be able to buy their product in an affordable cost.

Penetration Pricing is an accurate princing strategy for their business because it is just

starting and it is just a new build business. But then, the price will be raised once the promotion

period is over and market share objective and achieved.

The Mang Carpino created two different flavors of smoothies. The management decided

to price the products as follows:

1. Carpino Smoothie

The price of the product in retailed will be for P25.00 per cup, since the total cost for the

ingredients of the smoothie will take up the P20.00 of the price of the product and the profit that

will be gained will be P5.00.



Mang Carpino`s main customer targets are mostly students and teenagers within the

community of the Brgy. Cristo Rey. Mang Carpino`s product is known for nutritious and health

giving smoothie with an affordable price. The Mang Carpino`s goal is to be an extraordinary

smoothie drink.




The Mang Carpino`s cart will be located at Blk. 65 Brgy. Crsito Rey Capas, Tarlac. The Mang

Carpino will have signage on different places along the Brgy. Cristo Rey as well as to the main

Flyers. In the opening of Mang Carpino, flyers will be given to the people that are surrounding

the place where the cart is placed. It will easily attract the people to buy and to try the new

opened business.

Coupons. The customers who will buy Mang Carpino`s product for the first time will be given a

coupon. The coupon has a 10 cups that draws on it, when the cups are all marked with Mang

Carpino marker, they will get a free smoothie.

Posters. The business will provide posters, tarpaulins and placards to give to the people and post

them in every street in the community two days before the opening of the business.

Online Advertising. The business will continue to advertise through posting in social media.

Since, most of the people are now addicted in social media, it will be a great opportunity for

them to advertise online.



Mang Carpino`s business operation will also be led by Mr. Matthew Redondo, his

employee an assigned tasks. Ms. Hazel, the cashier, will also be the creator of the product after

she get the orders of the customers. Also the owner will help his employee on her job.

The customer will order to the The cashier will ask the customer if
cashier. they want to take an add ons for their

The cashier will tell the customer to The smoothie will prepare by the
wait for a five minutes. maker for five minutes.

The maker will get ready for the The smoothie will be served to the
serving of the smoothie. customer.

Process on how to make Mang Carpino`s Smoothie.

1. Make sure that you have all the ingredients for making the smoothie.

2. Proper hygiene is a must.

3. Wash the ingredients and clean all the utensils before using.

4. Slice and Peel the Carrots and Pipino (Cucumber).

5. Open the evaporated milk can.

6. Crash the ice and put it on the blender.

7. After putting the crash ice in the blender, you may now also put the sliced carrots or pipino

8. After blending the sliced carrots or pipino (cucumber) you may now also put the milk and add

sugar in it. Then, blend it until it will be crashed.

9. After that you need to put a 1 scoop of tapioca pearls on the smoothie cup.

10. Afterwards, you will now put the smoothie on the smoothie cup.

11. Then, you will now put the whip cream on the top of the smoothie.

12. Second to the last steps, secure the smoothie with its cup on the top.

13. Lastly, you may now serve the smoothie to the customer.



Mang Carpino is wholly owned by Mr. Matthew Redondo, it is a sole proprietorship

business which offers a unique and authentic special smoothie. People who are involved on the

business of Mang Carpino are personally known by Mr. Redondo as they are his classmates on

the school year 2019-2020.



The Mang Carpino`s business expects to hire one employee. Mr. Matthew Redondo

personally selects an applicant. He adopted the effective interview process designed to staff the

shop with highly qualified and trustworthy persons.


The shop will be owned by Mr. Matthew Redondo. Mr. Redondo began his business

career at the age of 12 helping his grandfather who is experiencing a colon cancer by that time.

Blending some vegetables and fruits that helped Mr. Redondo’s grandfather gain his energy

back. Mr. Redondo thought of sharing it to others and he then starts running a business. By

constructing the business he thought of on how can he will be unique on his own business. The

owner itself will handle the inventory of his business, Mang Carpino.

Meanwhile, Ms. Hazel Tejana will take place the role of a cashier, as she has a pleasant

voice that attracts customers for buying Mang Carpino. Hazel also experienced on how to be a

cashier, because they also have a sari-sari store business at their house. She has a good

personality and a good communication experience.

Matthew Redondo

Hazel Tejana
Cashier / Carpino Creator


The annual sales forecast for the first quarter of the year is Php86, 250. Since the season

is not that good for the business product the month of January will have a sales forecast of

Php26, 250. By the month of February and March, the income will increase in Php60, 000, both


On the other hand, the annual forecast of the second quarter of the year is Php172, 500.

Since the season for the second quarter of the year is summer the income of the business will

increase. On the month of April will be Php67, 500, while the month of May the business

forecast will be Php56, 250 and for the month of June will be Php48,750.

For the third quarter of the year, the income of the business will decrease, because the

season is not that good for the business product. The sales forecast for the third quarter of the yer

will be Php63, 750.

The last quarter of the year which is the October, November and December will get a

high income. The October in the quarter will get the highest sales, because the community has a

yearly activities and it is the month of their fiesta. For the total sales for the year will be 465,000.

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