Expectations Word

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Williams Classroom Rules & Expectations

High School English

Classroom Rules:
1. Be in your seat ready to work when class begins.
A. Students have the right to have their time in class be valuable and productive. For this to happen students need
to come to class on time and be physically and mentally present.
2. Treat all Students and Teachers in the classroom with dignity and respect.
OUR classroom is one of inclusion and camaraderie. Everyone in OUR classroom should feel comfortable being
themselves. Use appropriate language at all times.
3. Do YOUR best at all times.
A. YOUR best means original work, and if you need to use the ideas or words of another, clearly cite the
source(s) you used.
4. Take pride in your work; turn in homework and other assignments on time.
If you need help with an assignment, dont hesitate to ask me; Im always available before or after school.
5. Have fun. Be inquisitive and positive. Participate.
A. You will only get out of this class what you put into it.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Mark Twain

1. Entering the classroom- Find your seat and begin working on the warm-up exercise on the board.
2. Turning in assignments- You will have a personal folder on my desk, please turn in your assignments there.
3. Leaving the classroom- If you need to leave the class for any reason, let me know by raising your hand.
4. Finishing your work- If you have finished the assignment for the day, you may read a book of your choice.
5. Dismissal- I will dismiss you, not the bell. Please make sure I have finished speaking before you leave.

Good Grades
Activity/Assignment of Choice
Positive Parent Notification
In the unlikely event of a broken rule, the Consequences are:
Verbal Warning
Private Conversation
Parent Notification
Administrative referral


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, and that has made
all the difference
Robert Frost

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